Thursday 22 January 2015

Toriko 309 Review: Games with Bambina

Toriko, Chapter 309: A Second Moment

It's kind of a filler-y chapter that progresses the plot, if you get what I mean. We start off with more 'Bambina is super-crazy' stuff by telling us that when Bambina goes for a sleep he basically launches himself all the way up through the stratosphere and whatnot to take a nap in basically fucking space, because, eh, why not?

The Four Kings react to the boxing ring randomly placed in the middle of Bambina's mountain, before Bambina himself falls down next to them. Bambina, of course, wakes up, and Toriko goes 'don't blink!' and we get a repeat of the games Bambina played with the a couple chapters back. And, of course, thanks to Enbu, the individual cells are able to react fast enough. Which is nice and all, but I thought it took a bit too long to portray. (Also how the fuck did Coco's poison doll manage to materialize so freaking fast the first time around?)

But Zebra and Coco both survive their game, while Toriko arm-wrestles Bambina to a tie by basically materializing his inner demon. And then Sani goes all 'I found ya' over the whole 'hide and seek' thing, and Bambina is kind of surprised to see Sani behind him... or maybe it's the three other giant animals hanging around behind Sani. It could be either one.

Toriko talks about how a normal human can't play with a tiger without getting mauled, but tells Bambina that they are here to play, and asks him what he wants to play next. Bambina kind of smiles, but suddenly a gigantic procession of ugly-ass monkeys show up. Apparently the ring is meant for a festival, and the monkeys want to see Bambina fight in a serious match.

Well, so much for diplomacy. It's not a bad chapter, but I can't say I liked it all that much. None of the manga this week really impressed me, to be honest... though I think Toriko is my favourite out of the three. Which is strange because I don't have a lot to say about it, but it's not an annoying chapter and it kind of progresses the main plot little by little, so there's that. I guess we're going to have a showdown between the Four Kings and Bambina after all, though it could be Bambina just being happy to have playmates that he doesn't want to fight them or something.

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