And, credit where credit's due -- Frontier does some things right. As I've talked about separately in various different entries of this series, Frontier does a pretty great worldbuilding, setting up a series of great backstory -- like the Three Great Angels that once ruled over the world and went to war over ideological differences; the Ten Great Warriors who sealed the ancient evil that terrorized the Frontier-world and now their power are separated into ancient totems ("Spirits") that anyone worthy enough can use to channel the spirits, and finally, the incorporation of the popular metaplot of the Royal Knights -- fanatical heroes who will do anything to serve the digital world -- into the story.
Frontier is also often derided as the series where Digimon went striaght to ass, and Frontier's detractors note that it's no coincidence that Digimon ended up not having any futrhter animated series produced until Savers in 2006, nearly half a decade later, with the franchise supported almost entirely by video games and trading cards until then.
The thing is, Frontier as a series failed more than the concept -- the concept of humans turning into Digimon is weird, but we can shrug it off and have a fun action cartoon. The thing that is the biggest problem with Frontier that they hint at such a glorious, complex backstory, but explore very little of it, and the actual story they showed us is inanely mundane, with protagonists that barely step out of a two-sentence character description. Throw in some horrendous pacing, some utterly horrible filler episodes and the fact that the entire B-cast got shunted and depowered for the back end of the series, Digimon Frontier ended up missing the mark on what a rebooted series with a new premise should be.
I don't think Frontier is the worst Digimon series at all -- that honour would go to Hunters -- but while the TV show is ultimately bland, it's not helped by the very toyetic designs of the entire cast. Like, I don't mind humanoid designs in a vacuum, but when there's so many of them, with so little variation between them, that's when I start rolling my eyes and going "stop, guys". Also, I had wanted to cut this 'main characters' page with one of the main Chosen Children being the 'star' of the page... but eh, screw it, it's not like the Frontier kids have much for me to talk about.
Agnimon (a.k.a. Agunimon)

So each human kid receives two Spirits (each Spirits represents one of the Ten Ancient Warriors) -- a "Human" Spirit and a "Beast" Spirit, with the Human Spirit later retconned into being equivalent to an Adult-level Digimon, and the Beasts being Perfect-level Digimon. Because Takuya is the main character, he's also the only ones in-show to unlock the combined Human/Beast fusion, which I think is equivalent to an Ultimate. While not all of the three possible forms are seen in the show, I'll review them all together.
Anyway, Takuya's "Human" spirit form is Agnimon, named after the Hindu god of fire Agni. The dub chooses to romanize this as Agunimon as a nod to Agumon. Eh. Agnimon doesn't look that bad in the actual Bandai artwork, I think, but he's honestly just a dude in armour with long hair and a Greymon-style three-pronged helmet. It's an all-right design, I guess, for an action hero, but not one that I have a lot of particularly positive feelings towards. I guess the thing is that Frontier's design theme is geared more towards Tokusatsu heroes, which is why they are so action figure-y? Well, I've seen Kamen Rider and Power Rangers and stuff, and none of Frontier's cast really look as charming as any of those, looking... well, looking like a generic spiky-spiky action figure. Anyway, naturally, as the main character in an anime, Agnimon controls fire and stuff. It's all right, I guess, and I can't find much to actually criticize, but I don't find much to praise either. It's just not utterly my aesthetic, even as far as humanoid Digimon goes.

Vritramon (a.k.a. BurningGreymon)
The 'Beast' form for Takuya is still disappointingly pretty humanoid, although they at least gave him cool backwards-bending legs and a draconic tail. And a dragon head. This isn't much more bestial than Agnimon, although credit where credit's due, it's cooler than Agnimon is, with a neat little silhouette thanks to those armour chinks on his lower arms. Also, while not super-obvious on the official Bandai art, those flames on Vritramon's back are actually wings made out of flame, which is a neat little feature.Vritramon draws his name from an Asura deity that's the personification of drought, and he was renamed BurningGreymon in the English dub, again, to strengthen ties to the whole Agumon/Greymon line. Vritramon is described and noted to be pretty bestial and hard to control, being a monstrous warrior who only cares about battles and nothing else, and in his first appearance Vritramon did indeed end up being uncontrollable. This little bit of being unable to control the Beast spirits pretty much only showed up for the first couple of times that the Chosen Children transform, though, and otherwise it's just kinda there. Anyway, it's another one that I find... inoffensive, and I won't trash-talk it too much, but I can't find much positive association with this either.

Aldamon here is the combined forms of Agnimon and Vritramon, and, if you didn't realize, back in Frontier they sell these 'armoured' toys that have you attach Agnimon/Vritramon armour onto a plain black humanoid skeletal body that's supposed to represent the human kid transforming into a Digimon. That also means that the character designers are really very limited when trying to working with just how different they can make each successive forms, and while Agnimon and Vritramon is decently distinct, Aldamon is just... It's just Agnimon with Vritramon's arm-blades and lower body. Honestly pretty generic and low-effort, if you ask me, and there's a reason that if you held a gun to my head and told me to recite which form came after which for Frontier's main characters, I probably wouldn't be able to tell you. Hell, most of the time while watching Frontier, if they didn't shout out the names while transforming, I probably would think that this dude is Agnimon half the time. Hell, I can't really even remember just which specific battles any of Agnimon's three forms participated in -- they genuinely feel pretty generic and samey. Compare this to the different forms for Veemon, Agumon and Guilmon, and I honestly really feel that the toy-armour-swapping gimmick really hurt these guys a lot. Aldamon continues the Hindu deity naming theme by borrowing his name from Ardhanarisvara, an aspect of the god Shiva representing the balance of masculinity and feminity, which... um... okay? It vaguely means the balance between human and beast or something? Yeah, kinda stretching it here, Digimon. Anyway... I don't have much to say here. I do think that all three designs are pretty inoffensive, being objectively 'cool', but without anything that really distinguishes them as being unique.

KaiserGreymon (a.k.a. EmperorGreymon)

Flamon (a.k.a. Flamemon)
Because the actual Virtual Pets actually still function like previous versions, the Frontier-era virtual pets ended up creating a brand-new Child-level for Agnimon to evolve out of, and they made up this dude, Flamon, who's just... an anime kid with a tan, a burning tail, ugly-ass pants and spiky feet. The Bandai profiles describe that this dude is the reincarnation of one of the Ten Warriors, sans power, which it'll only possess if it comes into contact with the Spirits of Fire to become Agnimon. In the anime, Takuya briefly becomes a Flamon in a weird mind-fuckery episode that's obviously trying to ape one of the more memorable episodes in Digimon Adventure... and he becomes a little fire monkey? Eh. This is stupid-looking. I dislike it.

Wolfmon (a.k.a. Lobomon)

Anyway, Wolfmon is... he's okay? He's a dude in armour with a wolf helmet and two lightsabers, and at least the concept is clear, but it's just so cluttered with so many redundant details. I at least remember Wolfmon a lot from the anime, though, being cool and shit because the animation staff ends up having to animate his acrobatics instead of just having Agnimon (or his alternate forms) generically punch things in a burning ball of flame. In the official profile, Wolfmon is described as being taciturn and seemingly heartless, but actually cares. All right, then, just like every OC out there. I'm sorry -- I don't actually feel that terribly about Frontier as a show. It's inferior to the previous three seasons but definitely still watchable. It's just that the designs -- both their official art and in the show -- just run so contrary to my tastes.

Garmmon (a.k.a. Garummon/KendoGarurumon/BladeGarurumon)

Beowolfmon (a.k.a. Beowulfmon)



Blitzmon (a.k.a. Beetlemon)

So let's go into the secondary cast, and if you're a fan of any of these... though luck! They tend to be utter losers, barely managing to scrape by with victories and honestly, watching Frontier, I'm just rooting for them to get maybe a win or two. But they never really end up growing out of their one-note personalities, and aren't even exciting action heroes for us to follow. The first of these is Shibayama Junpei ("JP" for English dub viewers). He's a fat kid, and he likes to eat, and he likes to crush on the lone lady on the team. That's about all you have to know about Junpei, really, because he never really grows out of his flaws. Junpei at least manages to get a couple of wins, at least, whereas I genuinely can't think of Tomoki and Izumi doing anything significant.
Junpei ends up getting the spirits of thunder, allowing him to transform into Blitzmon (the far less cooler Beetlemon in the English dub), who is an armoured human wearing a rhinoceros beetle helmet. I'm not even mad, actually -- it's a neat little Kamen Rider/super sentai reference, isn't it? It's just that Blitzmon's design is honestly kind of boring, with generic robotic clutter outside of the cool-looking gauntlets and robot-bug helmet. It's mostly fun, though, and I don't really mind Blitzmon while not exactly liking it. Blitzmon's described in his profile to battle with wrestling style moves, and also is brash-but-kind. It's okay, I guess.

Bolgmon (a.k.a. MetalKabuterimon)
Okay, this one is cool, Frontier. I'll admit that. So Blitzmon's 'beast' form is a robotic beetle with gatling guns for fingers, a far more prominent metallic beetle horn, and tank treads? It looks toyetic, yes, but at least it's clear that Bolgmon here is robotic, so the plastic feel of it actually works in the design's favour. It also looks different enough compared to Blitzmon while still retaining the same colour schemes and general aesthetic. See what the character designers can do when they're not limited by transforming toys? (Being secondary characters, there's no toy that transforms back and forth from Blitzmon to Bolgmon). Bolgmon is described by his profile to be born out of a defense matrix guarding a pyramid or something, which... which doesn't really make sense, but okay, whatever. It's also noted that Bolgmon is designed as logistical support due to its slow speed, but anything that comes close gets utterly annihilated with its machineguns and lasers. Anyway, this dude is a bit of a shoo-in for me liking him, so, yeah. Not a surprise here.

Um, what? So none of the secondary cast's human-beast "fused" Ultimate levels ever made it into the anime, but Bandai designed them anyway to appear in video games. RhinoKabuterimon's never really made any appearances outside of the Virtual Pet it's shown up in, and it's... it's a really bizarre motherfucker, isn't it? Taking the "rhinoceros" in "rhinoceros beetle" a bit to literally, RhinoKabuterimon eschews all the robotic aspects of its pre-evolutions, and is just this giant dinosaur-beast with a giant rhinoceros beetle horn, with a second horn curling through and jutting out above it. There's a Ceratopsian frill around its eyeless, mouthlesss head, and a little... weird... jaw-thing that juts out. Oh, and it's got six gigantic pillar-like feet. It's ultimately a bit awkward, but I can't say that I dislike this creature.RhinoKabuterimon here is just such a bizarre dinosaur-bug monster that I kidna wished that it actually showed up in Frontier just so that I can see just how this thing is supposed to move around and fight. Interestingly, despite being built like a goddamn tank, RhinoKabuterimon doesn't actually engage the enemy, instead manipulating electricity and magnetism from a distance and battles from afar. A pretty interesting beast, honestly.

Fairymon (a.k.a. Kazemon)

See, Fairymon (Kazemon in the dub) isn't that bad of a design, I suppose, when you take away the connotations of her supposedly being a transformed eleven-year-old girl, she's "merely" a fairy that wears lingerie? Yeaaaah, I really can't justify this as a good design even without the creepiness of the whole "this is actually a child" deal. She's not even a particularly interesting looking fairy, honestly, other than the admittedly funky-looking Cyclops-goggles. She's just a lady with butterfly wings and some oversized gloves and boots. Hell, even her profile notes that she's only proficient in "information gathering", and is a gossipy talkative troublemaker. Even taking away the very unfortunate backstory that this is a transformed little girl, the design is still pretty much 'SEXY FAIEREEEH", and even as a fanservice character it's not done as tastefully as any of the others in the franchise.

Shutumon (a.k.a. Zephyrmon)

Izumi's "Beast" form is Shutumon, named after the Sumerian wind god Shutu. It's a bit more interesting, although still kind of unfortunately stripperiffic due to still wearing Fairymon's lingerie. Shutumon is at least far less "hey, lookit dis hot body!", with the most prominent features being those giant harpy wings and the fact that her hair extends into wings as well? She's got cool cyborg claw-arm things too. Of course, they can't just let her be a capable warrior-woman that just happens to show some skin, no. While she at least gets to win some battles in Frontier, Shutumon also tends to be a damsel in distress a good chunk of the time. And this being Japan, 90% of the non-official-Bandai art has her in poses like this. Eh, Shutumon's at least somewhat interesting-looking, I guess, even if she still has that lingerie body. They really could've made a far cooler harpy Digimon that Shutumon.

Like RhinoKabuterimon, this combined form of Fairymon and Shutumon's spirits has never really been seen in much outside of the original D-Scanner. It's... it's got more clothes than Shutumon and Fairymon, at least, and the weird jet-angel-wings is weird. I do like the fact that she has a little plane-hat, too, and of course, the big-ass giant pinwheel as a weapon is hilarious. Less of a praise is the fact that she has weird windmill-nipples. Come on, Bandai. JetSilphymon's a decent design other than that, though honestly quite forgettable to me. The giant pinwheel's pretty cute, though! Overall... not much to say here. Those nipple-windmills are just... I dunno, man. Nipple windmills? I want to be charmed by the airplane hat and giant windmill, but the nipple-mills and the retaining of the lingerie body really do cancel it out.

Chackmon (a.k.a. Kumamon)

I like this guy, I think. Chackmon looks like a Yukidarumon's more militant cousin, and the official profile notes that it "styles itself as a member of the polar army's polar region defense force", which is kind of charming because Chackmon insists that everything about the polar defense force or whatever is classified, so whether it exists or not is unknown. As far as the Frontier designs go, I don't mind Chackmon at all.

Blizzarmon (a.k.a. Korikakumon)


So when Chackmon and Blizzarmon combine, they turn into Daipenmon? Man, you can totally tell that this one wasn't based on an action figure, because there's no way you can make a transforming toy go from an axe-wielding dreadlock yeti viking into a fat, grumpy purple penguin whacking people in the head with giant popsicles. Also, I really love that Daipenmon here is technically an Ultimate-level that has all the brouhaha badassery associated with the likes of Aldamon and MagnaGarurumon. Apparently it can briefly fly by flapping its two gigantic popsicles, whose Japanese names "Kakikaki-kun" and "Kochikochi-kun" roughly translates to Lil' Freezy and Lil' Stiffy. Oh, Daipenmon. Its special attack is to just whack people with its popsicles dipped in syrup. I'm not sure what that white hat is supposed to be -- is it some sort of handle to make the shaved ice or something? Daipenmon is apparently based on some kind of ice cream popsicle dispenser thing?
Appropriately enough, Daipenmon actually makes a fair bit of appearances outside of video games, showing up as a brief recurring enemy in Digimon Xros Wars as a pretty powerful minion of IceDevimon, woken up from a deep slumber Cthulhu-style, and one of the ice-themed villains attempting to lay siege into Lake Zone. I was definitely pleasantly surprised after watching Xros Wars and discovering that this big cuddly penguin is one of the 'modern' Ten Warriors or whatever. Easily the funnest and one of my favourite designs on this page.


We still have a sixth kid, Koichi, who we'll cover next week due to the large amount of forms he has, and the fact that he starts off brainwashed as a villain.
But when everyone combines their powers together -- alongside with the spirits that start off on the bad guys' side -- they combine into Susanoomon, named after Susano'o-no-Mikoto, the Shinto god of sea and storms. The actual Susanoomon design is pretty genuinely bland, honestly, with a very uninteresting face and a very generic set of armoured body with a ring onhis back. I think it's trying to ape Omegamon by having a greymon head and a Garurumon head on either arm, but it just clutters the already cluttered Susanoomon. This is the final final form our heroes take when they fight the final Big Bad, Lucemon. And... I dunno, I'm sorry, I just found this to just be a pretty bland design.
I do like the little description where it's apparently designed as a deity that will erase the existing system and create a new one in the official profile, although obviously this isn't the case for the Susanoomon we saw in the Frontier cartoon. Overall, though, definitely not my thing. I don't dislike him, but I'm just woefully neutral.


Neamon (a.k.a. Neemon)


Another recurring set of characters are the Adult-level Trailmon, because the world of Digimon Frontier is connected with a whole lot of railways, and these Trailmon help to get our heroes around. There are around nine or ten unique models of Trailmon, some of which I'm displaying here (some of the others just don't have good enough artwork online). They tend to just be relatively simple locomotives, and I assume that they might be related in some way to the other train Digimon, Locomon. These guys actually do a fair bit more than just being transport vehicles, with some of them getting a fair bit of personality and working hard to get the Chosen Children away from the villains any time the Chosen Children fuck up, and a filler episode had every variant of Trailmon hang around in a parody of Wacky Races. They're not my favourite Digimon out there, but the Trailmon definitely adds a lot to the unique vibe of Frontier's admittedly well-constructed world-building.
My favourite Trailmon has to be "Worm", which is the second from the top on that picture, with a gigantic maw full of teeth, four eyes and generally looking just so bizarre. The blue "Angler" and the duck-like "Kettle" are neat designs, too.

This might be a surprise but the Ghost Game anime showed off a Bokomon that was rather interesting
ReplyDeleteI have been kind of out of the loop about Digimon since... since Appmon, I think? I got into a couple of episodes of it but decided it's not for me. I think they did a Digimon Adventure reboot? Maybe I'll have to look up some of these newer series!