Friday 14 April 2017

One Piece 862 Review: Luffy's Entrance

One Piece, Chapter 862 Review: The Intelligent Type

We get a brief bit of Jinbe trying to wake Luffy up, but the main focus is still the wedding proper. Pudding wants to kill Sanji, and Sanji is trying his best to keep his wits about him. The wedding cake makes its grand appearance, and Big Mom freaks out -- it's not just a huge cake, it's the wedding altar at the same time. Of course, Big Mom is still planning the slaughter of the Vinsmokes at the same time, which is very, very awesome to have all these assassination and backstabbing plots all running at the same time. 

It's all tense as the wedding goes on, the Vinsmokes are none the wiser, Reiju is accepting of her fate as long as Sanji escapes... and then Katakuri (Dogtooth, whatever) sees a vision of Pudding falling over and crying. It's nice to see that Katakuri's powers have some limitation to them. Maybe he can only see a fixed distance into the future? Like he sees what happens five minutes later, but not what happens between them? 

Sanji lifts Pudding's veil, and she has this awesome, scary-ass face that she makes with her three eyes. Sanji, of course, comments about what a beautiful eye it is, and it just overwhelms Pudding. Apparently she's got a bit of a self-esteem issue about that third eye, who knew? It's... it's a bit odd, that's for sure, mostly because we didn't really have much foreshadowing about Pudding having problems regarding her third eye causing her to be ostracized and whatnot. Apparently even Big Mom told her to cover up her third eye, and she was bullied by kids so much that she was driven to become the bigger bully. Which is to say, murdering them kids. 

Of course, the counter-argument is that if Pudding made a big fuss about not being accepted for her looks it'd make this moment a lot less surprising and merely something that is inevitable, and I'm sure there were a couple moments here and there where Pudding comments about covering up her third eye, but at the same time I'd like some foreshadowing that makes this moment actually touching instead of a 'wait what just happened?' moment. It's not bad as, say, the big nonsense happening over in Fairy Tail at the moment, but it's definitely a twist that could've been done a lot better. 

Big Mom instructs the priest to do the deed instead while Pudding is freaking out, but at the same time Katakuri sees that Sanji dodges the priest's shot, so he does his finger-launching-bullet thing... accidentally shooting the priest in the head when Sanji does dodge his bullet. So one more thing about Katakuri we learned -- he can't predict what his actions will do? The Germa are confused, Katakuri is in battle mode, Big Mom's people are confused, Brulee is crying, and Luffy... Luffy makes his big entrance.

By exploding the fucking wedding cake apart. And an army of Luffy bursts out of it. Like literal multiple Luffies. Whether it's a Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, or some new skill Luffy has, or the Straw Hats disguised as Luffies by Nami's mirage powers or Brulee being forced to do so (some of the Luffies look different -- one has a gorilla face, one has a puppet's face) or something... but it's definitely an entrance I wasn't expecting. 

Overall, a bit of a... miss, I guess? Things happen, the plot advances, and it's good and I have no idea what'll go down next chapter, but both the Kage Bunshin no Luffy and crying Pudding moments kind of fell somewhat flat with me. 

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