The Flash, Season 6, Episode 3: Dead Man Running

Ramsey's an interesting and well-acted antagonist, at least, skirting the line between understandable desperation and general dickishness, and it does play off pretty well with Barry's more self-sacrificing mentality, but I don't think we explored it enough nor is it strong enough to really last for more than a couple of episodes, and I pray we don't stretch this out the way we did the Cicada or Thinker nonsense over the past couple of seasons. I do like how everyone just thinks that Ramsey's a desperate man trying to steal dark matter, though, when in reality he's experimenting with far, far more dangerous stuff like the dark matter goop reanimating Mitch Romero's corpse. Flash and Killer Frost manage to use a generic "overload the bad guy to take him out" method to take out Romero the zombieman, but clearly Ramsay's learning from this to presumably control his own new metahuman powers.
The Killer Frost/Barry dynamic is pretty neat, in that Barry's a bit too desperate to get Frost to quickly mature as a superhero and stuff, but it feels so much like a retread of "Barry trains Iris" that we saw so much in the previous season, as well as "look at that crazy Killer Frost" moments we've had so much of in the previous season. None of the scenes are bad by themselves and both Grant Gustin and Danielle Panabaker are great in this episode, but I just had a feeling of "been here, watched that" throughout this episode.

Anyway, despite my relatively shorter review, this one's not terrible. It just feels like it's just building up and killing time until we can get through to the huge Crisis story that the CW team really wants to tell. A solid episode, but not a noteworthy one.
DC Easter Eggs Corner:
- Marv Perez, Ralph's mom's boyfriend, is named after Marv Wolfman and George Perez, the writer and primary artist for the comic-book version of Crisis on Infinite Earths.
- A Marvel comics shout-out as Ralph calls the Monitor as an "Asgardian cosplayer".
- They've both shown up as cameos a couple of times in previous CW episodes, but Nash Wells appears outside of McCulloch Technologies, a reference to Evan McCulloch (Mirror Master II); whereas Ramsay got his Dark Matter from Ted Kord, a millionaire and the second Blue Beetle in the comics. Kord Industries has been a recurring background presence in both Arrow and Flash.
- It's likely that it's a coincidence, but in the DC comics, Eternium is the shards of the Rock of Eternity, dwelling place of the wizard Shazam, which was spread all over the universe in the 30th Century. A Legion of Super-Heroes arc focuses on them trying to collect Eternium to rebuild the Rock of Eternity.
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