Saturday 1 September 2018

My Hero Academia 196 Review: Mind-Control Restrictions

Boku no Hero Academia, Chapter 196: Go, Shinso

Bit of an information dump chapter, actually. We get to learn the actual specifics of Shinso's quirk, and presumably he's going to be a far more major player in the happenings of subsequent arcs, which is why his quirk's limitations and conditions are being properly defined. Apparently it's nowhere as broken as "answer him, and then you become his slave permanently". Shinso apparently finds it hard to brainwash multiple people, and his mind-control doesn't allow them to do things that require them to speak or to use mental thought. So in D&D terms, like Suggestion.

We come back to the battle right after Shinso activates his voice-changing mechanic in the previous chapter, and you'd think that this chapter will show off his badass bandage-wielding skills and bring down Shishida the big beast-hero, but nope! Apparently, even though he has a powerful quirk, Class 1B and 1A's training actually does allow Kosei the air wall guy to create an air prison around Shinso, and then shake his buddy out of the mind-control. Really probably should've ordered that dude to whack his head against the ground or something.

We get a cool bit of quirk-exchange as Shishida gets electrocuted by touching Kaminari (while simultaneously whacking Kaminari aside), but the camouflaged Tsuyu uses her tongue to grab Kosei and escape. We get a badass scene of Shishida transforming back and forth between his beast and human forms to avoid Kirishima and Koda's attacks, and that led to Kirishima being taken out by Ibara, and Kirishima wrapped up and taken down by Ibara.

Hilariously, Kosei is utterly traumatized by being wrapped around by Tsuyu's tongue, which... which would be pretty gross, honestly, when you think about it. Also hilarious is the teacher, Vlad King, actually getting into it and going "YEAH CLASS 1B IS AWESOME" while in the background, Ashido, Kyouka and Aoyama are protesting with boards. 

We get a nice bit of Tsuyu and Kaminari apologizing to Shinso and vice versa, and then Tsuyu seems to secrete something from her arm, noting that she has a plan. So... so she has other frog powers beyond the tongue and walking on walls, huh? Meanwhile, the remaining 1B students are discussing about their advantage. Apparently Kaminari's "pointer" is trained in on Shishida, while Shishida... detects three Tsuyus coming towards them. Presumably that's Tsuyu using her froggy secretions to essentially 'blind' Shishida's nose, considering how two of the three Tsuyus are discoloured, and one of the discoloured Tsuyus is roughed up like Kaminari was?

Overall, a pretty fun action chapter, I must say. 

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