We'll try and go in order of how the cards are presented in playhearthstone.com, so we'll start off with the Demon Hunter/Hunter dual class cards. Trueaim Crescent is probably one of my favourite cards from an effect standpoint. I'm unconvinced it's going to be super good, but it's such a fun effect! 1-mana 1/4, whenever your hero attacks a minion, all your minions help to beat that specific minion up. It thankfully can't go face, which is a good thing. A 1-mana 1/4 weapon with an upside is already good, and this might actually help to get rid of some high-health, low-attack taunts? I really, really like it, but trying to fit this into a deck might prove a bit problematic since Demon Hunters tend to want to go face and Hunters also tend to want to go face, so having minions potentially die because of a trade... I dunno. It's one that I really hope would work.
Demon Companion is a mini-Animal-Companion, but demon-flavoured! This is adorable, awesome, and hilarious. I love this card a lot. You basically get mini-evil-Misha (2/2 Taunt), mini-evil Huffer (2/1 Charge) and mini-evil Leokk (1/2 with Leokk's effect). And... and it's good, right? I mean, not as good as Battlefiend for a turn 1 play for DH, but it feels pretty good as a turn 1 play. I dunno. I don't think the demon tags would matter a lot, but I feel like it's certainly a cool card that'll be a pretty safe turn 1 play for both decks.
Blood Herald is... ehhhh. Sure, everyone remembers Corridor Creeper when they see this sort of 'when a friendly minion dies while this is in your hand' effect. But the hand-buff is so slow, and so vulnerable to silence, too. Token Demon Hunter isn't really taking form despite the slight push in this expansion, and Hunter's simply got better tools to run than a potentially-big-beatstick. You'd rather run a big beatstick with effects, wouldn't you?

Speaking of a big beatstick with effects... Ancient Void Hound! A big-ass 9-mana 10/10 demon that will whirlwind your enemy's board, and then steal all the stats. It's actually a very, very cool effect. If this was a Warlock or Warrior card I'd probably be singing a lot of praises! It just absolutely nukes the board and even debuffs the enemy. And it's a big boy! It's just that... it's in Demon Hunter. And Demon Hunter, even moreso than Hunter, wants to be aggro, so despite this being a pretty cool card, I don't think this will see play. Keep this one in mind if/when Demon Hunter finally realizes its Big Demon dream!
Vilefiend Trainer is extremely... just there? She's a 4-mana 5/4, okay, vanilla stats... but if you play her at outcast, she summons two 1/1 demons. That's like a conditional Grim Necromancer with extra stats, and as a Demon Hunter you really don't want to clog up your hand with extra cards that aren't super-gamebreaking with Outcast effects like Eye Beam or Skull of Gul'dan. You really do want to keep your hand as cheap as possible. So no, Vilefiend Trainer's not going to see constructed play.
Fel Guardian is another one that gets discounted whenever a friendly minion dies, Corridor Creeper style. It's a 7-cost spell that summons three 1/2 taunt tokens... and it's just not enough, is it? Like, sure, you can knock it down to what's basically a better Feral Spirits. And I don't think it requires too much investment, even if you're not playing a dedicated Token deck. But it's so bad to topdeck this, and if you have any sort of Outcast card (Skull of Gul'dan, Crimson Runner, Eye Beam...) this is just going to eat up space in your hand. I dunno. This is a decent card that won't see any play because it's in Demon Hunter, and their pre-existing Outcast cards are going to be far, far more enticing than three 1/2 Taunts.

Double Jump tutors an Outcast card, which seems pretty lame. Wouldn't you run a better card draw engine? Then again, if you play Double jump, the Outcast card you draw will be guaranteed to be there for you to use the Outcast effect. It's actually a pretty cool little interaction. Don't think it'll make Double Jump ladder-viable, but a very cool card nonetheless.
Druid/Hunter beast-lover dual class cards now! Guardian Animals is an interesting card. 7 mana, and you summon two 5-mana beasts from your deck and give them Rush. And, sure, you can summon less-costed beast, but clearly you want the maximum value, right? And the expansion does give us a couple of good 5-cost beasts. Twilight Runner, Teacher's Pet, Lake Thresher... and immediately recruiting two minions and giving them Rush is very good. I'm just unconvinced that it's good enough to be an archetype and a deck for constructed. Druid can do crazier things, and Hunter would probably stick to Scavenger's Ingenuity and Zixor.
Teacher's Pet is a cute pet. A 5-mana beast matters thanks to Guardian Animals, but all Teacher's Pet ultimately is ends up being kind of a specific sort of Shredder (you get a 3-cost beast as a deathrattle), with Taunt. And maybe that's enough to play? Sometimes you low-roll the 3-cost beast and get a Desert Hare. And... I dunno. I guess the taunt and potential rush from Guardian Animals might make this good? I'm not very optimistic about this one.

On the other hand, Twilight Runner! Now this is a beast I want to cheat out and give Rush to. A 5-mana 5/4 with Stealth, and any time it attacks you draw 2 cards. Nourish was universally played when it was 5 mana, and still sometimes played at 6 mana. This is Nourish with one less card, albeit a bit delayed but comes with a 5/4 body. The Stealth really makes this viable even if you don't manage to recruit this out with Guardian Animals. Although... I dunno. I still think that if this sees play, it might not be in a Guardian Animals specific deck? I do like this card a lot.
Partner Assignment is neat, you curve from 1-cost spell to 2-cost and 3-cost beasts. It's just that in both wild and standard, there aren't enough beast-synergy card in Druid. Makes me almost wish that this was a dual-class card; Hunter would probably have a better field day with this one.
Gibberling! This is an interesting variation of Feral Gibberer. 1-mana 1/1, and you summon a second Gibberling with Spellburst; and the summoned Gibberling has its own Spellburst. Very cool mechanic, shame that it's just ultimately ends up being on 1/1 bodies. The obvious way is to play Gibberling into Adorable Infestation or something... but then I dunno. You maybe kinda-sorta buff a board of 1/1's? I like the design a lot, though, and I think this highlights Spellburst's not-quite-Deathrattle-not-quite-Battlecry status as something you activate mid-game very well.

Speaking of 1/1's that duplicate itself, Hunter's got the Wolpertinger, basically a marginally better Alleycat. Alleycat will always summon a 1/1 token, while Wolpertinger will summon a copy of itself... so on the marginal chance that you buff Wolpertinger, you get a buffed copy, too. Right now, though, it's basically just Scavenger's Ingenuity, right? And you certainly have better beasts to buff than Wolpertinger. Whatever the case, it does mean that for Standard, we get an Alleycat reprint, which I bet Hunter would appreciate.
Overwhelm has a glorious card art, but ultimately... it's decent? Deal 2 damage to a minion, and it scales up depending on the beasts you have? I dunno, I feel like Hunter has better ways of overwhelming an enemy. It's balanced because it can't go face, but on the other hand I feel like it's so much weaker because of that.
Carrion Studies is the Hunter Study card... and the study-cycle are all basically just 1-mana spells that discovers a specific bracket of card, and discounts the next one you play, meaning that you don't have a mana deficit whether you decide to play the card you just discovered, or if you decide to put out your own Zixor or something from your hand. But... but it kind of takes up a space in your deck, and wouldn't you rather put in a good Deathrattle minion instead of maybe discovering a perfect one? The pool is kind of large enough at this point and there are so many bad deathrattle minions out there that I don't think any of the Studies will see much use outside of, say, single-player adventure modes. And I do think that they the Spellburst trigger is fringe at best.

Krotusk Barkstripper looks cool! And it's a 4-mana 3/5 that destroys a random enemy minion when you Spellburst it. If it's battlecry, we're talking. As it is, Krotusk Barkstripper sort of highlights how Spellburst can be horribly impractical. Run Deadly Shot or Rotnest Drake instead, I don't think there's any point where I want to play a 4-drop then play another spell to destroy a random enemy minion.
Bloated Python is sort of like an egg card? That can trade? A 3-mana 1/2 that summons a 4/4 is actually pretty dang good, it's certainly far, far better than Serpent Egg! I'm not sure if Hunter is in the market for Egg shenanigans, but this is a pretty solid card.

Everyone's all happy about Firebrand, they think he's the new Flamewaker. Don't be fooled by the name and art, this is more of a new Goblin Blastmage. A conditional 4-random-damage on a vanilla statted minion. Goblin Blastmage did see play back in the day, but the condition basically had the Blastmage be dropped on board with mechs around. Firebrand wants you to play another spell. And, sure, it doesn't have to be on the same turn, but then if you don't and the Firebrand dies, you just wasted turn 3 playing a vanilla 3/4. Still, a pretty balanced card.
Wyrm Weaver is certainly a bit of a more interesting Spellburst card. Presumably if you're running a Spellburst deck you'll have a lot of cheap spells, so Wyrm Weaver being a 5-mana 3/6 that summons two Mana Wyrms on Spellburst? You do have to time things right, and the Mana Wyrms won't get the first tick from the spell that summons them, but I dunno. I feel like with the right deck and a good amount of cheap spells, this is the sort of card that would make cheap card-generating spells and the like end up being so much more powerful. Far better than Firebrand for sure.
Cram Session benefits from Spell Damage, and you draw cards that's buffed by Spell Damage! Very cool even without considering meta implications, and I do like the focus of making more Spell Damage synergy without just printing more Spell Damage minions. On top of my head I can't think of the specific combo that would be super-duper-value, but it's these sort of cards that gets deck theory-crafters excited.

A bunch of Mage dual-class cards. Trick Totem is... an interesting one? It's a cheap-spell generator, and in theory you can hope that it keeps generating cards for your Wyrm Weaver's Mana Wyrms. I don't think it's going to see much play since it's a totem and totems tend to be fragile if they're not, like, Primalfin Totem or something. And sure, the Mana Wyrm synergy is cool and all, but you only really use most spellburst effects once, so Trick Totem doesn't feel like it's going to work out particularly well in either mage or shaman.
Primordial Studies has a very cool art, and it's Shaman and Mage's study. You discover a Spell Damage minion... which works with a lot of the Spell Damage synergy that both Mage and Shaman have. The thing is, Shaman already kind of have a button that summons a spell damage minion, and wouldn't you rather run your Lab Partners and Bloodmage Thalnoses anyway instead of this one? I dunno. The argument is that, I guess, you can play this to trigger a Spellburst, then get a Spell Damage minion out of it... but while the range isn't quite as big as Deathrattle minions there are a couple of pretty bad Spell Damage minions out there too. I dunno. I'm just down on most of the Studies -- unless you're talking Wild Quest Mage, and even then there are better random spell generators.
Ha ha Brain Freeze is great. For 1 mana, you freeze a minion! If you cast this as a combo, this turns into a Frostbolt! Outclassed by various other better spells (I'd rather have the consistency of Frostbolt in mage; and there are better cards to run that I want my combos to trigger in Rogue) but the artwork is my absolute favourite in this set, and it's not like this is a bad card, really. It's just perhaps too situational.

Shaman cards! Rune Dagger is pretty fun, an alternate way to get Spell Damage. Any time your hero stabs something with the weapon, you get Spell Damage for a turn. That's kind of neat, and while I don't think we've got enough Spell-Damage-lover cards, this could actually be one of the safer ways for a Shaman to guarantee they've got Spell Damage without worrying that their poor totems get killed.
Molten Blast is... interesting? Deal 2 damage, summon 2 1/1 tokens. Not very exciting, but the amount of tokens is also increased by spell damage. I don't think it's particularly great, especially at 3 mana, but I've seen people compare this to the single-target, wide-board-generator equivalent of something like Maelstrom Portal or Sandstorm Elemental... that works, I guess, and if nothing else I really do like the design of this one.
Tidal Wave can potentially wipe a gigantic board with 3 damage, and heal you for ridiculous amounts. Too expensive and impractical, I feel, although it might just replace the likes of Earthquake as Shaman's go-to big devastation spell. Don't see this seeing too much play, though.

Judicious Junior is a pretty boring card, an almost-vanilla card. Vanilla-with-sprinkles? She's a 6-mana 4/9 with Lifesteal. On paper, it's not terrible, but there are just so many better cards out there. I like that simpler cards like these exist for sure -- good for arena, good for random card generation and stuff -- but it doesn't really make them playable in constructed.
Blessing of Authority is... interesting. I go straight to Dinosize in wild, which is the go-to big Paladin buff spell. Also somewhat comparable to Pharaoh's Blessing, the other big-paladin-buff card currently running around. Blessing of Authority is extremely efficient, 5-mana 8/8... but your minion can't attack heroes that turn only. I dunno. My gut feeling says that librams and other buff cards are far more practical than this, but it's also extremely cheap! For 5 mana, you get +8/+8! Definitely awesome to get back on Lynessa Sunsorrow or Immortal Prelate (who can't attack when you summon her anyway) and unlike Dinosize, this stacks with other buffs. Didn't excite me the first time I saw it, but... definitely has potential!

Commencement is... it's a bit too expensive, I feel. Warrior/Paladin dual class, and you recruit a minion and give it Taunt and Divine Shield. I know Recruit Warrior have seen some moderate success before, but at the same time... I dunno. I can't think on top of my head what paladin or warrior deck will run so few minions that running Commencement to tutor one would be super-awesome. And yeah, maybe the dream is using Judicious Junior and get a mega-lifesteal-annoy-o-tron... but it's still honestly not that good, I feel.
Shield of Honor is a bit more interesting. You give a damaged minion +3 attack and Divine Shield. This buff used to be priced at 3 for the Seal of Champions, a card I really loved back in the day. And for 1 mana? That's pretty cool! But... your minion has to be damaged. And sure, Warrior can do funny things like damage their own minions or use Bloodsworn Mercenary for extra value. And Warrior in particular use a lot of Reborn minions that they can abuse with this. I kind of want to say that the damaged part of the card does make it feel somewhat too clunky to play, but at the same time I do think that the effect and the flavour is cool enough that people'll somehow make this work.
Wave of Apathy is sort of like a better version of Pint-Sized Potion, where all the enemy minions are nerfed. It might even have the reach that Pint-Sized Potion doesn't have, combined with Shadow Word: Horror in Wild! And yet... I dunno, we've had better board clears for Priest specifically, and sure, it'll allow good trades, but Wave of Apathy feels like it's just going to be more or less kind of a weird tech card. I dunno. Not impressed by this one.

Good lord Mindrender Illucia. She's just the nightmare of combo decks, huh? And we thought Glide was bad! Illucia will swap you and your opponent's hands for a set of turns, so if your opponent is playing a combo deck, you can wait until the approximate time that they are about to do the Malygos/Moonfire turn, or the Time Warp turn, or drop Mecha'thun, or something, and you just waste all their resources. Burn the Moonfires, burn the Time Warp, burn Reno Jackson, burn the Cataclysm, play the hero cards like Shadowreaper Anduin or whatever to completely deny them that... and, granted, this does mean that your opponent will have the chance to dick around with your hand, but on the right matchup Illucia can basically prevent your opponent from winning at all while presumably you'll build your deck in a way that you won't really cry for if you lose a couple of cards. A much-needed disruption tool particularly in Wild.
Power Word: Feast is... kind of boring. The artwork is fun, but it's just 2-mana +2/+2, and I don't really think that restore-to-full-health is going to matter most of the time. Sure, you can trade and get a fully recovered minion... but I dunno. Again, maybe Wild is colouring my perceptions a fair bit, but this looks so much like an arena card. Unless maybe you're playing Injured Blademaster? Still, 2-mana +2/+2 with a potential upside isn't terrible. It's also not spectacular. Initiation reminds me of that one terrible Witchwood card, Holy Water. Only instead of getting a copy of the card into your hand, you immediately summon a copy on the field. And... and I still don't think it's good enough, sorry. You really need to make sure the minion drops down to 4 health or below, and then still have 6 mana to play the spell. I dunno. It's not terrible, and certainly leagues better than Holy Water, but still kinda eh.

The final Priest/Warlock shadow-buddy dual class card is Raise Dead, which is pretty awesome! You deal 3 damage to your hero, Warlock-style... then you kinda-sorta resurrect two friendly minions, only they return to your hand. Which means that this isn't some Big Priest shenanigans, but rather just a way to recycle battlecries. In Wild, I can immediately think of a place for this in Cube Warlock. Play this late in the game. Unless you get Voidwalkers, then you get demons that your Skull of the Man'ari will cheat out from your hand, or maybe you'll get something like an extra cube or N'Zoth or something. Pretty interesting card, I actually like the design of this one.
Draconic Studies is... well, my feelings is still the same regarding all these studies cards, and you'd rather run a dragon or a better dragon-generator (Netherspite Historian, Skeletal Wyrm, even Bone Drake would be preferable). The range of good dragons is pretty favorable, though, so maybe this one sees some fringe play? Ditto for Demonic Studies. With demons, I feel there are a lot more bad demons out there, and even then Warlock's certainly got better demon-generators.

Rogue now! Plagiarize is one of my personal favourites, mostly because one of my janky-but-fun decks has always been Burgle Rogue with Tess Greymane. Plagiarize (love the name) basically allows me to put a secret, then copy everything the enemy is going to play in the next turn. The thing is, though, you're either playing a Secret Rogue or a Burgle Rogue when you put Plagiarize in your deck. Burgle Rogues will give out their hand to the opponent too quickly, so they'll know the only secret you run is Plagiarize, whereas Secret Rogue isn't going to use the burgled cards all that well. Hope springs eternal, and I love this card. I'll definitely experiment with it.
Self-Sharpening Sword has a lot of great flavour. As it loses durability while your hero attacks, the attack stat gets buffed. That's such great flavour! And honestly, you go from 1/4 to 2/3 to 3/2 to 4/1... and that's not even that bad. Impractical, perhaps, but certainly not bad.
Vulpera Toxinblade is... interesting? Her effect, unlike most of Rogue's weapon-buffs, is continuous. She just constantly gives your weapon +2 attack instead of making it a battlecry. I'm not sure if that's going to be particularly useful or not, though, because I feel like Rogue has a lot of better weapon-buff cards already. Cool, but probably won't see play.

Shifty Sophomore is... eh? She's a combination of a bunch of stuff, a 4/4 Stealth that will generate a combo card when you spellburst. Cool arena card, I guess, the combination of stealth and spellburst and combo-generator feels like a bunch of eclectic stuff mashed together.
We've got two Warrior/Rogue cards and they're pretty interesting? Cutting Class feels straight-up impractical, you draw 2 cards and it costs less depending on the attack of your weapon. But then Dread Corsair was played, and that's a 3/3 Taunt that gets discounted down from 4. And sure, Cutting Class might rot in your hand for a while, but on the other hand you can turn it into a cheaper or even free Arcane Intellect. Not the most exciting card, but I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes usable.
Coerce is... interesting? It's more expensive Execute, but if you combo it, it becomes cheap Assassinate. You'd almost always run Blackjack Stunner or Shield Slam or Vilespine Slayer or actually good removal, wouldn't you? A very neat blending of Warrior and Rogue flavours and mechanics, but probably not the most viable card.

Reaper's Scythe is neat. 4-mana 4/2 is good weapon stats, and the Spellburst makes it into a Cleave weapon for one turn? That's... that's not terrible, and being a weapon means that you can afford to wait until the next turn, unlike the more vulnerable minions. Cleave isn't an effect that we see a whole ton, but on a weapon it could definitely be great. Not too exciting perhaps, but I do like this one.
Both In Formation (ha, information, I get the pun) and Athletic Studies are kind of... eh? Two random Taunt minions will definitely not be that good or consistent. I Know A Guy never saw play, and it's a Discover spell. Athletic Studies lets you discover a Rush minion and... again, just put Restless Mummy in your deck. Neither of these feel all that good.

Neutrals now, and these two are perhaps the most interesting with the most potential to actually see play. Animated Broomstick is a 1-mana 1/1 with Rush... and it gives all your other minions Rush! That's good, right? On paper, yeah. Magic Carpet saw a fair amount of play even in Wild, and that's a pretty conditional (albeit continuous) effect. Serrated Tooth from Rastakhan's Rumble also saw a fair amount of experimentation and play. And... I dunno. I feel like this isn't strong enough, but on the other hand it's pretty dirt-cheap at 1. But on the other hand... it's just Rush and I'm not sure what deck will run this. I don't want to write this off immediately, though, this is a card that I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being a surprisingly good one.
Voracious Reader is sort of kind of like a Jeeves, just for you. And she's half of the cost, and has a 1/3 statline. I actually think this means that she'll definitely see some sort of play in super hyper-aggro lists. And, sure, Jeeves had the advantage of also having Mech synergies, but at the same time he also saw play in non Mech lists. The times and the meta have certainly changed, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Reader saw inclusion in some aggro lists.

The next two are sort-of Spell Damage and Spellburst synergy. And I don't feel like they're good enough. Sorcerous Substitute is two 6/6's for 6 mana, but only if you have Spell Damage. And that's not terrible. In arena, it's even pretty good! But 'not terrible' doesn't make it into either constructed formats, and it's a conditional one to boot so sometimes you're just stuck with this. Animated Avalance and Omega Agent have shown that simple vanilla stats simply just don't really cut it anymore. Steward of Scrolls is... actually very good! It's Spell Damage +1, and it helps you discover a spell. Theoretically, it helps out your Spell Damage synergies and it will also give you a spell to boot... but at 5 mana, I don't think you'll run this and you'd rather run either a cheaper Spell Damage minion, or a cheap card-generator. It just falls short from being useful, I feel.

We've seen cards with Tour Guide's effect many, many times before in the past. Fencing Coach comes to mind. But the thing is... it's not worth spending a card slot in your deck. So no. Manafeeder Panthara is kind of worse, it's not even an Inspire-esque effect. You need to use a hero power to activate its battlecry, which is drawing a card. And no, I'd always run Novice Engineer or Loot Hoarder over this clunky battlecry; that 2/3 statline isn't worth sabotaging your turns.
Robes of Protection is interesting, it's basically Frozen Throne's Anti-Magic Shell on a minion. And that's not terrible and certainly interesting and flavourful. The thing is that what made Anti-Magic Shell so powerful is that it also comes with a +2/+2 buff on your board, and that usually helps the board be more resistant to board clears. Sure, Robes of Protection is a 2/4 body, and that's not terrible, but I don't think that's going to be enough, and I'm not sure what deck desperately needs this spellproof tech card.

Two dragons. Plagued Protodrake isn't terrible! It's also not good. It's the same problem that Piloted Sky Golem and Sneed's had way back in the day -- these sort of 'undying' minions only work when they're cheap. Piloted Shredder and Haunted Creeper and Mecharoo and the various eggs all saw play because they were in the 1-4 mana range. When you get too high, spending mana on a minion that is just a bit sticky isn't good investment of your mana. That said, Plagued Protodrake isn't going to be something you'll be broken up if you get this off of Dragonqueen or something. A fun card to have in the pool.
Crimson Hothead, on the other hand, is just ew. It's a dragon, sure, but Descent of Dragons gave us so many better neutral dragons. It's not even a battlecry, it's Spellburst? And otherwise it's just a vanilla minion? Honestly I don't think you even pick this over Yeti in Arena.
Lake Thresher is 5-mana 4/6 with the cleave effect. It's a big Cave Hydra, and it might be relevant with Druid and Jandice Barov summoning 5-cost minions. I don't think it's going to see play in Wild, but I can totally see some Standard Druid deck try and buff this up in the deck and then cheating it out with Guardian Animals or something. Not terrible!

Smug Senior, Sneaky Delinquent and Fishy Flyer all have the same mechanic, it's deathrattle-add-this-card-back-to-your-hand as these two poor students meet with an unfortunate fate. Sort of like Ur'zul Horror, and you do have to play the card over again... which means that neither of these will be playable. All three would already be kind of questionable if they summoned themselves right afterwards (like that Cursed Protodrake above) but the fact that you have to play them again? Nah. Smug Senior's essentially the first body of an Enhanced Dreadlord, and... you probably wouldn't want to run 6-mana 5/7 Taunt except in Arena. Maybe not even then.
We've seen Sneaky Delinquent's cost/stat/effect combo before in Twisted Worgen, and I certainly wouldn't play a Twisted Worgen that adds a copy of it into my hand as a deathrattle. Fishy Flier is a 4/3 Rush and it's a Murloc... and while it's not like the worst thing in the world, Murloc decks tend to be on the more aggressive side and rushing usually isn't in their game plan. Very fun flavour for both, though.

Obligatory rager! Divine Rager is actually good if you get him off of random card generation, whether it's something that summons 4-mana mininos or elementals. 5/1 Divine Shield basically makes it a bigger Scarlet Crusader, and that's not bad! Not good enough to see constructed play, though.
Enchanted Cauldron is a cute effect, but it only goes off once, the Cauldron's stats are pitiful and you're just as likely as to blow up your own Cauldron as you are casting a second Power of Creation or something. I suppose you could play it at like the low costs to try and roll for a secret or a cheap 1-mana card generation spell, but then again why bother with spending 3 mana and another spell just to get a random spell?
Wandmaker is... boring, but not terrible? Certainly not powerful in Wild, but maybe she can find a place in highlander decks in standard? Certainly pretty good in Arena, and a 2-mana 2/2 that gives you a cheap spell from your class is kind of a relatively neat, limited range that is more likely than not be useful. I'm not convinced that Spellburst is so strong a mechanic (and it's not repeatable either) that you'll run these random card generators.

Intrepid Initiate, I feel, was created more of a 'proof of concept' card, as a Spellburst card with the simplest effect ever. And I'm already not super-duper hyped about Spellburst as a viable mechanic other than maybe a couple of specific examples, but this is extra m'eh. Play Blazing Battlemage instead.
Ogremancer is like Troggzor the Earthinator from GvG. Only he's got arguably better and more defensive stats, in exchange for summoning weaker bodies in 2/2 taunts. Neat that it exists and I suppose you wouldn't be too broken up summoning this with Jandice Barov or something, but a 2/2 Taunt generator that depends on your opponent playing poorly isn't a viable card for Standard.
Desk Imp is just a Wisp with the demon tag. Which means that it's going to certainly find home in zoo warlock lists... although I'm not sure if at this point it makes the cut. Zoo used to run Snowflipper Penguin, and you'd think swapping the beast tag for a demon one would make Desk Imp so much more viable... but on the other hand, zoo's got a lot of options now and I don't think this one's going to be particularly that great.
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