Monday 22 June 2015

Fairy Tail 441 Review: So much for infiltration

Fairy Tail, Chapter 441: Caracall Island

Well, that was fast. Not one chapter did we get from Erza going all 'we need to make this an infiltration mission! No fighting!' before we get them punching the soldiers from Alvares... Albareth... Arlbaress... yeah, whichever suits you. I'm using Alvares for now. 

But the entire chapter was honestly quite boring and blah, with a good chunk just spent recapping on how mysterious Lumen Histoire is, and apparently Wendy has obtained the vehicular-sickness thing that the other dragonslayers have. They arrive on this Caracall Island, where people from the Alvares Empire are all being just all stormtrooper-y and shit. We get an unnecessarily long sequence of the Fairy Tail members using the power of Lucy and Erza's boobs to pretend to be tourists from a guild called Cait Shelter (Wendy's illusionary guild), before seeing the Alvares soldiers bullying this kid whose father they took away... and we get a two-page spread of Natsu and the others beating down the soldiers. Yeah, okay, at least they broke cover to save an innocent kid instead of Natsu just being an idiot. I accept that. Again, though, it doesn't have to take up an entire chapter. 

Meanwhile, B-Team is heading off to find Laxus and beyond seeing the inclusion of Elfman and Levy (EDIT: and Lisanna, who I didn't notice until someone mentioned it to me) into their lineup they don't do much but do your standard Fairy Tail jokes. Gajeel and Levy have this little pick-on-each-other flirty thing going on, Elfman likes Evergreen, Juvia is upset she's not with Grey, all the character 'quirks' that don't elicit much of a response from me anymore. And they keep going all 'we can't fight them!' but of course they will because, y'know, Fairy Tail.

Overall it's a short, inoffensive but ultimately filler-y chapter. Which isn't bad, but I really want to know more about God Serena and the other two Saint dudes we saw last week. It's been a filler Fairy Tail chapter that I actually didn't dislike, which is weird to say. Let's just hope Natsu and Erza don't go into a big 'FRIENDSHIP FAIRY TAIL RAH RAH RAH' speech next week.

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