Friday 22 May 2015

Toriko 324 Review: Dividing up the cast

Toriko, Chapter 324: Smiling Departure

This chapter is mostly a between-arcs regrouping. Kaka disappears last chapter, but Kuribo the pot artisan, a.k.a. Zero Biotope's spy within NEO, shows up with his lispy accent and talks about how food spirits can't die twice. We get a bit of a recap on Kuribo's status, and he explains that NEO's time limit until the Gourmet Solar Eclipse's completion is one month. After a funny bit where Komatsu asks for Kuribo's autograph, Kuribo explains how NEO has already constructed a spaceship with which to leave earth.

Kuribo then explains that Acacia, being the one that ended the Gourmet Wars, has actually given 'God' to powerful and wealthy people and control these powerful people and get money from them. Of course, 'Divine Taste' probably helped it out a bit. Which is awesome how this super-nice fellow that's been built up to be the big mentor and the big good guy is revealed to be... well, a gigantic evil chessmaster! Also, alive!

Toriko rambles, talking about how the world could be destroyed by the monster within Acacia awakening, or simply by being cooked... and if it's the monster awakening, then all they have to do is stop it. It will awaken, of course, because this is a manga, but that's beside the point. Apparently Acacia's fish dish, Another, is particularly vital in the revival of the beast within Acacia. Yuda points out how impossible it is to collect the full course within a month, to which Zebra responds that all they have to do is split up and gather all the ingredients simultaneously.

Which is cool, as long as we actually, y'know, show the different groups getting the different ingredients because I want to see.

(Also, Yuda, I know it's your catchphrase but, no, you can't measure time in millimeters)

Komatsu talks about how Another is located in the World of the Food Spirits, and indeed Mappy did say how there's a door that only souls can enter. The ghosts of the ancient civilization talk about how living people need Pair to enter this food spirit world... but for living people to get out they need luck and cooking skill. Komatsu, realizing how this basically describes him, and decides to go off on his own despite all the protests and the flashbacks to him being saved. Mind you, apparently there are these Gourmet Cell Monsters trying to revive themselves in the food spirit world apparently so it won't be just a big cooking contest.

They decide to let Komatsu go since strength is useless in the Spirit World and only cooking skill is needed to cook 'spirit food', whatever that is. Coco points out how it would be useless for them to continue without a skilled chef, but apparently the Golden Food Hermit, Jiji, is conveniently located in Area 6. Apparently Jiji was the one who recorded cooking methods in that notebook that Komatsu found in the Gourmet Pyramid before.

Guemon and Malee will deliver food to the human world with the monkeys and Denshark Mk. II (which looks like a robot and apparently grew a temper after eating Pair), though they briefly considered using the poop cloud. Toriko mentions someone he needs to give the real Pair to, so he's going to bring it with him... Guemon seems kind of suspicious, so maybe Toriko didn't quite tell everyone about his deal with Midora?

Toriko and the others board the next camping beast, the Turtloon, which is a gigantic hot air turtle balloon. All the other chefs are coming along with them.

Then randomly one of the ghosts starts talking about how the murals caused the collapse because the Blue Nitro's entry caused the monkeys to think that Kaka betrayed them and the monkeys went all Planet of the Apes, I guess. After a brief teary farewell, we cut away to...

Bambina, dragging something (Zonge?) across an empty field... and is confronted by Terry, Kiss and Quinn. Well, are they going to train with Bambina? Holy shit, that's awesome! Didn't see this coming.

Meanwhile Toriko and the rest goes off to Area 6, the continent of the sea. Wonder what the Eight King member there will be? We've still got two unknown members of the kings, and none of the ones we know (horse, monkey, wolf, snake, crow and dragon) fits someone who would rule over the oceans. Interested to see what it will be, what Another will be, how they're going to enter the world of food spirits, how Brunch and Starjun will factor into it and generally just, y'know, stuff.

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