I did a more proper review of
Avengers: Endgame in a previous post, and this one will be geared more towards the discussion of the geeky stuff like call-backs, minor characters, some potential plot holes and how they may or may not have made sense in retrospect, and discussion about foreshadowing, some plot holes in the movie, and other stuff. Because as much as I did enjoy
Endgame, it'd be a lie to say that the movie is tightly-plotted. It's only the sheer power of the performances of the actors that the movie worked out a well as it did.
Anyway, this review was written before I watched
Spider-Man: Far From Home or the special extended cut.
As with anything involving this movie, spoilers are at your own risk.
This is the elephant in the room, I think. The biggest problems when you introduce time travel into a story, particularly one that's already jam-packed with like three dozen characters, is that... time travel, inherently as a plot device, really invites plot holes. The movie itself sort of brushes aside the whole "naaah, time travel can't change time, we'll always be creating a stable time loop" during the discussion between Hulk and the others. And... and evidently, that's not exactly true? While our heroes' sojourn to the '70's and
Dark World-era Asgard went without a hitch, the two glaring continuity snarls of causing Loki to escape with the Tesseract in 2012 and 2014-era Thanos and his forces arriving onto the present day are both events that would cause a significant change in the timeline. The former
might be explained with Captain America off-screen beating up Loki and returning him back to Avengers custody so the rest of the 2012
Avengers movie could take place, but Thanos and company got all killed and wiped out in 2023.

The other plausible reason, I guess, is that Tony used
his Snap to undo any temporal paradoxes, becasue we know Tony's smart and he's also someone who wants to preserve the events in the present day at any costs. But we don't get any real confirmation from any of our heroes beyond "yep, Steve's going to play time police and return everything back to their proper temporal space".
That's all potential handwaves, of course, and another potential handwave is that the Ancient One and Bruce's discussion about branching timelines actually
did end up causing branching timelines in the couple of timelines that the Avengers failed to maintain the flow of time. After all, what Bruce and the Ancient One were discussing -- that the time stream is maintained as a single cohesive flow -- can only be accomplished if the stones are returned to their original positions in time, making it look as if the stones have never left in the first place, and only in that position that no branching timelines are created. Something that, while certainly possible with the stones themselves, is not quite so possible with the temporal-displaced Thanos, Nebula, et cetera. Because unless Tony wished them back to 2014 to continue their original histories and ensure that the pre-existing history isn't changed, history now has a huge glaring hole where Thanos and his forces are supposed to be.
Which is why I really wished the initial conversation establishing the rules of time travel between Bruce, Rhodey and Scott was a bit more clear. I
think what the movie ended up telling us, particularly with the Ancient One monologue later on, that if they cause a significant enough change, i.e. remove an Infinity Stone without returning it back later on, they'll cause a splinter timeline. And so far, from what we saw in
Endgame, only two splinter timelines happened -- one where Loki escaped and teleported away with the Tesseract in 2012, and another one in 2014 where Thanos, Gamora, Nebula and the rest of their forces disappeared. And in the latter's case, it'll explain why the present-day heroes are able to kill the 2014-alternate-timeline Thanos and their forces without destabilizing the timeline. I just really wish the movie explained this a bit more, instead of doing the whole "haha, time travel isn't like other movies" gag.

So... I don't know. I do appreciate, honestly, that
Avengers: Endgame is a movie that prioritizes character over plot. I really do -- I'd rather have a movie with a strong emotional core and a slightly handwaved plot than the other way around. That's how you get sub-par superhero movies. But they spend so much time yakking on about reverse-mobius models and slapping "Quantum" behind everything but not really making clear just how the specifics of their time travel work particularly when things go awry. The easy part is to just handwave it and say that either Tony's Snap or Steve's Great Time Travel Adventure end up putting everything back in place, but I really felt like we could've gotten a line or two addressing the whole time travel stuff, particularly
after the paradoxes have happened.
Or maybe we're just putting too much thought into it, and that it's this exact time paradox that created the Multiverse we'll be exploring in
Spider-Man: Far From Home? I'm not the biggest fan of that theory, honestly, but it's one that I'll probably accept depending on the execution. Alternatively, people are saying that because the Avengers fucked with time in this movie, the next supervillain's going to be Kang the Conqueror, born out of the time paradoxes... but considering how relatively poorly time travel is handled in this movie, I don't have confidence that we can satisfactorily get a proper time travel movie that makes sense of these paradoxes.
Magic is a bludgeon

So one of the biggest praises I had for
Infinity War is how visually appealing the spectacle of utilizing both magic and the Infinity Stones are. One of my biggest complaints about the usage of some of these Stones and reality-warping abilities is that... they're so... mundane. The Aether was just a swirling liquid metal goop in
Dark World, and magic in
Doctor Strange are primarily either just portals or magic swords. In
Infinity War, they try their best to change this around. Thanos's fight with Doctor Strange is nothing short of phenomenal. From launching the mirror dimension itself to Thanos, to turning things into bubbles and butterflies, to altering reality to create a fake Knowhere, to doing the whole clone thing and summoning the chains and all that jazz.
Here? None of the Infinity Stones are even used in any sort of interesting capacity. The magicians all just essentially make shields and shoot beams, and the only interesting thing Dr. Strange does is to manipulate some rocks one time, and then he just gets stuck with waterspout management. Again, the action scenes work fine without the magic, but... it's just such wasted potential, y'know? The Infinity Stones quite literally get reduced to plot coupons, and the sole time anyone uses the Stones individually was when Thanos pulls the power one out to punch Captain Marvel in the face.
Again, the movie's pretty damn crowded as it is and the special effects budget is probably already through the roof as it is, but still... that final battle would've been a lot more interesting if the Infinity Stones were used, you know? Maybe have Thanos come into possession of one or two of the Stones by the time Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel and the other heavy hitters start coming into the play? Which leads into...

Another pretty valid criticism that I've seen is that by the moment the reinforcements arrive, Thanos really ended up feeling not
quite as threatening, and a lot of people argue that he sholdn't even be
that powerful in the first place. Sure, he's got a fancy new sword, but this is 2014-era Thanos, without any of the Infinity Stones. Sure, the argument that he's actually taking things seriously this time around and actually going for the kill instead of being detached and just dispatching the pests in his way goes a long way in explaining why a stoneless Thanos is so dangerous.
But the thing is, Thor with Stormbreaker in
Infinity War was able to strike through Thanos with a completed infinity gauntlet, and... sure, Thanos might be preoccupied and slightly distracted in that movie, but in this one, Thanos is ostensibly weaker, while Thor has help. He's out of practice, maybe, but he's got Mjolnir
and help in terms of Iron Man and Captain America. Power levels is not a thing in superhero shows, of course, and the main reason is so that it'd be an exciting action finale, but y'know.

Also, while it's certainly not one-on-one, it is interesting the same argument that happened to Scarlet Witch able to hold off a five-stone Thanos in
Infinity War with her powers -- which came solely from a single Mind Stone -- also holds true in this movie. Captain Marvel, whose powers came solely from the single Space Stone, is able to hold Thanos off with ease. I suppose the infinity gauntlet really doesn't work as that much of a power-up, then, but more as an energy regulator or something? For all the introdump the movies do about where the Infinity Stones come from, I really wished we actually got some exposition about just
what they do and how they relate to the gauntlet.
Also Doctor Strange is another super-powerful member on the battlefield who probably should be gunning for Thanos, huh? He managed to hold his on against a Thanos with four stones that was abusing the powers of the reality stone, he
really should've done a lot more in this finale.

A little less egregious are the Black Order, who are basically fodder in this movie. Ebony Maw's the only one who's doing anything that looks particularly threatening, levitating rocks and shaping the terrain and everything. Meanwhile, the other three members of the Black Order, previously needing multiple powerful members of the Avengers to take down, end up basically being dispatched very simply. Corvus Glaive just dies in the background, skewered by Okoye. Cull Obsidian gets to fight Iron Man and Spider-Man for all of three seconds before Giant-Man accidentally stomps him flat. Proxima doesn't even get an action scene I don't think. I really do kind of wish we had gotten some more... mini-bosses, as it were. More ships, or something, to keep Dr. Strange and Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch busy instead of, y'know, a waterspout.
Whatever happened to the mouse?
No, I'm not going to talk about the actual mouse that showed up in the movie. "What happened to the mouse" is a trope describing a character or a plot point that was brought up, but never really explored and is just sort of dropped and shrugged off. With how busy and jam-packed
Infinity War and
Endgame are, there defintiely are a couple of plot points that I wished we had more clarification of. Again, these could all be explored in future movies, and they certainly don't exactly ruin my enjoyment of
Endgame, but these are conspicuous questions for me, and ones that could've easily been handwaved aside with a single line or two.
Whatever happened to Xandar?

It really could've been handled a lot better, all things considered. By the time
Infinity War begun, Xandar's just fallen and Thanos already has the Power Stone. We really could've snuck in a post-credits scene somewhere (ideally
Guardians 2) showing Thanos arriving at Xandar, or showcase one of the Guardians trying to hail Xandar and getting a reply informing our heroes of the devastation, or have the Xandarian survivors show up in the final battle... Didn't Rhomann Dey or whoever that dude is called survive Ronan's assault?
The Collector?
So is he dead? Alive? The Collector we saw in
Infinity War was a projection of the Reality Stone, and while Knowhere is burning, we never actually got to see if he survived or not, and I'm genuinely not sure if the Collector is high on any movie's list of "hey, what happened to this character?"
Red Skull?
So is Red Skull, former leader of Hydra, just... a ghost guardian man now? Even with the missing confrontation between Steve and Red Skull, does he just sort of... hover there in Vormir until the Soul Stone is returned? Is he released of his curse? Did his character as a person change at all?
Infinity Stones power imbalance? Why don't they use individual stones?
How is the Tesseract able to transform the Red Skull into the immortal guardian of Vormir and the Soul Stone, or give Captain Marvel such immense strength; or the Mind Stone able to create Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Ultron and Vision... but when combined together, the stones are just sort of parts of a whole to Snap this and that? It's... it's part of my complaint, really, that they sort of forget about the Infinity Stones as individuals and are just treating them as collectibles. Alternatively, they have learned enough from the events of their various movies that messing with any single one of the Stones can really cause some massive fuck-ups. As for the power imbalance... comic book logic, I suppose.
Thanos: Rising?

We know Thanos's motivations. Or, well, at least his mission statement. We also see some bits and pieces of his past, particularly how it relates to Gamora. But we really have no real concept about what, really, made Thanos tick. What made him so, so convinced that wiping out half the population is the key to world peace? What alien race did he come from and why is he so damn powerful? As a quasi-comic-book-reader, I know some of these answers, but in the movies themselves, I kinda wished that either
Infinity War or
Endgame had at least explored these topics a little.
Cap's Big Journey?
So alternate timeline or not, Steve goes aroud returning every single Stone back to where they took it from. Fair enough -- presumably Steve goes around time with the Pym particles and used the Tesseract to travel through space. Returning the Power, Time and Mind Stones, as well as Mjolnir, would probably be simple enough as long as Steve can sneak in and out unseen. But how will Steve deal with the others? The Reality Stone in particular -- how is he going to get that back into Jane's body? As a side-note... I didn't think about it this way before, but, man, considering a huge plot point of
Dark World is how difficult it is to extract the Aether out of Jane, the fact that Rocket did it with a syringe is probably a sly nod to how silly that whole movie is, huh?
Also, considering that the Tesseract and Loki's scepter respectively have to be shattered to access the stone inside, how did Cap get those stones back into their respective forms? Presumably Red Skull and Vormir just sort of accepted the Soul Stone too, huh? Considering how Steve talked about how he's going to 'prune all the branches', presumably Captain America's journey kept alternate timelines to a minimum.
WHY DID THEY NOT DO [X], a.k.a. Plot Holes Everywhere
Let's be nitpicky, and talk about some of the more... interesting plot holes in this movie. The real answer for any of thee is just "the movie would've not flown as well otherwise" or "it's the less interesting way things could've gone". But really, I kinda wished they sort of acknowledged or handwaved some of these. And I think I've talked enough of the time travel paradox questions above, which at this point I'm just going to shrug off as "Time Travel Works Don't Ask Us"... which, admittedly, is 100% consistent with the inconsistency that time travel is portrayed in superhero comics.
They should've called in Captain Marvel!

...and the movie would end up like
Justice League, where Superman ends up cleaning up everything. There are a lot of moments where Carol really would've been useful. The Time Heist. Looking for someone to do the Snap. Hell, even when Doctor Strange was gathering allies. But this is a slightly less nitpicky bit as we could assume Carol is just still busy in space throughout everything that's going on. Would've been nice if we had a throwaway line talking about how Carol's fighting the remnants of Thanos's army or something, though.
They should've brought Okoye and Valkyrie and [insert character here] along!
I kind of get, to some extent, why they didn't bring certain characters along. They have a limited supply of Pym particles, after all, and someone like Okoye, despite her competence, wouldn't
really have anywhere in her past to hunt for Infinity Stones. But arguably, neither did a lot of the other characters. War Machine, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Ant-Man and Rocket really have nothing to do with the stones they are assigned to, and, again, while Captain Marvel might be busy in space, it is kind of odd that the Avengers would pick a slightly mentally-unstable Hawkeye (at the beginning of the movie, at least) and a fat, drunken Thor as opposed to Okoye and Valkyrie, or literally anyone else. I dunno. It's the unfortunate reality when you juggle so many characters and so many actors, sometimes these things happen, but I really do wish we had gotten some explanation instead of them just being out of the movie for no real good reason.
Would it not be easier to get the Tesseract from Asgard in 2013? Or take the Aether from the Collector in 2014? Or the Mind Stone at any point in time it's in Hydra possession?
...that's a fair point, I guess they just didn't think about that. Out of universe? Because we're picking the most ideal plot points for our main Avengers characters to get emotional payoffs. Like, clocking the Collector in the head and absconding with the Aether would be ridiculously anticlimactic as opposed to Thor meeting Frigga.
Thanos's plan doesn't make sense!
That's the whole point of the goddamn movie. Thanos is a madman, and you should
not be rooting for mass murder for the greater good.
So did Steve supplant the identity of Peggy Carter's original husband?

It's honestly a pretty interesting conundrum. Honestly, Steve creating a stable time loop is how I interpreted the movie's ending in the first place. After getting the Infinity Stones back to the points in the time that they took the stones out of, Steve ended up returning to the 1940's and marrying Peggy in secret, and the mysterious husband Peggy married in the prime timeline
is Steve. It makes sense, and you can thank the super-serum that Steve ended up surviving all the way to 2023, all the while content to be 'retired'. But that would also mean that this 'old' Steve Rogers stood idly by while all sorts of horrors and deaths he could've prevented happened, which was why apparently the directors ended up putting out a statement that Steve went to an
alternate timeline, and married the Peggy Carter there. Which is... it's a lot weirder and honestly I think makes the ending feel a lot less sweet, and I do believe that I liked the earlier explanation of Steve just being in the background of the original timeline all along. And even if Steve did end up creating a splinter timeline (which is presumably what happened in the 2012 where Loki escaped, the 2014 where Thanos disappeared, etc) the fact that he was able to return to the 'prime' timeline baffles me.
Why didn't they pick up the Infinity Gauntlet from when Thanos has completed them? Why didn't they go to 2018-era Titan and knock out Star-Lord?
After all, they could've had a very ideal point in time when Thor struck Thanos down with Stormbreaker, before or after the Snap. Just take the entire gauntlet from the weakened Thanos in 2018, and return back to 2023. Which... I don't really have an answer for that. I guess they were looking for spots in the timeline where they can theoretically cause minimal damage to the time stream? The original plan was to sneak in, cause minimal changes to the timeline, and then sneak out, after all. Showing up right in front of 2018-era Thanos will guarantee him reacting and causing a splinter timeline, I guess? I dunno. I really, really wished the time travel stuff was made a lot clearer.
Nebula's wi-fi?
...yeah, okay, this one is kind of an ass-pull, not going to lie. Doesn't bother me
as much, but I do admit that I really wished the Nebula stuff had gotten some foreshadowing, either here or in previous movies.
Why didn't Nebula just time-travel immediately?
She's panicking. Thanos is still a pretty sore spot for her, I'd wager, and the idea of being captured and tortured
again, and dooming their entire world-saving mission because of her mistake, is enough to cause her to panic and do stupid things.
Why did Clint and Natasha go to Vormir? Isn't it too convenient?
Yes, yes it is. Either Nebula is secretly a sadist and assigned them together without telling them the sacrifice plan (which is unlikely) or that it's simple, sheer coincidence. Considering Clint and Nat are both normal human super-spies, their skill-sets would've been a lot more useful quite literally in any other mission, either the New York or Asgard ones, or, hell even the Morag one, with the experienced space traveler Nebula taking the far more protected War Machine to the unknown Vormir. I guess it just comes to chance? Or maybe just lazy writing.
2014-Nebula opening a portal without Pym particles?
It's a bit of a plot hole, but it's later clarified by the directors that Thanos's scientists easily reverse-engineered the Pym Particles and copied the science from 2023-Nebula's mind. Kind of what you can easily infer, honestly, although it really wouldn't have hurt them to have added in an extra scene showing Ebony Maw experimenting with the Pym particles or something.
Where did War Machine get his spanking new armour?
...somewhere in the Avengers mansion, I guess? That one was a bit weird.
Why didn't they do [X] when they snapped?

Why didn't Hulk bring back Vision, Loki, Heimdall, et cetera? Even if Gamora and Black Widow are out of bounds, why didn't they reverse the other deaths? Or reforge an alternate Mjolnir, or immediately wish for the stones to be returned to their origin points in the timeline? Well... I dunno. Could be a couple of reasons, really, from the Stones causing even more harm depending on the complexity of the wish, to Hulk really already struggling to maintain the stones on his fist at all, so wishing for even more changes would've been problematic, or... y'know, plot reasons.
Also, for anyone out there who goes "why not wish Thanos away from the get-go", they had absolutely no idea 2014 Thanos was even coming until the Avengers mansion was firebombed, and the gauntlet and stones fell next to Hawkeye. Also, any other question about "why didn't they wipe Thanos from history" or any sort of actual alterations to the past is implicitly because Tony Stark had vowed to keep the events of the past couple of years intact to protect the existence of his daughter, and the heroes, being heroes, would not risk changing the timeline even further.
Why didn't Dr. Strange use the Time Stone to reverse time and bring back Tony from the dead?
...you got me there. Considering we've seen the Time Stone reverse Vision's death... yeah, I have no idea. Not even a "his death was caused by the full power of the infinity gauntlet, there's no reversing it" explanation. I guess it's part of the whole "good guys do not abuse absolute power" thing? Sounds like a hollow explanation, though, considering how they just, well, abused the Infinity Stones to restore the universe, but I suppose these superheroes have a far, far better adherence to their moral code than us. I guess the real explanation was the showmakers going "come on, that death scene was
Why didn't Ant-Man shrink into a small size and go up Thanos's butt and expand / Why didn't Wong sling ring and slice of Thanos's arm, et cetera, et cetera.
Out-of-universe, it wouldn't made for as epic of a movie. In-universe, they didn't think of it, or they were not in the right place at the right time.
"What, you wanted more?"

Yes, yes I do.
So that's the line that Wong says when Dr. Strange asks him if that's all the reinforcements that they could've summoned. It's greedy, I know, and considering a lot of the characters that actually do show up like half of the Guardians or Falcon or Bucky or Wong don't really
do anything significant... it'd still be a particularly badass sequence just to have them show up, y'know?
And, yeah, in an ideal world, this would be the place to sneak in the Defenders, Ghost Rider, the Agents of SHIELD, the various Inhuman factions, the Runaways, Cloak and Dagger, and all the rest of them. But I know it's unrealistic. Even if the studio is willing to pay a couple dozen extra actors for a cameo, the mainstream audience would be baffled who the hell, say, Jessica Jones or Daisy Johnson or Deathlok or Karnak or whoever are. So while I'm sad that they didn't make it into the movie, I understand why, from a movie-making perspective.
I've also discussed how it's such a huge, huge shame that Nick Fury, Maria Hill and the remnants of SHIELD -- even if you don't show Coulson's SHIELD -- didn't show up for one last hurrah, especially considering that it was Fury that started this whole thing. But without further ado, and just drawing entirely from the movies, here are a bunch of characters I wished did show up:
- Lady Sif: She was also MIA in Thor: Ragnarok, so I wonder if there's some bad blood between her actress and Marvel Studios? Sif is the original Asgardian action heroine, and honestly it'd be a pretty damn powerful moment for Thor to see another one of his old allies being alive. It's perhaps one of the more major misses, I think.
- Sharon Carter / Agent 13: Sure, Sharon's not the most impressive or colourful superhero out there, but she was basically considered an honourary superhero in Winter Soldier and Civil War. She didn't really get any sort of proper closure with Captain America, too, and while I realize she's nowhere as prominent as, say, Falcon or Winter Soldier, she definitely deserved better.
- Other SHIELD & Military Agents: Discounting Nick Fury and Maria Hill and the TV people, we could've had Jimmy Woo, or Colonel Ross, or Everett Ross in a Wakandan fighter jet. I dunno. It never struck me until now that we didn't even have any military presence in the final fight, huh?
- Eitri: Not even a single mention to everyone's favourite dwarf? I don't expect him to actually fight, maybe, but having him show up and throw around some Nidaveliir weapons would be pretty damn awesome, particularly since he's one of the few characters who have suffered greatly at the hands of Thanos.
- Talos and the Skrulls: Talos is a great Skrull-bro, and when a lot of random alien spaceships showed up when Dr. Strange summoned them, I would've thought that the Skrulls would show up in the finale to help out Captain Marvel. The only reason they're not added, I guess, is that Captain Marvel and Endgame were filmed simultaneously, so it's just a matter of timing. Man, how badass would it be if 2014-Ronan followed the time-displaced Thanos to 2023, allowing Talos to fight one of the Accusers that have wiped out many of his people?
- Ant-Man I & Wasp I: Hank and Janet did show up in the finale, but man, I'm kinda sad we didn't see these two old retirees suit up. I know they're retired, but if there's one fight that they would suit up for... hell, at least have Hank throw some of those tank keychains around, it'd be hilarious!
- Goliath & Ghost: Not as prominent characters as Hank or Janet, but these two characters from Ant-Man & The Wasp are technically allies to the Ant family, right? And even if Ghost is in pain from using her abilities, we know Goliath has limited Giant-Man style powers. It'd be a badass redemption.
- Nakia: She, like, still counts as one of the Wakandan warriors, right? But she just skipped out on both Infinity War and Endgame. I know Okoye's a lot cooler, but still, it's a bit of a shame.
- The Nova Corps: Or as I mentioned before, at least give us confirmation if Xandar is just fucked or something. I dunno. I confess I don't super-duper care about Nova Prime or the faceless army of space cops, and maybe some of their ships did show up in the background and I'm talking out of my ass, but it'd be neat to see them fight side by side with the Guardians and Ravagers.
- Stakar Ogord and the old Guardians: A bit of a pipe dream, since Sylvester Stallone is expensive, but c'mon, they introduced the old, original Guardians team in Volume 2, why not use them and see how cool they are?
Also, on the bad guys' side... by 2014, The Other should be alive, isn't he? He's certainly nowhere as charismatic as Ebony Maw, but would've been a neat continuity nod seeing him fighting alongside the others.
Click under the break for easter eggs listing!