Saturday 22 April 2017

Boku no Hero Academia 135 Mini-Review: Centipeder!

My Hero Academia, Chapter 135: A Distasteful Tale

Centipeder is apparently a winner of a fan art contest. Whoever made up that design? Props to you, you made a very cool-looking weird centipede-man that still looks creepy and buggy but still heroic at the same time. Most of this chapter is honestly just a bit of a recap and a pooling of most of the information that the heroes and the readers know. Some heroes don't trust the Yuuei students, their mentors stand up for them, some talk about a Heroes Network (basically an information forum for superheroes) and all that jazz. Confirmation that the quirk-erasing drug is temporary, but different from Aizawa's temporary disabling of quirks.

We also get confirmation that apparently the drug's made from some's blood and cells, which obviously we can surmise is the little girl with bandages. Eri? We get confirmation that Overhaul can disassemble and reassemble things. Both Midoriya and Mirio realize what the fuck they're talking about, and the moment of despair they briefly had is absolutely well done, and the anger they have, noting that their goals are shit if they can't protect Eri, is well-done. Nighteye even notes how, yeah, their goal is to protect Eri now.

So yeah, decent chapter, nothing too special. 

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