Bleach, Thousand-Year Blood War, Episode 19: The White Haze
Basically, the anime has merged two scenes -- the execution scene of Cang Du and BG9 (which was one of the biggest, most glaring wtf moments in the manga) as well as Uryu and Haschwalth's rivalry and arguments about the nature of what we will know as Auswahlen, and Haschwalth's nature as Juhabach's 'shadow side'. Unfortunately, combining these scenes does compress a lot of the dynamic between Uryu and Haschwalth. In the manga, Haschwalth is all but outright hostile to Uryu, being extremely passive-aggressive about Uryu's position as successor. However, here their relationship is more friendly... which I think is a change for the better? It helps to 'sell' Uryu's betrayal of his friends, it helps to give a reason why Haschwalth would explain things to Uryu, and it's more consistent with Haschwalth's initial argument with Bazz-B about how he's willing to follow whatever Juhabach decides, no matter how weird it is.
But either way, the anime makes it a bit more clear that Haschwalth and especially Juhabach don't really give two shits about their troops, and if they can't function as combatants, then they're going to just function as Reishi power-ups for Juhabach. They added a couple of extra lines for Haschwalth that makes the execution scene feel a lot less random, since he's enforcing a point to Uryu about how all Sternritters will return to Juhabach one way or another. The execution is also done in a more elaborate chamber, with a bunch of Soldat watching, making it feel a bit more ritualistic than the honestly rather random scene in the manga's equivalent of this.
However, one thing that I do feel like the anime didn't do as well is removing almost all of Cang and BG9's lines here. I get that Haschwalth and Juhabach are the primary focus of this scene, but in the manga we get to see the robotic BG9 in panic, and Cang being defiant to the end, insisting that only Juhabach can execute him. I would've at least liked that line to be retained for Cang, honestly.
I do really like that Haschwalth using 'the Balance' on Cang Du also has the dialogue to be tweaked to be a bit more... sensible. It's a bit more clear that he's using the Balance to return the fortune/misfortune of Cang using 'the Iron' to block Haschwalth's first blow, instead of how it was phrased in the manga where it looked like Haschwalth's dialogue could be interpreted about the war as a whole.
The episode's final scene (essentially functioning as a post-credits scene) is the beginning of the fight between Yachiru and Guenael Lee, which I really don't have a whole ton to say about. In the manga it's not the most exciting thing, and I bet this will be also shortened in the anime to give as much screentime as possible to the Kenpachi/Gremmy fight. But I do appreciate that it's adapted pretty faithfully from the manga. There really is a neat, almost JoJo-esque vibe to Guenael's ability that's able to literally vanish from people's memories, not just their sight.
The other reason? The way they mixed the sound. I was wearing headphones when I watched this episode and As Nodt's voice did just come from one side, and when he's listing all of the reasons that people experience fear, his voice really does come from all around me alternatingly. I wouldn't go as far as saying that it actually terrified me like a horror movie or whatever, but damn if it's impressively done to make As Nodt's creep factor rise up by a lot.
We also have As's wonderful monologue about places of safety and places of fear, about reasons to feel safe and reasons to feel fear, reasons for living and reasons for dying... fear has always been a subject that I personally really am fascinated about so all of this are definitely a fun monologue for me. Rukia then blitzes As Nodt, freezing his wounds so fast that blood didn't have time to bleed out, before the badass slash that turns As Nodt frozen in the foreground, which I remembered was the cliffhanger for one of the chapters.
As Nodt then goes Vollstandig, ranting about fear, ranting about how he does not fear Rukia, and we get a disgusting zoom-in to his eyeball as it rattles around and reveals his Quincy star before the Vollstandig cross happens and we get a nasty transformation sequence with stitches manifesting out of nothing and a shot of As Nodt's organs spilling out a bit. In Tartarforas form, Rukia is unable to have her blade reach As Nodt's body due to the fear... caused by As Nodt's Vollstandig fear now affecting Rukia through optic nerves.
We get a gigantic dome of eyes surrounding Rukia, which the anime does pretty well with CGI, and we get a repeat (an anime-exclusive one!) of Rukia being surrounded by insects similarly to Byakuya. And... Byakuya's inclusion in this fight is thankfully minimal. I do really like As Nodt's taunts about Byakuya having his internal organs gouged out and mocking Byakuya for losing weight... and then summons a whole lot of the eyeballs from his dome attack, which is rendered entirely in CGI that I think is intentionally not-as-good as Dangai Joue or Yamamoto's skeletons.
Byakuya unleashes Senbonzakura and annihilates it all, and shocks As Nodt when he reveals that this is his Shikai, not his Bankai -- and Byakuya losing Senbonzakura Kageyoshi allowed him to re-discover the essence of his blade's powers. I don't really think this goes anywhere other than justifying how much more powerful Byakuya became after the Royal Palace training.
And then we get the moment that I was wondering how the anime is going to adapt, as As Nodt transforms into his giant form. It's a bit more clear in the anime that he's absorbing all the reishi from the weird eyeball-structures, turning into a gigantic tumour-blob, before his smaller body literally births a gigantic form with the original body hanging down from his chin like a weird lower jaw. Nasty!
And as Byakuya praises Rukia for being strong -- and it's such a simple moment, but a great cap for Rukia and Byakuya's dynamic in the original Soul Society arc -- we get 'Endroll' playing over As Nodt's defeat. Byakuya tells Rukia that she doesn't have any more fear born of insecurity anymore, and... again, looking back at how messy the Thousand-Year-Blood-War arc is in juggling characters (Rukia practically doesn't do anything more after this) this moment feels a bit hollow, but I really do feel like it's a great way to end their sibling dynamic.
Byakuya then walks away from As Nodt, delivering probably the most insulting condemnation towards As Nodt -- that the only grotesque fear he's reflecting is his own, and not Rukia's. Rukia then unleashes her Bankai: Hakka no Togame -- a literal nuclear eruption of ice and snow. As gets a brief monologue as he realizes that he's terrified, that he's going to die, and he apologizes to Juhabach just as half his face shatters. A nice showcase of his fragile fear, represented with the 'F' letter seen earlier, crumbling away.
And... yeah, that's a pretty great adaptation! I do really feel like the visuals, the speedy pacing and especially the voice-acting of the Kuchiki siblings and especially As Nodt carried this fight a lot better than the Renji/Mask fight last episode. Not too sure about the end credits music playing over the Bankai activation, but it does feel neat. And, of course, as I mentioned before, absolutely adore the condensed and much more streamlined scene for the Sternritter execution.
Random Notes:
- So we don't get any clarification about what BG9's "K" schrift stand for. I mean, I guess it was kind of obvious that it's the Knowledge or the Knowing... and to be fair, As Nodt's F standing for 'Fear' was never actually stated out loud -- not in the way that 'the Jail', 'the Iron', 'the Explode', 'the Superstar' and 'the Heat' had been throughout the events of these past couple of fights... but I am surprised that we don't get a clarification in the mid-episode ad break scenes.
- Man, you got to feel sorry about Senjumaru. I genuinely thought that after seeing her parlour a couple of episodes back that she's going to be the focus of at least one more post-credits scene... but nope, it's just cut. I mean, I guess she just makes the clothes for Ichigo, but it felt weird that we don't at least get to see a short scene of this.
- Special note has to be given to those two random Soldat that cart away Cang and BG9's bodies on gurneys like they're transporting delivery crates or something.
- A lot of people were theorizing that Guanael Lee was going to be cut because his voice actor was never announced, but since they kept that punk Shaz Domino in, I highly doubt they would cut out Guenael entirely.
- However, actually cut from the chapters that were adapted into this episode was a short scene where Renji takes a break after killing Mask and falls asleep, and is observed by NaNaNa Najahkoop. NaNaNa is one of those Sternritters that are entirely dropped by the story, and... just let Shinji or Ichigo or someone beat him, please? So he gets to do something? Was he even killed by the Aushwalen? Or was it Aizen? I know he shows up in Can't Fear Your Own World, but he doesn't even get to do anything there.
- A lot of the comedy conversation between Ichigo and Squad Zero is cut, and what's added is Senjumaru explaining that Ichigo's brand-new outfit is going to help him break through the barriers separating the Soul King Palace and the Seireitei.
- The anime also removes the line about BG9 and Cang Du saying that they could be useful by activating Vollstandig... which the anime already shows at least Cang doing to break out of the cross-shaped icy prison. Presumably, he's so weakened that he drops out of Vollstandig afterwards?
- In the manga, Rukia's being affected by 'the Fear' has her imagine Ichigo, Byakuya and Orihime with blacked-out eyes. Here, we get to see an extended version of it that pays homage to the first cour's Byakuya freakout, by having the three imaginary faces turn rotten, then turn into a giant swarm of flies that surround Rukia.
- Understandably, the anime cuts out the Bible from As Nodt's flashback.
- It really is weird that they kept in Rukia's line about not being able to sense any Gotei 13 members when the previous episode added an anime-original scene about the Gotei 13 troops surviving...
Uryu's extended scenes have done a lot for his role in this adaptation so far. Compared to the manga where he just appeared out of nowhere and tries to sell both other characters and the readers his 'I'm evil now' act that no one buys, the anime helps to sell that he is in fact a fish out of water in his current position. His corteous relationship with Haschwalth also feels more nuanced rather than the antagonistic 'rivalry' in the manga and makes sense considering that Haschwalth was the one who recruited him. I hope they're going to lean in to this 'I have my reasons' angle and give him a more fleshed out motivation for joining and eventually turning on the Sternritter.
ReplyDeleteThe scenes with Ichigo and the Royal Guard do feel more weighty with the extended scenes and the overall serious tone of the anime, but you have to wonder whether or not it will pay off in the long run. For instance, Ichigo's arrival is now more heavily emphasized but we know he doesn't get to do much after landing on Seireitei. Same goes to the Royal Guard, who feel more like a big deal but won't amount to much in the long run. I wonder if they're going to get to do some things differently with all this buildup but I certainly hope so (I still can't believe we only see two Royal Guards use their Zanpakuto and only one use it to the fullest).
Not much to say about Rukia vs. As Nodt since it was overall enjoyable but I do miss Rukia's 'dance' attacks and was sort of hoping they'd incorporate at least one of them somehow. Her Bankai was absolutely gorgeous though and definitely lives up to the title of 'the most beautiful Zanpakuto in Soul Society'.
NaNaNa was killed by Bazz-B by the way, right after he 'incapacitates' Aizen and declares he's fighting the Soul Reapers. The Sternritters attack each other as much the Soul Reapers in the second invasion which I always found weird. Barring Yhwach who sees all Quincies as expendable, there is absolutely no reason shown for the Sternritter to suddenly start dogpiling each other. The Femritters turn on Bambietta on a dime and ditch her despite having no obvious conflict with each other and even shown to be friendly with her. Bazz-B shoots his fellow Sternritters on a dime (mostly non-lethally to be fair until NaNaNa). PePe takes control of one of his comrades and sicks her on another one for no fucking reason. It's like they all suddenly turned into sociopaths, which I would be fine with if they gave a reason for it and the Sternritters weren't built up to be this organized military force. Hell, Aizen kept a more coherent army with the Espada and those guys were a loose collection of individuals who mostly hated each other just because of their nature as Hollows.
Oh, and my man Renji wasn't in the cast for Rukia's vision of close friends dying. Poor guy. I guess you gotta balance a win with a loss. At least he gets the girl in the end.
DeleteFor an arc that was supposedly 'the Quincy arc', Uryu got absolutely shafted in the manga version of this arc. I think his huge, big moment was being dragged out and saved for the end of the series before the unfortunate epic rushing after the Elite Guard was defeated, and Kubo just shrugged and handwaved Uryu being evil with a single line.
DeleteI also really like your 'fish out of water' interpretation that Uryu joined the Sternritter in an attempt to do *something*, but ended up realizing just how insane the powers involved are. It's actually rather similar with how he's prone to do rash things like Letzt Stil, or accidentally summoning a Menos Grande in his competition with Ichigo, or, well, I've been on-and-off watching the Bount arc over the past year and he's basically also doing a stupid thing opening that portal for some vague 'pride' reason.
I also agree that this revised bit with Uryu and Haschwalth feels so much better. Manga!Uryu is so obviously running around going 'tell me all your secrets, I totally am not betraying you, honest!' that it's almost cartoonish, while Haschwalth flip-flopping between defending His Majesty's decision to Bazz-B and Askin; and later on being petty towards Uryu... both feel weird. This more cordial series of interactions really do a lot, out of all of my big plot holes in the Thousand-Year Blood War arc, Ichigo and Uryu's characterizations stand pretty highly on top of that.
The Ichigo problem is something that I really do hope that they will address. Giving him some actual plot relevance (that ties in to Juhabach/Soul King's origins) during his training does help to give him a huge oomph beyond the vague 'he's waiting for his blades to be done I guess' in the manga is definitely a huge point, but like you said what he's going to do after his arrival (he just one-shots Candice and that's it, right?) and before him going up to fight Juhabach is very much going to be something that's a big deal in terms of how well the TYBW anime adaptation salvages the story.
The opening is already hugely hinting on a big Ichigo/Uryu fight, and I would be *ecstatic* to see that. I just really hope it isn't a random shoehorned bit like Shinji's Bankai. Devoting a whole or at least half of an episode for Ichigo to fight Uryu, and maybe for them to have a bit of an 'aha' moment would be great.
I also would love to see the Royal Guard do something. The only one out of them to actually have a proper, dragged-out fight that wasn't offscreened was Ichibei versus Juhabach. Senjumaru one-shots Sternritter W, too, I think? Does that even count? I think Nimaiya shows off one of his many Zanpakuto? But I really would like to see the Royal Guard fight Juhabach's Schutzstaffel a bit. Don't have to reveal the Quincies' schrifts or appearances yet, but even seeing what Tenjiro's Kinpika *does* would go a long way.
Yeah, it really is weird that for all the fanaticism that they showed during the earlier Sternritter meeting, so many of them rampage and do their own thing? Pepe goes around mind-controlling everyone, Meninas and Liltotto actually go and fight Juhabach (and offscreen, to boot), Robert freaks out and cries before being Aushwalen'd, NaNaNa gets killed by Bazz-B... and none of these guys are shown to be rebellious other than Bazz-B, one of the few Sternritters to have some sort of buildup!
With Bambietta, at least in the anime version, you could make the argument that since she's lost she's going to be executed alongside BG9 and Cang Du anyway, so why not turn her into a zombie soldier to power Giselle up? Something along those lines, anyway? Though I do have the feeling that Bambietta's thing is that she *thinks* she's the alpha bitch of their little clique, but they all hate her and want her out of the way?
DeleteAgain, I really do hope that the underused Sternritters -- Meninas, Liltotto, NaNaNa and Robert -- instead of just being in the background and receiving unglorious ends, would get to fall to someone that doesn't get to do much. Ichigo or Shinji, preferably, but I would even take someone like Shuhei, Grimmjow, the Fullbringers or, shit, even Chad doing something to take them out.
For the Renji stuff not appearing in the fear illusion... It really is weird! I get why Byakuya and Ichigo are there, but for being her childhood friend and her future husband, it's weird that Renji isn't there instead of Orihime.