Friday 26 April 2019

One Piece 941 Review: Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Ieyasu

One Piece, Chapter 941: Ebisu Town's Most Beloved

An... interesting chapter? Again, I still feel like we don't really spend enough time with a lot of the Wano-kuni characters for me to really care if Tonoyasu (or Yasu'ie, I guess) gets rescued or not. So much of these Wano charactesr are introduced to have a single defining character trait or two, with implied mystery, and then oh no the mystery is revealed, and everyone acts like it's some HUGE PLOT TWIST when the genuine scarcity of information means that it's just, y'know, another bit of new information. 

And the fact that so much of this happens off-screen in such an understated manner makes it really hard for me to be excited. Tonoyasu is revealed to be the Witching Hour Boy, a mystery that was dragged on in the background of Wano chapters that keeps popping up but we never really get any real clues or subversions or whatever, so this revelation genuinely feels hollow. 

We get to see a bit of Orochi being angry at everyone, particularly at Kyoshirou, who's... just putting on a poker face and doing his job. Neat. Meanwhile, Queen is freaking out at the fact that Komurasaki is apparently dead, and apparently with the aid of Raizou and Caribou, Luffy's eaten all of the O-Shikuri snacks, which is... okay, that was obvious, but also kind of funny that once again, Big Mom's going to be figuratively cockblocked from getting to eat a sweet she wants.

Oh yeah, something about one of Holdem's minions burning Shutenmaru/Ashura-Doji's base or whatever, and... it's ambiguously implied that it's the minks and Kanjurou that does it in order to get Ashura Douji to move? It's neat, but, again, Ashura Douji is such a m'eh character that I really don't have an opinion of, so I genuinely don't really care, I guess.  

Meanwhile, Brook, who's still pretending to be a ghost, ends up happening upon Zoro, Komurasaki and Toko mostly by chance, and we get some ha-ha-not-really-funny bit of "EHHH YOU'RE SLEEPING TOGETHER" comedy that... honestly didn't really work this time around. And they all run to the capital, where Orochi plans to cremate "Komurasaki" as a criminal, simultaneously with the execution of Tonoyasu... and apparently he's Yasu'ie, a Daimyo that was loyal to Oden, and he's just laughing while crucified while wanting to tell the world of something to leave the world with no regrets. And... I dunno. We see so little of Tonoyasu, and what little we saw was just him being a pollyanna hobo who laughs at everything, so the revelation that this character is also someone else, who we really never knew about, is just... eh? It's neat that we're moving through these at a pretty fast speed, all things considered, but the pacing is really wonky.

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