Magic: The Gathering

Magic: The Gathering has a lot of cards to talk about, but where my reviews are concerned, I will be discussing more about the monsters and flavour. Articles were originally written circa 2019, and since then my experience and knowledge of the game has vastly increased. Currently (as of 2024), under intensive rewriting to bring the reviews to a modern standard.
Classic Magic: [Alpha to Scourge]
Revised articles:
- Episode #1: Alpha (Black, Blue & Green)
- Episode #2: Alpha (Red, White & Neutral)
- Episode #3: Arabian Nights / Antiquities
- Episode #4: Legends
Old articles [some links may be broken while I work on them]:
- Episode #5: The Dark & Fallen Empires
- Episode #6: Ice Age
- Episode #7: Homelands
- Episode #8: Alliances
- Episode #9: Mirage
- Episode #10: Visions
- Episode #11: Weatherlight
- Episode #12: Tempest
- Episode #13: Stronghold
- Episode #14: Exodus
- Episode #15: Urza's Saga
- Episode #16: Urza's Legacy
- Episode #17: Urza's Destiny
- Episode #18: Unglued
- Episode #19: Mercadian Masques
- Episode #20: Nemesis
- Episode #21: Prophecy
- Episode #22: Invasion
- Episode #23: Planeshift & Apocalypse
- Episode #24: Odyssey
- Episode #25: Torment & Judgment
Modern Magic: [post-Mirrodin]
- Coming Soon
Special Episodes:
- Pre-Constructed Decks
Dungeons & Dragons

A flavour/fluff-centric review of the monsters, races and creatures of Dungeons & Dragons. I had long debated which edition to pick from, and ended up just going with 5th Edition, the currently newest and most popular one. It's partially me reviewing the monsters and noting what I find interesting, as well as a bit of a read-through as I go through the 5th Edition sourcebooks.
[Editor's note: the Theros and Ravnica articles are down for maintenance]
- 5th Edition Monster Manual:
- Part #1: Aarakocra to Cambions
- Part #2: Carrion Crawlers to Demiliches (ft. Player Races)
- Part #3: Demons and Devils
- Part #4: Dragons to Driders
- Part #5: Dryads to Flumphs
- Part #6: Fomorians to Gnolls
- Part #7: Goblins to Kenku
- Part #8: Kobolds to Mimics
- Part #9: Mind Flayers to Oni (ft. Character Classes)
- Part #10: Oozes to Sahuagin
- Part #11: Salamanders to Thri-kreen
- Part #12: Treants to Zombies
- 5th Edition: Volo's Guide to Monsters
- Part #13: Player Races (ft. Monster Manual Appendix)
- Part #14: Banderhobb to Froghemoth
- Part #15: Girallon to Neothelid
- Part #16: Nilbog to Yuan-ti
- 5th Edition: Mordekainen's Tome of Foes
- Part #17: Allip to Eidolon
- Part #18: Eladrin to Nightwalker
- Part #19: Demons and Demon Lords
- Part #20: Devils and Yugoloths
- Part #21: Oblexes to Vampiric Mists
- 5th Edition: Mordekainen's Fiend Folio
- 5th Edition Sourcebooks & Modules:
- Part #22: Tyranny of Dragons, Princes of Apocalypse & Out of the Abyss
- Part #23: Curse of Strahd, Storm King's Thunder & Yawning Portal
- Part #24: Tomb of Annihilation
- Part #25: Waterdeep & Eberron
- Part #26: Ghosts of Saltmarsh & Descent into Avernus
- Part #27: Explorer's Guide to Wildemount
- Part #28: Icewind Dale
- Part #29: Fizban's Treasury of Dragons (Part 1)
- Part #30: Fizban's Treasury of Dragons (Part 2)
- Part #31: Spelljammer: Boo's Astral Menagerie
- Other Editions:
- Elden Ring, Part 1 - Limgrave
- Elden Ring, Part 2 - Limgrave
- Elden Ring, Part 3 - Stormveil Castle
- Elden Ring, Part 4 - Limgrave/Weeping Peninsula
- Elden Ring, Part 5 - Stormveil Castle
- Elden Ring, Part 6 - Weeping Peninsula
- Elden Ring, Part 7 - Liurnia of the Lakes
- Elden Ring, Part 8 - Liurnia of the Lakes
- Elden Ring, Part 9 - Raya Lucaria Academy
- Elden Ring, Part 10 - Caelid
- Elden Ring, Part 11
Persona Series:
- Persona 5 Royal:
- Kamoshida Arc:
- Madarame Arc:
- Kaneshiro Arc:
- Futaba Arc:
- Interlude: DLC Personas:
- Okumura Arc:
- Niijima Arc:
- Shido Arc:
- Mementos/Yaldabaoth Arc:
- Persona 5 Royal, Part 25
- Persona 5 Royal, Part 26
- Persona 5 Royal, Part 27
- Persona 5 Royal, Part 28
- Persona 5 Royal, Part 29
- Royal Arc:
Resident Evil / Biohazard

I review all the monsters in Capcom's famous zombie-survival horror-action game series. I talk way too much about the monsters and the creative (and sometimes uncreative) ways that Capcom stretches the definition of 'zombie' and 'bioweapon' in a video game franchise that I didn't care much before but ended up really loving. The series has a lot of side-games and spinoffs (though I'd argue that CODE: Veronica and 0 at the very least count as 'main titles') so for ease of reading, I'll be listing the major numbered entries first, followed by any other game that doesn't follow the numbering system.
- Resident Evil
- Resident Evil 2
- Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
- Resident Evil 4
- Resident Evil 5
- Resident Evil 6, Part 1
- Resident Evil 6, Part 2
- Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
- Resident Evil 8: Village
- Resident Evil CODE: Veronica
- Resident Evil 0
- Resident Evil Outbreak
- Resident Evil Chronicles
- Resident Evil Revelations
- Resident Evil Revelations 2
- Resident Evil 4 [2023 Remake]

My commentary of monsters in video games made by Nintendo (other than Pokemon). Mostly we'll be talking about the Legend of Zelda series, which is one of the biggest influences in my love for fantasy video games and monsters in general; but I've also reviewed Pikmin. I'll group them here for convenience Click here for Pokemon.
- The Legend of Zelda:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Ocarina of Time [Part 1]
- Ocarina of Time [Part 2]
- Breath of the Wild
- Hyrule Warriors
- Majora's Mask [Part 1]
- Majora's Mask [Part 2]
- A Link to the Past [Part 1]
- A Link to the Past [Part 2]
- Link's Awakening
- Twilight Princess [Part 1]
- Twilight Princess [Part 2]
- The Minish Cap [Part 1]
- The Minish Cap [Part 2]
- A Link Between Worlds [Part 1]
- A Link Between Worlds [Part 2]
- Skyward Sword [Part 1]
- Skyward Sword [Part 2]
- Skyward Sword [Part 3]
- Skyward Sword [Part 4]
- Zelda II - The Adventure of Link [Part 1]
- Zelda II - The Adventure of Link [Part 2]
- Oracle of Ages
- Oracle of Seasons
- Pikmin:
Final Fantasy Series:

- Final Fantasy VII:
- Final Fantasy VII, Part 1
- Final Fantasy VII, Part 2
- Final Fantasy VII, Part 3
- Final Fantasy VII, Part 4
- Final Fantasy VII, Part 5
- Final Fantasy VII, Part 6
- Final Fantasy VII, Part 7
- Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age:
- Final Fantasy XII, Part 1
- Final Fantasy XII, Part 2
- Final Fantasy XII, Part 3 (review series on hiatus)
- Final Fantasy XIII:
- Final Fantasy XIII, Part 1
- Final Fantasy XIII, Part 2
- Final Fantasy XIII, Part 3
- Final Fantasy XIII, Part 4
- Final Fantasy XIII, Part 5
- Kingdom Hearts

- Digimon Adventures:
- Episode 1: Agumon and Friends
- Episode 2: Gabumon and Friends
- Episode 3: Patamon and Friends
- Episode 4: Palmon and Friends
- Episode 5: Biyomon and Friends
- Episode 6: Gazimon, Gizamon and Friends
- Episode 7: Tentomon and Friends
- Episode 8: Tailmon (Gatomon) and Friends
- Episode 9: Gomamon and Friends
- Episode 10: Vamdemon, Piemon and Friends
- Episode 11: Pinocchimon and Friends
- Episode 12: Mugendramon and Friends
- Episode 13: Digimon World
- Episode 14: Diablomon and Friends
- Zero Two [Digimon Adventures 02]:
- Episode 15: Veemon and Friends
- Episode 16: Wormmon and Friends
- Episode 17: Hawkmon and Friends
- Episode 18: Armadimon and Friends
- Episode 19: The Holy Beasts & Tailmon's Armors
- Episode 20: Zero-Two Villains & Patamon's Armors
- Digimon Tamers:
- Episode 21: Lopmon and Friends
- Episode 22: Terriermon and Friends
- Episode 23: Guilmon and Friends
- Episode 24: Renamon and Friends
- Episode 25: The Deva
- Bonus Episode: D-Reapers
- Episode 26: V-Tamers and Video Game Bosses
- Digimon Frontier:
- Episode 27: Frontier Protagonists
- Episode 28: Frontier Antagonists
- Episode 29: Lucemon and Friends
- Episode 30: Ancient Warriors and Friends
- Post-Frontier, Pre-Savers era:
- Episode 31: Dorumon and Friends
- Episode 32: X-Antibody Series
- Episode 33: Robot Bees & Demon Lords
- Episode 34: Bombs & Olympic Gods
- Savers/Data Squad era:
- Episode 35: BanchoLeomon and Friends
- Episode 36: New Agumon, Gaomon and Friends
- Episode 37: Lalamon, Falcomon and Friends
- Episode 38: Sleipmon and Friends
- Episode 39: Dusk, Dawn & Twins
- Xros Wars era:
- Episode 40: Shoutmon and Friends
- Episode 41: Greymon and Friends
- Episode 42: Sparrowmon and Friends
- Episode 43: Bagramon and Friends
- Episode 44: Bagra Army Seven Generals
- Hunters era:
- Tri era:
Genshin Impact
- Genshin Impact, Part 1
- Genshin Impact, Part 2
- Genshin Impact, Part 3 - Inazuma
- Genshin Impact, Part 4 - Enkanomiya / The Chasm
- Genshin Impact, Part 5 - East Sumeru
- Genshin Impact, Part 6 - West Sumeru
- Genshin Impact, Part 7 - Sumeru, Desert of Hadramaveth
- Genshin Impact, Part 8 - Sumeru, Girdle of the Sands
- Genshin Impact, Part 9 - Fontaine
- Genshin Impact, Part 10 - Fontaine, Part 2
- Genshin Impact, Part 11 - Chenyu Vale / Remuria
- Genshin Impact, Part 12 - Natlan
- Genshin Impact, Part 13 - Natlan, Part 2
The Witcher Series

- The Witcher II: Assassins of Kings
- The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (Part 1)
- The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (Part 2)
- The Witcher III: Hearts of Stone
- The Witcher III: Blood and Wine

Elder Scrolls Series

- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Part 1
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Part 2
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Part 3: The Shivering Isles
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Part 1: Beasts of Skyrim
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Part 2: Undead and Daedra
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Part 3: Dawnguard
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Part 4: Dragonborn
Yu-Gi-Oh: The Trading Card Game

[old; image links may be broken]
- Episode #1: Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
- Episode #2: Metal Raiders
- Episode #3: Magic Ruler & Pharaoh's Servant
- Episode #4: Labyrinth of Nightmare
- Episode #5: Legacy of Darkness & Pharaonic Guardian
- Episode #6: Magician's Force & Dark Crisis
- Episode #7: Invasion of Chaos
Other Games:

Other games with monsters that I have reviewed. This mostly includes Blizzard games (Diablo II and Warcraft III) but also a bunch of other outliers or one-off reviews.
- Palworld:
- Horizon Zero Dawn:
- Horizon Zero Dawn, Part 1
- Horizon Zero Dawn, Part 2
- Devil May Cry V:
- Temtem:
- Diablo II:
- Warcraft III:
- Prey (2017 Game)
- Neopets
- Seal Online
- Dragon Quest I
- Defense of the Ancients 2 [DOTA 2]:
- Other RPG:
- Tokusatsu Shows:
- Movies:
For Pokemon reviews and more Pokemon-related content, go to the Pokemon page on this blog!
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