Saturday 11 February 2017

One Piece 855 Review: Rescuing Brook

One Piece, Chapter 855: Rumbling Stomach

Well, that chapter title is a lie! We don't get anything about rumbling stomaches or Luffy and Sanji's meeting until like the last panel. Though man, what a well-drawn final panel! Luffy looks like he's literally starved to death -- like, obviously he's not dead, but I don't think he's ever looked this bad since, shit, Marineford. 

We also get to see a bit of Bobbin, who quickly recovers back to relative normalcy, and apparently as he sways to and fro he causes everyone around him to fall asleep? Also, he's got a very, very creepy mismatched set of eyes. Apparently he's called Bobbin the Disposer, and he's a 'Bishop'? I guess Big Mom's chess theme extends more than beyond the Homie soldiers, then. Bobbin is chasing after Sanji, though in the final panel Sanji seems to have shaken him off? 

Meanwhile, a good chunk of the chapter is just dealing with the Mirror Team trying to rescue Brook, who's being used by Big Mom like a tiny, skinny little teddy bear. It's... it's very unexpected, that's to be sure, and it's not really that epic, but it's the weird brand of weirdness that you'd honestly expect from One Piece. It's a bit of a shame that the Brook being captured angle was resolved in literally the span of two chapters, though. Big Mom being sleepy and her three main homies guarding her (but also being super sleepy) may or may not be good enough of a reason for them to swap Brook out for a random skeleton that they stuck seaweed on, but eh, it's done. My only real complaint that it went on for too long. It's still funny, though.

Also Napoleon is apparently a giant sword-hat.

Brook reveals that, of course, he's traced the Poneglyphs and has hidden it all within his apparently hinged skull (Carrot and Jinbe's reaction is absolutely hilarious) and just everyone's reactions from Pedro's absolute "OMG YOU PULLED IT OFF" expression, Carrot, Chopper and Nami being absolutely confused as what's going on, Brulee and the train dude being absolutely scared shitless... Brook's absolutely nonchalant manner in how he's just like "yeah, we actually managed to get this thing" without making a huge deal out of it is absolutely awesome. 

Overall, though, a bit on the slower side. We'll see if things pick up next week. (Academia review is a little delayed, because my laptop ate it and it's disappeared into the nether. )

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