Friday 18 August 2017

One Piece 875 Review: Wrath of the Thunder God

One Piece, Chapter 875: A Woman's Honour

Last week, all manga went on break, so yeah. We're going to review One Piece today, and it's... an okay chapter? I do recognize that I feel a bit tired of this super-long pursuit arc in part due to the real-life time that has passed between the chapters -- binge-reading this in tankobon format would mean that this is only taking place over two chapters and not, well, three to four weeks.

We get to see Chopper and Brook run around on their submarine and seemingly meet a merman? I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a reference to Aladdin's people or if it's just a throwaway line, since Brook and Chopper show up a bit later near the Thousand Sunny, meeting Perospero (where's Katakuri?), without any real mention of the merman. Which is cool -- Brook and Chopper are ready to fight Perospero, despite Perospero saying that they'll let the two of them escape on the submarine for some reason. 

We get a couple of scenes of the Straw Hats running around and Jinbe catching the people up to speed about Big Mom's eating disorder, as well as Nami stringing Zeus along with more weather eggs. We get Luffy attempting to beat down Prometheus with a haki-imbued Jet Gatling, but apparently haki doesn't work on Prometheus since he's not actually a logia-user, and it's Jinbe's Spear Wave attack that shreds Prometheus down, if temporarily. 

Apparently Big Mom is the slowest runner in the world, because a bunch of random chess-piece mooks manage to catch up with the Straw Hats before Big Mom does, with this scarecrow-knight dude apparently recognizing who Pedro is. Jinbe has to drag Pedro away from the battle with mr. scarecrow, and I genuinely don't really care about Pedro's story at this point although it's always nice to see the side-stories of these characters be explored somewhat.

Zeus, meanwhile, eats Nami's big Weather Egg and swells into a gigantic black happy stormcloud, but as the Straw Hats run, Nami unleashes her "Zeus Breeze Tempo", using the weather eggs within Zeus to basically take control of him and unleash a gigantic pillar of lightning storm down upon Big Mom and the homie mooks around her. 

The final two pages just show Chiffon and Pudding returning to make the cake or whatever, and Puddinng lets it slip that she's worried about Sanji specifically and not the entire crew... I don't particularly care much for Pudding's "does she doesn't she" bit to be played up as the big OMG CLIFFHANGER every week. Overall, an... okay chapter, I guess? It's entertaining, but I would be very happy if next week isn't yet another Big-Mom-pursues-the-straw-hats-very-very-slowly chapter. 

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