Arrow, Season 8, Episode 4: Present Tense

And most of all, it made me care about the future cast, which... to be honest, hasn't been something I've been doing even throughout season seven. Like, the actors are relatively decent, and it's neat to see what existing characters William and Zoe are up to when they grow up and kick ass and Mia's an interesting character and Connor Hawke was unexpected... but ultimately they are just kinda there, and that problem is compounded when we don't have the honeymoon period of just meeting these characters for the first time, nor the huge revelation that Mia and William are step-siblings. Everything that has happened throughout Arrow's season 8's 2040 storyline has been the season 7 2040 storyline, but with me caring a lot less.
So having the actors being able to actually interact with the main cast is definitely great. The actual plot of this episode is honestly mostly just there to fill up time and to give the episode a sense of urgency -- the Deathstroke gang (who the 2040 trio assumes is J.J., also transported to the past) has surfaced a couple of years too early and are blowing up rich people. Surprise surprise, turns out that the Deathstroke wannabe is not J.J. (or Slade, or Joe), but rather... Grant Wilson! From Legends of Tomorrow's "Star City 2046" episode. Which I guess means that the inconsistencies between Arrow's seventh season and the one-of Legends of Tomorrow episode has just been sort of handwaved aside with Grant's capture here leading to the Star City 2046 timeline being retconned or something. And honestly, with all of our future characters interacting with our present-day characters and all of this timey-wimey Crisis mumbo-jumbo, I'm not even sure if the sequence of events is going to lead the 2040 in season seven.

I feel like John's reactions to the revelation is perhaps the best of all. Here is a man who's just coming to terms with the fact that time travel is even a thing, but the multiple emotional gut-punches to what happens to his son in the future, compounded with his own guilt over his terrorist brother Andy (remember that plot point?) leads David Ramsey to give some of his best performance yet. Joseph David-Jones also gets a fair amount of moments portraying his guilt at... at the torrent of information that he's giving to his not-yet-father that he knows is probably destroying him inside.
Oliver has a lot of great moments with the still-confrontational Mia and the far-more-ready-to-talk William, although it's clear that we're probably saving a bit more of their interactions for the next couple of episodes. And... and I'm okay with that, if the whole point of Arrow's final season is, in fact, Oliver Queen training his own time-displaced kids and bonding with them. William, as a kid, has had a lot more positive interactions with Oliver, and having the two characters meet each other after thinking that they will never have a chance to do so again (Future!William having his Oliver be straight-up dead, while Oliver having lost William's custody to his grandparents) and the tender moment they share as a parent/child pair catching up after a long time... including William telling Oliver he's gay and Oliver just shrugging it as "we've always known". That's very, very sweet, even if it's tinged with the sadness that both characters know that this happiness won't last.

I am rushing through these reviews and I feel like I'm really underselling it. Ultimately while nothing super-significant happens, so much of the lines and acting are great. All of the funny lines land, all of the heartwarming moments are top-notch, and overall it's probably one of the strongest hours in Arrow from a character development standpoint.
DC Easter Eggs Corner:
- Grant "Ravager" Wilson's only appearance in the CW-verse was in the Legends of Tomorrow first-season episode, "Star City 2046", where he was the main villain of the episode, which featured a dark Star City in the future defended by a new Green Arrow, Connor Hawke.
- Andy Diggle's death is brought up a couple of times by John. Also, less dramatically, is the running gag throughout multiple crossovers of John Diggle throwing up whenever the Flash takes him for a super-speed ride.
- Blackgate Prison is mentioned as a place they are bringing Grant Wilson to. It's an off-shore prison most associated with Gotham City, being located just off its shore, but of course with Batwoman being in CW canon the showmakers are free to reference Batman material now.
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