And it's just such a shame that the Tangle is so short. That's probably one of the biggest complaint I have about a lot of the routes in this game in particular, a trend we've sort of had since Kalos -- the routes are so short, and just when you start getting to the groove of the area, it's done and you've went into all of the nooks and crannies possible. It's something that I felt was a thing in this game, but it wasn't so noticeable with all the story stuff and cutscenes happening in the early game. It feels that since, oh, Hammerlocke, I guess, we've suddenly hit the accelerator and it's a rapid "go go go GO to the next gym and move on!"

Anyway, Glimwood Tangle is neat. I love everything about it, and I love everything about the next town, Ballonlea, which is like something straight out of World of Warcraft or something, with giant mushrooms of all colours surrounding the large houses, and I absolutely love the random Morelull, Inkay and Chinchou (what why ????) floating around. I get Morelull and things like Hatenna and even Inkay, they're whimsical Pokemon that would fit right at home in a fairytale city like this, but Chinchou? Chinchou's an anglerfish. And yet there's honestly such a logic to having Chinchou show up in this city that's full of glowing lights.
Honestly, it's criminal how tiny the city is. It's only got, what, three houses? The NPC's here are far more interesting than anyone in Stow-on-Side or Circhester, though. There's this one random girl staring at a wall who's angry at me for interrupting her conversation. There's an Eviolite-using trainer. There's this artist who is angry because he's basically a furry and he is so angry that something as mundane as 'different species entirely' is going to stop him from pursuing his dreams. He demands I change to a 'fiery outfit' to make him feel like a Pokemon, and that came out like all sorts of wrong.
Most interestingly, there's an old dude who was the intended recepient of the love letter from the little girl in Hammerlocke. Which I thought was going to veer into territory that I am uncomfortable with... but turns out that ol' Frank is thanking me for delivering a letter from his dearest friend, who he had a huge, huge fight with before moving to Ballonlea, and that she was super-duper sick at the time and...
...and, well, the girl's a g-g-g-ghost! I got a Choice Scarf from the old man, and a brief detour to Hammerlocke city to investigate the dead girl ghost turns out empty. The girl's gone, and in her place is a Reaper's Cloth (did a Dusknoir help her out?), and a voice whispers in my character's ear thanking me. That's a sweet if spooky little ghost story.
Anyway, gym battle time! It's Opal, a character that's made some sporadic appearances as she follows Hop's journey to despair, and... and in Generation I-IV standards she'd probably be one of the notable gym leaders, but it's surprising just how much I've gotten used to the more prominent roles that the Generation V-VII games have given the characters, because really Opal's not that well-developed. She just shows up a couple of times.
Her gym is pretty standard fair, another three-trainer battle, but with a fun, comedic mix. Apparently Opal's holding interviews to see who gets to succeed her as the gym leader of Ballonlea, and while fighting the trainers, I have to answer questions... and that's hilarious! The actual questions are perhaps a lot more memorable than the identikit trainers (who all fall to the might of my Corviknight's Steel Wing). The first one is a hilarious one, asking about Fairy type's weakness (both answers are right), and then we get one that seems to be a test on how well the player pays attention (what's the previous trainer's name?)... and then it starts going ridiculous. "What did I eat for breakfast?"
Obviously, it's omelettes, and I got that right, because what sociopath eats curry for breakfast in Poke-England? What, you think just because it's the only dish that your character can cook, everyone else eats curry?

Man, all these Gigantamax forms and I still have no ide how to get my Centiskorch or Corviknight to turn into them. Is it the dynamax candies or something? Because my Centiskorch is maxxed out, but it still can't go gigantamax.
Anyway, with Opal taken out, we've got three more badges to go and Opal whisks me immediately to Hammerlocke... where Bede is just standing randomly in the streets, sort of alternating between being emo and being a stick in the mud. Y'know, he's sort of like Gladion, if we met Gladion like three times total and his character development all happened off-screen.
Anyway, Bede swears about how he's going to be useful to the Chairman and everything... only for Opal to have her eyes open and go "PINK! YOU ARE PINK! PINK PINK PINK!" Oh, yeah, because apparently my character fails her little gym leader test, but apparently Bede and his

I really kinda wished that Opal's got a scene or two with mentoring Hop, though, because that was a huge missed opportunity. We had her sort of see Hop in the couple of times that he's feeling down and clearly trying to do some soul searching. Wouldn't it be the perfect time for a kooky-but-well-meaning old mentor to show up and give Hop some advice? But nope, it's apparently exit stage left for both Opal and Bede for now as Bede gets shanghaied to become a gym leader. Okay then. That's... that's certainly a thing.
Speaking of abrupt plot developments, I meet up with Sonia and Leon, only to have some weird explosion or earthquake or something rock Hammerlocke. Main plot? In my Pokemon Sword & Shield game? Haha lol no just kidding, the adults will investigate it, just ignore the main plot that's happening off-screen and just go on and continue to collect badges. There are some mumbles in Sonia's dialogue about how a new Power Spot was just created or something, and it might actually lead to an itneresting story or information dump about Dynamax/Gigantamax or something but NOPE let's just continue with our stupid sports challenge or whatever.

Anyway, Hop tries to distract us with his new team, and he's changed his team again. Hey, wouldn't you think that it would be a decent time to have Opal show up like the two previous Hop encounters and actually have a satisfying (if obvious) end to their storyline? No? At least Hop has significantly more threatening Pokemon this time around. Trevenant and Snorlax are decent threats, Boltund is speedy, and Heatmor... he's there I guess. Oh and his starter's a Cinderace now. Like Inteleon, I'm not sure if I'm a fan of this one. His team is still criminally under-leveled, though, and it's just an exercise of one-shotting most of his party. Centiskorch murders his ghost tree, Inteleon snipe-shots both of his fire types, and my Farfetch'd continues to lob Revenge after Revenge at his big fat tubby Snorlax and also his dog.

Hop has some dialogue but at that point I didn't care because... FARFETCH'D IS EVOLVING. HOLY SHIT. It's Sirfetch'd time!
What. An. Insane. Evolution. Method.
I absolutely love it. It's so dumb, it's so random. And I don't care, my duck now has a giant onion lance.

Route 8 at least requires some exploration to get through, with ladders and ruins and walls and whatnot. It's not much of an interesting route since it's so gosh-darned short, but I did get to see a bunch of interesting faces. Boldore! Bronzong! Hippowdon! Golett! Pawniard! Sorlock! Drapion! As much as I do kind of complain about the short length of these routes, I won't complain about the Pokemon selection, which are pretty varied in terms of types and appearances and it's not just "hey, let's shove a bunch of grass types into the grasslands area".

I also meet Sandaconda here, the evolved form of Silicobra. It... it sure is a curled up snake. I guess it's supposed to be shaped like a trumpet that spits out sand or something? It's not a design I hate, but it's kind of underwhelming.

I enter

Out of all of the buildings in Circhester, a notable one is the Hero's Bath, which is just an open-air hot spring right smack dab in the middle of a snowy town. There's also Bob's Your Uncle, a restaurant with very interesting posters! And, no, I'm not talking about the tapestry, I'm talking about the fun Italian-restaurant style poster of Bob the mustachioed purveyor.
There's also a Detective Conan parody in one of the two giant hotel buildings, practically the only notable thing in the hotels. It's the sort of thing that would show up in every second building in the Kalos or Alola games, and I really do miss these little mini-encounters. It's basically a bumbling detective going j'accuse at three random hapless dudes when clearly it's a Skwovet that ate the berries, and we basically end up being the 'smart sidekick' that solves the case.
Oh, the Gamefreak offices is also in one of the hotels. Instead of programmers sitting in front of computers, they are just generic NPCs standing around. The game designer is represented by the tired-looking doctor model, which I think is a little "fuck you" to the executives who rushed this game out.
Anyway, it's gym time, and Hop walks out of the gym all sad because he lost to the rock gym leader Gordie. Okay. The puzzle here is... it's interesting! We're basically given one of those Itemfinders from the previous games, and I have to use it to detect pitfalls in the ground that'll send me back to the beginning of the floor. It genuinely feels like a puzzle at last, after the past couple of gyms having dud puzzles. I really wish they had gone a bit further with making the gym trainers challenging, though, because trainers with a single Sudowoodo or a single Carkol aren't even much of a roadblock at this point.

Gordie's final Pokemon is a Gigantamaxed Coalossal, which looks pretty cool. It's a giant furnace! But it still dies to two of Sirfetch'd summoned giant fists. It's a cool looking boss, but ultimately Gordie's sort of just kinda there. I'm struggling to think of anything to say here, that damn Barbaracle sure took me by surprise.
Anyway, plot time, and Sonia brings me and Hop to Bob's Your Uncle, clearly the best dining place in town. Of course, while discussing the tapestry and whatnot, apparently Bob has randomly purchased a half-burnt fifth piece of the tapestry and has hung it on top of his hot food parlor. Because you need your deus ex expositions, y'know? Apparently it shows that the two kings like, sealed or buried their wolf pals or something.

Mostly, I'm tickled at the fact that I can actually completely miss the point and marvel at the drawing of Uncle Bob as opposed to going "oh my god plot", and even distract Sonia for a bit.
Anyway, Hop remembers the fight with naked-Zacian in the Weald, they speculate that it has something to do with the missing sword/shield from the tapestry and at this point the backstory of these ancient kings and their doggo-weapons is painfully obvious and maybe I would give a shit more if it actually relates to my character's adventure, y'know? Instead this is just some drawn-out backstory. You'd think that at some point between my return to Hammerlocke and meeting her at Circhester she'd at least speculate something about the Darkest Day or the heroes or something. But no, there's no sense of urgency or threat and it's just like she's doing archaeology for the sake of archaeology.

The battle with Hop is neat, but ultimately the detour to the Hero's Bath is just kinda... there? Okay, then. Onwards to Route 9, another snow-covered route and it's the one leading to the iceberg-covered seas that we see in the trailers. The grass here has Mareanie just sort of minding its own business and I caught one immediately. Considering the insanely long amount of time I spent to catch one in the Alola games... I actually have half a mind of raising Mareanie up and using it as a member of my party.
Anyway, a bunch of Team Yell dudes are 'encouraging' a Drednaw or some shit, blocking the route and harrassing that one doctor dude that gave me a bike. And, uh... okay? Team Yell is genuinely such a non-entity I can't be arsed to care. A Sirfetch'd-given punishment later and the doctor upgrades my bike, allowing me to surf! Huzzah!
And I feel that it's a nice place to stop. Next up is exploring this watery route and getting to the seventh gym.
Current party:

Snom is on the team. Permanently. I'm not sure if he's going to eventually replace Coalossal or Boltund, but right now Coalossal is a bit more useful against the ice-types.
Current B-team, including a couple dudes that I'm considering training up:

I love both Boltund and Orbeetle, but Boltund's basically a one-trick dog (I still swap him and Coalossal out now and then) while Orbeetle is just way too defensive and I suspect won't be actually good until much later. I'm still curious about Hattrem and Morgrel's final evolutions, and Morgrel's Dark/Fairy is certainly a fun typing! I also kind of want more type coverage. Mareanie's Water/Poison isn't the best, but it is a water type that I do want to use and the Poison half's going to be great against fairies. Consequently, Toxel's Poison/Electric typing is freaking cool and I want to use it, but I'm not sure if he's all that powerful. Also vaguely tempted to train up Binacle, Flapple or a Galarian Weezing, but I don't like them as much as the ones here.
Random Notes:
- Also, interestingly, the Chipped Cup that I got from Stow-on-Side didn't work to evolve my Sinistea, so, uh... I guess it evolves Sinistea's second form? Is Polteageist the second form or the third form?
- It's at this point that I realized that I have a fan that follows me from gym to gym, and she has a little Blipbug that at this point has evolved into a Dottler. Hooray!
- I think Marnie shows up in Ballonlea, but I don't remember if there was any noteworthy dialogue.
- I forgot to mention it in my last LP segment, but one of the weirder ways to shoehorn a detail about a character is when Sonia tells my character that she "heard it announced in a stadium" about how Bede is an orphan that was given a second chance by the Chairman. What dick stadium announcer does that?
- Sonia claims a new Power Spot has appeared in Hammerlocke... except the reason the gyms are built where they are is because they already have power spots. Hammerlocke City has Raishan's gym. So... so... uh, yeah, I guess the writers just didn't proofread this part of the game.
- Hop's dialogue after being beaten by Gordie is "it all went to pot". Uh... don't do drugs, kids?
- The old man in the Detective Conan parody talks about how his doctor warned him to stay off of the berries. Is diabetes a thing in the Pokemon world? Do the berries cause diabetes?
- In Shield, instead of Gordie you fight Melony, who I know of thanks to all of the memes running aroud talking about how, um, 'thicc' she is. Okay.
Don't worry about Toxel's power. Depends on what ability you have for it somewhat, but just have faith in it. On gym leaders tbf it was really just 5 and 7 not 6, so even beyond possible time crunches messing w/ the amount of time they shown outside the gym could be that they still uncertain on whether to develop gym leaders or nah(unfortunately imo) For your current Sinistea the Chipped Pot will not evolve it nor a later version of it. Don't wanna delve into spoiler territory so won't say more unless you ask, but just know that your current Sinistea will not be helped by that item. Also...your current Corviknight and Centiskorch will never be able to Gigantamax. Again won't say any more on the matter unless you ask because that would reveal how you get Gigantamax mons, but after seeing you wondering for how to make it occur for "your" Corviknight and Centiskorch 2 reviews in a row just wanna tear the bandage off.
ReplyDeleteI am kinda interested with Toxel, to be honest. It's one of those designs that I'm still not sure if I really like or if I'm sort of indifferent towards, but the typing is absolutely great.
DeleteAh, abilities! Like Coalossal! I didn't discover it until far later that its exclusive ability Steam Engine is pretty dang cool... but mine is stuck with the honestly pretty redundant Heatproof.
Absolutely agree that the gym leaders are only really written well in gen 5 and 7. With Kalos it's just a bunch of specific characters. I guess with gen 6 and 8 you could argue that the jump to a new gaming system causes them to not pay as much attention to storytelling?
So the chipped pot evolves... something else? Sinistea's evolution?
...I actually ended up asking around about gigantamax because I met a couple of g-max pokemon in max raid battle, and... yeah, I hate everything about how you obtain a gigantamax form. I'll probably rant about it in length in my next let's play segment becuase I genuinely do feel like it's pretty bizarrely contrary to so much of what the franchise tends to be all about... but I'll allow myself to simmer down about it a bit.
It's kind of a shame because seeing the g-max forms that the gym leaders use I was just starting to come around to this dyna/gigantomax forms being more than just a cheap shorhorned gimmick, but this leaves a pretty sour taste in my mouth.
Lotsa neat abilties this gen in general, keeping up the Gen 7 trend of most every mon having some unique ability/move/typing and/or multiple.
DeleteNew gaming system being a cause isn't something I had put together but makes sense.
Sinistea and the Chipped Pot is...kinda weird. Gonna put an asterick at the bottom of this comment w/ the explanation, though it is a minor spoiler for a feature of Sinistea(hence why at bottom, so if you don't wanna learn it you don't have to). I will say that the way to evo Sinistea is in Stow-in-Side Town so that part is correct.
Yeaaaaa, the way they chose to do Gigantamax forms is infuriating to me. ESPECIALLY considering they added nature candies(+bottle caps last gen) to make it so you could make "your" mons able to be used to optimal degree, the fact that they can't Gigantamax is so contradictory. Just silly.
*Sinistea are either Phony or Antique.This can be seen by a barely visible tag on the bottom if Antique verifying it being authentic or by the lack thereof on Phony. Phony Sinistea evolve via Cracked Pot and Antique via Chipped Pot. There is no other gameplay difference between them.
I mean, with so little pokemon this generation (apparently we're getting equal or less than VII depending on whether we count Galarian forms?) they kinda have to try and make everything count.
DeleteThere's also obviously the rush to get Sword/Shield out by 2019, which we know is credited with so many Pokemon and moves being cut out entirely, the bugs in the game, et cetera. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the story cutscenes were shortened from what the creators had intended it to be.
The way they do Gigantamax is so unbelievably stupid. I do get that they have to lock the forms and make people work for them. It's like legendary Pokemon or mega stones of the past, where it's a whole quest to achieve them. But to actually show off these forms so much in the games, and then to basically make it out so that "hey, guess what, your Centiskorch/Drednaw/Coalossal/Gengar that you've been playing and adventuring with? They don't matter and they can't access this brand new form we're promoting." Like, there's always that attitude with Pokemon with nature, ability and IV breeding and whatnot, but that's always been more geared towards meta-gaming as opposed to just a simple run through the game. And now, even the simple at of achieving a Gigantamax form ends up being locked behind grinding a terrible, repetitive game mode, shove the Pokemon you trained into the box and use this new one. Since Generation VI Pokemon has actually been pretty great at actually facilitating players who want to get optimal Pokemon, but this is just dumb.
Okay, that's... that's weird? So the two 'authentic' and 'phony' Sinisteas are just... completely separate, like Shellos or Unown forms? But they evolve through different items? It's... it's certainly an interesting feature for sure. I don't think it adds anything particularly interesting, but okay!