Pitchmon (a.k.a. Pichimon)

Pukamon (a.k.a. Bukamon)


Gomamon's a very pleasant-looking seal or sea lion creature, although with far, far more prominent claws and a lot of neat details like that tuft of red hair and the very pleasant white-and-purple colour scheme. Interestingly enough, Gomamon ends up being the Aquaman of the team, with his attack being to communicate and summon a gigantic swarm of fish (not Digimon, just straight-up fish) that are always ready to whack themselves bodily against whatever threat is. This ends up keeping Gomamon actually out of the fight for a huge majority of the fights, at least until he quickly unveils his Adult form. In addition to being a main character in Adventure/02/Tri, Gomamon has appeared in a surprisingly large amount of other anime series, having shown up in Frontier, Savers and Xros Wars. I don't really have a lot to say about Gomamon here, he's an extremely pleasant-looking little seal bro.


Ikkakumon is apparently based on data from a computer in an Arctic exploration base, and that its horns are made out of the rare metal Mithril -- and, if you can't already guess, from Ikkakumon onwards we're going to have a hefty dosage of Viking and Norse-inspired stuff going on. Overall, while I don't have as much to say about Ikkakumon as I do the other Adult-stages, he's always been pretty cool on his own right.


And honestly? Zudomon really ends up looking like a wild warrior as well as embodying the "ancient prehistoric creature" deal that Ikkakumon was going for, and ended up becoming a pretty unique design that looks like it could really kick some ass! Zudomon's a badass looking creature that the profile notes works to get his armour, with the orange fur and the green shell being trophies from slain enemies. Oh, and it apparently carved his own central horn into a saw, just to get an extra weapon! And naturally, to play in with the Viking theme, Zudomon's Thor Hammer can shoot out lightning blasts and is made up of super-powerful Chrono-digizoit. I've always found Zudomon to be pretty dang impressive, honestly, and is easily my favourite stage in Gomamon's evolutionary line. He just looks so goddamn badass, and Zudomon ends up with some really badass action scenes, including a particularly memorable one where he straight-up brings down MetalEtemon, a former Big Bad and a full level higher than him.
Rather unexpectedly, I also remember Zudomon showing up as a villain-of-the-week in Savers, which I don't really blame the Savers stuff for doing -- Zudomon's one of those designs that could very easily become a scary villain if you want to!


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Tri version |
The Tri movies redesigned Vikemon slightly and made him a lot more leaner looking, though, and that version of Vikemon is actually pretty damn badass. Exaggerating the tusks, Viking horns, and making Vikemon's limbs lankier ends up going a long way from making Vikemon from a very underwhelming design that would've easily gotten a 1/5 on my rating scale. And this cooler-looking Vikemon suddenly looks like a far worthier evolution to Zudomon! Amazing just how a couple of minor postural changes can suddenly make a design so much more impressive, huh? Vikemon's ways of battling is kinda weird, using that huge system of shields-connected-to-chains-connected-to-morning-stars called Mjolnir, and he can either wield them as hand-held weapons, or launch them like goddamn cannons upon which they will flash-freeze the air around the enemy and then shatter the ice immediately, which is a neat ice move. Vikemon was a design that I absolutely disliked before the Tri movies. Now I kinda like it, actually!


Interestingly, MegaSeadramon has graduated from shooting icy blasts, but instead has grown a generator somewhere in his head (!!!) which allows him to shoot lightning bolts from his head-blade. MegaSeadramon was, interestingly enough, the big threat that prompted Ikkakumon to first evolve into Zudomon in the Adventure anime, where MegaSeadramon was unleashed by Vamdemon to wreak havoc upon Odaiba and basically blockading the water routes up until Zudomon hammer'd him in the face. A different MegaSeadramon would also become a temporary enemy in 02, before being freed from mind control and becoming a brief ally.


Yeah, MetalSeadramon! The Ultimate evolution of the Seadramon species is, transformed into a full-on cyborg sea serpent, and I always loved his design! I loved how MetalSeadramon's upper jaw has transformed into a straight-up laser cannon, but he still retains a remnant of MegaSeadramon's dagger on his forehead. I loved his weird wiry hair, and the fact that MetalSeadramon pares down a lot of MegaSeadramon's fins and ends up with two prominent... flippers? "Hands", even? Also liked the two-part tail, which I thought was a nice touch. MetalSeadramon ends up looking complex without feeling too cluttered (especially in his anime character model), and looks pretty damn impressive. MetalSeadramon's entire body is covered in the same Chrono-digizoit alloy that Zudomon uses to make his hammer, making its defense pretty insane, and it's basically the king of the ocean... but is able to fly, making it not completely helpless when fighting in the air or the land.
MetalSeadramon was one of four final villains for Digimon Adventure (silly Apocalymon is more of a bonus boss than a proper character), the Dark Masters. Despite their cheesy group name, the Dark Masters ended up conquering the entirety of the Digital World when the Chosen Children were dealing with Vamdemon's invasion of the real world, and they have warped the digital world so much that the entire terrain has changed. In particular, MetalSeadramon ends up ruling entire territories made up of water, and is the first of the Dark Masters the Chosen Children end up facing. While not a complex villain by any means, MetalSeadramon's sheer ruthlessness and pragmatism ended up causing him to rack up a body count of the Chosen Children's allies and he nearly damn well managed to kill them at some points of his arc. It's just a shame that despite his cyborgification, MetalSeadramon is still a -dramon so WarGreymon ended up using plot-convenient bullshit his 'dramon killer' gauntlets to drill a hole through MetalSeadramon.
A neat bit of trivia is that each of these Pendulum games had three default Ultimate Digimon -- one for each attribute. The Dark Masters are made up of all of the Virus Ultimates of the Pendulum games. And while he's not an official member of the Dark Guardians, the "Nature Spirits" Virus Ultimate, MetalEtemon, even shows up during the Dark Masters arc as a wild card! But MetalSeadramon, interestingly enough, is not a Virus type Ultimate. He's a Data-type, and the entire Seadramon line is consistently Data-types. The Virus-type Ultimate for the Deep Savers virtual pet is Pukumon, of all things, but the anime staff certainly made the right decision in picking their villains, because a big-ass cyborg sea serpent that shoots out laser beams from his nose is certainly far more impressive than "blowfish Mamemon". Anyway, MetalSeadramon's pretty damn cool. No complaints with this one.


Yeah, MetalSeadramon! The Ultimate evolution of the Seadramon species is, transformed into a full-on cyborg sea serpent, and I always loved his design! I loved how MetalSeadramon's upper jaw has transformed into a straight-up laser cannon, but he still retains a remnant of MegaSeadramon's dagger on his forehead. I loved his weird wiry hair, and the fact that MetalSeadramon pares down a lot of MegaSeadramon's fins and ends up with two prominent... flippers? "Hands", even? Also liked the two-part tail, which I thought was a nice touch. MetalSeadramon ends up looking complex without feeling too cluttered (especially in his anime character model), and looks pretty damn impressive. MetalSeadramon's entire body is covered in the same Chrono-digizoit alloy that Zudomon uses to make his hammer, making its defense pretty insane, and it's basically the king of the ocean... but is able to fly, making it not completely helpless when fighting in the air or the land.
MetalSeadramon was one of four final villains for Digimon Adventure (silly Apocalymon is more of a bonus boss than a proper character), the Dark Masters. Despite their cheesy group name, the Dark Masters ended up conquering the entirety of the Digital World when the Chosen Children were dealing with Vamdemon's invasion of the real world, and they have warped the digital world so much that the entire terrain has changed. In particular, MetalSeadramon ends up ruling entire territories made up of water, and is the first of the Dark Masters the Chosen Children end up facing. While not a complex villain by any means, MetalSeadramon's sheer ruthlessness and pragmatism ended up causing him to rack up a body count of the Chosen Children's allies and he nearly damn well managed to kill them at some points of his arc. It's just a shame that despite his cyborgification, MetalSeadramon is still a -dramon so WarGreymon ended up using
A neat bit of trivia is that each of these Pendulum games had three default Ultimate Digimon -- one for each attribute. The Dark Masters are made up of all of the Virus Ultimates of the Pendulum games. And while he's not an official member of the Dark Guardians, the "Nature Spirits" Virus Ultimate, MetalEtemon, even shows up during the Dark Masters arc as a wild card! But MetalSeadramon, interestingly enough, is not a Virus type Ultimate. He's a Data-type, and the entire Seadramon line is consistently Data-types. The Virus-type Ultimate for the Deep Savers virtual pet is Pukumon, of all things, but the anime staff certainly made the right decision in picking their villains, because a big-ass cyborg sea serpent that shoots out laser beams from his nose is certainly far more impressive than "blowfish Mamemon". Anyway, MetalSeadramon's pretty damn cool. No complaints with this one.

Ganimon (a.k.a. Crabmon)

Shakomon (a.k.a. Syakomon)

Rukamon (a.k.a. Dolphmon)

Being kind of an Adult-stage cetacean Digimon, though, Rukamon has basically became the default Adult-stage form of good old Whamon, who ended up being retconned into a Perfect stage (but also sometimes an Adult stage, because Digimon canon is wonky) with these Pendulum games. Anyway, I don't feel especially strongly about Rukamon. He's neat.

Octomon here (sometimes Octamon or Octmon, but we'll go with the sensible route) is one of the possible evolutions for Gomamon and Shakomon in the Deep Savers toy, but he was actually treated as the 'failure' option among the Adults... and you can see that this dude doesn't quite look quite as formidable as the likes of Seadramon, Coelamon and Ikkakumon. But the Pendulum games are gravitating from actually punishing you with poop evolutions, so Octomon is just slightly-weaker than your average Adult. And I do like how this actually plays into Octomon's design! He's a weak little octopus, so he ends up hiding his head inside a little scavenged clay pot (with a crown, to boot!) and scavenges random weaponry like that sword, a hairdryer laser gun, a hook... and interestingly, two of his tentacles have salvaged data discarded by a Devidramon, giving it grasping claws.
I've never quite appreciated the weird pirate motif that Octomon has going on, honestly, and I actually think it's quite neat, making use of all the accessories to show Octomon's salvaging quirk. Octomon has never been particularly memorable in the anime, although the aforementioned international children's partner Shakomon did evolve into Octomon. Overall, a pretty neat design! As a neat bit of trivia, apparently Octomon's little barnacles are actual Digimon called Fujitsumon, and act as extra lookouts for Octomon. This is a design that I didn't think I'd like so much, honestly, but apparently I do find this little takoyaki ball quite charming.

I've never quite appreciated the weird pirate motif that Octomon has going on, honestly, and I actually think it's quite neat, making use of all the accessories to show Octomon's salvaging quirk. Octomon has never been particularly memorable in the anime, although the aforementioned international children's partner Shakomon did evolve into Octomon. Overall, a pretty neat design! As a neat bit of trivia, apparently Octomon's little barnacles are actual Digimon called Fujitsumon, and act as extra lookouts for Octomon. This is a design that I didn't think I'd like so much, honestly, but apparently I do find this little takoyaki ball quite charming.


Interestingly, despite being portrayed as a villain in most of his anime appearances in Adventures and 02, the Bandai profile notes that Gesomon is highly intelligent and will not harm Digimon needlessly unless they disrupt his territory. Overall, Gesomon doesn't quite do a lot beyond being a monster squid, but that's a pretty damn cool-looking monster squid.

Ebidramon here first appeared in a WonderSwan game, and then was added as part of the "2.5" upgraded version of the Deep Savers virtual pet, taking up Coelamon's spot. And Ebidramon has since appeared as a villain-of-the-week in 02, Tamers and Xros Wars, not bad for an oversized shrimp! I've always loved how Ebidramon isn't just a mere lobster, though. It's a -dramon, meaning this huge giant lobster monster still counts as a dragon... and as you can see, apparently at least its lower jaw looks pretty reptilian, and the whole shrimp deal is more of a misdirection than anything. One of the more interesting bit of details with Ebidramon, I think, is his mismatched claws, with one claw looking more angular and sickle-like, while the other is more Kuwagamon-like and even has a second mouth built into it! I've never been super-impressed with Ebidramon as a design, I admit, finding it pretty simplistic even after getting the whole 'dragon' joke, but it's a design that I don't mind. More sea creatures are great!


Anomalocarimon (a.k.a. Scorpiomon)

Anyway, Anomalocarimon is a pretty cool monster, and being based on a real-life cool monster, doesn't really change much. Sure, they basically turned all of the Anomalocaris's fins into mean-looking blades, added some markings and gave him an extra scorpion tail, but it doesn't really detract from the sheer bizarreness and coolness of the base creature. The Bandai profile even notes that Anomalocarimon is based on an ancient apex predator from a museum computer! Anomalocarimon has shown up as villains-of-the-week in Adventure, 02 and a Tamers movie, and tended to be associated with Ebidramon in the latter two despite Ebidramon actually not possibly evolving into Anomalocarimon in any of the many video games they've co-starred in. Adventure has Anomalocarimon basically be MetalSeadramon's hitman, who takes payment in clams, and very nearly killed the entire cast if he wasn't so easily distracted. Anyway, Anomalocarimon's cool. I've always liked him.


Easily the best detail on MarineDevimon is that he has tattoos of skeleton fishes on his shoulder and his arm, which is just such a hilarious subversion of regular Devimon's bat tattoos.
This TCG art showing MarineDevimon crawling like some sort of monstrous sea creature is easily one of my favourite images featuring this guy. I really do like MarineDevimon a lot, managing to still unmistakably have that Devimon aesthetic while adding so much that it ends up being a unique design of its own. Interestingly, MarineDevimon's two shoulder tentacles apparently have minds of their own, and sometimes act without MarineDevimon's permission? MarineDevimon's biggest appearance in the anime is as a brief recurring enemy in 02, being one of Daemon's lieutenants. And MarineDevimon is a gigantic, gangly behemoth, being big enough to straight-up terrorize liner ships like he's King Kong or some shit. Pretty great design all around!


Dagomon (a.k.a. "Dragomon")

Dagomon's apparently born not out of some ancient being, though, but out of a virus that fucks with navigational systems in ships. While originally I wasn't super keen on Dagomon as a design, thinking it's pretty underwhelming, I actually didn't realize until recently that Dagomon isn't a humanoid with dragon wings and an octopus face. It's still just a big, deformed octopus, but it's got chains, belts and bands holding his many tentacles together to give the impression of a humanoid figure. That's actually pretty neat! Also, hidden somewhere among all those tentacles is the trident that Dagomon uses to fight. This little detail that Dagomon's actually an octopus monster that's pretending to be a humanoid by tying his tentacles up together really sort of elevates him in my mind from just being a cheap Cthulhu knockoff.
Dagomon's only real appearance of note is in a bizarre episode of 02, where we went from episodic villain-of-the-week adventures where Hikari gets kidnapped by a bunch of fish-like Hangyomon (or, more eerily, beings that took the form of Hangyomon but aren't Digimon) into a strange, misty realm that wasn't quite the digital world or the real world, where the "Hangyomon" wants to make Hikari their 'queen' to basically re-enact a PG-13 version of The Shadow Over Innsmouth. While Hikari manages to escape the perverted fish-people, we see the ominous shadow of Dagomon in the mists. Surely a potential future villain, maybe a Big Bad? Nope, this is just a one-off crazy homage episode, and Dagomon only shows up briefly as a villain-of-the-week in the dire Hunters anime. Overall, though, while Dagomon's Cthulhu deal is pretty cool, he's always been sort of underwhelming to me as a design.

Hangyomon (a.k.a. Divermon/Scubamon/Divemon)

Hangyomon here replaces Anomalocarimon as a possible Perfect evolution in the "2.5" version of the virtual pet, and borrows his name from hangyojin, meaning half-fish man in Japanese. This has led Hangyomon to have three dub names. Hangyomon's a pretty cool, if somewhat silly, Perfect-level Digimon, and his design has always caused me to think that this is more of a dude in a fish-suit than an actual fishman. Which I think is meant to be part of his charm, becasue of the silly little yellow flippers and the scuba tank built into Hangyomon's anatomy. I've always liked how silly Hangyomon looks and how deceptively powerful they are -- a small squadron of Hangyomon served as MetalSeadramon's strike team as they tried to play Ahab with Whamon, who's ferrying away our heroes. Very appropriate that they had harpoons (called "Torrent", apparently), too! Also, compared to the gigantic Dagomon and MarineDevimon, Hangyomon stands barely taller than Child-stage Digimon.
As mentioned above, in 02, some creatures "took the form" of Hangyomon in the Lovecraftian episode, and are probably a nod to Lovecraft's own race of fish-people, the Deep Ones. A different Hangyomon would be the partner of one of the international Chosen Children, and in Tamers, a Hangyomon guarded a group of Otamamon... which, come to think of, Hangyomon actually makes for a pretty appropriate alternate Perfect-stage for Gekomon, don't you think? Hangyomon would also be a villain-of-the-week in Xros Wars. Anyway, while being rather indifferent about these dudes as a kid, I've ended up finding a bit of a fun charm with these grinning sea goblins. Also sometimes they look really damn badass,

MarineAngemon (a.k.a. MarinAngemon)

While MarineAngemon never appeared in Adventure or 02, he did appear in Digimon Tamers among a small horde of Ultimate-level Digimon that gathered to fight the incoming threat of the D-Reaper, and one of them, a tiny, seemingly-harmless MarineAngemon, decided to make friends with one of the secondary cast, Kitegawa Kenta. Oh, and it shoots out little love bubbles that can either protect its allies or just straight-up make enemies lose their fighting spirit. Overall, a pretty neat design and a pretty badass (if small) role in Tamers.


Plesiomon is the other big candidate for Gomamon's final evolution before Bandai settled on Vikemon, being the coolest among the three available Ultimate-levels in the original Deep Savers pet. Ironically, though, Zudomon can't actually turn into Plesiomon in the original virtual pet, although Plesiomon himself have shown up as a Zudomon evolution in many, many games. Plesiomon is a neat design for sure -- sure, it doesn't deviate too much from its design, the aquatic plesiosaur. Plesiomon adds a bunch of extra ribbon-like accessories and those orange hair that Pukamon has, as well as a bunch of hair behind his head. It's a pretty cool looking beast, and I can definitely see why people wanted Gomamon to turn into this dude -- they even share the same colour scheme, and Pukamon looks like a baby dinosaur anyway! Alas, it's not to be, and I guess the progression from Ikakkumon to Zudomon to Vikemon was deemed smoother by the anime staff.
I do like Plesiomon a lot, though. Sure, he's never really seen doing anything in fiction -- just a part of the huge Ultimate army in Tamers and a very underwhelming ally Digimon in Hunters, but from a design standpoint Plesiomon is a pretty cool Ultimate-level Digimon and I kinda wish they tried to do something more with his design or his backstory. Plesiomon's neat, I guess.


Pukumon, according to his Bandai profile, is apparently a "British Punk Digimon", and is very loosely based on a blowfish. Except instead of blowing up into a giant spiky balloon, Pukumon just has a big spiky helmet, and two big-ass muscular arms tattooed with anchors ending in spiked knuckle-dusters. But let's go back to that. "British Punk"? The hell does that even mean? Pukumon's only fictional appearance outside of video games is as a cameo among Tamers' Ultimate-level army, so we'll never know if Pukumon cusses and uses British slang like "ya blimey daft bugger!" I just find it so bizarre -- most of Digimon's cultural references have been obvious. But a British Punk spiky ball-fish is apparently one of the Ultimate, most powerful final forms a Digimon can become. Hilariously, among the things that can turn into a British Punk fish include Cthulhu, a sea-dwelling Satan, an obese trumpet shogun frog, an evil teddy bear and a cactus ghost in a sombrero. Digimon evolutionary lines, they be weird!
BRITISH PUNK FISH! Jolly good, I say! (My initial draft has him pegged at "2 points, what the shit is this", but yeah, I did end up sort of really liking him).

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