Kamen Rider Kiva, Episode 23: Variation - Fugitives Forever

Yuri, meanwhile, is sort of being all tsundere-tsundere with her feelings for Otoya, and is practicing making omelette fried rice, but she's kind of terrible at cooking, and the only person who can stand eating Yuri's attempts at omurice is Riki, who's a Frankenstein's Monster. This apparently causes Riki to have a crush on Yuri, and Otoya, being a self-appointed ladies' man, apparently ends up trying to teach Riki how to confess his love or whatnot.

And honestly Queen probably would've, if Otoya didn't show up and interrupt Queen just as she's about to do her murdery-thing. Otoya delivers some silly cheesebag line about fate and destiny and whatnot, only to get a slap from Queen. Not sure why Queen didn't hunt down Ryoko and Shinji after that, but I guess that was enough distraction? Queen's not the only one who doesn't like Otoya, because Jiro shows up in front of Otoya, telling him to fuck off. Otoya at least gets to taste Yuri's omurice... and, hilariously, unlike how Otoya's usually bent-over-backwards to praise Yuri, he blandly declares Yuri's omurice to be plain. I guess he wants to be honest when he gets serious, or something? The cuteness of the omurice scene gets cut off as Jiro confronts Otoya, transforms into Garulu and beats the fuck out of Otoya. It's a brutal beatdown mostly because Otoya isn't even transformed into Ixa, although it's just pure plot contrivance that Jiro (who we've seen kill before) doesn't even bother to do the same to Otoya, just chucking him into a river and declaring that Yuri belongs to him. I dunno. I felt like there could've been a better sequence of events to make it look like Jiro's a lot less dumb, I guess, while still achieving the "if you fall into a river, you 100% survive the fight" trope. Neat cliffhanger, though.
Shinji in 2008, apparently has resorted into being a thief, however, and ends up stealing the necklace being used for the modelling. We get the expected action scene as Kiva (in Garulu form) faces off against Shinji's Fangire form, but Shinji escapes and we get the revelation that he's stealing jewelry because his beloved wife is... dying in a hospital, and he wants to give gifts to her before she passes. Oh no, romantic tragedy drama!
Overall, a pretty neat episode. The 2008 storyline (and the Riki subplot) feels more like a distraction than anything, but I am surprisingly invested in Otoya, Jiro and Yuri's story in 1986. After noting just how inconsistently written their dynamic are, I've sort of settled into the familiarity of Yuri just being surrounded by two clearly less-than-ideal men. And now they're quite literally fighting to the death for her. At this point, I'm curious just how Jiro's going to spin this to make Yuri 'fall for' him or whatever. We're almost near the halfway point of Kiva, and I actually kind of think that this episode does paint an accurate view of Kiva as a whole so far -- great concepts, and I can totally see what the direction of the gothic horror romance was meant to go, but ultimately the pacing, writing and characterization ends up falling short in many places.
Random Notes:
- Jiro and Kido's actors are totally fooling around in the background as Otoya delivers his "soon my birthday will be a national holiday" spiel, and I'm not sure if it's the characters mocking Otoya in-universe or if their actors are actually coprsing. Kido's actors totally is following how Otoya's crossing himself when he says 'amen'.
- Know Your Fangires: Shinji is the Grizzly Fangire, which... isn't something I would be able to tell from design alone.
- When Riki is being evicted, there was a weird scene where he does a bit of an "alas, poor Yorick" bit with a tissue dispenser shaped like a Frankenstein's Monster's head. What the hell!
- Yuri catches Otoya flirting with Maya, and calls him out on his over-use of "fate/destiny" catchphrases when flirting. Otoya's comeback is the hilarious "well that destiny came and went, and clearly now it's my destiny to be with you."
- During the conversation between Wataru, Megumi and the owner, they sort of ask Megumi if she's single (she is), and what her type is... and somehow they sort of decide that Megumi's type is Nago. Which... no. Just no.
- How utterly careless is it for the photoshoot people to leave the super-expensive necklace right there where Shinji just literally is able to sneak up and grab it? You'd think they would hire like a security guard or two if they're going to do a photoshoot in a public place.
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