Marvel's Daredevil, Season 3, Episode 12: One Last Shot
A pretty fun penultimate episode for Daredevil's third season. A very valid complaint that I have for this season that I haven't had the chance to address in my reviews of the previous episodes is how much Vanessa Marianna ends up shaping the Kingpin's decisions and motivations... but at the same time, how little she shows up in this season. Honestly, it got to a point where I was wondering if they couldn't actually get the actress to reprise her role or something. But she shows up this episode, finally reunited with Fisk... and I was kind of dreading that she basically ends up being a plot device character, sort of there just to be Fisk's motivation.

Meanwhile, Bullseye is feeling pretty jealous and neglected, especially when Fisk clearly doesn't want to discuss any of this shit in front of him, and basically pulls a "you have disappointed me" segment. And considering just how much Dex has built Fisk up to be his personal compass and the almost god-like being he has to please, this ends up with him apparently going off-screen and murdering that poor old lady to get back the Rabbit in a Snowstorm painting, something that Dex does on his own incentive to get back into Fisk -- and now Vanessa's -- good graces. Vanessa is smart enough to realize the bloodstains on the frame of the painting, and Fisk isn't particularly pleased that Dex killed someone he spared.
Speaking of the Kingpin's henchman, this episode features a surprisingly grateful Kingpin dealing with Felix Manning. Felix, clearly scared shitless that Kingpin will pull the same "punch his minions to death" bit that he did last episode, informs Fisk of their continued failures to eliminate Daredevil... but in gratitude for Felix protecting Vanessa when he couldn't, Fisk allows Felix to keep the job.

With Nelson & Murdock, Attorneys At Law(tm) back on track, though, Foggy basically uses his election post as a bargaining chip to get the current DA, Blake Tower, to listen to Ray Nadeem's testimony. This is actually a pretty clever bit by Foggy since Fisk is putting pressure on his family to force him to drop out anyway, and while I haven't been the most invested in Foggy's part of the story, this part is reasonably well-crafted.
Meanwhile, Nadeem continues to be told how shit his decisions are, this time by Matt, who shouts at him in their makeshift base. Partially in preparation to how Nadeem's going to answer to Blake Tower's questions, but partly because... Nadeem kinda deserves it. After some guilt-slinging, Nadeem finally realizes that everything happened because he "took the damn bait" and wanted to be responsible for the FBI catch of the year, never realizing that he was being strung all along and not really caring when Foggy or Karen told him about Fisk's plans.

We then get a pretty fun action scene! Matt brings Nadeem to the courthouse through a decoy van, but it quickly comes under fire. I'm not sure how Matt's no-kill rule applies when he instructs where Nadeem has to shoot with his super-senses, but I guess it's sorta-implied that Matt is getting Nadeem to shoot them non-lethally? There's some really impressive and fun action scenes of Daredevil using his senses to basically tell where the incoming gunmen are, and when they have to move and when they have to stop. Doing this in a civilian suit, and alternating between pretending to be a confused blind man and whacking people with his walking stick is a pretty fun set of sequences.
Ultimately, the duo make it to the courthouse, meet up with Foggy, Mahoney and Karen... but after the trial or hearing or whatever, Matt gets the chilling realization that the jury has been threatened by Fisk's people, who knows all of the addresses and names of the jury members. Because that's how the Kingpin rolls. And it's at this point where all their plan falls apart. Karen and Nadeem are both quickly discredited, and Foggy's speeches about how the "system will work" honestly ends up feeling pretty damn unrealistic. Hell, it's been pretty unrealistic since the get-go considering how, y'know, Kingpin has been able to control so much ever since he was thrown in jail, I was never really convinced that this was anything but a bad plan.

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