Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, Episode 21: The Headless Star
Huh, that was not the extended battle that I was expecting. But that's not to say that this isn't a good episode, no! I thoroughly enjoyed watching this episode and perhaps it's becuase I had no idea what's going to happen for a good chunk of it. The past couple of episodes focusing on the fights for Komamura, Renji, Rukia and Kenpachi were by and by pretty excellent adaptations, but ultimately they have been playing things relatively safe. The Rukia and Kenpachi fights in particular got a huge amount of improvement thanks to their respective pacing, but from this point on is where I feel like the Thousand-Year Blood War started to show the biggest cracks in its writing.
We start off this episode with yet another representation of the cult that worshipped him in the past, again, from the chapter 'God Like You' that's been interestingly chopped up and divided up across the various episodes. I do wonder if we'll get a proper explanation of Juhabach's backstory in a proper monologued fashion? Juhabach wakes up and thanks the soul of the dead for allowing him to wake up -- which implies that him absorbing the souls of the fallen Quincies to be a necessity for him to essentially 'recharge'. Again, the improved execution scene of BG9 and Cang Du a couple episodes back really does help to sell this sequence, and while I'm not sure if it works with Arrancar Quincies, we shold remember that Ebern and Luders were both also executed by Juhabach.
And then... Kenpachi gets bullied by Candice Catnipp, Sternritter "T" of the Thunderbolt. I've always felt like this was such an annoying moment back in the day, and... I've warmed up to this sequence a bit. Mostly because I've warmed up a bit to Gremmy in general -- back in the day I really did wish that Kenpachi got a more 'traditional' brawler fight instead of Gremmy's bullshitting, and to see Kenpachi wounded and then nearly get taken out by four kill-stealers who also take the time to murder Kenpachi's minions in front of him felt particularly bad for him.
What is bad, however, is the shading on the wounded Kenpachi throughout this whole scene and when he's talking to Ichigo. It felt particularly unfinished and honestly rather comical, and I really wonder if they simply didn't have time to finish the clean-up for this scene. The rest of the episode flows pretty fine and I get that much of the quality control probably went to the action scenes, but even as someone who normally doesn't care about these things it felt particularly jarring.
For what it's worth, Kenpachi still tries to move even while half-dead, which the anime expands a fair bit. That's very much appreciated. The end result is still the same, but we really get to see Kenpachi still trying his damnadest to survive while he keeps getting zapped again and again by Candice and megaton-punched onto the ground by Meninas. And then, of course, we get Ichigo's dramatic entrance. Or, well, not-so-dramatic entrance.
As we covered a couple episodes back and is recapped by Juhabach later on in the episode, Ichigo's clothes are essentially a form of Oken, allowing him to pierce through the 72 layers of barrier between the Soul King Palace and the Seireitei. We still have the comedic moment of Ichigo crash-landing through a random building, but a lot of the distracting jokey dialogue is cut in favour of the Bambis reacting in confusion, and then Ichigo speed-blitzing through them to talk to Kenpachi. It's actually a nice, sweet moment between Ichigo and Kenpachi that gets drowned out in how action-packed the story before and after this moment are, and it reminds me of Ichigo arriving to see the near-death Byakuya in the first invasion.
And I really do like the sequence of the Bambis charging towards Ichigo, and he just tosses them around and overwhelms them with his superior speed slamming them into buildings. This entire scene is actually from the manga, including Liltotto's Glutton trapping Ichigo's cape, but it went by so quickly and so much of the focus is on Candice that the manga version of this fight didn't really feel like Ichigo fending off four combatants at once.
Meanwhile, Juhabach begins his ritual with Uryu and Haschwalth, and Askin cryptically wonders if he will be 'chosen'.
Candice then tells her allies to activaet Vollstandig, and... in the manga, the other three refuse to do it because "it's tiring", and while Liltotto complains a bit in a modified version of her manga dialogue, they actually do so in the anime. We start off with the manga's version of Ichigo fighting Candice, who uses two of her lightning-bolt wings as swords... and Ichigo draws a line with his sword and unleashes a tiny Getsuga Tenshou.
Giselle's Vollstandig is called Azhalbiora, with skeletal wings and tail; Meninas's is called Pornipora with a lot of pinky-pink stuff, and Lilttoto's is called Gagael with giant bear traps for wings. The three Vollstandig-upped ladies attack Ichigo, with Meninas going in with her Dumbbell Dusters that expand and retract. Liltotto also joins in the fight by extending her jaw-like constructs, creating an attack called 'Spork', and later on 'Spife'.
And then we get the epic sequence where Candice literally hurls a massive wave of electricity called Electrocution, and Ichigo counters with two swords -- Getsuga Jujisho. This leads to an impressive blast that slams onto Candice... and, well, it blows up her arm. Typical Bleach. We retain the truncated sequence of Giselle healing Candice's arm, and Candice yelling at Giselle to not use blood.
And with all the hectic action scenes of Ichigo fighting the four ladies, it really makes it a bit more sensible that he doesn't even realize that Juhabach is doing some kind of a ritual from his tower, essentially taking advantage of Ichigo's recent arrival to make use of the however many seconds that the barrier is open to create his path to the Soul King's Palace for 6000 seconds.
I do like that the original lengthy explanation by Juhabach is actually split up, with Mayuri delivering around half of the original chapter's exposition instead. In context, it definitely makes more sense, and we also get the ide that the Shinigami are also now aware of what Juhabach is trying to do.
Ichigo charges towards the tower, but the Sternritter dogpile him. Interestingly, they removed a sequence where NaNaNa tries to jump at Ichigo and cuts out his involvement in this whole sequence entirely. We do get Meninas, Robert and Bazz-B's attacks intact, particularly the very cool shot of Robert in full Grimaniel form shoving his gun in Ichigo's face.
However, Renji's Zabimaru swoops in to block Bazz-B's Burner Finger before he can shoot, and we get the arrival of Ichigo's allies -- Renji, Rukia, Byakuya, Ikkaku, Yumichika and Shuhei.
...No Shinji. They even cut out his confrontation with Bazz-B, which should've happened slightly before Bazz-B's arrival in this fight. Poor, poor Shinji.
But... again, maybe it's the music and the pacing of the anime, but Uryu's rain of light arrows onto Ichigo is done pretty well. Ichigo's yelling, Uryu's calm stoic look, and the slow shots of the light arrows piercing Ichigo's body from head to toe as he yells at Uryu at what the fuck he's doing. As the arrows rain down towards Ichigo while Uryu tells him ont to stand up against His Majesty...
Orihime then arrives with Santen Kesshun to deflect the rest of the arrows, and the three friends watch as Uryu goes into the light pillar, with Juhabach ominously declaring this to be an 'eternal parting'. Uryu confirms that he has said his farewells, leaving Ichigo screaming out Uryu's name as the three main Quincies rise up to the sky.
And... we'll see! This has been a very bombastic episode thanks to the added sequence. I am still slightly disappointed that the Ichigo/Uryu fight didn't happen, but I will also concede that they really did elevate the source scene with the pacing and music. Now the next sequence of fights really did feel like Kubo skipping through around 20 chapters and a half-dozen fights and leaving our heroes with just Giselle and Pepe to deal with, but I really do hope that the events leading to the Aushwalen to be rearranged and done a bit better... and for Squad Zero to do something more, too. Anyway, I enjoyed this episode!
Random Notes:
- While I appreciate trimming down the jokes, I am disappointed that they cut out Candice yelling at the other girls that Juhabach will reward them with whatever they want. Meninas thinks of girly sparkly stuff, Liltotto thinks of food, and Giselle thinks of an entirely blank panel... and I thought that punchline was kinda cute.
- A fair amount of the combat banter that's cut -- Lil, Meni and Gigi complaining about being tired; Ichigo saying that he's not used to fighting women; and Ichigo and Candice comparing the amount of swords they use -- are all cut and it's for the better.
- We also cut out a comedy sequence of Ichigo complaining that Renji's Zabimaru rescue cut his neck and hair.
- Okay, without making too many fanservice jokes... but the camera really likes Candice, huh?
- They cut out Shinji and Momo saving Omaeda from Bazz-B, and preventing Bazz-B from attacking Kenpachi and kill-stealing him as well. While I get why they cut out the Renji/NaNaNa sequence, this one really could've been expanded into something. At least if they didn't do anything with it, though, we didn't have to have the assumption that Shinji just got jobbed off-screen by Bazz-B.
- Another scene cut is the ritual of Haschwalth creating a giant six-pointed rune in order to create the giant pillar-lift thing, though obviously the effect is pretty much the same.
- Haiiii, seppuku!
- The Kuchiki siblings realize that Kenpachi is near-death. Byakuya tells Rukia off because she hasn't recovered fully from using Bankai. Okay, fair enough, but you are still completely fresh and hasn't even been in a battle, Byakuya. Are you just holding off until the last possible second before saving Kenpachi, you petty nobleman?
- Also, if Byakuya had actually died in the first invasion as Kubo originally planned, then Ichigo's arrival just in time to save Kenpachi would be a nice reversal of that since he's gotten power. Oh well.
- Liltotto at one point straight-up calls Candice a 'bitch' in English.
- I really did have to look up the original designs of Liltotto, Meninas and Giselle's Vollstandigs before the Sklaverei enhancements and boy, they were really boring! It's just literally weird custom wings and a halo -- something that Bazz-B also suffers from since his holy form is literally just two sticks. The manga version of Liltotto's Vollstandig is also extremely bland, just being jagged wings instead of the jaws-as-wings that she gets here. Generally, I do think that this puts the other Vollstandigs more in line with characters like Quilge, Mask De Masculine, As Nodt and the other elite guard characters and I really do hope that at the very least Bazz-B gets a similarly anime-upgraded holy form.
- ...Kyoraku my man, what are you doing? The other captains are fighting, okay. Urahara and Mayuri are doing tech and support stuff. But you don't even have the excuse of being held back by a barrier this time.