Bleach, Thousand-Year Blood War, Episode 17: Heart of Wolf
So unlike the last couple of episodes, I don't actually think there's a whole ton that they changed or altered for this one. After the handful of fights, we get what I think is the marquee fight for this batch of episodes -- Komamura's last hurrah against Bambietta Basterbine.
The other female Sternritters observe as Bambietta's crimson-red Vollstandig is visible in the distance, and we get the conclusion of the fight between her and Shinji. And... some people were hoping that Shinji's going to get a better showing with his Bankai against Bambietta, and I honestly wouldn't mind him saying 'Bankai' only to be interrupted. Even if (and that's a big if) Shinji gets an extra anime-exclusive fight, I don't think his Bankai would work well in this 1v1 situation.
...which the anime-exclusive extension of the Komamura/Bambietta fight in the first cour explicitly contradicts by Komamura being able to slice one of Bambi's spherical blasts, but eh.
Bambietta attacks Komamura and reveals his brand-new human form, and we get a flashback to explain Komamura's training with the Wolfman Clan's elder, his great-grandfather. It's... it's kind of a shame because we didn't really get any more exposition that the manga didn't already give us. I do think that we did get a fair bit from this scene, and I know that the Wolfman Clan is a reference to the Six Paths of Samsara (which other parts of Bleach had drawn from) but we really didn't get a whole ton out of this.
And in the present day, Komamura summons his Bankai. Or rather, his upgraded Bankai -- Kokujo Tengen Myo'o: Dangai Jo'e. The anime is a bit more deliberately slow with Dangai Jo'e's debut, showing Kokujo Tengen My'o in its original armoured version. Bambietta flies up and starts attacking the armoured giant. Komamura talks about how his original Bankai is imbued with life... but Dangai Jo'e isn't. And as the armour falls, we get to see the armoured, emaciated form of Dangai Jo'e with all the glory of its fiery eyes and large mustache.
And Dangai Jo'e is CGI, but it's... pretty okay? It's meant to be creepily distracting, so I do think that the stiffness of its movement is appropriate in this situation. The fight is pretty, and relatively faithful to the manga. We've got Bambietta flying up and shooting bombs at Dangai Jo'e, while Komamura explains that the power of The Explode is only frightening to something that's alive, and Dangai Jo'e is dead. Or rather, unkillable. This is punctuated by an explosion on Dangai Jo'e's chest corresponding on Komamura, revealing that his chest has a hole in it.
Komamura talks about how his body is now an empty shell driven only the desire to enact revenge on the Quincies. Dangai Jo'e begin pursuing Bambietta, and we get a bit of differing arguments. Bambietta yells about how the point of a battle is to avoid dying... while Komamura counters that he had staked his life because Yamamoto did the same, and he had 'left his life behind' even before the battle. Dangai Jo'e slashes his sword and hits Bambietta with it, causing a very beautiful backlit explosion. Bambietta's bombs are pressed against her as she's knocked away by the gigantic blade. Poor Bambi!
However, in the cave, the Elder praises Komamura for being 'one of them'. And the portrayal of the Elder is truly sinister, huh? He's reveling at how Komamura's allowed desire for revenge to take over him, how he's doing the very things he condemned Kaname Tosen for... but in the Elder's point of view, it's a good thing since revenge is what their clan stands for, and he's proud that Komamura 'returned' to their clan... while eating his heart. Damned creepy demon dog!
And it is kind of a sad, we do get a very cool shot of Juhabach and Uryu in the Quincy castle, watching as Kokujo Tengen Myo'o: Dangai Jo'e rises up from the giant explosion in the distance. It does remind me of something from Attack on Titan, and really does highlight how Komamura, at this point, just wants vengeance for Yamamoto... and he's still so far away when he falls to his knees and his secret forbidden technique just... shatters. The Elder pointing out the Tosen stuff is really what makes this scene not feel like a gigantic waste of time and Komamura's character... I really honestly wished that Juhabach one-shotted Komamura just to take him out or something, but I also kind of understand just how tragic that Komamura fell to the side-effects of his literal deal with the devil and reverts into a real dog.

And... we really still don't get much of an explanation for this, which I was kind of hoping we did. But Komamura gets the backlash of that forbidden technique, and is cursed to lose his human body. Iba shows up and brings Komamura with him, asserting that Komamura did nothing wrong and that they'll attack Yamamoto together. And this is when the title, "Heart of Wolf", appears. And... that's the end of Komamura, and I honestly always thought that they really could've done more? I do appreciate the Elder's monologue at this point, though, comparing Komamura to Tosen.
We get the weird shadow doors appearing next to Cang Du and BG9, although this time there's a slight difference as Uryu is the one ordering these two defeated Sternritters to return. I do wonder if the execution scene will be different, and if we'll learn the meaning of BG9's "K" then? Bambietta, also defeated, doesn't get the Uryu treatment. However, her four lady friends show up and she's clearly terrified as Giselle walks up to her.
We also get the conclusion of the Kyoraku/Haschwalth confrontation. Haschwalth destroys Nanao's barrier, only for Nanao to erect a hexagon-patterned one, noting that she's got time to create a new barrier by the time Haschlwath absorbed the previous one. We get some cool shots as Haschwalth destroys the barrier and Kyoraku posing, before Haschwalth retreats as he's summoned by Juhabach. Pretty fun scene.
We get also the conclusion to the extended Ikkaku/Yumichika/Shuhei fight against Mask De Masculine. Shuhei panics when he realizes the allied reiatsu that disappeared is Komamura, but then Mask's eyes and mouth glow as James cries over him, causing Mask to come back to life with the power of The Superstar. We get a cool shot of the three lieutenants pulling out their shikais, then Mask just bullrushing them, knocking them into the air, and then slamming all three down with a single punch. Poor Shuhei gets bullied even more, getting pinned and held in an elbow grip as Mask goes HEY ONE TWO THREE!
...And then two glowing lights, Rukia and Renji, fall down from the skies down into the city. Mask and James talk to each other and decide to investigate these new, flashy foes. Shuhei uses Kazeshini's chain to attack Mask, being pissed off at the 'three count', but Mask just pulls Shuhei towards him, clotheslines him, and is about to stomp on him when Kensei shows up and stops Mask's foot with his own. Kensei and Rose then basically challenges Mask to a fight.
And in the post-credits scene, we get Ichigo still in the Irazu Sando. It's far more interesting, as Ichigo gets more and more tired. Ichibei talks about how everything, every weird flash that Ichigo is seeing, is the weight of what Ichigo is trying to protect. They are the 'everlasting memories and revelations' from the power of the Soul King. Ichigo is surrounded by a whole ton of glowing energy (presumably representing his different Reiatsu types?) while Ichibei asks Ichigo if he's going to be a vessel that can hold the power... or a bowl that shatters. We get a creepy image of Ichigo's body turning tumorous and erupting in an explosion, which is a vision of what happens if Ichigo is a 'bowl that shatters'. But Ichigo holds his blade up high and everything seems to revert to relative normalcy. Ichigo then walks through the Torii gate... and into the bright-purple-and-red parlour of Senjumaru Shutara. This one is particularly surprising since nearly all of Senjumaru's scenes in cour two have been cut so far. But both Senjumaru and Ichibei's trainings are ones that we didn't get to see, and it's definitely welcome to see both Senjumaru and Ichibei be far more involved in these post-credits Ichigo scenes!
Random Notes:
- We get to see Giselle and Candice disengaging their Vollstandigs, with Giselle's Vollstandig appearing way earlier than it did in the manga. Mark Giselle as one of the two or three unknown Vollstandig users from the end of the previous episode!
- We also get the removal of the remark about Candice only learning Vollstandig recently.
- I didn't realize it until after I posted this review, but there is a split second that we can see NaNaNa activating his Vollstandig -- his is the orange pillar. We don't actually get to see him with angelic wings or whatnot (and neither do we get to see Cang Du or BG9's holy forms) but at least we know the identities of the pillars from the previous episode!
- Man, poor Shinji just kinda looks... pathetic as Momo carries him away, huh? Hopefully he gets a bit of a better showing later on before/during the Royal Palace fights...
- She doesn't manage to do a damn thing, but the balls on Hinamori Momo for getting ready to throw down with Bambietta with her honestly rather underwhelming Tobiume.
- It is really interesting that they decided to fold both Senjumaru and Ichibei's palace trainings together!
- Kubo would later reveal that 'Mask De Masculine' is just a construct created by the real Sternritter, James... and it is kind of notable that for all of the showboating that Mask does, the one that actually makes the decision to investigate the two falling objects is James.
We're getting to the weak part of this arc during the Second Invasion, which is honestly where the cracks of this arc will begin to show. Too many characters to juggle with undefined strength and the sacrifice of some characters just to prop up/benchmark other characters' strength. Nowhere will this be more apparent than the Visored, whose reputation is already down the drain with Shinji and will be going down to the sewers next week with Kensei and Rose. The animation doesn't help either, showing the extra scenes and giving each of them much more fleshed out arrogance that it will make their eventual defeat much more humiliating.
ReplyDeleteAmongst the three, Shinji gets the shortest end of the stick for me. They gave him so much hype with his Bankai and extra scenes that this time around I was hoping he'd get something to show for it compared to the anime (at the very least put up a fight before he gets taken out). Shinji has always been one of those characters that I would like to love if it wasn't for how incosistenly he's written. One minute he's a no-nonsense fighter who takes out Grimmjow without any bullshit, the next he's droning on and on about how awesome his Sakanade is only to get absolutely rekt because of his negligence. It sucks because Shinji is the most fleshed out of the Visored, in character and how his powers work (moreso now with the Bankai reveal). We know he isn't a weak character and that his power is absolutely broken, but because Kubo doesn't know what to do with him he just becomes this overconfident assclown who gets rekt because he keeps underestimating his enemies. We're talking about the person who kept Aizen at arms' length because he was the only one who sensed something was off with the guy. You could say he's overconfident in his cautiousness, but there was absolutely no caution when he was fighting Aizen and less so wtih Bambietta. Even worse, Bambietta gets to show her powers before going Volstandig this time around, so Shinji should be aware that she is capable of blasting a large area. For someone of his powers and observational skills with people to not consider this hot-headed bratty girl would just blow up everything in sight just makes him look more like an absolute donkey.
Ichigo's extended scene sets up another plot point of him being a vessel for the Soul King. It's a pretty interesting thread but I wonder if it will get any sort of fleshing out with how much is going to happen this arc. Same with the Ichigo and Ishida confrontation. I think it's fair to say that a lot of us who have read the manga and are watching now are hoping for a better conclusion this time around, and from this point forward it's going to be the time where the anime will truly be tested if it can improve upon the source material.
It was always a point of contention for me personally -- especially after rewatching the first 'cour' -- that the stolen Bankai arc really never went anywhere. As abrupt as the ending to Komamura's story was, it really does show that there's a lot of characters on the Shinigami side that still needed to do stuff.
DeleteThe Visored and a lot of vice-captains are just taken out off-screen throughout this arc, and, hell, even a lot of villains themselves are just kind of taken out with little fanfare. Robert, Nanananana, Liltotto and Meninas, and to a lesser degree Candice, BG9 and Cang Du are all just disposed off very anticlimactically when a lot of characters (like Shinji, the Visored, and even Ichigo himself) are really hurting for a good showing.
I do think the anime giving them extra scenes isn't *bad* per se if they handle the beatdown a bit better. I don't necessarily mind the idea that Kensei and Rose are beaten by Sternritters, but the way they were defeated was always rankling to me. Rose in particular, who finally gets to show off his Bankai only to literally lose because he's too busy bullshitting about how his Bankai works and allowing someone as dense as Mask to figure it out.
I am still holding out some hope for Shinji in the anime adaptation. *If* what we get is him showing off his Bankai to beat some Soldat and his defeat by Bambietta is just it for him... then I'm going to be super-duper pissed. I do really hope that he gets to do something more -- if not against some of the Sternritters that didn't get to fight a lot like Liltotto and Meninas, at least against Lille Barro's owl-forms in the final battle? Remember that Shinji lasted all the way up to the Royal Palace... and did absolutely nothing. I think he and Soi Fon and a couple of others just... kind of disappeared without a trace before Gerard Valkyrie and Lille Barro starts rampaging?
I really did feel like Shinji is a character that honestly deserved more spotlight -- and I'm honestly rather baffled that he didn't get any in the manga version of this story. Thanks to all his prominence in "Turn Back The Pendulum" and the whole Visored training arc, and I think he was the first person to draw first blood from Aizen in the final battle? I honestly would've ranked Shinji to have more prominence than Komamura and Soi Fon. I wonder if Kubo was saving him for 'later on' but later on never came when the arc was rushed to conclusion.
Which, again... I don't mind his defeat being retained in this anime adaptation (I don't think the anime will actually *change* events, just extend them) if he gets to do something later on, is what I'm saying.
Ichigo is just MIA for a good chunk of this arc, and I've seen a lot of people say that Ichigo doesn't have a good 'mid-arc' fight in the Thousand-Year Blood War arc. No Renji/Kenpachi to fight before he gets to Byakuya, and no Grimmjow/Ulquiorrra before he gets to Aizen. He just fights Quilge, then Juhabach shortly at the beginning, goes MIA, blasts some low-ranking soldiers (I wouldn't count his confrontation against Candice a 'fight'). All this talk about the Soul King does really fix some of the problems I have, but, again, a good chunk of it is going to hinge on whether the Ichigo/Uryu conflict that everyone's hyping up is going to be good. Done well, it'll fix two of the biggest problems in this arc -- which is the handling of Uryu and Ichigo's respective characters.
Of course, I'll only praise the anime if it sticks the landing for this one.