Thursday 17 December 2015

Fairy Tail 466 Review: Wizard Saint Fight

Fairy Tail, Chapter 466: Assassin

Definitely better than the previous chapter, and I know how easy it would be for Fairy Tail to spend another entire chapter on just being a friendship speech chapter between Natsu and Happy while Zeref acts all mysterious and shit. Thankfully we get over it in like five or six pages, which is fair. The Happy pussy-out to the fight last chapter still irks me, but hey, what're you gonna do. It's Fairy Tail. In between now and the big finale that's almost certainly going to be a friendship speech, all I can do is, well, go along with the flow. 

We get a nice little montage of all the other forces, and for a moment I really thought we weren't going to get any new content and just establish things we already know. In the port town of Halgeon, DiMaria and Walricht are just beating up random people, and there's a third Spriggan with them, Neinhardt, who's all blackened out and chained up. DiMaria's just rather irate at being parnered up with a robot and someone who doesn't cooperate, and is all about missing Brandish and stuff.

We get a scene showing a gigantic fleet (which, since it's made up of unnamed mooks, isn't going to matter) while Mermaid Heel and Lamia Scale just do a generic rallying 'we'll never give up' speech, while two dudes -- someone with white hair and someone with Gajeel piercings on the chin, who we may or may not have seen before, seems to be the token opposition. I don't think they're even Spriggan members. 

We cut to Northern Fiore where Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus are beating up mooks. Some jackass is chasing Frosch instead of fighting the Sabertooth mages. Um. Then some unnamed random Sabertooth mooks are running and one of them vomits out blood while veins pop out around their eyes. Hey, I think it's the first casualty in this big big war! Wow! Achievement! We haven't had a good guy die since, fuck, those old dudes in the wizard council no one remembers the names of. Apparently the one responsible for this is a 'god of death', who has the utterly unimpressive name of Bradman. He also looks like some of the Tartaros demons fused together in design, but that's cool. Yeah, Yukino, maybe you can bust out that Ophiuchus spirit again in manga canon.

I highly doubt that Bradman's going to be successful at all at killing any Sabertooth or Blue Pegasus people, but hey. Maybe he can be awesome and Sabertooth can actually take out somebody that matters?

Meanwhile, God Serena shows up to meet up with Jura, Walrod, Dracula and... uh... Midget Werewolf Dude. I forgot his name. Apparently God Serena isn't alone, and brought along with him the 'king of magic', August, a.k.a. Hades Doppelganger. And, um, this utterly weird-looking fucker, the assassin Jacob Lessio. He's just, well, weird-looking. He looks like a slim version of Hoteye, actually, and considering he's fighting Jura I wouldn't put it past the manga to bring in yet another brother of Wally and Hoteye.

In Fiore, Marin (a.k.a. Creepy McFucker) shows up to apparently free Brandish, and Brandish is ready to lay down some pain. But Marin's all pissed off at being abused and is ready to choke Brandish to death, complete with evocative rape imagery. Someone's coming, though, so we can definitely guess that in the next chapter Fairy Tail members will free Brandish, and she'll make a heel face turn because everyone with boobs needs to make heel-face-turns to the good side.

Overall, though, I literally can't give two shits about the Natsu 'plot' right now, but seeing all these fights, especially the Wizard Saints versus three of the Spriggans, is definitely interesting. Now let's hope Natsu minds his own damn business and doesn't go and muck up the Spriggan-vs-Saints fight.

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