Anyway, after beating Blaine, next up is the gym fight in Viridian City and it's... we get some dialogue with our rival (Gary in my playthrough) talking both in Cinnabar and Viridian about how the gym leader has finally returned, and the gym is opened. So there's a significant amount of way to direct you back to Viridian City if you're not paying attention to the map. It's honestly kind of silly, I feel.
I wish I really had anything to say about the Giovanni battle, but as always (and it's a major complaint I have even from the first generation), the final confrontation with Giovanni is pretty anticlimactic other than the surprise twist and presentation that the mafia boss is actually the final gym leader. The fight itself is also pretty simple, with Giovanni only having four Pokemon in the fight. After Giovanni leaves, we get Blue showing up and talking about how he's going to take over the gym leader status for Viridian City, which is... it's a nice little nod to Blue's status as gym leader in the Johto games, and a nice little conclusion to his small character arc in the Let's Go games. I would've probably preferred him to be a bit more of an ass, but that's just me.
Afterwards it's a walk through towards the Victory Road and Indigo Plateau and... and what's there to say about this whole sequence? The music is epic, if nothing else, and there's a rival fight outside of Viridian City, although at this point his team is utterly unremarkable. Oh, and I think it's at around this point (or is it before the Viridian Gym?) that Professor Oak randomly hands me the mega evolution stones and ring for the kanto starters. With no held item system in this game, mega evolution just sort of happens and for Charizard, you can just choose at any point which one you want. It's... it's something I wasn't expecting and I thought it'd be a post-game thing. Not really going to use it since Let's Go is already such an easy game. Oh, Blue and Oak have a little acknowledgement of "Professor Oak forgot the name of his grandson" meme, with Blue telling us that Oak's just pretending to be senile as a running gag.

And then we get the Elite Four! Y'know, after Lorelei's appearance outside of the Rock Tunnel, I thought we were going to get some if not all of the Elite Four getting cameos all over Kanto, in the same way that some of the newer games tended to do. But nope, that's all we got, apparently! My final team into this was Pikachu, Venusaur, Charizard, Butterfree, Nidoking and Gyarados, and... and the Elite Four, at least, is a decent bit of challenge, mostly in the Lorelei and Agatha bits. There are some party changes, with Bruno swapping out his second Onix for a Poliwrath, and Lance, for whatever bizarre reason, having a Seadra in his party. Lance also swaps out one of his Dragonites for a Charizard, Gen-II style.
We do get a fun little sequence where Lance introduces the champion, Professor Oak, complete with a fun usage of Oak's lab theme... until, nope, Oak's still not a fighter, and it's our rival, of course. His team is mostly brand-new, nothing at all like Blue's team in the Red/Blue/Green/Yellow games other than the usage of Jolteon and Pidgeot. That Pidgeot mega-evolves, too! It's... it's honestly a pretty disappointingly simple fight, honestly, with none of his team other than Mega Pidgeot and the very defensive Slowbro giving me any sort of hiccups. I really kinda wished the champion fight was at least challenging, and that they had picked a more interesting selection of Pokemon for him to use.
Oh well. It's a fun ride, the credits are cute, and apparently I unlock "species masters" or whatever, who challenge me with level 75 Pokemon and I have to match them with a single pokemon of that species? It's... it's a bizarre gimmick, honestly, the sort of unnecessary padding for the game makers to brag as end-game content. There's also Cerulean Cave, which is redesigned. Oh, I can also use Charizard, Aerodactyl or Dragonite to literally fly over everyone -- that bit is actually nice and welcome!

I guess I'll do a little announcement too -- I've been getting back into the groove of Pokemon so much thanks to this game, and I've decided to rewatch the original anime in Japanese. We'll see how far I go, but expect old-school Pokemon reviews soon!
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