Friday 1 May 2015

Nanatsu no Taizai 124 Review: Revelations

Nanatsu no Taizai, Chapter 124: What Friendship Brought Forth

Holy shit, what a chapter! When last chapter hinted about Danafor and backstory being told about Dreyfus and Hendricksen, I really expected more to be told about Meliodas because, y'know, freaking Danafor and shit. But no, we see everything once more with clarity -- we see how Hendricksen and Dreyfus got themselves corrupted by this bastard demon Fraudrin, and makes both Hendricksen and Dreyfus' interactions and how Dreyfus seems to be the more evil one at the moment and why Hendricksen is good now and all those fun stuff clear.

We see them going down the big big hole left behind by Meliodas, and hear something. They talk a bit about how it's mysterious and shit and how the 'three misfits' (so they have a term pertaining to them!) will be interested in it. After Hendricksen uses an Incantation Orb to bring light into the darkness (he got it from Merlin, apparently) and then talks about how he doesn't like the dark. Hendricksen gives us a bit of a backstory regarding the druid clan. While some act like priests and priestesses, most were just ordinary practitioners. Hendricksen then tells Dreyfus how he was often assigned to guard the graves of the dead because someone needed to keep a watch on dead bodies so they don't get filled with evil souls and become zombies and stuff.

Man, living in a fantasy world kind of sucks.

Of course, it's not a healthy thing to be doing, let alone to let a child do, so Hendricksen awakened his Acid power because of it and then gets chased out of the druid village, despised as 'the coward'. Dreyfus tells Hendricksen how everyone knows that Hendricksen will be an awesome Great Holy Knight someday. Dreyfus also reveals that he doesn't want to be a Great Holy Knight -- just to be the most powerful one that guards the kingdom and the palace.

Then this evil-looking blob starts speaking, telling them that he will grant their wish if they offer their bodies to him. It is Fraudrin, the demon who's lodging within Dreyfus in the present day, and it's true form is this evil blob. It attacks Dreyfus through some kind of invisible force punch, and Dreyfus starts laughing... but because Fraudrin was unable to take over his body. Dreyfus talks about his will and how super-awesome it is, but Fraudrin is determined to take over Dreyfus... by first taking over the weaker-willed Hendricksen.

Apparently Fraudrin can just read minds as soon as he takes over someone's body, and gets the gist of Hendricksen's backstory even as he takes over Hendricksen's body. Fraudrin makes it clear that killing Hendricksen will only kill Hendricksen and not Fraudrin... and this forces Dreyfus' hand. Fraudrin guarantees Hendricksen's life and goes into Dreyfus, who surrenders. They go back up to report their findings that there is nothing of note... except, y'know, the demon that's parasiting inside Dreyfus and have mind-raped Hendricksen.

Even when Fraudrin left Hendricksen's mind, the mind-control was still there. And once the two mind-controlled dudes returned to the capital, they plotted Zaratros' death and everything went on from there... but why frame the Seven Sins? Well, it turns out that sixteen years ago, Fraudrin did battle with Meliodas in Danafor and was presumed to be destroyed... and Fraudrin was the one responsible for killing Liz.

Well shit, I guess Fraudrin will be a lot more personal to Meliodas than Zeldoris will be.

More questions. So many questions. I want to know. Awesome chapter. Dreyfus is awesome. Hendricksen is awesome. Fraudrin is a dickwad.

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