Sunday 19 August 2018

Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes S01E15 Review: Marvellous

Avengers, Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Season 1, Episode 15: 459

Image result for captain mar vell kree
Well, this is certainly new for me! I know of the character called Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers, but I've never actually looked too closely at her origin story, neither did I know that there was a predecessor in the Captain Marvel department. Or, rather, Captain Mar-Vell, Kree scientist sent to observe mankind and to see if we're actually worthy people.

But not to jump straight to the climax, the episode actually starts off very, very slowly. Ant-Man and the Wasp are the focus of this episode, and while exploring their relationship is neat, by god it's so boring and repetitive, with the same argument of "Janet is trying to make Hank jealous, which is wrong" told to her by various people, but at the same time, considering how insanely distant Hank is... can you blame her? On the other hand, Janet quite literally picking all the worst times to bring up their relationship woes is just pretty goddamned annoying, so there's something the two of them have in common. They're both annoying when talking about relationship drama. 
Still, the two of them meet up with Major Carol Danvers and one "Phillip Lawson" as they talk about aliens, and, of course, meet a robot sent from space. There's a huge discussion about how Hank wants to be a pacifist and not go in guns blazing, but of course the evil alien probe is evil. We get some really creative mileage out of ant swarms, Carol gets caught in the blast, and "Lawson" is revealed to be Mar-Vell, captain of the science division of an intergalactic empire known as the Kree. 

The Avengers (bar T'Challa, Hawkeye and Cap, featuring a rather large absentee roster this time around) are gathered to hear Mar-Vell's introdump, about how there's a huge intergalactic war between the blue-skinned Kree and the green-skinned wrinkle-chinned Skrulls, something I vaguely know about in the Marvel comics but never really read a story about beyond video games and live-action movies... and as I understand it they kind of butchered the Kree. Mar-Vell likes the humans enough to want them to survive, but the Kree overlords are liable to detonate a planet-shattering Negabomb attached to their sentry. The battle between the Kree sentry and the combined forces of the Avengers and Captain Mar-Vell is pretty neat, although, as mentioned above, the Wasp/Ant-Man lover's spat is insanely irritating. 

I did find it particularly hilarious, though, that Mar-Vell does this whole dramatic sacrifice to fly the bomb out of the planet's atmosphere, freeze up and nearly die... only for Thor to just zip by, pick up the bomb no problem, survive the cold no problem and toss it into space. Oh, Thor, you thunder god, you. Anyway, it's a very great introduction of the two alien races into this world that has been mostly been grounded (Asgardian lore aside), and it's definitely exciting to know that there's a literal universe out there for our heroes to explore. Mar-Vell leaves to try and convince his superiors to leave Earth alone, and apparently Carol Danvers has gotten some superpowers from random Kree radiation. We'll see if this season's going to explore more Kree/Skrull or Ms. Marvel stuff, although I personally think that the season's got enough going on that having the Kree/Skrull war sort of play around in the background is definitely the ideal move. 

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