Wednesday 8 June 2016

One Piece 828 Review: Star-Crossed Lovers

One Piece, Chapter 828: 1 and 2

It's a slow chapter as the Straw Hats and Pudding get to know each other -- and after a couple of death threats courtesy of Pedro, the Straw Hats get to know that, hey, Pudding is a really nice girl! And she claims to have actually already met Sanji, who told her that 'I have to go adventure with my friends'. Which means nothing, of course, since if Pudding actually turns out to be just a nice girl and not some sinister double-agent working the Straw Hats, Pudding could simply, y'know, join the crew. Pudding is all 'I can forget about Sanji as long as he gets to be happy', but I dunno. She might be setting a trap. Or I might just be too paranoid. She might just be a sweet kid. She gives the Straw Hats a map... which may or may not be a trap. 

Big Mom apparently has 43 husbands and 85 children. A literal Big Mom. And as everyone expected, the children are the basis for the massive infrastructure of the Big Mom Pirates. We get a quasi-confirmation that yes, Chapati Lola is an errant daughter of Big Mom that went out to find her own husband and not get one forced upon her by Big Mom. Also Pekoms is gone and in his place are the words 'turn back' carved upon the Sunny. Of course, this being the Straw Hats, they don't give a shit.

Meanwhile, we get a short look at the titular '1 and 2', Sanji's elder brothers. They have fancy hair, but have Sanji's curly eyebrows. One of them seems to be able to control other people through some means, and they don't really seem too keen on meeting Sanji again. They've liberated a random island by ending a war in like forty minutes or whatever, and are going off to join the wedding.

Overall nothing too eventful but a fair amount of world-building nonetheless. 

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