Friday 30 June 2017

Hearthstone News: Rogue Quest Nerf, Legendary Distributions & Announcement of an Announcement

It's been a busy couple of weeks for Hearthstone. I've not really been playing all that much, being content with just mucking around in the wild ladder and grinding Arena for gold and packs... but not opening them at all. Because there are a fair amount of game-changing things that are coming to Hearthstone.

Hobart Grapplehammer(49729).png
Fuck this guy, really
Also, July 6th is the next expansion announcement, which some people are saying that it might be called "Return of the Lich King" which I will get super excited for and I do like that unlike Un'Goro the name of the expansion isn't spoiled like three months in advance so there's some degree of uncertainty to it all.

First up is the slightly older news that as with the upcoming expansion, you'll never, ever get a duplicate legendary in your pack, ever again. It cross-checks with your collection, and I appreciate this so much. As someone who got a Tirion in a pack after he crafted it, two Yogg-Sarons in a row, and also got three Hobart Grapplehammers and two Wickerflame Burnbristles out of the Gadgetzan packs, I'm a big fan of this change. It also means that getting Nat Pagle and Captain Greenskin relatively recently in Classic packs means that they will not show up in any more packs I open so yay for that! Oh, and with all new expansions, you're guaranteed a legendary card within your first 10 packs before the traditional pity timer sets in. Yay!

Also a small and slightly less relevant change is that you'll never roll three of the same card in the same pack, which is mostly relevant for common cards.

Thank you, Blizzard. This means I have to hold on to the packs I got from Arena and Tavern Brawl recently, because I'll wait until the guaranteed 'no duplicate legendaries' patch sets in so I won't get those duplicate Ozruks or Nat Pagles.

The next big change is news of an upcoming balance change, which will nerf quest rogue. You need five to trigger the quest instead of four, which I think is still fair! I personally don't think quest rogue is as problematic as some of the older cards they nerfed, but nerfing it before it gets too out of hand (maybe whatever next expansion will have really strong cards that the deck can abuse?) is definnitely a smart move to do. And I do love the fact that the nerf doesn't actually kill the quest card. It's still playable and in my opinion it's still good (if it were six cards, or if the minions became 4/4's or something, I think the card would be dead) just less flexible and a lot trickier than it was before.

So yeah, really liking this. We'll see what the next expansion is, and I'm surprised it's so early on -- Un'Goro might be my favourite expansion in that I didn't feel the brain-dead boredom that I did naer the end of the Gadgetzan and Karazhan expansions.

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