Sunday 19 February 2023

One Piece 1075 Review: Order 66 Reversed

One Piece, Chapter 1075: Labostratum Death Game

A rather short chapter, mostly a follow-up to 1074. There's a still-unknown figure eliminating the security snails, as Shaka is looking at the security feeds. Luffy also realizes that someone's sabotaging the intercoms.

We get to check up with a bunch of other characters, with Nami, Brook and Edison finding a bunch of man-made diamonds and Nami getting super excited about that. Chopper, Robin and Atlas get to see a bunch of grown organ farms that Chopper thinks will revolutionize medicine, while Robin makes a morbid joke. Sanji is simping over Stussy and they're accompanied with Jinbe. The final group, consisting of Usopp, Franky, Lilith and giant York meet the blown-up Pythagoras, and... in a rather cleverly-foreshadowed 'hey this character is alive', Pytaghoras survives as the little head-with-limbs form that we saw him in as a gag when he was surprised earlier this arc. 

York ends up finding S-Snake, the Boa Hancock Seraphim... who immediately turns York into stone. Lilith commands S-Snake to stop, but she just keeps shooting them with lasers. The fact that the Seraphim are not following the satellite Vegapunks' orders means that either the Stella has gone rogue for some reason, or that Jay Garcia Saturn has actually arrived on the island. The silhouette we saw in the Shaka scene could very easily been either Saturn or S-Bear?

So yeah, we do finally get some stakes, since with the Seraphims and the Mark III's, things seem to be pretty much smooth sailing for our heroes. S-Bear and S-Hawk show up in the main control room, fighting Luffy and Zoro... and they're kinda trying to not let the unconscious Lucci and Kaku get killed by stray Pacifista blasts. Obviously the CP-0 agents are just playing dead, and they want to be released so they can aid Luffy and Zoro against this threat, and the chapter closes with the punchline of the Straw Hats making the Wano HAAAA disgusted faces.

Overall, we are stretching out the traitor revelation a bit longer, and with Kizaru and St. Jay Garcia Saturn's locations still being unknown, they seem to be the most likely suspects. It's definitely not as exciting of a chapter compared to previous ones, but it's pretty interesting that the Seraphims and Pacifista changing sides is how the power dynamics of the factions in Egghead is changing. 

Random Notes:
  • Been a while since my last post, huh? Real-life stuff got in the way, and I just simply didn't have too much time to write. All my writing efforts also kind of went to monster reviews, which will see a bit more of a staggered release.
  • Cover story shows Dr. Vegapunk meeting the Gorosei, which was alluded to by Saturn a couple of chapters ago. Interestingly, all the Gorosei members are shown in silhouette, which I think is to cover up whether they have aged or not. 
  • Nami actually agrees to leave behind the bag filled with jewelry behind? Sounds like a pretty OOC thing to do. 


  1. Excited to see if we get a buff old man with the Gorosei Saturn or if this is all the Machination of Stella. Extremely hyped foe the next chapters, and the monster reviews!

    1. Who knows, it'll all be Caribou all along!

      I am pretty hyped for this arc in general, which is proving to be a bit more complex than I thought.

      Monster reviews will hopefully be a bit more regular in the following month, though I do have some Persona and Pokemon content done. I just need to proof-read and format the pictures!
