Tuesday 1 June 2021

I fixed my old articles!

Well, mostly I've fixed just the Pokemon monster and Digimon monster reviews. Which I will self-promote here where there's a full list of all the Pokemon review series that I've done. I have basically learned to host pictures locally on the blog. I've also fixed a bunch (but not all) the broken pictures that I can find -- mostly it's the Pokemon Let's Plays and episode reviews, but also the manga reviews. I've removed images from episode and manga reviews, but have swapped around the images used in the Let's Play segments. 

(Good lord what demon possessed me to do a review of all the human trainers, I am a fool, that it a lot of images. Curse you, past me.)

I'm taking a break on site maintenance, but eventually I plan to hit up all the other huge monster-review series (D&D, Resident Evil, Witcher, Zelda, Final Fantasy etc plus the Hearthstone reviews) and slowly re-convert the pictures there to be hosted locally on the blog. At some point I also want to rewrite a bunch of the older Pokemon/Digimon reviews which I feel are some of the older content on this site that people go back to look at, and some of the things I wrote in the past could really use a bit more of a touch-up. It'll be for a while -- I'm taking a break for the time being, though, and it'd be to balance writing up new articles instead of editing old ones. 

Anyway, site image maintenance is the primary reason for the slightly drier amount of content this month (and probably the next), though we'll start off with a big game (which I am actively playing right now!) for the next 'reviewing monsters' segment. I'm not sure how exciting this game will be to you guys out there, but I definitely am excited to do this. It's a 'reviewing monsters' segment that I will do as I play the game, and you should probably see part one of the review early this month. 

Basically the plan for the next couple of months is this video game monster-review project, and then finish editing the Phase II MCU movie reviews -- I'm still on the fence on whether I want to redo my Phase III reviews, most of which I did at the time when the movies came out.

They're coming eventually, but I am also working on finishing up the remaining Resident Evil monster reviews (I think I only have the two Revelations games left before VIII?) and the Dungeons & Dragons monster reviews (I'm almost done with 5E, and after that we'll do other editions). D&D is a bit harder because I have to do some searching for good-quality images of pictures of older edition monsters. I'm also considering doing a monster review segment for any one of these games: Devil May Cry 5, Persona 5, or Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. I haven't played through any of these games personally but I've watched my friends play through them recently. It's just that I'm not well-versed in the lore of these series outside of the specific games, and I'm not sure how much reading or watching I want to be, or if I want to save them for if/when I play those games myself. Or maybe I'll pick one of the Tokusatsu shows I watched and review the monsters there. If you've got a preference, make it known! 

Not sure what I'll do with the rest of the stuff... I haven't had the time or honestly energy to watch any of the DC superhero TV shows, but at least I'm relatively keeping up with Kamen Rider Saber. After that show is finished, I think I'll finally sit down and review the three Heisei shows that I haven't written anything about. We'll do Loki similarly to how we handled WandaVision and The Sam and Bucky Show; I'll watch most of the season and depending on how much I have to say I'll do a full seasonal review or split it into two or three parts. My watch-through of the One Piece anime is still going -- I have a bullet point draft -- but don't expect it to be regular. Basically I'll just post a chunk of it if/when I deem it long enough to be an article. 

Anyway, I think I do like this system a fair bit where the articles I write are mostly longer at the cost of updating a bit less often. It's a lot less stressful than when I basically pressure myself to churn out an episode review of a superhero show or a manga chapter review every single day, which led to my bit of burnout in late 2020.  Whether it's something to do with google algorithms or if these longer articles are actually more palatable to the public I can't really say, but it does make me happy that the longer articles that I put more effort into do better in terms of views and comments.

TL;DR, still writing. Here's a list of all pages that link to lists of 'longer' articles that I've been doing recently and not-so-recently:

Reviewing Video Game Monsters:
  • Gotta Review 'Em All: A review series about Pokemon, recently refurnished a bit. I review all 899 Pokemon, all their alternate forms, all the major named NPC's, and even a bunch of other extra stuff like types and fan-made games. 
  • Digimon Reviews: Recently completed and made up-to-date to 2021, I also talk about almost every single Digimon in existence!
  • Dungeons & Dragons: Mostly 5th Edition, but I do hope to branch into other editions eventually after I finish up the last couple of 5E books later this year. 
  • Resident Evil: Three games short of finishing the entire series, I talk about all the monstrous ways that Capcom stretch the definition of 'zombie'.
  • Other Games: The other monster reviews are a bit older and nowhere as comprehensive as those other three, but I reviewed monsters in the The Witcher franchise and Final Fantasy XIII relatively recently, and while a bit older, I also talked about monsters from Elder Scrolls, The Legend of Zelda, Pikmin, Darkest Dungeon, Diablo II and many more. 
  • Card Games: I did review the first couple of expansion sets for Magic: The Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh if you guys are interested in those. The work needed to host so many images means that I probably won't do any of them any time soon, though maybe a special Eldrazi or Innistrad one might be something I do for M:TG.
Other Stuff:
  • Lore of Hearthstone: Hearthstone, the spin-off card game from Warcraft, features a sometimes-surprisingly detailed homage to its base game, the Warcraft franchise, and I talk way too much about the lore behind almost every single card. 
  • Superhero Movies: Most of the recent stuff are the older MCU movies, ironically, as I am rewatching and re-reviewing the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


  1. Nice. Cant wait to see you new Reviewing Monsters list!
