Reviewing Video Game Monsters [D&D, Magic, Digimon, etc]

So after my huge, huge attempt to review every single Pokemon from a design and lore standpoint, I had decided to do similar things for other games.


Magic: The Gathering

Thallid Devourer

The grandfather of collectible trading card games. 

Magic: The Gathering has a lot of cards to talk about, but where my reviews are concerned, I will be discussing more about the monsters and flavour. Articles were originally written circa 2019, and since then my experience and knowledge of the game has vastly increased. Currently (as of 2024), under intensive rewriting to bring the reviews to a modern standard.

Classic Magic: [Alpha to Scourge]
Revised articles:
Old articles [some links may be broken while I work on them]:
Modern Magic: [post-Mirrodin]
  • Coming Soon
Special Episodes:
  • Pre-Constructed Decks


Dungeons & Dragons

A flavour/fluff-centric review of the monsters, races and creatures of Dungeons & Dragons. I had long debated which edition to pick from, and ended up just going with 5th Edition, the currently newest and most popular one. It's partially me reviewing the monsters and noting what I find interesting, as well as a bit of a read-through as I go through the 5th Edition sourcebooks.

[Editor's note: the Theros and Ravnica articles are down for maintenance]
Elden Ring
Arise, ye Tarnished. Elden Ring is the critically acclaimed open-world RPG and spiritual successor to the Dark Souls series, featuring a plethora of monsters in the setting of the Realms Between as demigods and their forces wage war for supremacy... and among them, a lowly Tarnished who brave the unforgiving world to become Elden Lord.

Persona Series:


    Resident Evil / Biohazard

    I review all the monsters in Capcom's famous zombie-survival horror-action game series. I talk way too much about the monsters and the creative (and sometimes uncreative) ways that Capcom stretches the definition of 'zombie' and 'bioweapon' in a video game franchise that I didn't care much before but ended up really loving. The series has a lot of side-games and spinoffs (though I'd argue that CODE: Veronica and 0 at the very least count as 'main titles') so for ease of reading, I'll be listing the major numbered entries first, followed by any other game that doesn't follow the numbering system. 

    My commentary of monsters in video games made by Nintendo (other than Pokemon). Mostly we'll be talking about the Legend of Zelda series, which is one of the biggest influences in my love for fantasy video games and monsters in general; but I've also reviewed Pikmin. I'll group them here for convenience Click here for Pokemon.

    Final Fantasy Series:



      Digimon World Box ArtThe Digimon are arranged in rough chronological order of their actual debut year, be it in a virtual pet, anime or video game. Unlike Pokemon, Digimon as a franchise is a bit more sporadic in how they debut their creatures. Currently completed as of 2021, and the episodes here are roughly split up based on the accompanying major fiction (i.e. the various anime series) whenever possible.

      The Witcher Series
        Elder Scrolls Series

        Yu-Gi-Oh: The Trading Card Game

        [old; image links may be broken]
        Other Games:
        Other games with monsters that I have reviewed. This mostly includes Blizzard games (Diablo II and Warcraft III) but also a bunch of other outliers or one-off reviews.
        For Pokemon reviews and more Pokemon-related content, go to the Pokemon page on this blog!

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