As I mentioned before, Mugendramon actually debuted in this game, but I had decided to go through all the Pendulum virtual pets one by one before approaching this titanic game and going through its large amount of newly-introduced Digimon.
And thanks to having relatively limited resources -- this is a PlayStation 1 game, after all -- the game featured a lot of reskinned and recoloured Digimon from the available sprites in order to fill up their areas. After all, it'd be absolutely boring if the huge ice-themed area only had Mojyamon and Yukidarumon wandering around, right? We also have a fair amount of original designs introduced in Digimon World, some of whom ended up graduating into far, far more material including the various anime series. Some others kind of just end up being easy fodder for subsequent game series to recolour sprites and call it another species. We'll cover the honestly pretty vast World now, yeah? We'll start off with the unique, brand-new designs that World introduced, before going through the repaints. I'll emphasize the ones who has a big role somewhere, while the rest... yeah, I'll try to not get too repetitive.
Note that for the recolours, I'm going to review them partly based on just how different they look and they are from the original designs, so a minimal-effort (or ugly) recolour of a design I really like will still end up with a pretty low score.

Jijimon and his wife Babamon (which we'll cover below) are also recurring characters in Tamers, although they aren't portrayed as the wise all-knowing mentor and are treated like a bickering odd old couple that ended up befriending our heroes, and later showing up with a gigantic army of Ultimate-level Digimon to help fight the D-Reaper threat. Jijimon also shows up in Xros Wars as a recurring character that plays the old, wise non-combatant mentor trope straight, being an unexpected recurring character in the Xros Heart army and leading to some genuinely fun fusions whenever he gets fused with one of the actual combatant Digimon. Jijimon's not the sort of Digimon that honestly fits my own personal taste, and definitely not the sort of Digimon I'd ever want as a partner, but definitely a fun little world-building piece that I'm glad exists.


Interestingly, Babamon's profile notes that she's rumoured to be an elderly Rosemon -- something that's subtly hinted at the necklace that Babamon wears, which is Rosemon's Tiferet necklace! That's neat. I also found it appropriate, slightly stereotypical but still quite hilarious that Babamon just holds a broom. And being an Ultimate-level Digimon, her "Empress Haze" attack apparently just erases enemies with a swing of her broom! Sadly we never quite saw Babamon do anything particularly awesome in any of the anime series, being a squabbling couple with Jijimon in Tamers, and the leader of the Shinobi Zone in Xros Wars as a non-combatant ruler. Overall, again, Babamon's design isn't the most creative of things, but I've always liked that there's just an Ultimate-level pair of Digimon that's just an old man and an old woman that behaves like a stereotypical catty old couple, and just has enough weirdness in their design to appropriately look like a friendly monster old lady. Like Jijimon, I am 100% neutral on this nice old lady.

Igamon (a.k.a. Ninjamon)

Igamon was a villain-of-the-week in a 02 episode that took place in an Edo-themed part of the Digital World, and ended up battling Shurimon, the ninja-themed evolution of one of the protagonist. Igamon was also a recurring supporting character in the V-Tamers manga, and in Savers, a whole battalion of Igamon ended up running around on behalf of the good guys in the digital world, dismantling Gizumons in hit-and-run tactics. Xros Wars had a whole zone dedicated to homaging ninja tropes, and a whole army of Igamon worked for the bad guys this time around, serving a Musyamon commander. Anyway, Igamon is always been weird but kinda charming for me.

FlareLizamon (a.k.a. Flarerizamon/FlareLizardmon)
FlareLizamon here has always been a bit of a messy design in my book, although that's because the official Bandai art really makes that lower jaw blend in with the rest of the black shading on the fire body. The anime model makes FlareLizamon look a lot more coherent and impressive. Basically this Adult-level Digimon is the same concept that Meramon has, but a dinosaur. I do like the added little detail of him having metal claw-tips and helmet, though. FlareLizamon has also had the misfortune of having his name not translate very well to English, with it having been translated in multiple different ways. FlareLizamon is one of those Adult-level Digimon that's sort of not gotten a lot of attention in terms of evolutions or new forms, with video games shrugging and having him evolve into various dragons like Megadramon, MetalTyrannomon and SkullGreymon, but none of them really fit the theme of a fiery dinosaur-dragon beast, surely? Bizarrely, in one of the later virtual pets, FlareLizamon can evolve into Delumon, the peacock bird-plant. FlareLizamon shows up in 02 as the partner of international Chosen Child Sam, although I don't remember him doing much. A bunch of FlareLizamon also show up as part of Dorbickmon's dragon army in Xros Wars. Overall, it's a simple but kind of neat design, and while it's not one that I'm particularly fond of, it's a shame they never really did much with him.

DarkLizamon (a.k.a. Darkrizamon)


Penmon (a.k.a. Penguinmon)

I don't think Penmon has appeared anywhere in the anime or manga, although it certainly has shown up in a lot of video games -- the video games tended to try and have all the Child-level Digimon recur if they have space, to spread out the evolutionary lines a little bit. Penmon's neat that way in that it's associated with ice-themed, bird-themed and even aquatic-themed Digimon, and in fact apparently one of its most consistent evolutions, of all things is the dolphin Rukamon. A couple of years later would give us Daipenmon, an Ultimate-level penguin Digimon and one that's so badass that it's part of the Ten Warriors of Frontier's mythology, so it's nice to know that at least one Penmon made it big in life. Anyway, I've sort of always been indifferent towards Penmon, I'm sorry.


Muchomon here is the more memorable one for me -- it's a "repaint" of the playable Penmon, and the palette-swapped Digimon exist as generic enemies that populate the world to make your own Digimon and the NPC Digimons a bit more special, but since I never played through World with a Penmon and Penmon is one of those NPCs I always forget to recruit, it's Muchomon that is a lot more memorable to me. I've also always loved his name (is that racist? I'm not sure) and just how colourful this red-and-blue fat waddling bird is. In Digimon World, they also speak random Spanish phrases before they challenge you to battle, and I remembered there being a lot of these things in the jungle areas of the game. Muchomon's whole deal is that it's a happy bird that dances to samba.

Goblimon (a.k.a. Goburimon)

Goblimon made his first anime appearance in Tamers as one of the Digimon that managed to breach the barrier between the human and Digimon world and I've always remembered Tamers' Goblimon as particularly savage and feral. Look here. Man, what a change reducing that jawline and making his eyes pupil-less makes, huh? Goblimon ends up evolving into a Fugamon (a red oni-themed Ogremon palette swap we'll talk about below) but ends up getting straight-up murdered by one of the protagonists, Ruki, and her Renamon. Goblimon also shows up as antagonists, being hired thugs for a Snimon in Frontier, forcing a village of Kokuwamon to become basically slaves. Goblimon would also make minor appearances in Savers and Xros Wars. An honestly large amount of appearances for Ogremon's little cousins!

Shamamon (a.k.a. Sharmamon/Shamanmon)

SnowGoblimon (a.k.a. SnowGoburimon)

Brachimon (a.k.a. Brachiomon)

There is a whole dinosaur-themed area in Digimon World, inhabited by dudes like Tyrannomon and Monochromon. They decided to introduce a bunch of brand-new dinosaurs into Digimon, though, so they ended up having this dude Brachimon show up, representing one of the more iconic dinosaurs out there the brachiosaurus. Interestingly, unlike many of the Digimon on this list, Brachimon exists just to be a flavour NPC that you can talk to... but unlike the other NPC's, Brachimon can't be recruited into your fledgling town, nor do they give quests. Subsequent games would tell us that Brachimon is a Perfect-level, and has since been shuffled as an alternate evolution for Tyrannomon and, bizarrely, Yanmamon? A herd of Brachimon had a neat little role in Xros Wars -- and I really love that about Xros Wars. Say what you want about the quality of the show (which IMO is actually pretty good) but they do some neat world-building and made great use of a lot of the ignored older Digimon.
Brachimon's design is a fair bit more interesting than I remember it to be, which is basically "a Brachiosaurus in Greymon colours". It's got that nice little knife on its head that replaces the real-life dinosaur's head crest, and it's got a fun little stitched-up mouth. Not the most creative design when we get down to it, but it's okay as sort of a creature that just happens to live in the digital world. In 2003 Brachimon would, against all odds, get a genuinely fun Ultimate-level evolution, though -- not bad considering how many other standalone Digimon get ignored and never had any evolutions or pre-evolutions given to them.

Before we go into full repaint territory, let's talk about two of the repaints from World that got pretty decent appearances in the various anime series.
Oh boy, IceDevimon here... he's probably the one who's gotten the most exposure out of the straight-up repaint Digimon here. IceDevimon is basically just initially meant as an 'icy' palette swap of Devimon to patrol the icy wasteland areas, and is apparently meant to represent a Devimon with an especially cruel heart. But it became one of the most memorable villains-of-the-week in early Tamers. See, in Tamers, our heroes spent a good chunk of the early parts of the season just as kids in the real world who happen to have been partnered with Digimon that moved through worlds and materializes in the real world. And for the most part, they tended to just fight simple beast-like "Wild One" Digimons that tended to not listen to reason. And even those that had some dialogue didn't really feel that interesting. Up until IceDevimon. Sure, the dude lasted for all of one episode, but he straight-up kidnaps resident aloof-hypercompetent-fighter Ruki, intent on making her belong to him as his partner... and IceDevimon then proceeds to show off a large amount of frozen dead trophies to her. It's honestly a harrowing episode that really makes you feel uncomfortable, and it's not a big jump for the fandom to compare IceDevimon to a fucked-up child molester thanks to this episode. It's a different sort of creepy, but one that the Tamers show managed to exemplify without actually having any actual molesting going on.Frontier also made use of IceDevimon as a villain-of-the-week, where he was a straight-up mass murderer imprisoned prior to the events of the show, and unleashed upon the Chosen Children, and while the Japanese version of the episode was honestly quite unmemorable, characterizing him as a generic sociopath... the English dub apparently had IceDevimon's voice actor have a Christopher Walken impression, which is... okay? Xros Wars had IceDevimon as a general of the giant bad guy army, the Bagra Army, and was a recurring villain. In a break from the creepy stalker and the mass murderer, Xros Wars' IceDevimon is a bumbling moron that ends up getting straight-up replaced by a big penguin. Anwyay, IceDevimon's a great design -- I still prefer regular Devimon, but the purple on icy-blue/white colours is pretty neat. Throw in some genuinely great anime episodes and it's easy to see why this one ends up rating pretty high in my books.

Good old Megadramon gets a counterpart in Digimon World, and one of the few "repaints" in this video game to actually make an appearance in the early anime of Adventure! Gigadramon here was actually one of the few secret evolutions that are coded into the game but I don't think is accessible without cheating? Gigadramon is actually different to Megadramon, replacing Megadramon's tattered, organic wings with those angular, segmented wings. And, yeah, Gigadramon swaps out Megadramon's orange for a more muted shade of purple, but it's definitely a great palette swap and the change in the wings, in my opinion, that really sells the point that Gigadramon here is an upgrade on Megadramon. Gigadramon's neat, although its profile just notes that it was constructed at around the same time as Megadramon and just as brutal. In Adventure a Gigadramon hangs out with a Megadramon in an airplane hangar and acts as Mugendramon's air force, and Gigadramon's made a couple of cameos in Frontier and Xros Wars as part of huge scary Digimon armies. Overall, a neat looking dude! Or maybe I just really, really like Megadramon.

Clicky clicky.
Right, from this point on we're in full "palette swap/slight retool" territory! Again, these aren't a commentary on the designs themselves because, say, Saberdramon is inherently cool because Birdramon is cool, but the design there is so boring and minimal-effort that I'll be rating it badly. For the most part, I don't think any of these are going to get high marks unless they really innovate on the design -- repaints has always been something that's a blessing and a curse on Digimon. When done well they sort of show off a sub-species of the main breed that has adapted to a certain environment, but sometimes they're just obvious extra slots to pad out a game's roster. Most of these will have a pretty default rating of 3-4.
Icemon here is one of the many generic ice-themed minions that populate Digimon World's long ice level, and tended to be portrayed as an Adult-level (although some trading cards do have Icemon be Child-level instead). Not much to say here beyond "Gotsumon, but made out of ice", honestly, although as mentioned before when I was reviewing Gotsumon, I've always found it simultaneously lazy and hilarious that Gotsumon can just evolve from the exact same thing into just repaints of itself. Icemon here is the one with the least amount of appearances, with its only real appearance in the anime as a minor role in the ice-themed zone of Xros Wars, and whenever a Gotsumon evolves in the anime, they go straight to Insekimon and skip this stage. He's... neat, I suppose? Not enough to give him any more than two, though. If he didn't come with a set with Insekimon, I'm not sure if he'll even get one.

Insekimon (a.k.a. Meteormon)
Yeah, without putting them side-by-side you really can't tell the difference between Icemon and Insekimon, can you? And honestly, I still kind of can't. Insekimon (or Meteormon in all localizations) here is a Perfect level, and the subject of a little side-quest in Digimon World which involves, well, a fallen meteorite. And someone really apparently loves Gotsumon, and I've always found it to be hilarious that you can evolve Gotsumon into Icemon into Insekimon without them changing anything but the shade and their power level. I'm just very disappointed we never got a final Ultimate-level Gotsumon repaint just so that we can get a full evolutionary line of just Gotsumon repaints.Insekimon, remarkably, has appeared in multiple anime shows, always as an evolution of Gotsumon. In Frontier, the resident plucky-civilian Gotsumon ended up evolving into Insekimon to try and fight the Royal Knights, whereas in Xros Wars Insekimon was the true and final form of the Gotsumon there, who acts as a major antagonist -- and when everyone keeps mocking Gotsumon for being a silly Child-level, he warp-evolves into Insekimon and starts raining down literal death in the form of meteor showers. The design might be a little lazy, perhaps... but I dunno, I kinda find it somewhat charming.

Some of these palette swaps do get a brand-new artwork and not just photoshops, like MasterTyrannomon here, who in the original Digimon World game is just a bigger Tyrannomon with some extra scar textures, but apparently Bandai liked him so much he gets a brand-new piece of artwork that makes MasterTyrannomon look fairly different -- a lot burlier looking. It's neat-looking, with lots of scars, and it's been featured in more trading cards and video games than I would expect him to. MasterTyrannomon is a Perfect-level Digimon too, so he's apparently the natural evolution of Tyrannomon compared to Tyrannomon's default Perfect mode of MetalTyrannomon. He's always been a bit underwhelming to me, honestly, but I do like the idea of there just being this old Tyrannomon that trains other Tyrannomons. In the Digimon World game, MasterTyrannomon just sort of shows up out of nowhere in the dinosaur-themed area to talk to you after you beat a boss (Insekimon, I think?)... and he does tells one of his random Tyrannomon followers to join the city you're building up. Kind of indifferent to this one.


Soulmon here is just Bakemon, but with a witch's hat covering his eye! I thought that's hilarious! Unlike a lot of the palette swap Digimon, Soulmon even has unique lore, too, because it was originally a Bakemon that absorbed data from "mages of fantasy stories", so I guess Soulmon stumbled into a Diablo game or something. Because of his hat, he can now do magic and summon the souls of the dead, yay! Soulmon's made cameo appearances in Frontier and Hunters, but his biggest appearance was in Savers. Soulmon arrived on the real world in response to main character Daimon's little sister's "curse" upon her big brother for pranking her all the time. Soulmon ended up responding to this by attempting to prank Daimon... fatally. This was part of Savers' earlier episodes having the Digimon that manifest in the real world being brought about by the strong vices of mankind, although this ended up being dropped. Regardless, though, Soulmon was pretty neat there and honestly kind of creepy... for a Bakemon with a hat that covers his head. Honestly, just having a face that appears to be 100% mouth is pretty cool, if you're asking me.
Hee hee. This one is cute. Soulmon in Digimon World patrol the grounds outside of Vamdemon's mansion as generic enemies, but there are a couple of Soulmon that you can talk to. These Soulmon tell you that apparently the Bakemon NPC you befriended and recruited to your town is a goddamn moron for only being able to say "bakebakebake". Jeez, racist much? Anyway, I do like this dude.

Pidmon (a.k.a. Piddomon)


Most interestingly, though, one of the more recent Digimon anime, Xros Wars: Hunters, surprisingly used Psychemon as a pretty major character, being the partner Digimon of


Panjyamon (a.k.a. Panjamon/IceLeomon)

The hell is going on with BlueMeramon? His profile says, in the same sentence, that he burns at a higher temperature than regular Meramon (makes sense, blue flames and all) but he shoots super-cooled air... and in Digimon World, BlueMeramon is an enemy and eventually a boss in the Ice Sanctuary. So what is BlueMeramon? A super-heated Meramon, or one of those "icy flame" oxymoron monsters? Interestingly, BlueMeramon is a Perfect-level, unlike regular Meramon, meaning that in some games Meramon can evolve into this bluer version of himself. Interestingly, BlueMeramon's one of the repaints here to get a bit more prominence outside of video games that just want to bulk up their cast, with BlueMeramon being a minor villain in a Tamers movie that rampaged in a human city, and later on appearing as a minor supporting role in Xros Wars where he hung out with regular Meramon in a volcano-themed zone.


Hyogamon (a.k.a. Hyougamon)

There is a lot of snow boys here, huh? I mean, Digimon World did have a somewhat unreasonably long ice level section. Hyogamon here is just an ice-themed Ogremon, although I guess it's keeping with the theme of ogres and onis in general that they can survive anywhere. Anyway, Hyogamon has always felt extra-creative to me for adding two ice shards jutting out of his shoulders and giving him a big-ass icicle to hold instead of the standard femur bone. Also, he gets a pre-evolution in SnowGoblimon above, which makes Fugamon's "default" pre-evolution Shamamon. Neat that all the three Goblimon variants correspond to the three Ogremon variants! Hyogamon is all right. I'm genuinely surprised he hasn't cameo'd elsewhere, honestly.




WaruSeadramon (waru meaning evil, of course) is a recoloured version of MegaSeadramon... and it's basically changing his helmet into black and turning the shade of MegaSeadramon's red into a darker shade of maroon. In World, WaruSeadramon is a one-off boss fight. I don't even have enough to say about the ones from here on out to even put the pictures on the side of the text!

The Perfect-level Tekkamon here is another one who's got his game model changed from his base model, Giromon. They sliced off Giromon's horns and gave him a sword... and, yeah, the result is a far, far more boring creature than the already pretty minimalist Giromon. A for effort in at least trying to make Tekkamon not just a mere palette swap, especially for a mini-boss in the game (looking at you, WaruSeadramon), but still pretty unmemorable.

Tsuchidarumon (a.k.a. MudFrigimon/Chuchidarumon)

PlatinumSukamon (a.k.a. PlatinaSukamon)


A Numemon with a yellow paint scheme instead of yellow. I guess it may be based on the banana slug? It's found in the same machine town areas as PlatinumSukamon, I think. It's pretty underwhelming, honestly, although I do find it interesting that Geremon's one of the few repaints here to not just get an adjective slapped on to the original name.


ClearAgumon here is a minor NPC that is basically exactly the same as ToyAgumon, but his toy bricks are transparent! It's actually a bit of a fun little reference to how some actual lego bricks tend to be transparent. Other than that, though... it's a bit of a lazy variant, yeah? I kinda wished they had swapped out the colours, at least. Oh well. This one is fun enough to get a point.


Without holding the pictures of Garurumon and Gururumon side-by-side, I wouldn't be able to tell you if this was a separate species and not just a different art style. Throughout my entire playthrough of Digimon World, I didn't even realize that these were meant to be different and just thought that someone messed up while typing his name. The minimal-effort profile that Bandai gave Gururumon honestly can't seem to think up of anything unique to talk about Gururumon either. Zero marks.

Ah, that's more like it. Dokunemon here is one of the repaints that doesn't actually change any of Kunemon's inherent design and is just a palette swap, but picks a theme and ends up making a neat and honestly quite distinct little poison bug compared to Kunemon. It's also one of the better repaints here that isn't just a generic ice-themed dude or changing a couple of shades on the colour filter. His role as Digimon's green worm is supplanted by the cuter Wormmon, but I do like this dude. He's one of the earliest enemies you fight in this game, too, which makes him extra-memorable to me at least.



This is just basically Betamon an Instagram filter that makes his skin lighter and his mohawk pink! "Modoki" means mimic, apparently? ModokiBetamon is one of the earliest and weakest enemies you'll face, and it's basically a Betamon that can use water and electricity. As happy I am that they bothered to make a Betamon variant, this one has so little effort put in.

Tukaimon (a.k.a. Tsukaimon)


Akatorimon here is just Kokatorimon who's swapped out his accents for some red and oranges, which makes his entire name a pun on Aka Tori (lit. Red Bird) while only changing a single consonant in Kokatorimon's name. Many Akatorimons wander around the Gear Savannah, I think? Still kind of lazy, and the resulting unification of all of Akatorimon's colour highlights end up making the design so much more bland than Kokatorimon.


Alraumon (a.k.a. Aruraumon)
Alraumon borrows her name from the German word for Mandrake, and she's basically just Palmon with a more washed-out colour scheme and a head-flower that's entirely lavender instead of pink. This minor change does sort of make Alraumon look pretty pleasant, though that might just be because the lavender flower matches the purple fingers Palmon already has. Interestingly, Alraumon is one of the few here to show up in more modern video games, like the very recent Next Order video game. Pretty pleasant repaint, actually. Lavender's such a rare colour to see among Digimon!


This is a bit of a fun one, I think. Regular Mojyamon's based on the yeti, and the collective human hive-mind tend to associate Yeti and Bigfoot as cousins, so JungleMojyamon here seems to be alluding to exactly that, being a brown-furred cousin of Mojyamon that lives in jungles. Definitely one of the ones that at least has a theme going on instead of "exactly the same thing, but through a colour filter".

YukiAgumon (a.k.a. SnowAgumon)

Zassoumon (a.k.a. Weedmon)

OH THIS JACKASS! Zassoumon here is a repaint of Vegiemon that's apparently "adopted the identity of a weed", and will never ever bloom or ripen like regular Vegiemon. No RedVegiemon flail arms for you, jackass! It's also ugly as hell in World. The Bandai official art opts for a far more pleasing green-and-yellow tint that manages to show how this thing's supposed to be unremarkable, but a lot nicer than the original gray that he was in Digimon World where clumps of this dude just swarm in mesas and plains. But most memorably, this motherfucker is one of the possible customers in a shop-keeping minigame, and chances are, if you play that game, Zassoumon's going to fuck you up a lot. Fuck you, Zassoumon.

Blikmon (a.k.a. Tinmon)

Golemon II (a.k.a. Rockmon)

HOLY SHIT that's a long-ass page. Honestly I could've split this into two, but I thought that I might just as well as finish the whole thing in one sitting because a lot of these are honestly pretty underwhelming stuff. Next week (or maybe the week after if I'm a bit too burnt out) we'll cover Apocalymon, the Diaboromon line and a bunch of other ersatz miscellaneous Digimon introduced prior to 02 in 2000 which I just didn't find a place to slot in anywhere in the previous segments.
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