Bleach, Thousand-Year Blood War, Episode 31: Against the Judgment
After the bombastic fight between Ichigo and Uryu last episode, we get Juhabach absorbing the Soul King's power and fully transforming into his eyeball form. And Juhabach unleashes a torrent of black goop down onto the Seireitei, which hurtles downwards and floods through the hole that Mimihagi punches over the dome that the Quincies placed over the Soul Society. As the Shinigami panic, Soi Fon charges out and activates her Bankai, Jakuho Raikoben... only to be instantly engulfed by a horde of black, inky, goopy mass made out eyeball monsters.
The mass of eyeball monsters that were disgorged by Juhabach began swarming over a whole ton of the lesser Shinigami, who are just trying their best to survive. Among them are new scenes of the two 'everyman' Shinigami who were introduced in the very beginning of the Thousand-Year Blood War arc, Shino and Yuki, who disappear after the first invasion in the manga. Nice to see that they're still around, and that we're getting a slight payoff with their characters.
The eyeball monsters were always a bit weird in the manga, but the anime does breeze through them relatively quickly and showcases them as what they were originally meant to be -- a showcase of Juhabach's power, as well as something for Aizen to show off his strength. We get to see the Ikkaku, Yumichika and Shuhei release their respective shikais to blast away a wave of eyeballs, but they're ineffective against what's literally a force of nature. Byakuya shows up and unleashes a storm of petals from his Senbonzakura, ripping apart an entire street's worth of enemies with a single attack.
With this, Aizen makes his grand entrance known to the Gotei 13. Many of the Shinigami react in horror or anger, but Aizen just calmly congratulates Rukia's promotion to vice-captain, an always nice 'fuck your priorities' moment from Aizen. Kyoraku shows up to claim responsibility, and defends himself against the angered Soi Fon, Ikkaku and Shuhei about how as the Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13... Kyoraku doesn't give a shit about 'honour'. Honour doesn't help the Gotei 13 protect the world, and Kyoraku delivers his epic line about how 'using evil to defeat evil is not an evil act itself'. A pretty badass line.
And then... Hado no Kyuju: Kurohitsugi.
In an epic sequence, the Black Coffin rises from all around Aizen, and envelops all the eyeball monsters. I love the animation here with the squares overlapping over themselves as they form the giant rectangle. Within the laboratory, we get a short scene where Byakuya tells Kyoraku off that freeing Aizen is an insult to Gotei 13, but Kyoraku's retort is simply "hey, beat me over it... but after we survive".
Aizen gives some monologue, noting that the eyeballs were the result of Juhabach's attempt to absorb the Soul King's power, and that he can sense the changes in reiatsu. Aizen then offers to drag down the Soul King's palace with his own power... and unleashes another massive blast of purple reiatsu around him. This was always a fun 'oh shit' moment in the manga. The anime rearranged scenes so it didn't happen this way, but at this point in the manga, we've had maybe 10 chapters of the Shinigami in the Seireitei trying to get their way up to the Soul King's Palace and always being foiled by random bullshit. The idea that Aizen is just going to shoot the Soul King's Palace down was always ridiculous but badass.
We'll never know if Aizen could actually do what he boasted, however, because Kyoraku doesn't want that to happen. And it shows that the Gotei 13 aren't just letting Aizen out without any ways to restrain him. There are some technology that allows them to control how much of Aizen's reiatsu is restrained, and Kurotsuchi Mayuri strides up to very proudly and cockily explain that the 12th Division's technology has been all focused on keeping Aizen's reiatsu restrained alongside his body, and it's Mayuri that calls the shots on how much reiatsu is leaking out. Aizen and Mayuri are about to engage in a bit of a cock-waving contest, as Aizen asks Mayuri to put up the restraints to maximum so he can destroy them...
NaNaNa monologues about his powers a bit, explaining that with his powers, he just needs to observe Aizen's reiatsu, and thanks to the restraints he can see all of the holes to strip through Aizen's defenses. And for NaNaNa's credit, his subsequent attacks actually renders Aizen paralyzed and leaves him limp with a shocked expression on his face.
Kyoraku very briefly asks if the Quincies would want to join forces since none of them want the Soul King Palace shot down. But NaNaNa delcares his loyalty to Juhabach and how the Quincies have the upper hand since NaNaNa has observed the reiatsu of everyone present... only for a hole to get punched by a burner finger through his back. To the shock of the watching Shinigami, NaNaNa Najahkoop falls down from the building they are standing on, dead and betrayed. The Shinigami are confused, but then Bazz-B, Liltotto and Giselle explain that they will entertain an alliance... because they have a bone to pick with Juhabach for betraying them and leaving them for dead in the surface. There's a strange added line where they note that they want to 'keep other Sternritter at bay', but unless Robert, Meninas and Candice are somehow still alive (all three are not shown to die on-screen in the anime, but would've been dead/gone in the manga) this is just a rogue line without any payoff.
Again, it's simple, but I do like the usage of shadow and light as the three defecting Sternritters keep in the shadow of the buildings while Kyoraku, Mayuri and the other Shinigami stand in the light.
Everything here has been a relatively nice adaptation of chapters 621-626 or thereabouts, but then we get a nice little connective tissue as Kyoraku opens up communication to all of the other Shinigami that has survived, telling everyone to gather in the 12th Division barracks. It's a huge moment of morale boosting, and we get to see unseated or low-ranked Shinigami pulling themselves out of the rubble. Comedy character 'Afro-san' Zennosuke helps a wounded Shinigami walk. We get a nice scene of Yuki and Shino, the aforemented 'newbie' Shinigami from the beginning of this arc. The crybaby of the two, Yuki, ends up being invigorated and begin to walk on his own.
Kyoraku then walks up to the assembled group, and tells everyone that he needs their reiatsu to power the gate that would lead their most powerful combatants to the Soul King's Palace. It's a fun little speech that Kyoraku gives, invigorating the troops and giving them a glimmer of hope. There's also a nice bit of narrative coherence here with the first invasion where the troops were very involved in the story, and it's just a great 'Gondor calls for aid' moment in general, isn't it? Everyone cheers, it's a great Kyoraku moment, the music builds up, and it's such a great streamlining of the manga's version of events in general, which was chaotic, meandering and cuts into the actual Soul King Palace confrontation many times.
Also, MASHIRO KUNA is here. The forgotten Visored! They actually take her up in the next episode! In the manga, Mashiro last shows up as the 9th Division's "Super Lieutenant" in Shuhei's training and gets completely forgotten afterwards. Hi, Mashiro!
In the manga, the Visored scene happens a fair bit earlier during the chaotic bits of trying to build the gate, and, again, pacing-wise it's really nice to have it happen here. Hiyori pours down the not-liquid in the teapot she's carrying, and Urahara recaps the Visored sub-plot that has been happening behind the scenes, with the Visored having collecting distortion energy from the various dimensions. Urahara then asks the Visored to put on their shikakusho, and despite protests from Hiyori, we get a nice line from Love who reminds her that the rest of their comrades have been fighting with their lives on the line.
As the gate is constructed, we get another fun character moment. Urahara reveals that this might be a one-way ticket, but Soi Fon gets pissed. Not because of that fact, no, but because Urahara is looking down on the Gotei officers too much if he thinks that bit of information is going to make them cower in fear if Urahara had told them earlier. Rukia also brings up Ukitake, the poor man's maybe-corpse convulsing below, and tells Urahara that everyone there understands the meaning of sacrifice. Kenpachi does a 'fuck the enemy' line, and the Visored wear their shihakusho.

Speaking of Ichigo, we finally cut to Ichigo. Of course he and his allies didn't die from the fall! We get a slightly remixed version of this where some comedy happens offscreen, but we get a new comedic scene that happens on-screen. After Ichigo gets his bearings (and sees Yoruichi's arm restored and Orihime conked out), the others tell him that Kon had saved Ichigo off-screen by inflating his body to his muscle form. And in perfect comedic moment, Ichigo and friends pray in respect so that he may rest in peace, causing Kon to get angry at them. That's cute.
Yoruichi reveals that she has a plan to get back to the Soul King's Palace, and that they have certain ways to get up there without being observed. And after so many not-hints and unsubtle shots (they didn't even try to hide him in the anime), we get the return of the Sexta Espada, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez! Which... man, I remembered how excited we were back in the day when Grimmjow returns. He didn't actually do much, did he? He kinda get tossed around a bit and shows up to deal a deathblow, which honestly ended up feeling kind of unearned. We'll see if he fares a bit better in the anime.
End credits hit as Grimmjow grins and Ichigo yells in surprise. The post-credits scene has the other Quincies observe as Juhabach unleash tendrils of eyeballs and goop down into the Seireitei, extracting them up to the Soul King's Palace as Haschwalth proclaims that it's a new world... a true world... a Wahr Welt.
Not the most exciting episode compared to the backstory-heavy or the huge epic confrontations of the episodes before and after this. But I really am impressed with this one with the simple fact that they reorganized the source material's confused and unfocused narrative of the ground-level shinigami, and rearranged the eyeball critters, Aizen, the NaNaNa, and the Visored scenes in a way that makes sense, in a way that facilitates the brand-new scene of Kyoraku involving the Gotei 13 survivors, and the entire scene just has a great vibe of all the heroes and anyone aligned with the heroes gathering to bring the battle to the false god on his throne. The pacing is neat and crisp here. I have absolutely no complaints, and it really does help to be a nice little moment to breathe before the final batch of battles!
Not the most exciting episode compared to the backstory-heavy or the huge epic confrontations of the episodes before and after this. But I really am impressed with this one with the simple fact that they reorganized the source material's confused and unfocused narrative of the ground-level shinigami, and rearranged the eyeball critters, Aizen, the NaNaNa, and the Visored scenes in a way that makes sense, in a way that facilitates the brand-new scene of Kyoraku involving the Gotei 13 survivors, and the entire scene just has a great vibe of all the heroes and anyone aligned with the heroes gathering to bring the battle to the false god on his throne. The pacing is neat and crisp here. I have absolutely no complaints, and it really does help to be a nice little moment to breathe before the final batch of battles!
Random Notes:
- After multiple chapters where we've got a lot of anime-original content, it's an interesting feeling going to an episode where it's mostly source material specific, and the only interesting things to note is how things have been moved around.
- Minor Shinigami that make cameo appearances in the group shots that never showed up in the manga (in addition to poor Mashiro Kuna!) include: Madarame Shino and Yuki Ryunosuke, junior shinigami who appeared in the early parts of TYBW; 13th Division 10th Seat Kurumadani Zennosuke, a.k.a. 'Afro-san', the other substitute shinigami of Karakura Town; 6th Division officer Yuki Rikichi, the Renji fanboy from the Soul Society arc; 4th Division 8th Seat Ogido Harunobu, a very minor character from the Soul Society arc; 4th Division 3rd Seat Iemura Yasochika, the recurring stern-looking blonde healer with glasses; and Aramaki "Maki Maki" Makizo, 11th Division member and recurring comic relief character in the Soul Society arc.
- Removed from the anime due to how the anime structures Juhabach absorbing the Soul King and the subsequent eyeball monster attacks are these scenes:
- Juhabach stumbling onto one knee after absorbing Mimihagi, and Lille Barro asking him if he is all right before being staggered by Juhabach's new holy power. Here, other than unleashing the eyeball monsters, it seems like Juhabach acclimatizes to the Soul King's power relatively quickly.
- Juhabach creating a dome over the Soul Society with his finger, which our heroes needed to break.
- Also cut is the Schutzstaffel hanging out in a lounge while Juhabach is trying to control the Soul King's power, which felt a bit bizarre, as fun as the scene is.
- Also, A whole sequence of Omaeda using Gegetsuburi to attack the eyeball creatures, and Soi Fon subsequently kicking him for being too slow, is cut -- just like most of Omaeda's scenes in this cour.
- In the montage of scenes of the three Sternritter working with the Shinigami, there's a shot of Bazz-B and Renji discussing their hairstyles/tattoos while Rukia looks with a very unimpressed expression.
- Tite Kubo drew death art for NaNaNa when cour 2 ended and Auswahlen happened, leading many to think that NaNaNa's death was moved earlier and that he's been killed offscreen unceremoniously. Turns out that he survives long enough to be killed onscreen unceremoniously.
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