Kamen Rider Zi-O [2018-2019]
"Rider Time! Kamen Rider Zi-O!"
The closing chapter to the Heisei era is... an interesting one. While arguably Zero-One and Saber don't really do enough to deviate itself from the pack, no one can deny just how bizarrely weird Zi-O as a show is. While a fanfiction-esque storyline of "let's go through all the different worlds" have been done before by Decade, this time around the show really tries to commit to the franchise's history of some hundred-plus Kamen Riders, by basically making its twentieth Heisei show "Decade II, Electric Boogaloo."
Zi-O also has a special place in my heart for being the first Rider show that I watched weekly, and... and hoo boy, what an interesting one for me to start off, huh? Especially since in 2018, I haven't even watched some of the shows they are homaging, making it a bit of a bizarre run where sometimes it's a Zi-O two-parter that got me to check out the entire series in a month. I know that it's how I ended up watching Ex-Aid, how I finally watched Blade, and a good reason why I ended up watching Hibiki at all.
And... and Zi-O is an utterly bizarre show, in that every two-parter is a dedicated attempt at being a homage to a different part of the Heisei era. The difference is that... they actually got a returning actor nearly every arc. It's just that it takes a while for the showmakers to really decide what they were going to do, and it ends up being a bizarre clusterfuck as the showrunners try to fit in the cameo roles based on previous actors' returning schedule, as well as an attempt at a cohesive narrative as our titular Zi-O (lit. Time King) is basically subjected to a reverse-Terminator plot.
Because, see, our main character, Tokiwa Sougo, is just a bit of a loony high-school boy whose main goal in life is the vague dream of 'being a king'. And then suddenly, monsters show up in his life, two time-travelers (Myokoin Geiz and Tsukuyomi) show up screaming how he'll grow up to be the demon king/overlord of the future, Ohma Zi-O... and there's this glorious narrator man with an impeccable fashion sense, Woz, who goes around seemingly willing to shape history and basically be the biggest hype-man for his great overlord, rejoicing and bringing out transformation trinkets.

Honestly, I do think that Decade's inclusion -- both the character and his actor, the ever-amazing Masahiro Inoue -- ends up being the lynchpin that makes this show works at all. Decade being a character that's already famous in the fandom for being a dimension-hopping dude that's always a bit dickish and enigmatic helps to gel the show together, and being a pre-established former main character ends up making his inclusion in the show feel so natural. Kudos for Inoue for sticking around for so much of the show, too.

The villains of the show are... pretty underwhelming. The 'Time Jackers' mostly just hang out and be enigmatic, and while there were signs of promise that the two younger Wuhl and Ora were going to have something to them, they were sort of just there, and main villain Swartz ends up kind of feeling generic and any depth he has ends up being shoehorned via a rather odd backstory.
That said, though, the Another Riders of the show? The show sadly probably went over-budget with random main character forms with Build last season, so not every single Heisei rider got an 'armor form' for Zi-O (the toys and video games do show what all these forms look like, though) and it's a bit of a shame that especially in the second half, the collectible ride-watches aren't even used to make finishers or new forms anymore. But the villains! The villains are called 'Another Riders', and I could do a whole article about them dissecting just how much thought are put into them beyond just being distorted versions of the main 20 Heisei riders. The Another Riders are, honestly, probably my favourite Rider show enemies ever. The sheer amount of creativity that went into designing the suits (both Another Riders and the Future Riders), especially when eagle-eyed fans realize that some of them are retooled versions of older suits, is a pretty great one.

The second half of the show, on the other hand... is wildly praised for good reason. After taking some time to really hammer home our main cast's characterizations, all the tributes from episode 30 onwards ends up being actually far, far more respectful to their predecessor shows, and even makes use of specific moments of characterization to build up the Zi-O's cast, as opposed to the vague "you're heroic, do some heroic things" of the first dozen or so episodes. Also, it's a small thing, but the simple fact that the returning riders are allowed to transform, with their own themes? This is what the inner fanboys within all of us want, to see the new rider on the block transform into their Zi-O Trinity form right as Tsugami Shouichi walks up with the Agito fight theme blaring as he transforms into Agito Trinity, all while they are fighting against an army of Another Agitos. Or to have the Hopper Hell Bros face off against our main cast, all the while Kagami Arata finally gets recognized by the Kabuto Zecter to finally become Kamen Rider Kabuto? The Blade, Agito, Hibiki and Kabuto episodes are noted in many discussions to be the highlight of the show's homages, and I definitely have to agree. Den-O, already itself a show that is easily adapted into spinoffs and crossovers, has crossovers both in the show and one of the movies, and the Imagins' antics are incorporated well.

It's just that... well, with such a heavy concept that's probably taxing in the show's actor management process, some things end up faltering. Tsukuyomi and the Time Jackers, while certainly well-acted, end up feeling very static throughout the show and by the time we get the rushed backstory behind them, it feels like they could've done more.

Overall, Zi-O ends up being a show that's incomprehensible without seeing at least some of the previous shows. But even then... the acting of the main cast ends up surprisingly well done as it carries the show, and the remarkable improvement of quality in the second half of the show ends up making this an earnest love letter to all the Rider shows of the past. Well, most of them. (Fourze, Kuuga and Double feel pretty under-represented; and I'd argue that OOO, Kiva and Faiz got the short end of the stick, too) It's a show that literally requires you to shut your brain down a bit and just enjoy the random cameos and the utterly glorious flashy effects. It's a show that perhaps struggles a bit too much with consistency and its large-scale story... but as a final celebration of the Heisei era, and as an unapologetic love later to the fans? Zi-O ends up working as an enjoyable show where it counts. Perhaps not the best show out there, but in terms of scale as a show featuring a record number of returning actors? It certainly ranks pretty highly as one of the most entertaining ones.
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