Sunday 16 June 2019

Marvel's Cloak and Dagger S02E04 Review: Tyrone's Psyche

Marvel's Cloak and Dagger, Season 2, Episode 4: Rabbit Hold

Another solo episode review, becuase I'm feeling like it. This episode also works as a quasi-bottle episode, so I feel this one's somewhat appropriate? It's an interesting little concept that after spending a majority of the first season not really exploring too much of Cloak's Darkforce powers other than teleportation and emotion reading, this season basically jumps straight into exploring the fact that Tyrone can straight-up turn into a portal into another dimension, and one that's pretty... trippy. It's not quite as awesome as the exploding factory with the time loop from the first season, but it's definitely pretty fun to see. 

Tandy ends up taking a trip into the Darkforce world, and ends up meeting "Papa Legba", taking the form of a younger Tyrone, who sort of acts as the enigmatic guardian of the place, who tellsTandy to relinquish her powers while in the world, symbolized interestingly in a coin that she slots into one of those observatory binoculars. Unfortunately, in the real world, this ends up shutting down Cloak's powers as well. It's pretty neat that the show is so readily embracing the more magical, spiritual side of Cloak and Dagger's powers. 

Tyrone ends up being trapped while meeting his mother in an attempt to tell her to ru away from the gangsters that want payback aganist Tyrone, but doesn't have access to his teleporting powers. This forces him to essentially actually talk to her pretty awesome mother, something that's proven to be a wee bit more complicated than just survival when more and more hints of Adina being involved -- willingly or otherwise -- with Roxxon. Throw in the ongoing subplot of the police on the manhunt for "copkiller" Tyrone, and things get even more clomplex. 

In the Darkforce world, Tandy ends up meeting Mayhem, essentially ends up naming her, and they go through a bunch of weird records that detail the lives of the kidnapped girls... and Tandy finds records corresponding to her own past, which, when played, shows off all of the suppressed memories of her childhood being aware but ignoring her parents fighting, something that's actually pretty dang well-executed. 

Oh, and Connors have been living in the dark world all this time, growing a beard and a lot of remorse, and hanging effigies of Cloak. While Tandy is dealing with her repressed memories, Mayhem very damn well almost kills Connors via hanging, and Tandy is forced to use her light daggers to stop this from happening... and the world forcibly ejects out at least Tandy and Connors, while also allowing Tyrone to teleport in the nick of time. 

The events that happen are relatively simple, and I really did feel that some of the monologues in this episode were just a bit too long and repetitive particularly Tyrone's storytime with the vampires, which was nice but didn't have much to do with what's going on. But the episode itself is pretty solid, and I'm honetly a pretty huge fan of how a huge chunk of the episode essentially is "facing what you've avoided". Tandy is forced to face her repressed memories, and Tyrone's forced to face both the fact that his powers can 'consume' people, as well as his own mother. I'm not the biggest fan of the honestly pretty bland gang war storyline or that random gangster kid that Tyrone befriended, but the rest of the episode is a pretty solid outing. 

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