Apocalymon (a.k.a. Apokarimon)

So after the long and arduous battle against the four Dark Masters, the villains are defeated, hooray! But there are two episodes left, so what gives? And that was when it's revealed that we're not over with Digimon Adventure, and that we're fighting this totally-last-and-final-boss, Apocalymon. Sometimes translated as Apokarimon. Yeah, if you gathered from my past reviews, I really don't have much respect for Apocalymon. He's a final boss that shows up with zero to no buildup, although mercifully (unlike, say, 02), this wasn't at the cost of truncating any of the previous storylines. I guess the anime staff just wanted Digimon Adventure to end with a final, unrelated fight to the Piemon battle we just got an episode before? I've never really cared much about Apocalymon, honestly -- he feels like a bonus battle more than anything, and one that failed to appeal as a proper Big Bad to stand among the likes of Devimon, Vamdemon and Piemon. Still, at least we do get a neat backstory out of this Ultimate-level Digimon, though. The anime tells us that Apocalymon was apparently born from all the data of the Digimon that failed to evolve (while the same anime... establishes that reincarnation is a thing in this world? What?) and introduces himself as totally the master of the Dark Masters, despite there not being any indication that the Dark Masters serve anyone but their own. He rants a bit, sends the Chosen Children and the Digimon into a dimension of whiteness that just allows them to have a long flashback, and then the Chosen Children return and blow him up. That's it for the Ultimate Evil Force Of The World... although in a nice, unexpected twist, Apocalymon ends up figuring into the origin of one of Tri's main characters, which I won't spoil for anyone who hasn't watched Tri, making him ever-so-slightly more relevant.
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"Creepy Mode" |
That said, though, he at least has an... interesting design. His 'main' body is a humanoid form that seems to be a weird mixture of Devimon and Vamdemon, with a cape, long arms with bandages, and a unique raven-esque Batman mask. Kinda generic, honestly, but he's connected by organic tendrils and tubes to a huge... what is that shape, even? A dodecahedron? With chains ending with giant claws coming from the huge d20. It's an interesting design, for sure, although I did find it neat that the chains connecting the claws are actually DNA strands. I suppose as underwhelming as Apocalymon is ultimately as a villain, at least he offers something unique in how he looks, basically a giant Hellraiser cube the size of an aircraft carrier with some dude rooted on top of it. Ultimately, though, I think my feelings for the sheer absurdity of his d20 body outweigh my distaste for his randomly popping up in the anime as a giant space-flea from nowhere. So yeah, I'm giving him a neutral score.


Kuramon is described in his official profile as being born out of the malice and aggression of people who abuse the internet network... so all the people who argue online gave birth to this blob? Kuramon only had a brief bit of screentime in Our War Game before rapidly evolving into Tsumemon as it starts to consume the internet or something. In later appearances, the 'main' Kuramon/Diaboromon that stars in Our War Game would employ a literal hive-swarm of Kuramon to enter the real world. Kuramon would cameo in Savers as minor enemies that act as portable security cameras, and a single specimen acts as the penultimate villain-of-the-week in Hunters going through all his forms.
Anyway, Kuramon's pretty neat, although I tend to genuinely forget it in favour of the next creature...


So Kuramon's little quasi-jellyfish tentacles grow out into actual fingers with nails as he evolves into his Baby II form, Tsumemon. Who looks similar enough to Kuramon, but with the clackety claw-hands and two antennae! I LOVE this form. It looks like the Thing from the Addams Family, only like ten times more unsettling and adorable at the same time. I always liked how this little guy just crawls around and looks so much like a disembodied hand that runs around like a spider. Appropriately enough, Tsumemon's profile notes how fast it is, and how hard it is to actually catch him.
There's really not much I can say about Tsumemon that wouldn't repeat what I've already said about Kuramon, but I've always found this to be one of the most charming stages in Diaboromon's evolutionary line. A pretty fun little claw-crab-spider thing. I think I remembered Tsumemon's sole scene in Our War Game is him consuming the internet by going through a Pac-man esque interface? I thought that was funny.


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<3 |
Anyway, Keramon's great. And while it is definitely on the creepy side of things, check out what might be my favourite art piece of this weird-ass ant-jellyfish demon creature, used for a trading card game! D'awwww, look at that smile. Anyway, Keramon's great, and this entire line is easily one of my all-time favourites. In fact, when I had to choose between Digimon World: Dawn and Dusk, the moment I found out that you can start off with a Keramon in Dusk, I picked that game and never regretted it ever since.

Chrysalimon (a.k.a. Kurisarimon)

Chrysalimon (hilariously literally-translated as Kurisarimon in many video games) here is Keramon's Adult-stage, and one that was skipped over in Our War Game, with Keramon evolving straight into Perfect-mode. It's actually a bit less impressive, honestly, being a glorified giant cocoon... but unlike your Metapods and Kakunas, Chrysalimon is a goddamn cocoon that is still an Adult-stage Digimon, and appears to be made entirely out of metal. A metal horn, that hornet stinger, and, of course, six whip-like tentacles that end in blades. Chrysalimon actually ends up being a neat little "chrysalis" to complete the transformation between the more jellyfish/octopus-inspired trio of Keramon, Tsumemon and Kuramon into the spider-inspired Infermon, Diaboromon and Armagemon, and I thought that it's actually quite neat that they decided to use a pupa Digimon to bridge these two rather different-looking aesthetics. Most Digimon evolutionary lines just have a flower bulb evolve into a bird or a viking walrus evolve into a plesiosaurus and shrug.
Chrysalimon here also has a fair bit of octopus/jellyfish vibe going on with him, because when an entire swarm of Chrysalimon actually showed up in Digimon Tamers, they hover around in the air like how jellyfishes and cephalopods would move underwater. They first showed up as a huge swarm that one of our main characters, Beelzemon, shows up and just blows up to show how tough he is. The Chrysalimon swarm ended up having their revenge eventually, though, when Beelzemon was so distraught over a defeat that the Chrysalimon swarmed over him and drained his power. The Keramon villain-of-the-week in Savers also turned into a Chrysalimon halfway through the battle.
Chrysalimon's official profile is one of the rare times that the strange evolution biology and warp evolutions are even recognized, describing Chrysalimon as a form where Keramon evolves into to conserve energy... but sometimes Keramon can just skip the Adult stage and evolve straight into Infermon (like in Our War Game). But if Keramon had actually transformed into Chrysalimon and underwent proper metamorphosis, the resulting Infermon would be even more powerful! That's a genuinely neat bit of detail. I do kind of find it kind of a loss that Chrysalimon and his subsequent evolutions do away with Keramon's creepy eyes, though... But anyway, how many pupas out there actually look as badass as Chrysalimon? None.

Yeah, this is just going to be me gushing over each stage in Diaboromon's evolutionary line, huh? Give me a break, I went through the gigantic glut of repaints last week, and this line is genuinely something I love. Infermon here is the Perfebict-level of this line, and while it's easy to describe him as "spider with a humanoid face", man, just how gloriously bizarre of a spider-monster Infermon is? It's not even a spider, it has six legs! And what stylish legs they are. Instead of being the jointed legs that real spiders have, these are made out of clumps of wires that look both natural and also unsettling at the same time, with Infermon's very human-like head being connected quite jarringly onto Infermon's main body with a neck of those same wires, and the face looks like a neat, unsettling mask with Chrysalimon's horn. The weird shape of Infermon's main body is kinda weird, I guess, but Infermon can actually retract all of his legs and head, and just shoot around like a rocket, ramming people.See, Infermon isn't actually a spider, as his bio reveals. Infermon is still technically a cocoon, with the retracted-legs form straight-up being called a cocoon. Also, Infermon's way of attack, other than ramming shit as a little cocoon-missile? That mouth hides a goddamn machinegun! Look here to see Infermon in action! Infermon's such a gloriously neat-looking monster from what could have easily been "just a spider", and even then I don't think I would mind. But we ended up getting this gloriously bizarre wire-cocoon-spider monster, which is just glorious.
My only real problem with Infermon is, I think, the lack of purple on him. The rest of the evolutionary line has purple bits! Although at least unlike other oddities in other evolution lines, Infermon at least clearly shows that he belongs, with a lot of features he shares with Chrysalimon and Diaboromon. Anyway, pretty damn awesome design.

Diaboromon (a.k.a. Diablomon)

Diaboromon is probably my least favourite part of this evolutionary line, but that's honestly not a critique on Diaboromon himself and how strong the reset of his evolutionary line is. Named after "Diablo", the Spanish word for the Devil, Diaboromon surprisingly doesn't look like a traditional devil at all, which I've always thought to be neat, and a neat break from all the other devils of the franchise. Ultimately, Diaboromon's always been slightly disappointing. It's impressive on its own, but doesn't quite pack the same punch as Infermon and Kuramon did, and those wirelike arms always bothered me. It's pretty impressively iconic, though!

Armagemon (a.k.a. Armageddemon)

Introduced in 2001's movie "Diaboromon Strikes Back", which debuted as the final entry in 02's canon, apparently enough of Diaboromon survived during the events of his movie to manifest as a gigantic swarm of Kuramon, plopping into the real world, before the hive congealed together in Tokyo Bay and formed this positively gigantic and easily building-sized final form, Armagemon (Armageddemon in the dub), which I've always thought to be the more appropriate Ultimate to this evolutionary line. This is a gigantic bug-dragon that looks like some sort of giant draconic beast, but has six spider-like legs, and Diaboromon's head sans hair, lengthened a bit to fit the whole dragon theme. Of course, in that movie Armagemon just ends up being sort of disposed off pretty quickly when the Adventure and 02 cast's two biggest and most powerful Digimon combined together, but hey, at least it took literally the most powerful being in the universe to put down Armagemon. Ain't no shame in that.
Interestingly, Armagemon is noted in his profile to be one of the very few Digimon to reach a level beyond Ultimate, the "Super Ultimate"... but the franchise quickly just dropped Super Ultimate in general and handwaved it as just a particularly strong subset of Ultimates. I do like Armagemon's Bandai profile noting that Diaboromon's cloning abilities splits his abilities into his clones, rendering Diaboromon weaker, while Armagemon is formed from a gigantic mass of Kuramon, so it has all of the potential of multiple Diaboromons or something? Eh. Armagemon's neat, and video games tended to portray him as an evolution of Diaboromon (or if you fuse Diaboromon with a second member of his evolutionary line), because sometimes Ultimates evolve into another Ultimate. Anyway, not the most creative design, but a pretty neat and epic end to what is easily one of my favourite Digimon evolutionary lines.

Kimeramon (a.k.a. Chimairamon/Chimeramon)

Kimeramon didn't actually first appear in 02, however, but was first seen in the Wonderswan games, which acts as a "story happening in the background" in Adventure and 02, starring dashing tamer Ryo Akiyama, who partnered up with Ken (the Kaiser's true identity and a major character in 02). The Wonderswan games lasted for multiple games and the story ends up being a bit convoluted, and since there isn't any official localization it's a bit hard to get a proper summary of the plot (TVTropes did a recap of it, which I read before writing this up). During the first part of these games, apparently Mugendramon of Adventure's Dark Masters didn't completely die, and while near-death did a Jogress fusion with a Kimeramon to form Milleniumon below. Also, sources differ on whether Kimeramon was supposed to be Perfect-level or Ultimate-level, although post-02 Bandai tended to settle on Perfect-level.
I always felt hilarious -- copy-pasting all parts of a Digimon together to make your own super-powerful one is absolutely the exact kind of thing an eleven-year-old would do, and Kimeramon honestly fits that criteria pretty well. And having Kimeramon and Mugendramon sort of play off each other is pretty neat, since Mugendramon is the fusion of multiple mechanical Digimon, while Kimeramon was the fusion of multiple organic Digimon. The official profile notes how it's a mystery whether Kimeramon was the prototype for Mugendramon, or was built to fight Mugendramon. It's a neat design, I think, one that manages to have its own unique silhouette and identity while still also obviously borrowing parts from multiple iconic Digimon.


The Ultimate-level Millenniumon here is the big bad of the Wonderswan games, with its pretty convoluted plot. And while he's only been seen in the anime for a brief second in Ken's flashback to the Wonderswan games, Millenniumon has been established as a pretty neat badass among the Digimon fandom for its role in the Wonderswan games, as well as tending to crop up in many subsequent video games. Created from the combination of Kimeramon and Mugendramon.... Millenniumon feels a bit of a mess, basically just being a sunburnt, more anorexic Kimeramon with Mugendramon's energy ghost enveloping it as a cape, and also two of Mugendramon's cannons pop up over the ghostly aura.

I've always been a bit underwhelmed with Millenniumon's design because it tries to do a bit too much -- although that might just be the Bandai artwork's weird rendering of the Mugendramon's ghost. The anime's artwork, featured in the second part, streamlines the design a bit and makes it a bit more cohesive. I do appreciate that Millenniumon really does end up looking a lot more as its own thing, with the parts of Kimeramon that were obviously Kabuterimon, Garurumon or Greymon sort of blending and turning into a more unique design -- in fact, the only real obvious parts that still resemble one of their components are Devimon's arms, and I feel that's pretty intentional. Anyway, I've always felt like this design is kinda messy, although I do respect what they were going for here.

MoonMillenniumon (a.k.a. Moon=Millenniumon)

It's a neat little addition to Millenniumon's lore, and plays into the whole 'eldritch abomination' theme that Millenniumon has, but I've always been indifferent to this form.

ZeedMillenniumon (a.k.a. XeedMillenniumon)

And I've always loved how ZeedMillenniumon looks, despite being mostly indifferent about his two earlier forms. This is honestly what a proper "demon" in a franchise about digital monster should look (as much as I do love the devils and demons in the franchise), and always struck me as particularly impressively different from everything in the franchise, with the possible exception of the D-Reaper. ZeedMillenniumon is so powerful that he wasn't even technically defeated, but rather ended up having his core -- but not his power -- fused with Ryo's partner Monodramon, in an act of mutual killing. The resulting rebirth of Monodramon ended up having an insanely brutal streak, as seen when Ryo ends up appearing in Tamers and his Cyberdramon is basically an insane blood knight.
A different ZeedMillenniumon appeared as the absolute-final enemy in the Xros Wars manga (not to be confused with the Xros Wars anime -- the two starts off similarly, but diverges halfway through), being this gigantic world-ending spiral that ended up forcing everyone in the Digital World and the Royal Knights to face him.
Anyway, this dude here is the world-ending threat to end all world-ending threats. Which I realize does sound a bit redundant considering how much this page alone already features Apocalymon, Diaboromon, Armagemon and two other forms of Millenniumon... but ZeedMillenniumon's design is one of the few that really end up standing out to me as far as these things go. Throw in an especially intricate (if obscure and very convoluted) backstory, and there's actually a fair bit of things to like about ZeedMillenniumon.


KingEtemon here is an alternate Ultimate-level evolution for Etemon that debuted in one of the Wonderswan games, and one that I genuinely forgot about. It's apparently the "King of all Etemon", and is such an ego-centric braggart that it considers himself the king of all kings. He's also got the kanji for "Great King" tattooed on his chest. I've always been sort of indifferent about this one, which is honestly weird because I've never really minded MetalEtemon. I'm not sure just why I don't like KingEtemon as much. Maybe it's his lack of any proper appearances? Maybe it's his ridiculous crown, cape, elf booties and Cyclops visor? I dunno. He's always felt very underwhelming to me and never quite felt like it properly translates Etemon's raucous assholishness like MetalEtemon did. Or maybe it's his design that's just a bit too cluttered. Eh.


While Zanbamon is one of the bosses in the Wonderswan games (which I admittedly am not too familiar with), he's been used a couple of times -- as an enemy general in the lesser-known manga Digimon Next, and as the heroic leader of resistance in Digimon Frontier that tries to fight against the renegade Royal Knights trying to delete everything in the Digimon world. Poor Zanbamon got killed by Dynasmon and LordKnightmon and killed. Overall, it's a pretty neat design -- it's admittedly a Digimon that I often forget about, but it's easily my favourite in the Musyamon/Asuramon/Zanbamon line.

KaratsukiNumemon (a.k.a. ShellNumemon/KaratukiNumemon)


Devitamamon's never shown up in any anime or manga, though it tends to show up in most video games since Digitamamon himself shows up in most video games. Devitamamon's profile characterizes it as some sort of a Pandora's Box, spewing evil out with some sort of "ancient high-level programming language", and apparently it spews gases that decomposes other Digimon's body. It's a pretty neat design, honestly, and I do like it a fair bit -- while the wings and tail are honestly kind of generic, I've always liked just how utterly weird his giant, long maw full of teeth with so many eyes dotting it looks. Also loved that random piece of arm bone jutting out the side, still connected with sinews of flesh. Neat design, honestly.


SkullSatamon is another one that debuted in the Wonderswan games, initially apparently intended to be an Ultimate-level Digimon, but swiftly retconned into a Perfect-level in all subsequent appearances. Unlike Whamon and Minotarumon, apparently SkullSatamon didn't deserve to be separated into two different species-es? Okay then. SkullSatamon is, like most devil Digimon, apparently a fallen angel Digimon that has evolved even more, and its "DigiCore" has became so consumed with evil and hatred that it's became black. SkullSatamon's a pretty fun design, being gaunt and skletal with the barest minimum of bat wings and random cloth strips around his body. Oh, and it's got a fun staff too! SkullSatamon here is, I think, one of the most suitable evolution for Devimon, sharing a lot of Devimon's themes without being too similar. Interestingly, SkullSatamon never got his name censored in the dub in any way despite it being, y'know, Satan.
SkullSatamon made his anime debut in 02, being part of the Daemon Corps alongside MarineDevimon and LadyDevimon. And interestingly enough, despite being a mere Perfect-level, SkullSatamon managed to kick the ass of MetalGreymon, AtlurKabuterimon and even the Chosen Children's biggest gun, Imperialdramon, with his insane speed. This forces Imperialdramon to evolve further into its Fighter Mode to even be able to stop SkullSatamon. Not bad for a villain-of-the-week! SkullSatamon, thanks to his pretty damn creepy design, has been used as villains in multiple other material as well, being antagonists in the manga series V-Tamer and Next; three of them were villains-of-the-week in an episode of Frontier, and also featured in Xros Wars's Dust Zone arc as one of AxeKnightmon's minions.
Anyway, a pretty neat and spooky skeleton monster.

Goddramon (a.k.a. Goldramon)
Goddramon (renamed Goldramon in English because you can refer to satan and devil, but not god) debuted in the Wonderswan games, and is an Ultimate-level Digimon that, as his name implies, is apparently the god of dragon Digimon? He's apparently one of the Four Great Dragons, a group of super-powerful dragons that never really show up in actual fiction. Wikimon tells me that the members of this group apparently involve Holydramon, Megidramon and Qinglongmon. If you know anything about the Digimon anime series, you'll realize that Goddramon is the odd one out in quite literally not being an important dragon in the anime... and indeed, Goddramon's never really appeared outside of the video games. I've always been ambivalent about this one, who looks like a weird genie with random details stapled onto his body -- angel wings, mists, a beard... at least they decide to give him a relatively unique superpower with those two arm braces able to summon storm spirits or something. Modern TCG artwork vary on whether Goddramon's a sleeker serpentine dragom-man or a chunky and heavyset dragon-man. I've never really remembered that this guy exists, to be honest. I guess he's sorta cool on the basic sense, but with all the other dragons, angels, dragon-angels and dragon-men in the Digimon franchise, Goddramon has honestly always been underwhelming to me.

That's about it for today! Wikimon actually lists a couple of other Digimon (Mummymon and Orochimon) as debuting in 1999, but those are apparently part of a design contest, and the actual appearance in an anime/manga/video game didn't really happen until much later. And since they are heavily associated with 02 and Tamers and don't really make sense to include here, I'll save them for later.
Tomorrow, we delve into the realm of Zero Two and the wacky, wacky world of armour evolutions.
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