Without further ado, in order of the classes:
Pounce: Druid's final card is Pounce, which is a 0-mana spell that gives your hero +2 Attack this turn. In a vacuum, it isn't bad. It's just that Druid has so many more powerful cards under their belt, so many archetypes that are better, that I am genuinely unconvinced that this weird Gonk deck is going to work. If nothing else, all Gonk is seems to be just an elaborate and masochistic board clear that sometimes draws a bunch of cards. I tend to try to give cards a chance before they're out, but this weird hero-attack druid just seems pretty weak, isn't it?

Halazzi, the Lynx: The final Loa to be revealed is Hunter's Halazzi, which is a Beast-synergy card. Halazzi is a 5-mana 3/2 Beast that fills your hand with 1/1 Rushing beasts. And... and it's not bad, but compared to how exciting cards like Zul'jin, Master's Call and Revenge of the Wild have been, Halazzi just kind of feels... m'eh? Halazzi isn't unplayable, because 1/1 Rushing beasts in a beast synergy deck is still damn powerful, but the sheer tempo loss you'll get in playing a 5-mana 3/2 is going to hurt way, way more than just, say, playing a regular 5-mana Beast. I dunno. You could throw in some handbuff stuff or some shit, but I don't really see Halazzi working out all that well. Even in a Quest Hunter deck -- which would love a lot of 1-mana Rushers to control the board -- I'm not convinced that sacrificing the tempo is worth it.
Spirit of the Lynx: A 3-mana 0/3 Spirit that gives +1/+1 to any Beast you summon. Which... which isn't bad! It isn't great, because it's basically a shittier Addled Grizzly, and that worked on all minions. Still, it's the sort of neat card that would fit in well in a Beast synergy deck, although I personally don't think Spirit of the Lynx is cheap or powerful enough to really be a staple. It's a neat tech card in this hypothetical Beast Hunter deck, but I don't think it's super-powerful.

Flash of Light: A simple but very good Paladin card, I feel. I'm not 100% convinced that Heal Paladin is going to have enough tools to be a top-tier deck in Standard, but it definitely looks great. And Flash of Light is going to be one of the core cards in that deck if it works. Restoring 4 health for 2 mana, and drawing a card? It's two pretty powerful spells, with the health restoration having pretty powerful potential to synergize with many new cards in this expansion. It's not the most exciting card, but one that I think is going to be an integral part in making healadin work.

Auchenai Phantasm: A 2-mana 3/2 Auchenai Soulpriest whose effect isn't continuous, but acts as a battlecry. I guess they realized how crappy Embrace the Shadows was, huh? Auchenai Phantasm is an interesting card -- she's not a badly-statted one, and the combo potential is definitely something that can potentially be powerful. Right now I don't really think that Priest has enough to make a proper Auchenai combo deck work, though.

Serrated Tooth: A 1-mana 1/3 weapon that gives your minions Rush as a Deathrattle? It's... it's interesting, I guess? I don't immediately see any obvious combos with this, but from a stat standpoint it's definitely a solid concept and solid bunch of stats. It's a 1/3 weapon that's only a durability lower than Light's Justice, and Rogue can theoretically destroy their weapon any time by hero powering, triggering the deathrattle. The big question is when Rogues want to give their minions Rush. Maybe it's the Sharkfin Fan huge pirate token board? Not 100% sure if it's going to see play, but an interesting effect.
Wartbringer: A 1-mana 2/1 that deals 2 damage as a battlecry if you played 2 spells this turn. It's... it's kinda shit, isn't it? 2 damage on a 2/1 body isn't going to matter much in the late game, and it's impractical to spend so much spells in the early game. While I am convinced that the spell synergy of Shaman's new cards are probably going to work in some fashion, I don't see Wartbringer as part of it.

Demonbolt: Assassinate for Zoo Warlock! It is 8 mana, and is discounted for each minion you control. Kind of an interesting card, probably a card that could replace the Siphon Soul that some Zoo Warlocks play. It's not going to be too hard for a Zoo deck to discount this to like 4 or 5, and at that point an Assassinate to get rid of the enemy's big threat is not a bad thing to have for Zoo decks.
Blood Troll Sapper: An... interesting card. A 7-mana 5/8 isn't the best set of stats, and she has the effect of dealing 2 damage to the enemy damage any time a friendly minion dies. Another one that seems like she could find a decent spot in a Zoo-centric list, but not one that I'm convinced Zoo needs. Warlock has a lot of better late-game cards that they can sneak in instead of Blood Troll Sapper, I think, although, again, I don't necessarily think this card is outright bad. Just kinda outclassed.

Dragon Roar: Another Warrior spell, adding 2 random dragons to your hand for 2 mana. Is it better than putting in another dragon? Sometimes, it kind of is. Dragons are a lot different than most 'random' effects in that they tended to be consistently high-end minions (only Faerie Dragon, Marsh Drake and Amalgam cost 3 or less), so you really do know what you're getting from playing this card. Plus, a significant amount of dragons also tend to have battlecries, which you tend to want. And looking briefly into Standard's dragon pool, the only ones that is outright bad is probably Ebon Dragonsmith and Carrion Drake, both of whom have pretty iffy stats. Not the BEST card ever, but one that's probably going to see a fair bit of usage in dragon warrior decks.

Drakkari Trickster: A 3-mana 3/4! Premium stats, and interestingly, it gives each player a copy of a random card from each other's deck. The only real one among the neutrals on this page that seems borderline playable in constructed, because it's sort of a weird disruptive tool -- it's kind of like Griftah, but you have more of an idea of what you're going to get with Drakkari Trickster. Clogging up your opponent's hand with a potentially useless card is interesting, but at the same time... probably never going to see a lot of usage other than to be a weird counter against Mecha'thun or some shit.
Gurubashi Offering: A 1-mana 0/2 that dies at the start of the next turn and becomes 8 Armor. Too fragile and likely to be destroyed by your enemy. Even if it manages to pan out... it's not worth spending a slot in your deck just to run a 1-mana 0/2.
Arena Patron: Hey, what if Grim Patron is shit and horrendously impractical to activate? You get this. Seriously? Like, the only plausible usage is against a board full of totems or dudes, and even then there are way better cards to play.
Booty Bay Bookie: A 2-mana 3/3 that... gives your opponent a coin? Yeah, if you want to sabotage your chances of victory, especially against some classes. Easily the straight-up worst card in this expansion. I'd rather run a vanilla 3/2 or 2/3.
Serpent Ward: A 2-mana neutral Totem, which is kind of interesting. It's a 0/2 that at the end of your turn basically shoots the enemy hero in the face for 2 damage. Not the worst effect, but never a card you want to willingly put into your deck.

Mosh'Ogg Enforcer: An 8-mana 2/14 Taunt/Divine Shield, which... isn't horrible in arena, I guess? And a potential target for Inner Fire shenanigans? You'd basically almost always run Primordial Drake or Amani War Bear over this card, I think, for a generic late-game taunt. It's not necessarily bad. Just utterly outclassed.
Former Champ: Basically identical to Big-Time Racketeer, but with -1/-1 on the bigger body, and one mana less. Big-Time Racketeer basically only ever saw play in the arena, and that's how Former Champ will be.

Dragonmaw Scorcher: A smaller version of Primordial Drake, and probably going to be a card that most dragon decks will run. A 5-mana 3/6 that basically Whirlwinds the board is pretty great! I'm not sure if I'd run this over Cobalt Scalebane, but if your deck's purpose is to control the board and wipe out tokens instead of building up a board of your own -- something that I can see Dragon Warrior doing -- Dragonmaw Scorcher is honestly not a bad card to include in that deck.
Rumbletusk Shaker: A 4-mana 3/2 that dies, and then summons another 3/2. Decent in arena, and basically kind of a shittier Piloted Shredder in constructed. Won't see play.
Arena Treasure Chest: A 4-mana 0/4 that has the deathrattle of drawing 2 cards? There are a lot of better cards out there that can give you card draw without running a 4-mana 0-attack minion. It's not even a good body to buff -- run Mogu'shan Warden if you want high-health shenanigans.
Arena Fanatic: A 4-mana 2/3 that handbuffs your hand. She's neutral, so all classes can play her, but better handbuff cards don't see play, so I don't see a reason that Arena Fanatic sees play outside of Hir'eek decks. Which I still don't think will work.
Regeneratin' Thug: A 4-mana 3/5 that heals 2 health every turn. Interesting? Yes. Decent in arena? Likely. Playable in constructed? Not that likely.
Half-Time Scavenger: A 4-mana 3/5 Stealth that gives you 3 armor with Overkill. She's definitely better than Chillwind Yeti, and it's definitely an interesting combination of effects. Probably pretty great in Arena, but she's just simply not powerful enough to see play in constructed. After all, Coppertail Impostor sees no play.
Ornery Tortoise: A 3-mana 3/5 Beast that deals 5 damage to your hero, and this is... it's just a shit effect, yeah? Even in the more masochistic Warlock or Paladin decks, you don't want to just deal 5 damage without immediately restoring it (Crystalizer), getting a badass early-tempo weapon (Bloodclaw) or getting an overstatted minion (theoretically, like Pit Lord). Ornery Tortoise is none of those, and never going to see play.

Spellzerker: A 2-mana 2/3 that has Spell Damage +2 when enraged. She's definitely great in arena, and maybe a potential card to play in constructed? +2 Spell Damage isn't something to laugh at, but looking at Cosmic Anomaly and seeing how that doesn't really see play, I don't think Spellzerker would get a whole ton of traction. I think everyone'll play Bloodmage Thalnos instead.
Dozing Marksman: A 2-mana 0/4 that becomes a +4 Attack when enraged. Pretty interesting effect, but sometimes it is just a 2-mana card that, y'know, dies without your opponent doing much. Better than the Toothy Chest from K&C, but I don't see this card being particularly great in constructed.

Scarab Egg: A 2-mana 0/2 that summons three 1/1 Scarabs. Probably interesting for a deck similar to the old-school token egg druid, although I'm not 100% convinced it'll work.
Helpless Hatchling: A 1-mana 1/1 baby dragon... that is a beast, apparently? And reduces the cost of a beast in your hand by 1 as a Deathrattle? It's an interesting effect, but it's far worse compared to, say, Galvanizer due to the lack of any sort of huge combo cards involving beasts, and that it's a deathrattle effect instead of a battlecry.
Whew! That's... that's a lot of words. Now to go into my quick ratings!

Predatory Instincts is a decent, if overpriced, tutor card, that I really don't see a whole ton of hope for. Stampeding Roar is a very interesting card, especially when coupled with some of Druid's bigger beasts, although I'm not 100% sure that the deck will actually work. Will note that the insta-Rush given by Stampeding Roar is the only place I can see Ironhide Direhorn in. What else? Oh, Wardruid Loti is just a flat-out generically good card that can be teched in most druid decks. Mark of the Loa is just a flat-out bad card. Clearly, Druid is meant to be the 'loser' class of the set this time around. And that's okay, honestly.
- 5: N/A
- 4: N/A
- 3: Wardruid Loti, Stampeding Roar
- 2: Spirit of the Raptor, Treespeaker, Ironhide Direhorn, Predatory Instincts
- 1: Gonk the Raptor, Pounce, Mark of the Loa, Savage Striker

And even despite my pessimism with some of the Hunter Cards, they honestly still look like they would work relatively well. I didn't have the best things to say for Bloodscalp Strategist and Spirit of the Lynx, but those two in particular might honestly surprise me and be playable. Not a whole ton that jumps out as either super-game-breaking, but definitely none that are straight-up bad. Even Beast Within and Halazzi just look impractical more than unplayable.
- 5: Springpaw
- 4: Zul'jin, Master's Call, Revenge of the Wild
- 3: Bloodscalp Strategist, Spirit of the Lynx, Headhunter's Hatchet
- 2: Halazzi the Lynx, The Beast Within, Baited Arrow
- 1: N/A

Will note that I genuinely am not sure what to make of Hex Lord Malacrass -- he's one of those cards that seem to both be great and also impractical at the same time. Ditto for Splitting Image.
- 5: N/A
- 4: Jan'alai the Dragonhawk
- 3: Hex Lord Malacrass (?), Blast Wave
- 2: Splitting Image, Pyromaniac, Spirit of the Dragonhawk, Arcanosaur, Elemental Evocation, Daring Fire-Eater
- 1: Scorch

Spirit of the Tiger, A New Challenger, Shirvallah and Immortal Prelate all raise very interesting questions for a more spell-heavy (and buff-heavy?) sort of Paladin, and it's another style of deck that I am pretty interested to try out. Particularly Spirit of the Tiger, which just seems pretty powerful coupled with buff spells. Paladin did get a couple of pretty interesting cards this time around, and it might very well be the most interesting class of this expansion in my opinion.
- 5: N/A
- 4: Spirit of the Tiger, Flash of Light, High Priest Thekal
- 3: Shirvallah the Tiger, A New Challenger, Immortal Prelate, Zandalari Templar
- 2: Blodclaw
- 1: Time Out, Farraki Battleaxe

More than any other class in this set, Priest seems to just have cards that have the least obvious synergy with each other, I think. We'll see if any of these new archetypes actually end up working -- if nothing else, playing with Talanji and Bwonsamdi are going to be as fun as Tess, so...
- 5: N/A
- 4: Mass Hysteria, Bwonsamdi the Dead
- 3: Princess Talanji, Spirit of the Dead
- 2: Auchenai Phantasm, Grave Horror, Sand Drudge, Regenerate, Seance
- 1: Surrender to Madness

Gral and his Spirit look... interesting, but kind of standalone, I think? We do have a bunch of generic, weird utility cards like Stolen Steel, Serrated Tooth and Gurubashi Hypemon, all of which are decent but I'm not sure what deck they go into. And Walk the Plank is just sort of an obvious replacement for Vilespine Slayer in the future of Standard. I dunno. Rogue's kind of weird to me.
- 5: N/A
- 4: Cannon Barrage, Raiding Party, Walk the Plank
- 3: Gral the Shark, Spirit of the Shark, Captain Hooktusk, Serrated Tooth, Bloodsail Howler
- 2: Gurubashi Hypemon, Stolen Steel
- 1: N/A

Some other weird miscellaneous cards Shaman gets is Bog Slosher, which is a neat variation for Zola, overload-synergy card Likkim (which is actually pretty fun after I learned how it works -- it gets the bonus twice, on the turn you cast the spell and the turn you overload), and a bunch of spells that... that I'm just not 100% quite sure about, honestly. Pretty sure Wartbringer is bad, while Spirit of the Frog just seems kind of impractical. I'm mostly just excited for Krag'wa, though, and whether the other cards work out... we'll see.
- 5: Krag'wa the Frog
- 4: N/A
- 3: Zentimo, Bog Slosher, Rain of Toads, Likkim
- 2: Haunting Visions, Totemic Smash, Spirit of the Frog
- 1: Big Bad Voodoo, Wartbringer

Void Contract is an interesting (if ultimately probably unusable) tech card, and I've warmed up significantly to Grim Rally -- it's definitely a good Zoolock card, particularly in Egg variants of the deck. Demonbolt also looks pretty neat for Zoolocks, and both Demonbolt and Grim Rally seem pretty neat cards that will see experimentation in Zoo decks, if nothing else. . Anyway, probably not the best expansion for Warlocks, but the wacky cards at least look weirdly fun to dick around with.
- 5: N/A
- 4: Shriek
- 3: High Priestess Jeklik, Demonbolt, Grim Rally
- 2: Void Contract, Soulwarden, Reckless Diretroll
- 1: Hir'eek the Bat, Spirit of the Bat, Blood Troll Sapper

I'm not super-convinced that the Rhino package will work, honestly. Akali is a decent card, and the Spirit of the Rhino is neat. And if there was a class where a Rush deck would work, it would definitely be in Warrior... but I'm not 100% sure if it'll work out. Akali just feels a bit too unwieldy for me, I think. The other miscellaneous cards... Overlord's Whip is a neat little alternative for Blood Razor, I think, and Sul'thraze is a fun enough value weapon, I feel. There's a bunch of pretty interesting things for Warrior to play around with, for sure! Pretty optimistic for the class.
- 5: N/A
- 4: Emberscale Drake
- 3: Spirit of the Rhino, War Master Voone, Sul'thraze, Overlord's Whip, Dragon Roar, Smolderthorn Lancer
- 2: Akali the Rhino, Devastate
- 1: Heavy Metal

There are a lot of crappy neutrals (most of which are the ones covered on this page), but honestly at this point it's kind of par the course. A lot of them are obvious Arena cards as well, which is fine.
- 5: N/A
- 4: Da Undatakah, Oondasta, Crowd Roaster, Dragonmaw Scorcher, Sharkfin Fan
- 3: Mojomaster Zihi, Untamed Beastmaster, Masked Contender, Firetree Witchdoctor, Shieldbreaker, Belligerent Gnome, Ticket Scalper, Saronite Taskmaster
- 2: Hakkar the Soulflayer, Linecracker, Snapjaw Shellfighter, Drakkari Trickster, Mosh'Ogg Enforcer, Amani War Bear, Rabble Bouncer, Arena Fanatic, Rumbletusk Shaker, Regeneratin' Thug, Banana Buffoon, Dozing Marksman, Spellzerker, Scarab Egg, Helpless Hatchling
- 1: Griftah, Mosh'Ogg Announcer, Ice Cream Peddler, Gurubashi Offering, Gurubashi Chicken, Murloc Tastyfin, Soup Vendor, Waterboy, Serpent Ward, Former Champ, Sightless Ranger, Half-Time Scavenger, Arena Treasure Chest, Ornery Tortoise, Cheaty Anklebiter
- 0: [Special 'this is utter garbage' territory] Booty Bay Bookie, Arena Patron