Bleach, Thousand-Year Blood War, Episode 26: Black
So the final episode of the second cour picks up right where the previous one left off. Juhabach announces to his Sternritters to 'show their wings', and the Schutzstaffel stand with their Vollstandigs activated alongside Uryu and Haschwalth, while Squad Zero poses to take them on. The Auswahlen rain still falls around them and bathes the entire scene in this nice blue colouration, while Juhabach gives his 'no one can take anything from me, everything in the world exists for me to take' line. And as Juhabach disengages Auswahlen, we get to see a brief shot of the Soul King's strange eyes before Juhabach declares the battle is on.
And then we have the Squad Zero's counterattack! I guess Kinpika's power is just light, because Tenjiro unleashes a blast of light from it to blind Lille a bit while Senjumaru flies into the sky with Nimaiya's holey (heh) body wrapped up with her puppet arms. She prepares a ball of string and just nonchalantly places it into the gaps in Nimaiya's body. The string and the goopy substance within stitches up Nimaiya's hole, restoring his body into perfection. 
And... since Senjumaru's compared explicitly to Mayuri in her earlier appearances, I can't actually be mad at this. Having an instant-wound-closer ready at hand does feel like a 'Mayuri is prepared' thing that he would do. "DEAD MORNING! EVERYBODY, MY BUDDIES!" Nimaiya announces loudly as he is revived, and Nimaiya boasts something that's honestly pretty much music to my ears. "Were you expecting a comeback just because you grew some wings?"
...yes, yes, Nimaiya, that was what they did in the manga. You steamroll them, they steamroll you, you reveal your power and steamroll them, then they Auswahlen + Vollstandig and steamroll you. Without any resistance or any kind of a real fight. Not very entertaining of a sequence of events. Again, I am very pleased to see this actually be shown and played out. Before watching this episode, I just expected the Quincies in their Vollstandig to wipe the floor with Squad Zero. They'd still lose poorly here, but we'd see them taken out by the Schutzstaffel in their Vollstandig, y'know? But no. No, there's an actual fight, and the ending of this episode actually shocked me a fair bit. 
Tenjiro repeats the boast that the five members of Squad Zero is stronger than the entirety of the Gotei 13... and then the fight resumes in earnest. Basically everything in this episode other than the Ichibei/Juhabach scenes are completely original to the anime. Kirio (who barely does jack-all outside of being responsible for maintaining the Womb in the manga) goes all Shodai Hokage and summons a whole damn forest of tentacle wooden branches, recreating a larger version of the Womb.
This sets up multiple platforms which sets up a bunch of 1-v-1 battles between the Sternritters and Squad Zero, which... hell yeah. Again, this isn't something that I was expecting at all, but it's definitely something that I really appreciated! We get to see actual clashing that isn't just utterly one-sided.
Gerald Valkyrie faces off against Senjumaru Shutara, stabbing her immediately through the chest again... only for the 'Senjumaru' to literally be a puppet. It's some Naruto substitution jutsu shit, while the real Senjumaru zips in, wielding a sewing needle with her mechanical arms and actually using the strings to hold Gerald into the roots! Gerald mocks Senjumaru's needle, and we actually get a name-drop for Senjumaru's weapon: Shigarami, or 'Thorny Enlightenment'.
Kirio Hikifune launches a bunch of brambles down towards Pernida Parnkjas, and this is probably the least interesting of the fights. Pernida is the Sternritter who has the most to be 'revealed' later on due to his true nature, while Kirio was always the Squad Zero member who did the least (I don't think she even fought in the manga). It's just basically Kirio launching plant attacks that get scrunched up by Pernida.
In a very welcome fight, Askin Nakk Le Vaar finds himself facing off against Kirinji Tenjiro, where we finally get to hear the Shikai command for Kinpika (Tenjiro just calls out the sword's name last episode). We get some epic dodging skills from Askin, before he summons a glowing staff with balls which he separates into his Gift Balls. It's still unnamed here and Tenjiro blasts away the Gift Balls with his blood pool attacks, but I do love that we're seeing hints of more elaborate abilities that these Schutzstaffel will be using in their proper fights. Askin, very hilariously, just runs the fuck away with a gloriously terrified expression, yelling that Tenjiro is a 'fatally bad matchup' for him.
Again, I am such a fan that these matchups aren't just here for fighting purposes, but we even get a lot of great character moments that feels like something that Askin would do. Also, it makes total sense that Squad Zero would pit Tenjiro against Askin, considering how he nullified The Deathdealing last episode with his blood-replacement abilities.
Sternritter "X" Lille Barro meanwhile faces off again in a grudge match against the Number One Zanpakuto Creator, Nimaiya Oetsu, who seems to be having the time of his life just jumping around and avoiding the holes that Lille is punching into the trees around him. (Presumably Uryu and Haschwalth are just elsewhere in the newly-formed Womb). We don't get to see a lot of this fight initially, because we cut away to canon material!
Ichibei unleashes Hyapporankan, which is animated pretty nicely as spinning around Ichibei before being launched in a line towards Juha. In retaliation, Juha uses Blut Vene Anhaben, creating a forcefield dome around him. Ichibei then unleashes Secret Hado: Teppusatsu, creating a giant puffy dragon-head that unleashes a goddamn hyper beam that blasts away Blut Vene Anhaben. Ichibei then grabs Juha by the neck, but Juha sends Blut Vene running down Ichibei's arm (which is foreshadowed well in the anime-original flashback in episode 24!). Ichibei just flexes his own blood vessels, which bulge rather creepily and seemingly corrupts Juha's own blood vessels, causing an explosion in Juha's face.
God, the blood vessels rippling across Juhabach's face is something that wasn't super obvious in the manga, and most certainly not as graphic.
And then Ichibei just draws a line across the entire screen with his paintbrush. "Paint it black... Ichimonji."
The ink splatters don't quite look as good as the manga, again, but at least it's a bit more evident here than the previous one. Juha is briefly bamboozled when in his vision Ichimonji warps back and forth between its blade and brush forms. The two of them clash their weapons, and Juha mocks Ichibei for using a brush-blade that just splashes ink around. Juha then boasts that he's about to use his sword, before realizing that he can't say out the blade's name.
Ichibei then reveals the power of Ichimonji -- anything that its ink splatters on loses its name, and anything that loses its name loses its power. It's a bit metaphysical, but I've always loved the idea that recurs across various cultures of the power behind certain names and words.
Elsewhere, Kirio gets even more of her plants crushed into nothing by Pernida, before Pernida launches his Vollstandig arm-wings... like actual arms that try to slap Kirio like a fly. Kirio uses more vine-roots to grab Pernida's wings, then summons more roots to enclose him, and I love the detail from the anime that Kirio actually reverts to her slimmer form, showing the extent of Reishi she's expending.
Meanwhile, Nimaiya finds that his sword strikes are phasing through Lille Barro's gun, and intangibility is the ability that Lille gains in his Vollstandig. Again, using these more esoteric Vollstandig abilities to defeat the Squad Zero? I absolutely approve. We don't see Lille opening his left eye explicitly, but he does have a line about his eyes getting used to Nimaiya's speed. I love that Nimaiya's still hollering as he jumps around, thinking that he got around the X-Axis powers in a hilarious gambit as he puts himself in the same 'x-axis' with Juha behind him. But, unfortunately for Nimaiya, it's the second time this episode he got a hole punched in him by Lille Barro, who took the shot because X-Axis only penetrates the space between his gun and the target, not anything beyond.
And it seems like we're just getting the rest of the Juha and Ichibei fight. Juha launches some reishi balls from his fingers, summoning Sankt Altar (wonderfully animated) in the skies to steal Ichibei's power of the colour 'black', and... it hilariously turns Ichibei's hair entirely white, making him look like a monk Santa Claus. Juhabach launches the blast of energy back at Ichibei, setting him on fire and blowing him away. The anime cuts Ichibei effortlessly flexing away Ichibei no-selling Sankt Altar, for the sake of paralleling the Schutzstaffel fight below.
And then the episode cuts to the Squad Zero's bodies being tossed around by the Schutzstaffel. Gerald Valkyrie mocks this as hardly being 'stronger than the entire Gotei 13', and... okay, when you put it that way, he does have a point. But all we needed to see was how they got overwhelmed and defeated, right? After all, we're about to end the season, and around half an episode's worth of extra fights is probably what I could hope out of an extended fight, right?
Nimaiya then... says that it's time for Squad Zero to get serious... killing themselves. Or, at least, Tenjiro, Kirio and Nimaiya cut their throats open, and Senjumaru looks positively demonic as the blood of her comrades splurt out around her. Elsewhere in the Royal Palace, some strange seals in a darkened room start to flicker as three seals that correspond to the North, East and South go dark... leaving only Senjumaru's West. Senjumaru unleashes a blast of reishi, prompting Gerald to question how she's going to do anything against all the Quincies when she can't even kill him.

Then Senjumaru drops a bombshell -- a bombshell that makes absolute sense, once you take into account the sheer strength of Yamamoto's Bankai which we saw earlier in the series (and even other characters like Kyoraku, Unohana or Urahara with their reality-warping Bankais, which we'll see later). Senjumaru notes that the use of their true powers would cause all three worlds to tremble, and their 'true swords' were linked and sealed behind those ominous markings to protect reality.
And then, Senjumaru Shutara says something I didn't expect to hear from her.
Bankai: Shatatsu Karagara Shigarami-no-Tsuji.
And the eruption of this Bankai, as advertised, is felt by the skies shaking in the Soul Society, the human world, and Hueco Mundo. We get an Isshin and Ryuken cameo! Do something in this anime, Isshin and Ryuken!
"Unravel Two Hanks: Armour of Blade Metal". Which... seems rather mundane compared to what happened to Lille. Askin is panicking about this bullshit he finds in, and gets crushed by steel-spike walls as the metallic, spiked cutouts of Senjumaru's silhouette crash down onto him like a cage. "Unravel Three Hanks: Bowels of Black Sand" is unleashed on Pernida, where he's dragged down by the cloth, which transform into black sand like she's Gaara from Naruto, crushing Pernida. A nice little detail is that we see, briefly, the true nature of The Compulsory before it gets dispelled by the clothing turning into sand. Nice, anime team!
Senjumaru then walks down the initial parlour as she says she's about to release these clothing with the villains woven onto them from the loom. Part of the giant loom-structure slams down like a fucking guillotine, calling it "Shide no Rokushiki Ukimon no Hata" as she's flanked by the six hanks of cloth with the Sternritters seemingly sealed into them.
And that's where we end the Squad Zero fight.
Senjumaru Shutara actually fucking won, 6-v-1, with her Bankai. And while I don't doubt that we'll get yet another turnaround-around, I didn't expect her to dominate so decisively in a scene not from the canon source material, and one that would eventually lead to the same downfall for Squad Zero. I'm really curious how this is going to end! I really want this to perhaps be either Uryu or Haschwalth's big moment with Antithesis and/or Balance.
And then Ichibei slashes again with Ichimonji, giving us another great nightmare face and a gigantic ink-splash line that extends across the sky. Juhabach (or 'the one that used to be Juhabach') is now painted entirely black, and Ichibei decides to give Juhabach a brand-new name. We get yet another badass nightmare face from Ichibei. He announces this ability to be "Shinuchi Shirafude Ichimonji" as white ink starts steaming away from the tip of his brush. Ichibei notes that this is his evolved Zanpakuto, the equivalent to the modern-day Bankai except Ichibei is so ancient that Shinuchi Shirafude Ichimonji evolved before the term 'Bankai' was coined.
And then 'Endroll' plays right after Ichibei jumps in front of the seal.
But there's like six minutes left, and 'Endroll' takes like two minutes, so we've got four minutes of post-credits scene, right? Bleach: TYBW does that a lot, especially in the first season, right? Are going to see a bit of more of the fight from chapter 609, with Juhabach finishing his 'I had no idea' line and revealing The Almighty? PSYCH, NOPE! SHINIGAMI ZUKANNNN! Shinigami fucking Zukan. Fucking Kon. I can't even be mad, that's a stupidly well-done cockblock. Good job, anime team.
It's a great, great feeling. I was so giddy watching Senjumaru show off all of her abilities. This feels like all the way back in 2014 or something when I was reading the manga equivalent of this cour weekly. And the excitement of seeing Rose reveal his Bankai, or Kenpachi reveal his Shikai, or Rukia's Bankai, or Renji's new Bankai... it's that level of excitement of seeing a character I've known for a while finally show off the insanity of what they can do. This really fills me with so much excitement for cour three, because I really want to see what other expanded fights and exposition we're going to get for the next part of Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War. Amazing, amazing stuff.
Random Notes:
- So the Kon post-credits scene adapts a couple of comedic scenes that are cut from the anime, namely Kon running around in his buff form in the background of Mayuri's lab when he's talking to Ichigo after the first invasion (they still left out the Zanpakuto explanation) and a comedic scene between Renji and Rukia as they flashback to Senjumaru's palace and her threats to castrate poor Renji. Not... not exactly the highlights of comedy in TYBW, I'm sorry.
- As of this episode, this leaves Kirio Hikifune as the only Squad Zero member whose Zanpakuto name is still unknown.
- I forgot to mention it when reviewing episode 25, but Pernida never activates his Vollstandig in the manga. We get to see Jilliel, Hasshein and Aschetonig in the manga when the Schutzstaffel fight against their final opponents, but this makes Pernida's unnamed Vollstandig (it's probably 'Hand of God', isn't it?)
- Speaking of Pernida, while the other Sternritters are either dodging or ripping apart the wooden tendrils, Pernida just... kind of lets himself be grabbed and moved around, as if he's just accepting his fate.
- On one hand, it makes total sense that Lille Barro's X-Axis was always there, otherwise how could he have climbed up to the ranks of the Schutzstaffel over guys like Bazz-B and As Nodt? But on the other hand, 'I don't have time to use it earlier' seems like such a weird comeback. I guess Lille, Gerald and Pernida were literally all one-shot within seconds of Nimaiya's entrance. And that Lille was shooting real reishi bullets when he fought Nimaiya in episode 25? Despite having X-Axis powers? Lille's not very smart, or just super-proud, I guess.
- A small moment cut from chapter 604, right after Lille blows holes in Nimaiya, is Pernida blowing up the wood-Womb by mumbling and rippling apart under his cloak; since in the anime it's the sheer force of the Auswahlen that blew it apart; and Juhabach exited the cage much earlier in the anime's version of things.
- While it's all pronounced 'Juha', the official subtitles properly write out Nimaiya's nickname as Y.H., the way it's framed even in the original Japanese manga.
- "With your thousand arms, killing six people should be easy!" What a fun one-liner from Kirio to Senjumaru.
- Actually, picking Senjumaru as the one to deliver the supposed killing blow makes sense. The way the capabilities of the Squad Zero members were shown, Kirio has always shown to be more supportive in creating cages or separating the Quincies. Tenjiro, despite his thuggish appearance, does more good doing support with his hot springs. Nimaiya and Senjumaru are the two that constantly rack up a high body-count (or, well, win-count) but I think Nimaiya recognizes that he got damaged a bit too many times by Lille and Askin; while Senjumaru is more or less still fresh.
- A 'hank' is a coil of cloth, if you're wondering.
- Yeah, Mask De Masculine apparently is just talking bullshit, because this is definitely a Zanpakuto that's manipulating multiple elements all at once!
- The scene where some random salamander and deer in the Soul Society get their black siphoned away from them is cut, though it's replaced with the far more effective shot of the Shinigami and Quincy corpses getting the black drained away from them.
- Is that why Shinigami uniforms are black? To facilitate Ichibei's power? We do know that Senjumaru, another member of Squad Zero, designed those clothing...
- Is this a slightly-less harmful mirror to Juhabach's Auswahlen, only that Ichibei just steals the colour from their clothing instead of ripping away their souls with flesh-searing pillars of light?
- Cut from the Juhabach/Ichibei scene is Juhabach acknowledging the fact that he's being praised by the effective leader of the Shinigami. Considering his utter disdain about anything the Shinigami is all about, this cut line makes sense.
- Also cut is Juhabach's unnamed spell (right before Ichibei's monologue about allowing Juha to save face) where he draws a magic circle on the ground, and a bunch of light pillars rise up and charge towards Ichibei, and he claps to destroy the energy projectiles.
- I am very disappointed that the title chapter of 608, 'Blacker than Black' in kanji, made by the splattering of Ichibei's Ichimonji release, isn't the actual title of this episode. I'm normally indifferent to Bleach's giant title pages, but this one not only looks cool, it's also canonically accurate to how Ichibei uses his ink to draw kanji anyway.
- Unlike the manga, which nonsensically shows black being stolen from Urahara's hat (which is always depicted to be green-and-white, even in the manga), the anime alters the black from coming from Urahara's shirt instead.
- Reviewing episodes 25-26 really ended up causing me to basically reread the entirety of the second half of the Thousand-Year Blood War, from the chapter that Juhabach arrives on the Royal Palace all the way to the individual fights between the Schutzstaffel and their final opponents, just to see the extent of what Deathdealing, Compulsory, X-Axis and Miracle can do.
To say that Cour 2 ended on a high would be an understatement. For anime-exclusive watchers the finale ended on an epic cliffhanger; for manga readers the Squad 0 battle was improved a lot more than we could hope for. There are a lot of pacing issues for sure compared to Cour 1. There's a lot more action, but it feels rushed through at breakneck speed. Coupled with some questionable story beats (which is more the source material's fault than the adaptation’s), it does feel that Cour 2 had a lot more turbulence in the middle of it's ride, especially during the one-on-one battle episodes. However, the extended scenes of lore and setting the background for the Soul King and the origins of the world make up for it imo, not to mention how much they improved Squad 0 in the span of two episodes. I did feel like they could have ended on a tease of the Almighty returning, maybe as Yhwach's pupils start to split, since no one buys that the main villain is dead anyway, but overall I really liked how it ended, which pushed Cour 2 just a little above Cour 1 for me.
ReplyDeleteInterestingly enough, each Cour has adapted around 60 chapters each. We only have maybe 80 chapters to go (609-686 if I'm not mistaken) and with two more Cours to go, things might slow down considerably next Cour. Going by the teaser trailer, we're going to get Soul King's death, Aizen's return, Grimmjow and the Fullbringers' return and Kyoraku's past which possibly accompanies his Bankai which is already a lot of ground covered. Either they're going to stretch these chapters really thin, or we're getting a lot more extended scenes which is definitely welcome. With Squad 0 getting the *ahem* royal treatment this Cour, I hope we get the same handling next from the person who needs it the most this arc: Ichigo, especially now that Pierrot has shown they’re willing to change story beats and not just extend them.
This was one of my biggest 'wants'. I was completely willing to accept that the 'Squad Zero vs. Schutzstaffel' fight was going to be minimal. Like Ichigo's training in Irazu Sando, which probably totalled maybe 3-5 minutes of screentime if we patch together all of the post-credits scenes. Which was why I thought that all we're going to get was episode 25. Which I'd be fine with, if we're being honest, but this just went above and beyond at restoring what my expectations were for a Squad Zero battle all the way back in 2012 or whenever.
DeleteThe problem with Cour 2 is that they really tried to fit each of the 'marquee' Sternritter fights into a single episode each. Bambi, Mask, As Nodt, Gremmy, Giselle and Pepe all had to be built up and disposed of in a single episode. I kind of get why -- the tradeoff for higher-quality animation was that we get less of the animation. And the speed of these fights does improve a lot on how less they drag on (particularly Gremmy and Pepe).
I think overall cour 2's weaker episodes were the ones where they had to fit multiple things beyond just the fight itself -- Rukia vs. As Nodt was perfectly paced, I think. But due to having to include multiple things in a single episode (Mask vs. Kensei/Rose, then Mask vs. Renji; Guenael vs. Yachiru, then Kenpachi vs. Gremmy) some of these episode felt like they could've done with around 5-10 minutes of extra screentime. In the old anime it's really no problem. The Kenpachi/Gremmy fight could've had the meteor slash be a cliffhanger, and the rest of the fight takes place in the next episode. Ditto for the cliffhanger with Mask's fight.
But really, all in all I must say that I'm pretty satisfied. The extended scenes, and cutting apart every Vandenreich and Uryu/Haschwalth scene to spread the scenes around and to give us better exposition, are all amazingly done.
I genuinely thought cour 2 was going to end with either Juhabach blowing up Ichibei; or Juhabach stabbing the Soul King. To see it end where it did was... surprising, to say the least.
I really, *really* want them to extend the last 5-10 chapters, which was when Kubo was clearly just trying to end things as soon as possible. I thought that as far as comparing it to the rest of the TYBW arc, the Schutzstaffel fights were done relatively well -- particularly Pernida and Lille. But Askin's fight kind of really petered out towards the end, and Gerald was more of a hindrance to occupy the three most popular captains than an actual fight.
I really do wish we get a bit more with characters that otherwise feel shoehorned into the final arc for no reason than fanservice. Grimmjow, Neliel, the Fullbringers, the Shiba clan, the Shihoin clan... having Yuushiro and Ganju around and connecting them to the whole 'Nobles cut up the Soul King' story would probably be something for them? I am fully expecting a full flashback episode about the origin of the Soul King as revealed in CFYOW, which we've been seeing throughout the first and second cours anyway.
But most of all, I really want Ichigo and Uryu to get a lot more. If we didn't get the big Ichigo/Uryu fight before Uryu heads up to the palace, I want them to have it *in* the palace.
There’s a lot of deserved praise already being levied to Squad 0’s battles since everyone performed well, even Kirio who like you said did the ‘worst’ of the bunch (though considering she’s the youngest of the group and who she was facing I’m willing to give her some lenience), but I’d like to point out how synergetic Squad 0 is portrayed. They’ve always been shown as a tight-knitted group since their introduction, but seeing that dynamic extend to their fights was really fun to watch. There’s a camaraderie between them that sells that these guys are really close to each other as people who’ve spent an eternity with each other would be, and what could be more symbolic of trust than ending your lives because you know one of you can get the job done. It contrasts well to the powerful yet often divided Gotei 13 and highlights that these guys aren’t just stronger than the Gotei 13 because of their strength, but they work together better (No disrespect to the Gotei 13 though, they’ve had it rough and it’s commendable that they’re still surviving).
ReplyDeleteBut they’re certainly not lacking in strength anymore now. Kubo did a great job at redeeming Squad 0 not just with the extended fights but in imposing a limitation on Squad 0 with the Blood Oath Seal. He’s now established a limit on their power while simultaneously base-lining their individual power. It’s a ticket out of showing all of their individual abilities and leaves some intrigue for the fans to chew on. However, this approach wouldn’t work if they didn’t make a magnificent showing of the spectacle that is Senjumaru’s Bankai. The score, the elaborate setup, the visual spectacle, the rumbling of the Three Worlds, all of it just shows this otherworldly level of power that leaves you wondering what the others can do if Senjumaru can do this by herself (imagine Oetsu’s Bankai!). Honestly, kudos to the animation theme for making her Bankai out of this world.
It’s also interesting to note that Ichibe is exempt from the Blood Oath Seal. I don’t think that means he is less powerful than the others by any means, but perhaps his dominion over names, arguably the most important aspect of the world of Bleach, and status as a primordial being means that he is more a part of the worlds than an existence within it. This would make sense considering his power over ‘black’ is derived from the worlds itself.
I thought it was clever that they paired up Kirio (who always had the least for the anime team to work with; Senjumaru's arms and threads were always ripe for expansion) with Pernida, who is the Schutzstaffel member whose 'proper' fight later on had the biggest surprise in that he's a big fucking hand. So I can get to see that they didn't want to 'spoil' too much of Pernida's powers.
DeleteI also keep forgetting that Kirio only went up to the Soul Palace like, slightly before Turn Back the Pendulum! Huh.
I really do like how the limitation makes sense in why all four of them didn't go Bankai at the same time, and we're just relegating it to just Senjumaru and Ichibei. The fact that it affects all realms is already foreshadowed with Ichibei's Bankai activation in the manga, but I really also do like that it kind of ties in with the whole "gigantic amount of reiatsu within a single person can imbalance the realms" theme Kubo is building up with the Hell Chapter.
And, like you said, it's a nice way out from showcasing all four of their Bankais, all of whom has to be equal or stronger than the likes of Yamamoto and Kyoraku, right? And the showcase in the anime does it beautifully for Senjumaru's Bankai.
Ichibei is always interesting in that he predates all of the Shinigami, right? He predates the Gotei 13, Shikai, Bankai, and really so much of what's going on in the Soul Society as we know it. I don't know how much of CFYOW is going to be canon in the anime, but he's set up as a completely different, almost-eldritch being, particulaly with his dominion over names. It's a lot more esoteric than the other four, who just invented things -- and yeah, Nimaiya's inventions were revolutionary but I see him and the other three as just being particularly powerful Shinigami. Ichibei as portrayed in the manga and the spinoff novels always felt separate from them. And... again, with the flashback showing Ichibei's meeting with Juhabach, I do want to see how Ichibei fits into the Soul King's backstory!
Senjumaru’s Bankai alone is enough to power fan discussions and theories till the next Cour. There’s already a lot of theories on what it exactly did, but the common thread is that her Bankai weaves the ‘fate’ of her enemies, perhaps weaving a customly tailored demise based on each subject’s threads of fate.
ReplyDelete1. Lille is the most obvious. He has his powers reflected back to him by eight mirrors, which is the name of Nanao’s Zanpakuto (Shinken Hakkyōken: Divine Sword, Eight Mirror Sword).
2. Askin gets enveloped by three spiked armors which his ability is ineffective against. It took Urahara, Yoruichi, and Grimmjow to put him down, all of whom have a way of countering the ‘Deathdealing’ at least temporarily.
3. Pernida is enveloped by black sand, and Kurotsuchi can translate to ‘Black Soil’. The quicksand could also be symbolic of the unrestrained regeneration which led to it’s demise.
4. Gerard’s is where things start becoming different. He is frozen like in his battle with Hitsugaya but he isn’t killed in that battle. It could be that him being frozen is the start of his downfall, or it could be that the instance was chosen to counter Gerard because ‘all abilities cease to function when they are frozen’ as Hitsugaya puts it.
5. Haschwalth’s is fairly evident, although like Gerard his fate isn’t what eventually kills him. Fire is the force that changed both his and Bazz-B’s lives and the instrument by which his former friend would return to try and kill him with.
6. Finally, Uryu is mesmerized by a giant Quincy symbol which seems to absorb the light around it. This could be symbolic of Auswählen and how it took his mother from him, or it could be about Uryu’s own obsessive pride as a Quincy being called into question at the face of Yhwach.
It’s hard to say whether or not she is actively crafting a fate for them or just simply using their threads of fate to craft their cloths. I personally think it’s the latter, since having a Bankai that can’t kill your opponent in the moment would be pointless. My theory is that the Bankai finds the moment in their lives from past, present, or future that is best suited to counter them, whether it be their demise or an event which shaped who they are presently. It’s only slightly less OP than the former, but it’s an ability that seems fitting for a Royal Guard to have and it’s not anymore ludicrous than abilities like the Almighty (nothing is more ludicrous than the Almighty).
I... I somehow missed *all* of that. I wasn't even thinking about the fact that some of the deaths are foreshadowing of their eventual fate, let alone that it might be Senjumaru literally reaching through the fabric of reality to pull the threads of fate itself. Amazing stuff, and that makes Senjumaru all the more scarier if that's the true nature of her power!
DeleteLille, Gerard and Haschwalth's are a bit more obvious as to the nature of their 'punishments', although like you pointed out Haschwalth's fight against Bazz-B isn't actually the one that ended him.
I would've completely missed the 'black sand/Kurotsuchi' connection entirely, and Askin being impaled by three figures would've gone right over my head. The fact that he got impaled (and he was impaled from the back by Grimmjow at the end of the day) was a bit more obvious.
And Uryu's the strangest. I guess if Senjumaru does manipulate fate, in a way she could 'see' that Uryu wouldn't die in this fight? Or at least not in combat against the Shinigami? Which might be why it drew Uryu's past and what seems to be the Auswahlen to confront him with it and drive him to despair?
I also agree that out of the two options you pointed out as possibilities, crafting their cloths with the threads of fate sounds far more logical and a bit less esoterically powerful. It's also kind of interesting that we're not sure if Senjumaru killed them, or just sealed them?