Tuesday 15 March 2016

Fairy Tail 477 Review: Boring

Fairy Tail, Chapter 477: Transport

Did we not have a villain who appeared to kill off a character without a trace when it's apparently just space-time magic? Right, we just had that. In Brandish. Except she got converted into good in the most convoluted, anti-climatic and inane ways ever. So this 'assassin' Jacob Lessio dude ends up doing... basically the same thing. He causes the entire guild (after a repeat of the 'base camp' scene we had a while back) to disappear, and then attacks Mavis. Could we have had a montage of the minor characters at least attempting a fight instead of them just standing around like cheerleaders? Maybe have Makarov attempt a token resistance with one of his supposedly-awesome spells like Fairy Law? No? Okay.

Then Lucy, Happy and Natsu shows up, with an oh-so-badass-if-we-weren't-already-expecting-it dramatic entry with lines-that-probably-sounds-dramatic-to-a-five-year-old-but-really-isn't that takes up two pages needlessly courtesy of Mr. Main Character. We get an utterly long-winded explanation of how Lucy, Happy and Natsu escaped Jacob's magic, with Horologium -- a nice callback to the Hades fight if they didn't take five pages to explain it. 

Why doesn't Jacob use his super-powerful disappearing magic on Natsu and Lucy? I mean, maybe he can't use it on Mavis because she's a ghost. Maybe Mavis can get some screentime where she can actually be useful. But no, we're just going to get a stupid fight. Jacob will put Lucy into danger, Lucy will cry, Natsu will be all 'you've angered Lucy/THIS IS FAIRY TAIL/I am all fired up/friendship/all of the above' and punch Jacob really, really hard. But no one will die, because this is fucking Fairy Tail

So yeah, Jacob isn't even an interesting villain design-wise (like Walricht) or power-wise (like DiMaria) and he's fighting Natsu who'll win every fight with a punch and an inane friendship speech so I can't even manage to work up an iota of interest for this fight. 

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