Friday 7 August 2015

One Piece 796 Review: Fujitora Rolls A Die

One Piece, Chapter 796: Soldier-san's Decision

After the gigantic explosive last chapter, this one is... well, like Bleach, just okay. Nothing too exciting. The manga seems to want to pad things out for a BIG 800th chapter, and I honestly don't think it's a right move considering just how poorly the Dressrosa Arc has suffered, and how shoehorned some of the minor characters are and how half the main cast is, y'know, completely out of focus for the past year.

Anyway, the chapter starts off with the return of Sengoku -- now demoted to an inspector -- who doesn't have a goddamn care in the world, and Tsuru, who confronts Fujitora. Who apparently isn't actively trying to stop his men from arresting Luffy, and actually has been leaving it to chance and the roll of a die -- anything other than one and Fujitora will stay his hand. And it has been that way for the last couple of days. Sengoku, like me, finds this ridiculously funny.

We get Mansherry (a prime example of a character who got too much screentime to herself whilst not having an interesting personality nor accomplishing anything much) whose Dande-heal-ions apparently work by donations of strength from strong people like Fujitora and Sengoku. And we've got Riku just talking with Elizabello about... stuff. And Rebecca, all dolled up like a princess, also gets some info-dump about how she's supposed to rule now -- the rules of succession apparently prefer Rebecca, who's Riku's grand-daughter from Riku's first daughter, instead of Viola, Riku's younger daughter... okay, then?

And apparently news has been spread about how Rebecca's father is some prince who... well, it's basically Kyros and Scarlett's story, but with Kyros replaced with a nameless prince from some obscure kingdom. It's something that slightly disturbs Rebecca, and pisses Luffy -- who's beat up and recovering and eating and sleeping at the same time -- off. Kyros is apparently the one who spreads the rumours, though considering how Luffy is, he's probably going to go wild and run around town going all HEY GUYSE KYROS IS REBECCA'S PAPA which is going to be mushy and fillery and completely un-needded because seriously guys... Kyros and Rebecca are cool but do we need all these extra screentime for them? Their story's done. It's stretched out as long as it is.

Bartolomeo shows up, informing Luffy about new developments... and hilariously nearly gets blinded by the fact that all five Straw Hats are in the same room as him. Bartolomeo is fun. I wouldn't mind spending more time on him.

Fujitora, Sengoku and Tsuru are apparently storming Dressrosa to arrest the pirates, with Fujitora ignoring whatever protests Riku would make. Law visibly reacts at the mention of Sengoku, no doubt because of Sengoku's involvement in the whole Rocinante thing. But apparently the Samurai are just waiting for Luffy to recover and have something planned. Bartolomeo and the Tontatta are keeping an eye out on the marines, and Bartolomeo, awesome dude that he is, has apparently already prepared a ship and stationed some of their allies -- Sai, Cavendish, Hajrudin and one other dude with a sword I don't especially recognize -- to help out.

Bellamy wakes up and just acts confused why everyone lets him live -- Law's snarky comeback is marvellous -- but I'm sure he joins the others in running for it. Of course, Luffy stays behind to generally be the one cog that fucks up the plan for some 'unfinished business'. It would be cool if he stays behind to fight Fujitora just for the hell of it, but I bet this is going to involve the Kyros and Rebecca mushy stuff which won't be cool. Thankfully it's probably going to be stretched out for another month only, upon which we won't have to deal with the Riku family anymore.

Maybe Rebecca will actually be the next Straw Hat? I don't find her anywhere as interesting as any of the other Straw Hats when they were first introduced, though, and that includes the relatively one-note Brook. Eh. We'll see.

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