Thursday 22 January 2015

One PIece 774: Pointless Tontatta

One Piece Chapter 774: Leo, the Tontatta Troop Leader

Remember how I said in the last chapter how we should be wrapping things up now with the big fights? Of course we fucking don't, and we cut away to the most filler-worthy and least interesting of everything that's going on in Dressrosa right now: the Tontatta rescuing their princess and apparently Jora's still up and about. I just find that I don't really care all that much.

The cover story has Jinbe scolding Wadatsumi, and I guess in another couple of chapters the cover story will finally be done?

The chapter starts of kind of strongly, with Diamante facing off against Robin, Rebecca and Kyros. Robin notes how Diamante is handicapping them too much, presumably with the flowing ground, but Diamante is apparently confident that he has the upper hand against the three people there. Apparently Robin isn't going to get in the way of Kyros' vendetta, promising to protect Rebecca while Kyros takes down Diamante. Which is... acceptable, I guess, but I wanted to see Robin fight...

We cut away to random soldiers who are taking Gladius' unconscious body away, and Bartolomeo, instead of, y'know, barrier-ing them to death, just lets them leave. Why, Bartolomeo? Why aren't you doing any of your crazy ultra-violent things? Jeez.

Sadly, we cut away to the Tontatta, who are being contacted by Viola. Viola has seen that Jora has taken ahold of Princess Mancherie and apparently wants to force the little Tontatta to make use of her abilities... because of course she has one. It's apparently the Heal Heal Fruit, which kind of makes sense that they want to lock her up... though wouldn't it be more practical to kill her and have the fruit respawn? Eh, whatever.

Leo and the Rhinoceros Beetle Tontatta are charging through the pirate mooks, while Jora is doing her annoying thing of saying -zamasu at the end of everything and going all 'who are you calling Boa Hancock?' and all that. We get our first look at Mancherie, who of course is just a little girl and all that who doesn't want to fight. Jora orders Mancherie to use the powers of the Heal-Heal Fruit on the defeated executives... Machvise, Dellinger, Lao G and Sugar. How did Dellinger get there so fast? Also, no one gives a shit about poor Buffalo, apparently.

Jora also notes that Mancherie was the one responsible for Sugar's recovery earlier. But Mancherie has discovered (somehow) that, gasp, the Donquixote Pirates jailing her up are bad people! Jora and the others are stricken by her cuteness before Jora kind of... tries to twist Mancherie's head off or something, but that causes her to cry and her tears apparently revive a random mook.

Viola tells Leo that Jora is basically PG-torturing Mancherie to get the tears out, and Leo is, of course, just being all heroic and shit and I don't care about the damn Tontatta. We get Usopp freaking out over the idea of Sugar getting resurrected, which is kind of funny sort of, but then there's a drawn-out sequence of people screaming for Leo to help, Jora squeezing the tears out, and Kabu knocking the unconscious bodies of the other executives away with 'Beetle Upper'. Kind of boring, honestly.

Leo uses his stitch-stitch fruit, which I honsetly totally forgot he had, to stitch everyone of the wounded to Jora, and pulls their bodies as projectiles to squash Jora flat in 'Auto-Couture: Patchwork'. It's kind of an interesting attack if I cared about Leo, and we get a heroic moment where Leo catches Mancherie and jokes about her weight... well, I still don't care about the Tontatta. What about that bee Devil Fruit girl Tontatta? Where did she disappear off to? Also, Leo's Stitch-Stitch fruit is kind of a shitty version of Doflamingo's String-String Fruit, isn't it?

Bah. I don't care. The Tontatta is dealt with in as well as they possibly could've been, and I really wished this was dealt with far earlier in this arc. It's kind of even more pointless than the lesser executives being taken out, and I'm just antsy to get to the good parts of the climax.

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