It's sure got its supporters, though, and some people notes that 02 was all about accepting the friends around you, culminating in the fact that this is the first show to utilize Jogress Evolution consistently. The way that the actual characterization for two members of the group to be "fully in sync" with each other, and how it is earned is a bit questionable, though.
Adventure was all about dealing with your own internal problems, dealing with your own personal demons, and how those relate to your family and friends, which was what made watching it so compelling. Sure, there's the fights with the devils, psycho puppets, metal dragons and Elvis-impersonating apes, but Adventure's clear focus is to tell a story of how these children would work through their own personal demons, especially when thrown into a world where they are the only ones with the responsibility to save the world. 02... sort of lacks in that, without any proper thoroughline for its protagonists beyond saving the day and earning a new evolution or two down the road. I always remembered really liking that 02 used a combination of old and new Digimons, had some really fun concepts and some cool action scenes, but even as a kid I knew the writing was a bit of a step down. I've never been a huge 02 hater, though. It's a fine show that just crash-lands at its conclusion.
So, before we continue, I think we have to cover the whole concept of Armour Evolutions. So in the three years between Adventure and 02, a mysterious human called the Digimon Kaiser has conceived of a way to take control of Digimon with mind-controlling black rings, convinced that the whole digital world is nothing but a fake reality, and he's free to do whatever the hell he wants in them. That's why our original heroes can't do shit, because their Digimon are unable to evolve.
The new cast, meanwhile, are blessed with a new model of the digivice, which allows them to track down convenient plot devices called Digimentals (DigiEgg in the dub), allowing the Digimon to Armour Digivolve. While initially noted to be a special level that exists outside of the normal Baby I/Baby II/Child/Adult/Perfect/Ultimate cycle, most people agree that the Armour Evolutions fall in line around the Adult-level.
In the virtual pets that were released to tie in with 02, each of the protagonist Digimon actually have 10 programmed armour evolutions, each corresponding to the eight emotions/crests associated with the original Adventure cast, and three that the virtual pets introduced. In 02, though, each digimental is only ever held on by one chosen child, so the whole "any of these six main characters can evolve with any of these armours" never actually came to play in the anime. Anyway, a quick run-down of all the emotions, and their associated partners:

Whew! So 02's cast and the virtual pets released during this time really, really focused on the armour evolutions of the main six partner Digimon -- Veemon, Hawkmon, Armadimon, Patamon, Tailmon and Wormmon. And while each of these can evolve normally with a normal Adult/Perfect/Ultimate stage, as Child-stage each of them can 'earn' the Digimentals in the virtual pets and unlock 10 Armour forms, some of which are obviously based around the associated Child stage, and some that just feel... random.
With that huge exposition out of the way, let's go through the evolutionary line for the partner of our supposed main character, Motomiya Daisuke (Davis Motomiya in the dub), Veemon!
Chicomon (a.k.a. Chibomon)

Chibimon (a.k.a. DemiVeemon)

Chibimon here, renamed into the far more distinct DemiVeemon in the dub (although I'm genuinely not sure why they changed Chicomon to Chibimon in the dub), was a bit more distinct in that he actually doesn't look like a Baby II form! He has a body and everything, and honestly is just an arm and neck away from being Veemon. I've always thought Chibimon here to be particularly distinct among the babies for actually looking like a Child-level Digimon. Was this a rejected design for Veemon himself that got shuffled into a Baby II form? Whatever the case, though, there's, again, not really much to say about Chibimon. It's a smaller Veemon, and doesn't really have much of identity of its own. It's reasonably cute, though, and relatively distinct design-wise as some sort of baby kangaroo-rabbit thing. I remember him far more distinctly than Chicomon, at least.

Veemon (a.k.a. V-mon)

Veemon himself ended up suffering a bit more, being sort of immature and sort of caught up in Daisuke's more silly pranks. Part of this might be because it's been a while since I've rewatched 02 at all, but I've never really felt that Veemon had any unique or distinguishing personality other than his ability to transform into a lot of different action figures in the show. He's kind of a neat, safe design, I suppose, and not at all unpleasing, but he's also clearly meant to just pave the way to many, many more evolutions down the road, and that sort of makes Veemon sort of just kinda there for me.

ExVeemon (a.k.a. XV-mon)
I'm genuinely not sure why they decided not to use Veedramon for Veemon's natural Adult evolution, and decided to think up of a brand-new one for him. ExVeemon (or the horribly awkward XVmon) has always struck me as feeling like an inferior design to Veedramon and AeroVeedramon, and even Veemon's other armour evolutions that he debuted in before in the anime. ExVeemon is this weird Veemon who's developed a more humanoid stance, more pronounced humanoid musculature, two wings and a more dragon-like head with a knife-horn. He shows up for a fair bit in the anime, but I honestly don't remember ExVeemon doing much before the Jogress fusion evolutions happened. I dunno. I guess whoever designed this dude was really pleased that they figured out how to fit a 'V' into an 'X', and so they based ExVeemon's whole attack on unleashing an X/V-shaped laser from his chest. I dunno. I enjoyed 02 a fair bit and I don't want to attack ExVeemon here, but jeez, I really don't think I can legitimately say a lot of good things about ExVeemon. The fact that there are a lot of actually better alternatives for a Veemon-themed evolution really hurts ExVeemon's standings in my head, too. Sorry, dude.


Paildramon here is the symptom of the design having to fit toys that are going to be made, though -- that second pair of blue wings you see jutting out from Paildramon's head are obviously ExVeemon's head halves from the toy. It's commendable that they're trying to standardize designs, and for Paildramon as a fusion Digimon it does kind of feel appropriate to have as much parts incorporated from both of his components, but honestly I'm pretty sure the kids at home won't mind a degree of stylization. I mean, look at Transformers' Megatron and his original toy, and look at how he looked in the cartoon. You don't have to adopt all the extraneous kibble like the crotch-trigger! On Paildramon it isn't that bad, but the alternate fusion of ExVeemon and Stingmon would be particularly hurt by the fact that this is trying to tie-in to a toy.
Paildramon himself is pretty neat, though. I've always preferred how he looked like in the Bandai artwork due to how feral and dangerous that pose always grabbed me, but the anime model ain't half bad either. Paildramon was, understandably, the 02 cast's bigger guns for a while until the enemies started going more and more powerful. I do find him sort of cool, despite the slight bit of clutter on his back.

Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode

Paildramon was the only member of the 02 cast to actually evolve into Ultimate form (although HolyAngemon and Angewomon would do so in a non-serial movie and Tri), and the resulting transformation is this beastly motherfucker Imperialdramon. Imperialdramon is one that you can already obviously tell was patterned after a toy that could transform, with just how mismatched those legs look, and how the proportions just sort of seemed off. I've always liked "Dragon Mode" Imperialdramon a lot better than the resulting Fighter Mode, though, finding that the insanely long claws and blades to look pretty beastly. Always liked that dragon head, too, even if I'm slightly disappointed that despite being an evolution of Paildramon, Imperialdramon's basically just the Veemon blue dragon body encased in black dragon armour. Really? No bug parts anywhere? Still, even without the bug parts, I do appreciate enough of Imperialdramon, as oddly impractical as his leg configuration looks. Also always loved that any time the Imperialdramon evolution sequence was shown in the anime, Imperialdramon would be shown blowing up a random castle with a big-ass explosion from his back-mounted cannon.
And while the 02 model continued the rather stiff-looking toyetic look, when Imperialdramon showed up in Tri as a mind-controlled facsimile, he was given a far more natural looking pose that looked like it can actually use its legs to move like an actual beast. In the anime, after the excitement of Imperialdramon's initial evolution and the sheer power the kids have on their hand had died down, he was actually relegated to being the group's super-fast transport due to his ability to fly and his immense size, because whenever they had to bust out the big guns, they resorted to Fighter mode. Poor Dragon Mode! He's definitely the cooler one of the two for me.

Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode

Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode

DEAR GOD there's another one? Paladin Mode here only shows up a grand total of once, in the Diaboromon Strikes Back movie. After Armagemon ends up whacking Omegamon and Imperialdramon to the curb, the two of them combined... and it's just a white Fighter Mode Imperialdramon holding a big-ass sword. I dunno. It's always felt lazy to me, and not quite that impressive for a combination of two of the franchise's biggest badasses. Outside of the Adventure continuity, Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode is apparently the founder of the Royal Knights, but isn't counted as a member? Oooo-kay? I'm honestly not sure what else to say here. I just found it ridiculous that this thing is made up of an Ultimate-level Digimon that has transformed into an even-more-powerful mode, combined with another Ultimate-level Digimon which himself is a fusion of two already powerful Ultimate-level Digimon. Eh.

Fladramon (a.k.a. Flamedramon)

The designs for the Armour Evolutions can never really decide if they wanted to be obviously "grown up Veemon encased in plastic armour" or just a totally brand-new design. Fladramon (or Flamedramon for dub viewers) here, created to tie-in with a Veemon toy that can transform and you can attach pieces of armour too, is obviously in the former category. And he's kinda neat, of course, even if he's just obviously a streamlined, taller Veemon with chunks of plastic armour stapled onto him. It's kind of underwhelming, I guess, but I also see where they're going for with this, and this is a genuinely far more interesting look than silly ol' ExVeemon up there. I do like the long claws on Fladramon's hands, too, although once more I'm genuinely confused why this dude is a 'dragon' and not, I dunno, a kangaroo or something.
Fladramon's all right. Viewed without the tint of nostalgia I can't really say that much neat things about him, though. Fladramon here is Veemon's evolution with Taichi's Crest of Courage, and all the Courage evolutions tended to be themed around fire.

Raidramon (a.k.a. Lighdramon)


Outside of Adventure's story and in the broader Digimon canon, Magnamon is an Armor-level Digimon that is so special and so powerful that he's not an Adult-level tier Armour like everyone else, but Ultimate-tier. Oh, and Magnamon is so powerful that he's part of the Royal Knights, a group of thirteen uber-powerful warriors whose ranks include Omegamon, UlforceVeedramon and a lot of other Ultimate-class dudes we'll see in the future. Magnamon (not Daisuke's) have appeared as members of the Royal Knights in the one-shot movie X-Evolution, as well as the Savers anime, although I don't think Magnamon actually does anything in Savers. He's... he's all right. Honestly, that's how I feel about most of Veemon's show armours. They're neat enough that I can't complain, but I also don't have anything nice to say about them.


Sethmon was finally featured in an anime more than a decade after his debut in the games, during the Apollomon arc in Xros Wars where he served as one of the villains that engaged the good guys. Overall, while probably not the most visually impressive beast, Sethmon's little story of being a creature of love distorted by hatred has sort of made him a bit more memorable for me.

Yaksamon (a.k.a. Yasyamon)

Yaksamon here is actually one of the more prolific among these forgotten non-02-anime armours, appearing as minor characters in the Frontier movie, an ally Digimon that got brutally murdered by modified humans in Savers, members of the Sword Zone allies in Xros Wars and finally graduated as the partner Digimon of quasi-antagonist Robari Ren in Hunters, where he's the evolved form of Dracmon and a bit of a creepy fucker. He's all right, I guess.

Honeybeemon is Veemon's evolution with Koushiro/Tentomon's Crest of Knowledge, most of whom turn into bug-styled creatures. Honeybeemon doesn't have much of Veemon's features other than the blue skin of the face, and instead is a happy little chibi bug dude, and that bee helmet sort of looks like it can slide down over his face. Honeybeemon's a rare 'cute' bug monster in Digimon, and apparently excels in hit-and-run tactics while still being easily tempted by sweets. It's sort of a design aesthetic that I'm sort of indifferent to, I think, being just inoffensive enough for me not to hate, but not really adding much for me to really like. A trio of Honeybeemon were Ranamon's fan club in an especially dire episode of Frontier, and an entire swarm were used by the evil general Zamielmon in the Honey Land arc of Xros Wars, where, you guessed it, they suck out honey and the life-force of other Digimon, being surprisingly creepy for such a cute little bugger. They're neat, I suppose -- I just don't really think much about them.

Sagittarimon here is the evolution of Veemon with the Digimental of Hope, Takeru/Patamon's crest, and while the Hope Armours have a theme of hoofed mammals, Sagittarimon here actually takes a bit of a fun twist on the concept. It's based on a centaur, or specifically, of Sagittarius the archer... and its design combines elements from Fladramon and Raidramon (the gauntlets, the claws, the head-helmet) without being too overt about it and keeping enough of Sagittarimon's torso and main body mainly fresh and new. Interestingly, Sagittarimon's profile notes that while it's normally an armour evolution, the fellow centaur-based Digimon Centarumon can sometimes just naturally evolve into Sagittarimon. And Sagittarimon's been seen in the anime being a general that leads armies of Centarumon in both of his anime appearances -- as a villain-of-the-week in Frontier, and as Gravimon's general in Xros Wars.

Gargomon (a.k.a. Gargoylemon)
Gargomon here is not to be confused with the other Gargomon, Adult-stage evolution of Tamers' main character, Terriermon. This is Gaagomon. That is Garugomon. The Japanese language is kind of hard sometimes. We'll use the English name for this one, then, Garygolemon, because it's pretty much based on a gargoyle... but not as a creepy stone monster, but rather taking a different approach on a gargoyle. Gargoylemon here is an evolution with the Digimental of Light, Hikari/Tailmon's thing, and all of the Light-Armour evolutions understandably have a holy theme about it. Gargoylemon is holy, all right, with white wings on his back and face... but also looks suitably creepy in some ways, with metal bands around his chest, his freakishly huge arms and as an X-shaped band that covers his eyes on his weird draconic face. If he even has eyes. It's a pretty neat concept as a holy-aligned gargoyle that evolves from what's supposed to be a dragon-type, because other than Imperialdramon, Gargoylemon here is honestly the only other one in this page to really look like they're even related to a 'mythical dragon'.Gargoylemon's profile notes that it was even once a demon beast-type Digimon, but with the restraints it has forced itself to become holy, and has even served as familiars for Angel Digimon, meaning that this creepy-cool gargoyle angel serves kind of the same capacity as Devidramon and PicoDevimon does for the devils. Bizarrely and also hilariously, Gargoylemon's haunting design was first used in Xros Wars's Heaven Zone, an area that is populated by angelic-themed Digimon... and Gargoylemon was a supporting antagonist who is characterized as an Inspector J'avert style of character. Look here. Yes, they took one of the neatest armour evolutions, dressed him in a form-fitting trenchcoat, glued a police siren to his head and had him wear shades. And yet I can't say that I dislike copper Gargoylemon at all. Overall, I've found myself unexpectedly liking this guy.


Kangaroomon (a.k.a. Kangalmon/Kangarumon)

Overall, you can see that this is where Digimon's art style has taken a bit of a shift to be less monstrous, and I do think that while there are still a lot of great designs to come -- I'm not a "genwunner", as the Pokemon crowd would call it -- I do think that the Digimon franchise does lose a fair amount of what made it unique by having genuinely generic "humanoid in spiky armour designs". The 02 designs aren't so bad, with it mostly being restricted to Imperialdramon and several others, but as we go on, I'm not sure if I can find as much nice things to say as I do the crowd here.
That said, though, looking at the Digimon available for the Adventure cast to work with, and looking at the Digimon available for 02... wow, they really didn't use a lot of these, yeah?
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