Bleach, Thousand-Year Blood War, Episode 30: The Betrayer
And here we go. This review took a long time to write because, frankly, it's something that I've kind of been anticipating the TYBW anime added, but never believed would happen. The adaptation of Bleach's final arc has been relatively consistent and faithful to the source material... up until the Squad Zero battles. And this string of chapters was the beginning of Bleach's whimper of a finale. There were some great fights interspaced between them -- individual fights like Mayuri vs Pernida, Haschwalth vs Bazz-B and Kyoraku vs Lille were always a glimmer of hope within the messy final set of chapters that made up Bleach's finale... but with the anime expanding upon the Squad Zero fight and the Ichigo/Juhabach confrontation, one of the big question was how they were going to handle Ishida Uryu.
Uryu's arc in Bleach's final chapters was infamous for being clearly truncated. It's clear that author Tite Kubo was saving Uryu's chapters for one big flashback or confrontation at the end... which never materialized. The end result was that one of the theoretically main characters seemed to betray the good guys in a completely unconvincing way, glared at Ichigo a couple of times... and then just hung around the baddies before betraying them. Who could've seen that coming? Everyone. Everyone could. It was unsatisfying, and the only moment of 'true' betrayal was Uryu shooting an arrow or two at Ichigo maybe twice throughout the arc. And this chapter fixes that by changing the extremely flaccid source material confrontation -- which amounts to Uryu shooting the floor below Ichigo into a full-blown fight.
Anyway, on to the episode. The episode starts off with some reused scenes from the previous chapter, re-establishing Ukitake's sacrifice with Mimihagi. We get a bit more focus on Juhabach's reaction to Mimihagi. After a repeat of the scene where The Almighty doesn't work on Mimihagi, Juhabach walks forwards and the two godlike beings do a bit of a reiatsu shockwave thing back and forth. At one point, Juhabach inverts the colours all around him which reminds me of The World from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Juhabach wonders why the Soul King's will would be different with the Mimihagi, and... the anime team made the interesting decision to have the Mimihagi entity emote, and I don't know about you, but it almost looks like it's actually mocking Juhabach in that scene.
Ichigo and Juhabach clash a bit, and we get a line from Juhabach where he mocks Ichigo for being unable to kill his mother's killer -- I don't actually think this is part of the manga's version of events! I know Ichigo finds this out in 'Everything But the Rain', but to have Juhabach mock Ichigo so is pretty nicely cinematic. And then... an arrow slams onto Yoruichi's back! And it's from Ishida Uryu, gasp!
Ichigo and Uryu have a terse confrontation -- the latest in a series of 'Ishida what are you doing' yelling contests between the two. Uryu, throughout this episode, keeps his poker face up, and basically acts super-duper threatening and keeps shooting arrows towards Ichigo. The whole point of these scenes is to sell to the audience -- and, in-universe, to the watching Sternritters -- that Ishida Uryu is fully in support of Juhabach's plan. Ichigo tries to out-logic Uryu and point out that all the realms will be destroyed if Juhabach's plan succeeds, but Uryu doesn't give a shit and notes that he is a Quincy and therefore he will do what a Quincy is supposed to do.
While this happens, the rest of the Schutzstaffel fly in, with Gerard holding little Pernida under his arm. Good man! The four Schutzstaffel face off against the motley crew of Chad, Orihime and Ganju, which kind of plays in the background while all of this happens. I'll just briefly cover the events that happen in this side-battle, which... again, none of the three here should have any business fighting against any of the Sternritter, let alone the Schutzstaffel. Any one of the four could've wiped out the three goons without batting an eye. But the anime gives us a bit of a confrontation, which takes place in a couple of cutaways from the main event. I'm going to cover them here, for simplicity's sake.
Ganju uses one of his 'ultimate' attacks from the Soul Society arc, unleashing a storm of firecrackers to fill the air in front of the Schutzstaffel. Gerard's the only one who's entertaining the fight, which honestly makes sense in a narrative way since Gerard would be the only one to be able to 'go easy' on them. With their personalities, Lille and Pernida are heartless, and Askin only plays with his prey so long as it leads them to assassination. Gerard's sword slash is deflected by Orihime's Santen Kesshun, and a second slash is blocked by Chad's Brazo Izquierda del Diablo. Ganju then unleashes his trump card: Renkan Seppa Sen, the ability that he used to trap Yumichika in the Soul Society Arc.
The floor under the Schutzstaffel crumble into sand, and all four Sternritter plummet through the sand. Pernida says nothing, but you can just tell that they're really pissed off. This is the second time that the anime gave us an anime-exclusive fight that ends up with Pernida being sucked down by sand! And as Ganju is about to boast his great contribution... all four Sternritters just fly up with their partial Vollstandigs activated. "Did you forget we can fly?" Yes, yes, apparently Ganju did.
We later get a shot of Gerard landing and swinging his sword, blowing away the three of them off of the platform. Chad uses his Brazo Derecho el Gigante to tank the blow, but the three of them fall the platform anyway. I think it's a nice little action scene that adds just enough to give us a short little confrontation between the supporting cast and the Schutzstaffel.
There is also a short scene while all of this is going of Juhabach attempting to do the process of ripping Mimihagi off of the Soul King. Due to the necessity that this process needs a bit more time since we need time for the Ichigo/Uryu fight, Mimihagi actually fights back a bit with some crackles of electricity, and the people below note that Ukitake -- or at least whatever left of Ukitake -- is still fighting against Juhabach. That's a nice little touch. There is a nice little touch as Isane of the 4th division tries to help the suffering twitching body of Ukitake, but it's her sister, 13th division third-seat Kiyone, that stops Isane. It's such a small moment for two characters that are probably some of the least relevant supporting characters in this massive cast, but it's clear that whatever message that Jushiro Ukitake had imparted to Rukia and Kaien also hit the 13th Division's lower members. Kiyone is closer to Ukitake and is suffering more, but she understands. That's a nice little moment for Kiyone for sure.
Uryu then gives a declaration that the world does not need Shinigami... before activating his Quincy Vollstandig. Boom, church bells, giant Evangelion cross pillar. Ishida Uryu has a Vollstandig. Yes. This moment is absolutely surreal.
And for all of the hype... I do have to be honest and say that Uryu's Vollstandig... is... it's all right. I can't really say I find it super-cool or super-badass. But it's a pretty safe design, and I see Ishida as someone who prefers practicality and simplicity. He's got glowing wings, he's got some glowing boots and gauntlets. But it's absolutely a super form that he never got access to in the manga, and seeing Uryu show this off as his full power to match Ichigo, his alleged full conversion to the side of the Vandenreich. It's badass because of what it is and what it represents more than the visual form itself speaking to me.
Ichigo has to zip around to deal with the flying arrow-storms, which can also fire little reishi lasers. Rather importantly, we get a nice shot of Jugram Haschwalth, Sternritter "B", watching over this battle ominously. It's built up quite neatly in both the manga and anime that Haschwalth doesn't fully trust Uryu, and it's nice that this big, epic battle between the two of them is a way for Uryu to prove both his strength and loyalty to the Sternritters -- something that was promised by Juhabach in the manga but was never delivered.
As Uryu renews his attack, he talks about how he's read Soken's journal (which are the background scenes in the first cour) and realized how brutally the Shinigami slaughtered the Quincies... and it's always Quicy blood that is spilled. However, those who know where this is going in the manga would realize that the anime's not just ignoring what happens later, as Uryu says that he 'refuses to forgive the one that took everything from him'. This, of course, is actually Juhabach, whose Auswahlen killed Uryu's mother. And this makes that earlier line about Juhabach mocking Ichigo for not being able to stand against someone who killed his mom seem intentionally meant to parallel this double-meaning line from Uryu.
And as Ichigo continues to talk, making it clear that he's going to try and save Uryu and their friendship... Uryu pulls back his bow and fires one single arrow towards Ichigo. The colours actually dim and fade to gray, as Ichigo realizes what's happening, tries to charge in... and Uryu lets loose the arrow.
The arrow cuts through the screen, and the camera pans out to a long shot of the two friends staring each other. Ichigo struggles out 'Ishida'... before dropping out of the sky. We pan to see a gigantic hole punched to the side of his chest.
The shattered body of the Soul King then hovers up (something that's a bit surreal). And then the body of the Soul King unravels like string as Juhabach absorbs the godly being. with the visual imagery that's not dissimilar from Sklaverei... and a massive tornado of energy forms and dissipates, giving Juhabach his final appearance of being clad in shadows and covered in eyeballs.
Again... so much of this episode is brand-new. There are a couple of lines and scenes lifted from the manga in the beginning and a couple in the end, but this is a much needed emotional climax for our main characters. Whether it's Ichigo or Uryu, I felt like this is probably the best thing that the TYBW anime has given us. It's been teased a couple of times in openings and in the previous cour, but actually giving us a satisfying narrative end, taking us through an alternate version of the story if Tite Kubo wasn't rushing through it and was allowed to give his characters and his story the big emotional impact and narrative progression that they deserved.
Random Notes:
- Alternate blog title for this episode: ishidA vs. kurosAki.
- There are some rumours that Pernida may or may not be related to the unnamed lady Sternritter in the anime-exclusive flashback. But until that's confirmed, I'm going to use "they" for Pernida, which seems appropriate for a sentient hand-person.
- A lot of Pernida's limb-mangling, I feel, would've been heavily censored in the old version of the anime.
- One unfortunate aspect of this expanded fight scene between Juhabach and Team Ichigo is that... even though Ganju, Chad and Orihime got stuff to do in the previous sequence of events, this time around they end up feeling like they're just standing around until the Schutzstaffel arrive. Not that they can do much against Juhabach, but still...
- There's also a short, anime-original scene that happens in the middle of the Ichigo/Uryu fight of Urahara and Hiyosu discussing the destabilization of the realms, and Ukitake/Mimihagi being the thing that is holding stability together. It's not much, but it does help to move some exposition pieces that was skipped over in the Ukitake episode to this one.
- The anime staff hid the Soul King's name, Adyneus, in Soken's journal all the way in cour 1, but no one realized what it meant until we flash back to that scene in this episode. Well played!
- Yeah, changing Ichigo's Getsuga blasts from purple-black to orange really helps in making the clash of Ichigo and Uryu's attacks really flow much better, huh? The contrast -- particularly one shot as Ichigo Getsugas a bunch of Uryu's feathers and bathes the area in orange light -- is pretty great.
- Pernida just levitates a sword -- presumably with invisible nerves. More interestingly, his 'eyes' can whirl and take the form of a Quincy pentacle.
- The ending, "Monochrome", has a lot of visual imagery of two sides of the same coin with Ichigo and Uryu facing off against each other. It works amazingly well coming off of this battle, and they do a bit of changes to Monochrome's ordering of scenes to fit the tone of this episode a bit better!
- The chapters have been rearranged a lot, but one line that's exorcised completely is a line where Juhabach says that Ichigo's entire life has been for his benefit (which functionally is replaced with the less hammy explanation in episode 28 about Ichigo's nature of a fused being), as well as obviously the floor shattering from Uryu's arrows that causes Ichigo to fall from the Soul Palace.
- In the manga's version of events, Yoruichi's string attack on Juhabach happens here after Mimihagi has wrapped around the Soul King.
- I think we've gone on deep enough into the arc that I do think that the anime team is avoiding saying the term 'Schutzstaffel' outright. Probably because out of all the Vandenreich terminology, it's the one that's actually drawn from a Nazi term.
- I know I'm almost a month late for these Bleach reviews. But they do take a bit more time for me to write, since I need the time to sit down and look at the differences. And I do really care about this series, which is why it's taking time for me to produce.
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