And Shieldbert is trying to make Zamazenta into a giant dynamax form to rampage all around Galar and make a bad name for himself... but then the dumb idiot gets surprised when the plan to make the legendary wolf monster go berserk causes the legendary wolf monster to go berserk and attack him, knocking him on his ass.

Except it ain't dead! Hop tries to calm down the rampaging Zamazenta, but it's Zacian to the rescue, blocking Zamazenta's attack. Zamazenta buggers off, Hop follows, and while all of the side characters witness, Zacian sort of acknowledges me and stands in the middle of the battlefield. I give it the Rusted Sword... and I can fight and capture it. It's at level 70, and it attacks with powerful moves like Behemoth Blade, Sacred Sword and Crunch, and also has Swords Dance.

Sword doggo getto da ze!
Anyway, at the sight of the badass sword dog and the sheer badassery both Zacian and I showed, Sword dude and Shield dude sort of beg for forgiveness and Piers escorts them away to be arrested and atone for their crimes. Because apparently Galar doesn't have an active police force, and half-retired punk rock stars have to do as law enforcement around there.

And anyway, Piers, Leon and the sword'n'shield duo show up with Sonia to sort of congratulate us for showing off a badass battle and how Hop's totally gone through a whole lot of character development. It's a neat enough coda, and Hop even resolves to become Sonia's assistant because he wants to learn more about the history of Galar. It's actually a pretty neat ending, I suppose, with Leon acknowledging Hop as a rival, Hop getting a new purpose and being reinvigorated, and Piers insisting that he's basically going to be the hairdo bros' parole officer or something. It's a well-done post-game story.

And yes, apparently there is DLC being announced for Pokemon Sword/Shield. I'm... I'm not sure if I care enough to buy it, to be honest. It won't be for a couple of months, which might actually help me with the little burn-out I've been feeling from this game, but I dunno... I just find myself being super-duper apathetic? I haven't even looked at the Nintendo Direct trailer or whatever, because I kind of want to leave myself relatively unspoiled if I ever do get the DLC, or if I decide to just watch someone Let's Play it. Apparently this is how they're implementing all the older Pokemon back in, as well as bringing in some Sevii Islands style content, which is nice, I guess? And also a bad precedent for future games? I dunno, and I don't know enough about how they are monetizing this that I'm not going to comment all too much. The pessimistic part of me really wants to grumble about how they really should have included everything in the base games, but at least they're giving us something to tide us over and give us a larger chunk of the roster back or something. Part of this kind of stems from my dislike of DLC in general, though, and less about Sword and Shield's specific DLC.
I still had fun, though, and I'm definitely itching to catch all of the available Pokemon in this region. If nothing else, the ever-changing Wild Area makes catching Pokemon neat. I'll see you guys again for Pokemon content hopefully next month or so when I review Galar's batch of new Pokeymans!
Random Notes:
- By the end of the post-game, I've raised my Toxapex and my Toxtricity into relatively high levels that they can catch up with my level 60-70 party. Significantly at a gap behind them are Grimmsnarl and Orbeetle.
- I got my Sirfetch'd to level 70 and he learns Meteor Assault, which is like, Fighting-type Giga Impact! Neat.
- Kind of a shame that Marnie doesn't even get involved in all this. I like Piers and all, but I feel like it's a wasted opportunity to develop the least-developed rival character here.
- Piers being the tired, long-suffering Dark-type trainer whose expression is just so tired as he drags away the criminals makes him kind of a neat couterpart to Nanu, doesn't he? Except we all know Piers is a rock star on his day job.
- The 'event' Dynamax Pokemon in the gyms don't grant experience, rewards or are even able to be captured. What's up with that?
- I'll do my "Gotta Review 'Em All" feature for every single pokemon, and form change we got in the base Sword/Shield game throughout February and March, depending on how fast I type. I will not be doing any of the DLC stuff until after we actually get high-res images and full stats and whatnot, which means that I won't be touching those in "Gotta Review 'Em All" until significantly after the DLC's release.
- Brief update at around... oh, the 25th of January or something? I haven't looked at much of the DLC trailers beyond a brief glance since I did enjoy being surprised while actually playing through the game (whether I'll play the DLC is another matter entirely). There's a fun little teaser for the DLC where a brand-new character who's apparently our rival shows up in a train station from the Isle of Armour, and along with her is the brand-new Galarian Slowpoke, which is... regular Slowpoke but with yellow markings on his head. Which apparently looks like curry according to the in-game characters (I don't see it). Okay? That's cute, at least.
- Still can't quite get to get the 'event' Gigantamax Pokemon like Snorlax or Lapras to show up on my game, and I'm not sure if I have to be signed up for Nintendo Online or whatever to access it. Not that I particularly care all that much, honestly, since the more I learn about the actual numbers and mechanics, Gigantamax is honestly a dud from a mechanic standpoint, too, isn't it? You get a visual change for three turns that maybe gives you a slightly-more-useful G-max move? Man, this is a terrible gimmick.
Yeah Zacian is a monster. It's ability is "only" a +1 Atk not a Swords Dance but regardless it's busted. People have been comparing it to M-Ray and there's talks fo banning it from Ubers(stopped by Ubers being so small rn so mise well keep the Ubers you have) Insane spe, great typing, absurd attack, decent bulk, good coverage, the mon has it all. Pity that it overshadows Zamazenta so much(who's non-armored form is better than its armored and is by faaaar the weakest of the 3 legends this gen) Oh well, legendary group inbalance has been a thing forever.
ReplyDeletePokemon getting DLC is...interesting. Atleast you can trade for the new mons it'll add to the dex, so it's not strictly gating mons behind a paywall but some I doubt people will be willing trade. It is net cheaper than the improved/3rd versions I guess, so that's something, dunno which I prefer.
There are some really solid postgame league cards lol
My disdain towards the DLC comes more towards the monetization of console games that feel incomplete since they are 'saving content' for the DLC, and it's more towards the direction the gaming industry is headed in moreso than Nintendo in general. I haven't really read much about the announcement about the DLC when I wrote this page, but the fact that you can at least download the data of the other Pokemon restored to Generation VIII even without purchasing the DLC is definitely a good thing.
DeleteDefinitely a good thing that it costs a lot cheaper than a third 'remastered' version, though. And I think (I'm not 100% sure about the details) it's a single expansion pass, so it's a one-time purchase for everything they're planning to do for Sword and Shield? That's at least the least-assolish way to monetize it.
Zacian's ability being a free Swords Dance upon entering the battlefield is pretty dang insane. I've never been one for competitive battling or looking at tier lists (my only attempt was during early Generation VI with its insane amounts of priority Talonflames) but that's certainly an insane ability to give to any Pokemon, let alone something with legendary tier stats.