Generation V shinies now. This is the last generation where we use 2D sprites, and the last one where the shinies are simple palette swaps.

Hmmm, it's all right. I would've preferred if the red 'V' is a different colour, but swapping the body's orange fur to white works.

Very nice. The more neon shade of green used for shiny Snivy and Servine are okay, but I'm particularly a fan of the darker red and orange accents on Servine. And then shiny Serperior ends up probably being one of my favourite shinies in this generation with his very nice bright blue and green! I also really like that the head is that nice lighter shade of green, too. Extremely pretty.

Hmmm, okay? Not the biggest fan of the two younger stages, though they definitely are distinct from their original palettes. Yellow Tepig just doesn't look that nice, and the purple highlights on shiny Pignite's onesie isn't the most flattering colour.
But shiny Emboar's pale-blue flame and markings look amazing. You generally get a lot of great, easy Fire-type shinies by changing the colour of the flames, but Emboar also gets some extra oomph by swapping the colours of his belly and waist markings.

Hmmm, a mixed bag due to how different everyone looks. Shiny Oshawott is a nice, pastel shade and that red nose really makes this feel a fair bit more different compared to the original. Shiny Dewott is the best out of the three original members, with a pale-green skin and a purple skirt. Very different.
...and then shiny Samurott is extremely disappointing, just being slightly darker. The shells barely changing is a huge disappointment. Shiny Hisuian Samurott, on the other hand, changes almost nothing other than the shells, swapping the edgy jet-black Dark-type shells for a nice, pearly-white set. Very different, and looks pretty cool!

Shiny Patrat is... eh. Changing the eye colour to blue and making the fur slightly off isn't the most memorable one.
Shiny Watchog, on the other hand, is a glorious cacophony of colours. Neon-lighting highlighter green is actually a perfect one to turn Watchog's 'warning colours' into, and the dark red fur is a nice contrast to both the neon green and Watchog's regular colours. Finally, having some shades of neon green and red in the eyes makes for a striking face even if it's overshadowed by the body's details.

The change isn't the most obvious on shiny Lillipup, but the dark-blue/blackish shade of fur becoming a nice shade of gray on shiny Herdier and Stoutland is rather nice. Stoutland's big beard having the cream colour go a bit further down and dominate the beard also makes for an interesting slight change.

Rather pleasant, even if it takes a moment for the difference to set in. Shiny Purrloin becomes black with purple eyebrows, while shiny Liepard becomes a deep crimson. Both pretty appropriate alternate colours for these thieving cats, even if it takes a moment for me to realize what they usually look like.

Shiny Pansage is a nicely different shade of bright green. Shiny Simisage is very disappointingly similar to the original.

Likewise, shiny Pansear is a nice shade of orange to contrast the original, while shiny Simisear is barely different.

The only one of the elemental monkeys to look different in both stages, shiny Panpour is still the nicer one of the two, being a nice shade of aqua green. He looks like some kind of exotic marine coral! And while still blue, shiny Simipour goes from light blue to a nice royal blue.

Both very pleasant! Shiny Munna is the better one here, swapping the pink for a cute shade of yellow, and having a nice green-pink set of flowers on its body. Shiny Musharna goes for a colour palette a bit closer to the original, but the body being blue and the dream-smoke being purple is different enough, and the colour palette works well on its own.

Oooookay, terrible on all fronts. Shiny Pidove and both flavours of shiny Unfezant barely look different. You'd think the male Unfezant would be easy to make a shiny out of, but no! Shiny Tranquil is the only one that looks like a shiny, and he's tragically a terrible puke-green one.

Eeeeh, they're all right, I suppose, but changing Blitzle and Zebstrika from black-and-white to dark-blue-and-white, and dark-purple-and-white... really doesn't make for the most exciting changes. Kinda wished they swapped the white stripes into like, traditional lightning colours like bright blue or yellow.

Oh! Very pleasant. I have one of these in Pokemon Go! Shiny Roggenrola is nice enough, changing the dark blue main body into a nice shade of purple -- purple ores and gemstones are basically 'shiny' rocks, after all -- and the 'eye' turning from yellow to a reddish orange is nice. But it's shiny Boldore and Gigalith that really shine, where the glowing orange crystals turn into a majestic bright blue. It really looks like something right out of a fantasy setting, and with how alien Boldore in particular looks, I approve!

It's likely coincidental since we're still in a generation where the shinies are palette swaps, but the real-life Honduran white bats that inspired Woobat actually do hide under leaves in order to camouflage them as sunlight passes through the leaves. It's also an honestly pretty nice shade of green, not eye-searing like many other shinies. I do think I ultimately like shiny Swoobat much better, with its yellow-gold head and body.

Very nice. Not the most creative shiny, but changing the highlights to pastel pink and blue really does make shiny Drillbur and Excadrill stand out. The pink and blue swap places from the stripes and the nose, which I thought was funny.

Shiny Audino's great! He trades in the pink with a very nice shade of lavender.
And shiny Mega Audino, despite being released in Generation VI... doesn't... even... change anything? Just the eyes? The white could've been changed to anything. Regular Audino's colours, shiny Audino's colours, anything instead of keeping 99% of the design the same colour.

I have all of them in Pokemon Go, and... they're a bit disappointing. The shading are all just different enough for me to know that they're shinies (especially Gurrdurr), but they just look like they got a bit more tanned or a bit more pale. What's wrong with using a completely different colour? I think they also missed the mark by not doing anything with the items they're holding. At least Gurrdurr and Conkeldurr could've looked markedly different that way.

Another all-around winner. Shiny Tympole being yellow is nice enough, a naturalistic colour that is very vibrant and distinct from regular Tympole. It also fixes a problem I have with original-flavour Tympole, where the human-flesh coloured face is a bit disturbingly weird. Rather serendipitously, this is basically the colour of future Pokemon Tadbulb, isn't it?
But it's shiny Palpitoad and Seismitoad that takes the cake. They go on the (probably unintentional) trend of turning blue frogs into a more common green, though, again, they go for a very nice shade of neon green. The orbs on Palpitoad and Seismitoad turn bright orange and a pinkish-orange respectively, which contrasts very well against the green and really ends up making them look like highly-toxic frogs -- which they aren't! That would be Toxicroak! But it's a nice visual regardless. Very pretty.

Oh, very disappointing, just like their designs. Is it too hard to expect them to change the red and blue between shiny Throh and Sawk? Or change the colour of their clothes? Or even just the belt? No? They just adjust the shading by one value or something.

Shiny Leavanny is the most boring out of the three, being 'just' an autumn-coloured shiny. I honestly wouldn't evolve my shiny Sewaddle or Swadloon if I ever got one!
But the pre-evolved forms are very nice. Shiny Sewaddle just plays around with the shades of green, but the bright green they use for the leaves contrasts well with the lime of the caterpillar body and the bright red mouth and legs. Shiny Swadloon changes the yellow parts to a nice shade of brown, and his head becomes white. Both very nice!

This is the inverse, where it's shiny Venipede that's disappointing. He just looks dusty! But both shiny Whirlepede and Scolipede change just enough -- the normally red and purple rings on their body become an offensively bright blue, and the shading of their primary colours change just enough to be noticeable. A pleasant light purple for Whirlipede and a crimson red for Scolipede. Very appropriate, these look like the bright warning colours of a toxic animal.

Both are very beautiful. Shiny Cottoneee changes two major colours --- the eyes go from red to green, while the ear-wings go from green to orange. It's a very nice change that brings the attention to the wings instead of the eyes. I like it! Shiny Whimsicott goes for a full 'sheep' colouration, I think -- the skin becomes a much darker brown, the puff goes from cream to white, and the ear-growth things turn into a bright blue. Very pleasant!

I can't tell what's different with shiny Petilil. It's really evident side-by-side, Shiny Petilil looks like an unripe fruit next to regular Petilil. But, again, a pretty classic example of 'it doesn't look like a shiny unless you place it in a crowd of regular ones'.
Both shiny Liligants are very, very nice. The original Unova variant trades in her red flower for a pink one, but the most striking change is to swap all of the dark green leaves on her head, arms and skirt for a nice shade of blue. It reminds me a bit of the shiny Snivy line above! Regular Hisuian Liligant already has a pink flower, so she swaps it out for an orange one and also has the same leaf colour changes.

All three versions of shiny Basculin are terrible, just having a brighter green than usual and slightly yellower fins. What's wrong with swapping the green out for another colour? Hell, just swap the green with the stripe, making the two original Unovan Basculin look vastly different! Disappointing.
Being made in a newer game, shiny Basculegion looks vastly improved. Originally having red and white ghostly flame-fins respectively, the shiny versions of Basculegion traded them in for a starkingly different purple and yellow. This is what I meant about changing just a colour in a design, and ending up with such a starkly different appearance!

Another set of great shinies. Shiny Sandile goes for a nice little palette swap, exchanging the brown-and-black for a yellow-and-black... but shiny Krokorok and Krookodile goes a bit crazy, with both of their primary colours turning brown and their stripes going into pale yellow. A bit unexpected, and it looks expecially different on Krookodile whose eyes also get changed into the pale yellow!

Shiny Darumaka is a nice shade of pink that's a bit more evidently different to the original, but shiny Darmanitan just looks a bit darker in both the angry and zen modes.
The Galarian variants have much better shinies, just swapping out the highlights from dark blue to a wonderful shade of lime green. The ice crystals still look the same, but contrast much better against the lime green of both Galarian Darumaka and Darmanitan. Galarian Darmanitan's Zen Mode has a slightly different shade of red and pink, but otherwise is kind of disappointing.

Shiny Maractus is all right. The shocking pink highlights are nice.

Shiny Dwebble looks barely different (I know the crab part is a bit darker) but shiny Crustle is a very... interesting shade of green. The green extends on both the crab and the layers of sediment, making for a rather interesting look.

Like Dwebble above, shiny Scraggy is barely different than the original. But shiny Scrafty gets his orange skin turned super-pale, and his shed skin turns into a offensively bright neon green. Very punk-ish, I approve.

Oh! All these guys do have some pretty great shinies, huh? Sigilyph trades his usual primary colours for a very nice gradient of red, orange and lime-green. That lime green very much screams 'shiny'. I also like that the contrast of the detailing for Sigilyph's core head/body is a bit less obvious in this colour scheme, making the attention called to the 'wings' a lot more obvious.

Very nice for the original Unovan versions of Yamask and Cofagrigus. I'm very sure they didn't have Runerigus in the pipeline when they thought about this shiny, either. Shiny Yamask changes the traditional blood-red eye for yellow, and swaps the yellow/golden mask for a silver one, a very nice change. Meanwhile, shiny Cofagrigus is the clear biggest winner here with the traditional golden coffin changes into an amazing shade of gray-white with glorious pink accents. It looks extremely sinister, a great spectral colour.
Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the much-newer Galarian shinies, which I find a bit surprising! Shiny Galarian Yamask changes the eye from purple to green, but one of the most eyecatching parts of its design, the actual rune piece, just gets lighter. The same goes for shiny Runerigus. Side-by-side with the original design it's clear that they upped the brightness to make him go from dull-gray-and-red to bright-gray-and-pink, but... but I'd rather they actually fully change a colour, y'know? The obvious would be to use Cofagrigus's colours, but even changing either the rune lines or the stone would've gone a long way to making shiny Runerigus a bit more interesting.

Shiny Tirtouga is serviceable, with a nice neon-blue colouration. Shiny Carracosta is one of those "are you even shiny? I have to compare you with your reular sprite" affairs.

Shiny Archen and Archeops aren't the most revolutionary shinies, due to them just changing the blue feathers. Shiny Archen looks very distinct with bright green. Shiny Archeops looks different enough, but I felt like they probably should've changed the colour into something else.

All rather interestingly pleasant. Shiny Trubbish goes from a green trash back to a dull, almost black green. It's the colour of trash bags that I personally use. I also like that the little bits of random trash caught up in Trubbish's hands becomes neon highlighter yellow.
But Shiny Garbodor is probably one of the better ones, too -- the trash bag on his head turns into an eye-searing bright green, like it's radioactive or something. It almost reminds me of medical waste? The greebles on his body also turn into pink and green, which are very distinctive. They didn't do too much with the shiny version of Gigantamax Garbodor, just mirroring the changes on regular Garbo, but I also acknowledge that it'd be hard to do too much to the sheer amount of random toys and junk on his body.

Very nice for all members of the Zorua family, and it's clear that they paid extra attention here. Keeping the primary colours for both Unovan and Hisuian variants is a neat move, and changing the highlights to bright blue and deep purple works great for all of them. A very well-done and distinctive set of shinies, and I particularly love how the Hisuian versions look like ghostly flames.

Oh! Both very nice. We haven't had a solid-pink shiny in a while, and shiny Minccino is a perfect one for it. Shiny Cinccino goes for a nice metallic gold, an equally pleasant look for this line. Honestly, I vastly prefer these two colourations compared to the original.

Yeaaaah, I don't like these. I actually caught the fact that they changed the eye colours from blue to red, giving these shinies less contrast in colours... but I don't find them to be distinctly different enough. Shiny Gothitelle also goes a bit more pale, which... eh? I honestly wished they just did the easy thing and swapped the black and white parts of their goth outfit.

These artwork make them look cloudy, like someone collected a dirty or algae-filled sample... but older sprites that coloured the cytoplasm a bit more vividly give shiny Solosis and Duosion a nice brighter shade of green; while shiny Reuniclus becomes a great blue cell-baby. Depends on the artwork, I suppose.

Shiny Swanna swaps her bra for a purple one and it isn't impressive. Is a "black swan" shiny too obvious?
Shiny Ducklett, on the other hand, also becomes a pink duck! That's much more distinctive.

Shiny Vanillite is amazing. Going frm blue to a cute shade of pink fits with this line very well! I have one of these pink cotton candy Vanillites in Pokemon Go. I'm a huge fan...
...and, sadly, this nice shiny is absolutely dropped by shiny Vanillish and Vanilluxe, who just gets a couple of shaders off of their regular blue. Boo, I say.

Deerling's flowers change from yellow to pink, and Sawsbuck's main bodies get a bit lighter. Now I don't expect them to make unique shinies for each of the four forms, but I really did expect them to at least change something more significant? Eh.

It sure is a bit more pale? Disappointing.

They sure are a bit more green? Shiny Karrablast is disappointing, shiny Escavalier's armour accents become pink, which is nice.

Like Voltorb, they go from being Pokeballs to Masterballs. A nice change!

All very wonderfl! Male Frillish has the least change, and he's still pretty great! All four pastel members of the shiny Frillish and Jellicent line are easily some of my favourite shinies from Generation V. Honestly, scrolling up and down this page I find it hard to find any shiny that I would consider to be better than this set.

Shiny Alomomola is a bit darker than regular Alomomola. Evidently a shiny, but could've done much better.

An all right change of shade for Joltik, who looks juuust different enough. Galvantula is noticeably darker, but very disappointing regardless. Reversing the blacks and yellow; going for a 'forest' green; or even something more over-the-top like a bright purple or red would've been much better.

Shiny Ferroseed is passable, but shiny Ferrothorn is a very pleasant shade of gold-and-pink. The gold is always great on any metal Pokemon, but I really love the contrast with the pink, and it even looks like it's some kind of tropical fruit!

Again, the gold/yellow looks great for gears. Very nice and pretty! The green noses are okay, too, surprisingly. You'd think they would stand out, but it does make the shiny Klink line to look rather distinctive.

Shiny Tynamo and especially Eelektrik are disappointing. Shiny Eelektross is a bright-green colour, and... it's okay in this Pokemon Home art, but previous iterations aren't really flattering for him.

Shiny Elgyem changes the colours from green to red, and I can kinda 'see' this as the creepy aliens finally deciding to become hostile. But shiny Beheeyem is just slightly darker. Not a fan.

And now we're in the good shinies! Shiny Litwick's light-blue flame looks a lot more different in the Home artwork compared to some of the older sprites. But shiny Lampent trades in the blue flame for a very striking purple one that contrasts the glass bulb's light blue.
And then shiny Chandelure goes for broke and swaps all of his blue lights for a wonderful crimson -- which is normally the most common colour associated with fire, but this is just a great-looking shiny all around, isn't it? An obvious one, a simple change, but a really great one. I love that they made what should be mundane feel so badass by making this a shiny.
And I have to say that I have a shiny Chandelure, which was already one of my all-time favourite shinies, courtesy of an outbreak in Scarlet/Violet. It... it took me a while and a lot of rage to get my adorable red-flamed Chandelure who I nicknamed Memento. Click here for my most visceral and personal encounter with a shiny through all my Pokemon trainer career.

Shiny Axew and Fraxure are both all right. Shiny Axew, again, looks better in subsequent generations where the fact that he becomes brown-with-pink is a lot more evident. Shiny Fraxure's neon-blue highlights are... okay, if goofy.
And shiny Haxorus (which I think they gave out for free in B2W2) is one of the best and coolest shinies ever, by simply painting a badass dinosaur dragon black-and-red. On one hand, it's like the most obvious shiny out there. On the other hand, it's actually a colour that isn't seen particularly often among shinies, so it works amazingly well for a obvious but still no less badass look.

Shiny Cubchoo having a purple head just makes me feel sorry for it and want to bring him to a vet as soon as possible. That must've been a really bad cold! Shiny Beartric is just terrible, and looks just slightly differently shaded.

The spiky icy parts being a bright, eye-searing blue is cute, but the one change that makes the biggest impact for shiny Cryogonal are the glowing eyes turning into demonic fireballs. A very nice change.

Much better-looking than shiny Karrablast. Changing shiny Shelmet's inner snail body to yellow is nice enoguh, but shiny Accelgor's 'helmet' turning from purple-green to yellow-pink, and the body becoming gray are all very striking changes. A pretty great shiny!

Huh! Shiny Unovan Stunfisk isn't the most exciting one, just changing yellow to blue. Shiny Galarian Stunfisk, meanwhile, is coloured exactly like original-flavour Stunfisk, with a brown body and yellow highlights (for the paw-pads. I think I like this better than the original colouration!

Both very nice. I like shiny Mienfoo's blue/purple highlights moer than I do Mienshao's, but her pink highlights are neat.

Extremely cute. I like this more than regular Druddigon? Green and orange contrast each other well, and it's a pretty grat standalone colour scheme, honestly.

Not bad. I like that they changed the 'inner' parts of shiny Gollett and Golurk from a slightly-darker shade of pale green into a full-on black, making them

Huh! I'd expected 'white' pieces to contrast the regular Pawniard line being the 'black' side of the board, but changing all the reds into a very pleasant shade of blue works amazingly well. I do love that shiny Bisharp adds a golden shade to the horns, and shiny Kingambit adds a bunch more red. All very pleasant-looking, even if the 'whites' on Bisharp looks a bit more stained.

I don't remember regular Bouffalant well enough to remember if they changed anything. I think the horns and the rings swap colours? Eh.

Shiny Rufflet is very disappointing, but shiny Braviary is a wonderful shade of blue. It's even still technically an American colour, right? With the red just shunted to the tail-feathers? It'd be funny if shiny Braviary was the colour of another country's flag, but eh. Shiny Hisuian Braviary is far more striking, however. The entirety of the bird's body becomes black, which is in and of itself a pretty badass look, but it's the additional bright-blue colours chosen for the psychic eyespots that make the deal.

The heads and furs are a shade different, but I'm not the biggest fan.

Basically everything except for the lava-lines and the claws get turned into dark gray and black, making shiny Heatmor actually look like a walking furnace. A very nice, if somewhat obvious, shiny. I like it.

Shiny Durant is okay? It goes from gray to a somewhat more chrome-y shade of gray. It's not quite 'gold' or 'rust' that you'd expect from a metal monster, or a 'red' fire ant or a 'white' termite or something. It's just rather different. I find it charming, though it's one of those that might have you second-guessing about whether it's the right shade of gray or not.

I'm... okay with these? Green has always been kind of a more 'classic' evil European dragon colour, I feel, and the shade of green they used for shiny Deino and Zweilous is a much more nice, muted shade of green compared to the bright neon that they like to use for shinies. And then in shiny Hydreigon, a bunch of purple is added to the neck-frills and underbelly and it's pretty wonderful-looking.

Oh, very pleasant! They just changed the fiery 'solar flare' aspects of shiny Larvesta and Volcarona into a nice, pale shade of yellow. A perfectly viable alternate colouration for a sun-themed monster.

Shiny Cobalion looks washed out, but at least distinctively a shiny, at least.

Shiny Terrakion extra-looks like a toy, thanks to the wekrd shoulder tabs being a bit more evident. The red horns are nice.

Oh! Very pleasant. Pink with a little dash of green and pastel blue works amazingly on shiny Virizion here.

All three of the kami don't actually change colours, just saturation. I can understand why; their designs are so lazy that colour is the easiest way to tell them apart. But they could've just, y'know, used three completely different colours? Like, red, purple and yellow or some such? Swap the colours of the tail and the body? Disappointing.

Probably the only one out of the kami/genies that look significantly different with the very pale blue and the added bright purple highlights. It's still rather disappointing.

Okay, Shiny Reshiram at least changes some details? It's a bit hard when your identity is the 'white' Pokemon. But I guess it's nice that they swapped some of the normally gray wings on Reshiram's body into yellow?

Maybe they changed some things on Zekrom. But I can't really tell.

So shiny Landorus just got locked up in his shrine a bit too much and his skin became a bit paler. M'eh. Disappointing.

They changed the forehead gem from yellow to purple, and maybe played with the shaders a bit? Yeah, I'm not sure how to make a good shiny Kyurem without ruining the black/white thing, but even swapping the colours would've been okay. As it is, I don't like them.
Rather pleasant! A simple colour switch, they just swapped all of Keldeo's blue fur with a highlighter green, and made his hair a bit more orange. Interestingly, since they kept the dark blue horn and hooves, this means that this colour palette actually calls attention to Keldeo's big gimmick weapon much more readily than the base one. Very nice.
Eh, it's... all right? I don't care for Meloetta, but even I can tell they changed the shade of her hair's green. And the dancing form definitely goes from orange to pink. I get why they kept the 'dress' still black, but I wonder if changing the dress would've resulted in a nicer shiny.

A very obviously cool shiny, Genesect goes from purple to red. Shiny Genesect was prominently featured in one of the Generation V movies, and it's a very obviously nice colour. Unfortunately, despite being a red robot, shiny Genesect isn't three times faster than a regular Zaku. I mean Genesect.
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