Tuesday 14 July 2015

Nanatsu no Taizai 132 Review: Gilthunder and Hauser

Nanatsu no Taizai, Chapter 132: What We Lack

Overall not much of a progress chapter and just more training, but this time we focus on the other dudes. Nothing much to say, really... the druids bring everyone (including Hawk) and tells them to strip down, and carry a branch instead of their normal weapons so they can train their body instead of having to rely on weapons in this other cave of dark side ordeals or whatever. 

We get a bit of confrontation between King and Hendricksen, where King is absolutely angry abotu Hellbram in particular, and Hendricksen basically doesn't deny anything he's done, but implores that they wait until they save Dreyfus from the demons. Oslo shows up and gets a bit of a hilarious bit with Hawk. Everyone -- King, Gowther, Arthur, Threader, Hendricksen, the three Knights and even Hawk -- go in again, and apparently the cave separates everyone into groups as Hawk immediately finds himself alone in darkness.

Gilthunder and Hauser finds themselves together in this room with floating crystals, and apparently they can choose challenges for training, and they choose the same monster that defeated them before -- a clay dragon, which resists Gilthunder's lightning attacks and is too heavy for Hauser to lift with his tornadoes... especially when they can't use the full extent of their powers without their normal weapons.

(I bet King and Hendricksen get paired together for maximum hilatiry and uncomfortableness)

We then get individual flashbacks for both Gilthunder and Hauser while they argue -- nothing really too interesting about it, really. We've got Gilthunder practicing with Meliodas, and Meliodas telling Gilthunder that he's too rigid and shouldn't depend too much on formal sword techniques because in real battle all sorts of shit will go down. Which totally makes sense! On the other hand, little Hauser is on the other end of the spectrum, where Dreyfus admonishes Hauser for his lack of discipline and lack of practice, about how the only way to defeat opponents that are straight-up stronger than him is through constant practice and the correct form and discipline and whatnot.

They then adopt different stances -- Hauser a formal two-handed pose and Gilthunder a more fluid pose, and manage to knock back the clay dragon. Who looks more like a giant toad than a dragon, but whatever. Merlin (who's watching through her crystal ball) observes that this might be when the two of them get a power upgrade. 

Overall nothing really groundbreaking. It's good stuff, good training stuff, but then again while interesting to see their personalities fleshed out training stuff doesn't really make for much in lieu of plot development and whatnot. Don't really have much to say beyond the fact that I like this chapter.

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