Bleach, Thousand-Year Blood War, Episode 27: A
It has almost been a year since 'cour 2' of Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War ended, huh? And we're back,
And in a decision that's perhaps not the best look for the returning anime, we've got the decision to spend the first 9 minutes with a recap. It's... it's honestly rather vexing for an anime that's promised to be more modern and be less full of fillers... especially with the amount that's cut from the anime adaptation. I wouldn't mind a shorter episode or an 'season three, episode zero' recap, but taking 9 minutes before we catch up to the end of the previous episode is not a good look. It's like... I like the revelation of Senjumaru and Ichibe's powers; I didn't need to rewatch it again.
Juhabach finally activates his extra pupils, and turns a defeated line ("I can't imagine...") into a badass boast ("...I can see this much with my eyes closed!") .As he says this, seemingly in response to Juhabach's activation of the Almighty, the six Qiuncy Elite Guard members break out of Senjumaru's cloth folds. The 'black ant' kanji on Juhabach begins to burn and flicker away, really confusing Ichibei since he's supposed to be all-powerful with all his naming abilities and stuff.
As he does so, as he dodges Ichibei's giant brush-blade, Jugram Hsachwalth gives a monologue, repeating the Quincies' Kaisergesang, telling the audience that throughout all this time, Juhabach has been fighting with 'his eyes closed', since he needs to follow the timing of the prophecy. And now, he's able to dodge everything Ichibei throws at him, and even bypass those powers, due to the schrift of the god-emperor of the Quincies... "A', the Almighty .
Uryu blasts those away with a storm of Licht Regen, but Senjumaru continues to use her different cloths to summon different effects. One of the cloth-rolls turns into some kind of lava, though Uryu shows off some more Blut Vene to neutralize the magma. Senjumaru continues to move from being a physical person to images on her cloth reams, mocking the 'legacy of one forsaken by the Soul King', before delivering a cold line about how Quincies have outlived their time, and after tossing some of the effects she used against Haschwalth (fire) and Gerald (ice), she summons a new roll of cloth with a bunch of holes, and sics a horde of Hollows on Uryu.
Cutting back and forth to a parallel fight also makes the Ichibe/Juhabach scene flow better too, actually! I remembered in the manga how Ichibe just feels like an arrogant twit that just lobs one attack after another after Juhabach showed off how strong he is, and for a character we know very little about, it's diminishing returns, y'know? There's only so much that Ichibe can yell about Juhabach being 'arrogant' or 'weak' or that he's got the power of 'black' and 'names' until it just becomes repetitive. Breaking up Ichibeis monologues and power showcases a bit is a lot better.
Unfortunately, just like the manga, this turns into a 'no you' conversation as Juhabach says the exact same thing that Ichibe says. His pupils turn into three as he reiterates that 'all that I know is powerless against me'. And restates his name as JUHABACH, the one that will rob Ichibe of everything. And then Juhabach reaches his hand forwards and explodes Ichibe in an almost-as-graphic-as-the-manga sequence.
Simultaneously as Juhabach claims victory over the commander of Squad Zero, something is happening to Ishida Uryu. Two gigantic energy wings appear on his back, and... this is basically his Qiuncy Vollstandig, isn't it? Thanks to the rushed nature of the manga, Uryu never has a Vollstandig form and barely even has a fight in the arc that was supposed to be all about Quincies, so seeing this sequence play out was certainly a massive delight for me.
Simultaneously as Juhabach claims victory over the commander of Squad Zero, something is happening to Ishida Uryu. Two gigantic energy wings appear on his back, and... this is basically his Qiuncy Vollstandig, isn't it? Thanks to the rushed nature of the manga, Uryu never has a Vollstandig form and barely even has a fight in the arc that was supposed to be all about Quincies, so seeing this sequence play out was certainly a massive delight for me.
Uryu also turns the tables on Senjumaru, as she realizes mid-mockery that she's actually trapped within the cloth bindings of the Bankai, where Uryu was supposed to be. This confirms that Uryu has used the Antithesis, his Sternritter Schrift that he only ever uses once in the manga.
Uryu then says something that he said in his first major fight against a Shinigami -- Mayuri -- in the manga. "I am Ishida Uryu. On my honour as a Qiuncy, I will kill you." He lets loose an arrow, and it pierces Senjumaru's chest, drilling a hole through her which drips in blood.
And as Senjumaru falls, other characters react to this, while the Bankai realm slowly fades away. So does Uryu's Vollstandig, and... I really like this. Combined with the last two episodes, this really fixes the problem of 'Squad Zero died offscreen, while also giving Uryu an actually cool scene, a proper fight scene, and even a moment where the audience goes 'oh shit, so he's evil now' instead of the laughable 'yeah, sure he joined the enemy' betrayal that he did in the manga. Now I'm not sure how the confrontation is going to be, but Ichigo versus Uryu would have actual stakes now that it's slightly more conceivable that Uryu is evil.
And with the Qiuncies victorious, Juhabach mocks Ichibe, blows up the giant ink seal, while the magical candle-seals that corresponded to Squad Zero peters off with the deaths of Ichibe and Senjumaru. Uryu and the rest of Juhabach's Royal Guard bow down as Juhabach walks up towards the Soul King's Palace, and it's a rather drawn-out sequence as Juhabach disassembles the random reishi pillars around them and turns them into footholds all the way to reach the Soul King. Juhabach monologues about the crusade he's been doing for a thousand years while we get the flashes to the representation of his backstory given to us earlier in the anime. Again, the framing and dialogue did a rather good job at framing the Quincies as villain protagonist who see their cause as justifiable. Great music, too.
Roll credits, and we then cut to three scenes. Team Ichigo arrives, and they find the corpses. Thanks to Ichigo calling Ichibe's name, he's able to reform with ink, though he hasn't really regained his power. Always found this to be a bit anticlimactic, though at least he makes it clear that he's not going to fight. Ichibe lays on the stakes and tells Ichigo to stop Juhabach.
And finally, the final scene of the episode is Juhabach stabbing the Soul King and dropping the random bombshell that the Soul King is Juhabach's father. And... in addition to the Uryu stuff, this has been another point of contention from me. I hope this also gets some expansion in this anime.
Overall? Pretty great opening, once we get past the recap. I've gushed enough about the addition of the Uryu scene, but I also really like that it actually enhances the Juhabach/Ichibe fight a fair bit. This cour is presumably going to cover a lot of the Elite Guard fight, and I wonder just how much beyond that is going to be expanded.
Random Notes:
- There is technically a brief scene of Ichigo and company discussing a bit about the Zero Squad and Senjumaru's Bankai activation while on the delivery pillar. This is an original scene to the anime, and actually is a nice little touch of giving some context (both in-universe and out-of-universe) about how important it is when a Squad Zero member activates her Bankai. I kind of wished that this would be the way that the recap is done, but oh well.
- I like the new opening a fair bit. The music's great, though I do miss the zaniness of the second cour's opening with the civilian outfits and gangster boss Juhabach.
- I almost want to say that this might be Uryu activating his Sternritter "A" powers for the first time, but he did utilize the Antithesis in cour 2 with the medal. in a very blink-it-and-miss-it moment.
- When Senjumaru pierces Uryu's neck, a shot of dropping blood set against a background of white can be seen. Either Senjumaru actually did stab Uryu, or this is a flashback to the drops of blood that Uryu drank from Juhabach.
- I really love the show of Ichibe holding a whirling semisphere of black that turns into the sake bowl.
- Futen Taisatsuryō steals 100 nights from the future of Soul Society and, if Juhabach isn't so overpowered, would've burned him away so entirely that he's out of the cycle of reincarnation.
- I really do hope that if we get a Juhabach flashback, we do focus a bit more on his identity, and whether that identity is actually a huge theme in his life. I have a feeling that it might be, and it would make him reafirming his identity to Ichibe the naming monk a lot more powerful.
- The ending really teases the Uryu/Ichigo fight. Please, let that happen.
- As the episode closes, the 'A' in 'BLEACH' glows red, and the other letters fade to black before the 'A'. That's cute.
The recap in the beginning of the video does feel like runtime padding, but something to note is that Yhwach awakening the Almighty at the 9-minute mark may be an intentional decision given that the Kaiser Gesang revolves around the Quincy King regaining what he lost in time increments of 9. Granted, those 9 minutes could have been filled with new scenes so it was probably making the best with what they had, but with Kubo reported being so heavily involved in this adaptation I wouldn't put the creative aspect of that decision past him.
ReplyDeleteSenjumaru vs. Uryu is interesting. I've always thought that he would be the most logical choice to defeat her from both a power and thematic standpoint. If Senjumaru is indeed weaving with the threads of 'fate', then Uryu who has dodged his fate (Auswahlen) in the past and has the power to switch his fate with others now would be the most suitable foil to her power/ It's also fitting that the Auswahlen looms that Senjumaru uses to restrain Uryu fail to keep him in check. A recent guidebook have reportedly said that Senjumaru doesn't weave the fate of the individuals in the Bankai (which I didn't buy anyway), but crafts constructs and events that become real within her Bankai specifically made to counter her enemies, with the Sternritter's fates likely being easter eggs. I remain convinced that it does at least involve the lives of the individuals she targets just because of how personal some of them are and that mimicking Auswahlen would have been a good counter for any Quincy EXCEPT Uryu, whose already survived it once.
What's also interesting is that Uryu's eyes, which in the manga was not specified as a part of his power, seemed to resonate with the awakening of the Almighty and possess the same coloration as the latter when active. There's a theory I like that the Antithesis is actually the 4th iris of Yhwach's eye, given that the Soul King has 4 irises while Yhwach only has 3. It would explain why Uryu survived the 1st Auswahlen if he had that dormant power within him. While he did use Antithesis before this, it might be that the Almighty's awakening fully unlocked that power within him. Regardless, it's shown that Uryu hasn't gotten the hang of his new powers yet which I quite like. It's nice to set some limitations early on given how exponentially absurd the powers that are coming will be and makes Uryu's climb in power bit less abrupt, though it's insane to think that he is the only person other than Yhwach to have a full-power Squad 0 kill on his belt.
Yhwach is desperately going to need some expanding from here on out because he gets significantly less interesting at this point in the manga. He just becomes this 'be-all end-all' bad guy that everyone has to defeat, a task that is already hard to fulfill in a satisfying way if they follow the source material. Thankfully, the anime so far has helped make him a more compelling character, especially thanks to the flashbacks of episode 25 (which is technically the first time he name drops the Soul King as his father), and you do feel how personal this is for him as he ascends to the Soul King. Hopefully, this father-son duo get their much needed expanding upon this time. There might be time for all that extra stuff if they're still planning on spreading this out in 4 cours, but it looks like they've set on what major stuff they're going to cover this season (Mimihagi, Haschwalth vs. Bazz-B, Kyoraku/Nanao vs. Lille, Mayuri/Nemu vs. Pernida, and Askin vs. Urahara/Yoruichi/Yushiro/Grimmjow).
I don't mind timing it so that Almighty activates at 9-minutes exactly. I minded the fact that other than the Ichigo conversation, it's all repeated footage. It just takes me out of the episode entirely and it feels worse during the rewatch. They really could have added more reaction shots from other characters, or even ominous flashbacks to Juhabach's history with the Soul King or something... even just having Ichigo recap his training or give some backstory about Squad Zero -- hyping up Ichibe before the takedown by Juhabach -- would've worked a lot better. I like the idea, not the execution.
DeleteI really like Uryu being the one chosen to beat Senjumaru. The other members of the Elite Guard all got full fights in the source material, while both Uryu and Squad Zero got nothing. Having Uryu -- ostensibly the main character in this arc, but in the original source material he didn't do anything until the last 8 chapters or so -- a huge moment is also extremely important in my opinion. I wonder how and why Uryu keeps dodging his fate, though, whether it be Auswahlen or Senjumaru's fate threads. Is it simply a 'main character' syndrome, or did Ryuken do something to Uryu? We know the many, many ways that Ichigo is special, but what about Uryu?
I absolutely like the idea that Uryu has the 'fourth iris', which of course isn't from the source material but would explain Uryu's insane Schrift (also "A"), as well as the difference bteween Juhabach and the Soul King's eyes.
I also like Uryu slowly growing into his new power. Remember that before this, Uryu was still having trouble with 'mere' Fullbringers and got one-shot by a mid-tier Espada. While the various time-jumps would most certainly account for some jumps in power pre-Sternritter, having Uryu actually show off him growing into his Sternritter/Vollstandig powers is pretty nice. It's also a nice nod to Juhabach and Haschwalth's promise that Uryu would 'prove himself' in the war. Now the question for me would be just why Juhabach finds so much favour with Uryu that he grants him so much power?
I always had a feeling that before the epic rush job in the final 2 volumes that Kubo was just saving up both Uryu's role and his connection to Juhabach, as well as Juhabach's connection to the Soul King (and Pernida, and Ichibe, etc etc etc) for a dedicated flashback. We already have a lot of clips here and there throughout cour 2, but it would be so, so nice to have Juhabach's actual motivations be laid properly before the readers. I'm not asking much, but even giving him some measure of personality beyond 'Generic Doomsday World-Destroying Villain' would go wonders in making him interesting. Apparently the episode after this (which I haven't watched yet) adds some Soul King material? We'll see.