JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, Episode 18: The Sun

This is definitely one of the obvious-filler episodes in Stardust Crusaders, intentionally introduced in the manga by the writer to fool the readers into thinking that the oh-so-impressive Sun is going to be a Stand that's going to take multiple weeks' worth of chapters to take down... only for it to be finished in a single chapter.
And I guess it's pretty fun, a nice little break from the two-parters we've been having recently. Our heroes are in Arab, and we get a whole lot of filler scenes with them attempting to buy a car, Jotaro snarking about Joseph's inability to fly planes, and Joseph's ill-founded confidence that they can ride camels based on him watching Lawrence of Arabia. It does make it feel pretty odd, though, considering how much they talk about how they are on a clock in subsequent and previous episodes.
Then, of course, the Sun refuses to set, they realize that the literal Sun is a stand which proceeds to shoot down meteor laser-lava shots. Our heroes are forced to hide in a hole in a sand, with Joseph delivering some of the most hilarious English curses, including OSHEEEET and SUNNEDEBEECH. All episodes could do with a healthy dose of Joseph Joestar's cussing.
The conflict then leads to Jotaro, Polnareff and Kakyoin laughing when they figure out the trick, and Jotaro laughing is... genuinely unsettling, yeah? They figure out that the wielder of Sun, Arabia Fats... is hiding with a giant mirror? Okay? They take him out with a thrown rock which deactivates Sun.
Overall, it's a pretty m'eh episode, but we did get a lot of Joseph antics with the camels and the cursing. I don't really want to complain about this episode, honestly -- it was pretty fun.
The JoJo Playlist:
- Arabia Fats (not named until much later in a guidebook) is apparently named after the rock'n'roll pioneer Fats Domino. Selected discography include The Fat Man, Blueberry Hill and Josephine
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