This was done because I did something similar for Book of Heroes, and decided to just go all the way.
Will primarily just talk about collectible cards and tokens created by said cards. From Rastakhan's Rumble onwards, currently there are no collectible cards that use TCG artwork.
Basic Cards:
- Elven Archer: Vesperia Silversong
- Goldshire Footman: Marshal Reginald Windsor, a knight from Stormwind killed by Onyxia in the original World of Warcraft.
- Grimscale Oracle: Gobbler
- Stonetusk Boar: Boum the Bloodseeker, cropped.
- Voodoo Doctor: Castigate
- Bloodfen Raptor: Bloodclaw
- Bluegill Warrior: Murloc Coastrunner
- Frostwolf Grunt: Gurzak of Orgrimmar
- Kobold Geomancer: Fool's Gold
- Murloc Tiderunner: Mrglrglmrglmrrrlggg
- Novice Engineer: Tinker Casey Springlock
- River Crocolisk: Dundee
- Dalaran Mage: Babagahnoosh the Grumpy, a minor NPC in Dalaran.
- Raid Leader: Rise to the Challenge
- Razorfen Hunter / Boar: Gladiator Boum
- Silverback Patriarch: King Khan
- Wolfrider: Swift Timber Wolf
- Chillwind Yeti: Fear, cropped. Fear is a Warlock spell that causes the enemy to flee in fear.
- Dragonling Mechanic: Mya, Dragonling Wrangler (look at that cute snowman!)
- Gnomish Inventor: Gnomish Bixy Blue
- Oasis Snapjaw: Donatello (I get it!)
- Ogre Magi: Mogor, who gets a proper card in Goblins vs. Gnomes.
- Sen'jin Shieldmasta: Ez'trin
- Stormwind Knight: Rally the Troops
- Booty Bay Bodyguard: Vixton Pinchwhistle, a minor vendor in Gadgetzan.
- Darkscale Healer: Lady Sira'kess, a recurring Naga villain in Vashj'ir.
- Frostwolf Warlord: Eitrigg, a major First Horde veteran who befriended Tirion Fordring and would later rise up the ranks of the new Horde to become one of Thrall's advisors.
- Nightblade: Tysandri Duskstrike
- Stormpike Commando: Grumpherys
- Archmage: Larrington Zarus
- Boulderfist Ogre: Grug the Bonecrusher
- Lord of the Arena: Vincent Brayden
- Core Hound: Ancient Core Hound, a specific mob from Blackrock Mountain.
- War Golem: Defensive Stance, an Arms Warrior talent.
- Malfurion: Malfurion Stormrage, note that most of the other heroes receive original artwork.
- Shapeshift: Heart of the Wild
- Innervate: Innervate
- Moonfire: Celestial Moonfire
- Claw: Claw
- Mark of the Wild: Mark of the Wild
- Healing Touch: Healing Touch
- Savage Roar: Brutal Bear Form
- Wild Growth: Path of Cenarius, an item that causes flowers to blossom behind the character.
- Excess Mana: Mana Agate, edited to have the Hearthstone mana symbol.
- Swipe: Swipe
- Starfire: Sunfire, a different balance druid ability.
- Ironbark Protector: Treebole, a quest-giver NPC in Blade's Edge Mountains.
- Steady Shot: Tracker Pardo
- Arcane Shot: Chimera Shot, a Beastmaster Hunter talent.
- Timber Wolf: Fang
- Tracking: Track Humanoids, a specific subset of Tracking.
- Hunter's Mark: Hunter's Mark
- Animal Companion: Rexxar the Wanderer, obviously, depicting Rexxar.
- Huffer: Child of Agamaggan; Agamaggan is the boar Wild God.
- Leokk: Mission: The Abyssal Shelf, with the Tauren rider edited out.
- Kill Command: Kill Command
- Houndmaster: Leader of the Pack
- Multi-Shot: Hunter's Focus
- Starving Buzzard: Scraps
- Tundra Rhino: Woolly White Rhino; also a mount you can get in WoW via the TCG.
- Fireblast: Fireball, the full art depicts Jaina casting the spell.
- Arcane Missiles: Scholar Krosiss
- Mirror Image: Mirror Image
- Mirror Image Minion: Counterspell
- Arcane Explosion: Arcane Burst
- Frostbolt: Frostbolt
- Arcane Intellect: Arcane Intellect
- Frost Nova: Frost Nova
- Fireball: Incinerate, a Destruction Warlock spell.
- Polymorph: Polymorph
- Water Elemental: Water Elemental, with the mage behind the elemental edited out.
- Flamestrike: Flamestrike
- Reinforce / Silver Hand Recruit: Seal of Light, a paladin talent that gets adapted to a Hearthstone card in GvG.
- Blessing of Might: Boundless Might
- Hand of Protection: Blessing of Protection, a different Paladin ability.
- Humility: Nesmend Darkbreaker
- Light's Justice: Light's Justice
- Holy Light: Father Gustav, an Argent Crusade quest-giver in Icecrown.
- Blessing of Kings: Blessing of Kings
- Consecration: Reckoning of the Light
- Hammer of Wrath: Hammer of Justice, a different Paladin hammer spell.
- Truesilver Champion: Destiny, and epic two-handed weapon in 'old world' zones.
- Guardian of Kings: Guardian of the Ages
- Lesser Heal: Touched By Light
- Power Word: Shield: Wazix Blonktop
- Holy Smite: Chastise, an ability available only to draenei and dwarven priests.
- Mind Vision: Mind Vision
- Northshire Cleric: Marnie Moonlight
- Divine Spirit: Divine Spirit
- Mind Blast: Charkov
- Shadow Word: Death: Mind Sear, a different Shadow Priest ability.
- Shadow Word: Pain: Devouring Plague, also a different Shadow Priest ability.
- Holy Nova: Holy Nova
- Mind Control: Vampiric Touch, a life-stealing Shadow Priest ability.
- Dagger Mastery: Putrefying Poison
- Backstab: Backstab
- Deadly Poison: Deadly Poison
- Sinister Strike: Sinister Strike
- Sap: Thud!
- Shiv: Gut Shot
- Fan of Knives: Fan of Knives
- Assassinate: Lobotomize
- Assassin's Blade: Emerald Ripper, a dagger that drops from Moroes in Karazhan.
- Vanish: Poof!
- Sprint: Sprint
- Totemic Call: Fusion Totem
- Healing Totem: Thunderpetal, cropped to remove the shaman
- Searing Totem: Incendiary Totem
- Stoneclaw Totem: Stoneclaw Totem -- it's a bunch of Murlocs around the totem; the head isn't part of the totem!
- Wrath of Air Totem: Echo Totem
- Ancestral Healing: Natural Alignment
- Totemic Might: Rysa the Earthcaller
- Frost Shock: Chill
- Rockbiter Weapon: Axe of Cenarius, a legenedary weapon wielded by the orc hero Broxigar the Red during the War of the Ancients.
- Windfury: Elements' Fury
- Flametongue Totem: Blazing Elemental Totem
- Hex / Frog: Smoke or Croak
- Windspeaker: Windfury Infusion
- Bloodlust: Krum'shal
- Fire Elemental: Searing Scorchling, a fire elemental battle pet.
- Life Tap: Life Tap
- Sacrificial Pact: Dimzer the Prestidigitator
- Corruption: Curse of Endless Suffering
- Mortal Coil: Despair of Undeath
- Soulfire: Cremate
- Voidwalker: Jek'kresh
- Succubus: Hesriana
- Drain Life: Drain Will
- Shadow Bolt: Tormentor Emek
- Hellfire: Hellfire
- Dread Infernal: Infernal
- Armor Up!: Wildlife Defender
- Whirlwind: Sweeping Strikes, a different Arms Warrior ability, an ability that gets made into a Hearthstone card in Rise of Shadows.
- Charge: Charge
- Execute: Execute
- Cleave: Cleave
- Heroic Strike: Bestial Rage
- Fiery War Axe: Axe of Grounded Flame, a one-handed axe rewarded from a quest involving slaying Baron Geddon.
- Shield Block: Last Stand, a Protection Warrior ability.
- Warsong Commander: Katoka Dreadblade
- Kor'kron Elite: Safeguard, a Protection Warrior talent.
- Arcanite Reaper: Arcanite Reaper, with the blood edited out.
Classic Cards:
- Wisp: Wisp, with the dwarf ghosts cropped out.
- Abusive Sergeant: Onslaught Girdle, an epic belt that drops from Ragnaros in WoW.
- Angry Chicken: Gnomish Poultryizer, an item created from the engineering perk.
- Argent Squire: Sarina the Immaculate
- Bloodsail Corsair: Captain Swash
- Hungry Crab: Clamps
- Lightwarden: Disperse Magic
- Murloc Tidecaller: Splashtooth
- Secretkeeper (old art): Meltdown
- Shieldbearer: Vindicator Agran
- Southsea Deckhand: Defias Pirate, a mob in the Deadmines.
- Worgen Infiltrator: Edwin Blademark
- Young Dragonhawk: Cinder
- Young Priestess: Priestess Katianna, artwork given more explicit night elven colours.
- Amani Berserker: Berserking, the Troll racial trait.
- Ancient Statue: The Fall of Neferset City, which is a quest where adventurers help King Phaoris fight Dark Pharaoh Tekahn -- both of them featured in Saviors of Uldum.
- Bloodmage Thalnos: Turov the Risen
- Bloodsail Raider: Seadog Nally
- Captain's Parrot: Skywing, an Arakkoa from Outland cursed into a parrot.
- Crazed Alchemist: Ossandran, Crematorium Master
- Dire Wolf Alpha: Bestial Wrath, which also shows up with different art in Classic.
- Doomsayer: Blistering Fire
- Knife Juggler: Hazlow Mudshuggle
- Loot Hoarder: Burgle, who receives new art in TGT.
- Mad Bomber: Goblin Sapper, specific units from Warcraft II and Warcraft III, and also gets new artwork in GvG.
- Mana Addict: Vor'na the Wretched
- Mana Wraith: Vile Spirit
- Master Swordsmith: Bane of the Illidari
- Millhouse Manastorm: Millhouse Manastorm
- Pint-Sized Summoner: Fel Domination, a Warlock ability that decreases summoning time.
- Sunfury Protector: Addisyn the Untouchable
- Wild Pyromancer: Phosphus the Everburning
- Acolyte of Pain: Mor'zul Bloodbringer, a questgiver in the Burning Steppes.
- Alarm-o-Bot: Crime Scene Alarm-o-Bot
- Arcane Golem: Arcane Protector, a specific mob in Karazhan.
- Blood Knight: Hekto Starspire
- Coldlight Seer: Bubblegil
- Coldlight Oracle: RwlRwlRwlRwl!
- Earthen Ring Farseer: Zagrun Wolfeye
- Emperor Cobra: Nag the Twisted
- Flesheating Ghoul: Ghoul (token)
- Harvest Golem: Defias Watcher, a Harvest Golem mob from the Deadmines.
- Damaged Golem: Foe Reaper 5000, ironically a boss in the Deadmines more powerful than Foe Reaper 4000 -- which is a legendary card in GvG.
- Imp Master (also the Imps she summons): Acolyte Demia
- Ironbeak Owl: Gareth Ironshot, cropped only to show the owl.
- Jungle Panther: Alaria the Huntress
- King Mukla: King Mukla
- Bananas: Furious George, Dynamite edited into bananas, the monkey holding a banana used as the tutorial card 'Crazy Monkey'.
- Mind Control Tech: Crusade Engineer Spitzpatrick, a gnome questgiver in Icecrown.
- Murloc Warleader: Nargle, Fang of the Swarm
- Questing Adventurer: Unraveled Plans
- Raging Worgen: Alpha Prime, the original night elven creator of the curse of the Worgen.
- Southsea Captain: Sunken Treasure, specifically depicting the NPC pirate Fleet Master Seahorn.
- Tauren Warrior: Soulde the Earthshaker
- Thrallmar Farseer: Kel'Thuzad's Reach, a one-handed hook item that drops from Kel'Thuzad. The artwork only shows the orc, not the weapon.
- Tinkmaster Overspark: Tinkmaster Overspark
- Squirrel: Goldenmoon, cropped to just the squirrel. Look at all the cute critters!
- Ancient Mage: Belt of the Archmage, an item created from the tailoring perk. The Hearthstone artwork crops out the belt being held by the mage, who appears to be Ansirem Runeweaver of the Kirin Tor council.
- Cult Master: Andarius the Damned
- Dark Iron Dwarf: Overseer Oilfist, a questgiver in Searing Gorge.
- Defender of Argus: Antikron the Unyielding
- Dread Corsair: Revenge, a Protection warrior ability later added in Blackrock Mountain as a Hearthstone card. Artwork cropped to just show the pirate.
- Silvermoon Guardian: Hanthal Lightward
- Spellbreaker: Justice Blindburn
- Twilight Drake: Twilight Shadowdrake
- Violet Teacher: Spellweaver Jihan
- Violet Apprentice: Lorekeeper Darian
- Abomination: Unstoppable Abomination, mobs in the Kel'Thuzad boss fight in Naxxramas.
- Azure Drake
- Big Game Hunter: Master Marksman McGee
- Captain Greenskin: Short John Mithril, the arena master of the Gurubashi Arena. Note the Gurubashi Arena chest visible even in the cropped Hearthstone card.
- I Am Murloc: King Bagurgle, Terror of the Tides, who would later also show up in Battlegrounds.
- Rogues Do It...: "Batter Brains" McGillicutty
- Faceless Manipulator: Commander Ulthok, the second boss in the Throne of Tides dungeon.
- Fen Creeper: Lolly the Unsuspecting
- Harrison Jones: Harrison Jones
- Leeroy Jenkins: Leeroy Jenkins
- Whelp: Brood of Onyxia
- Silver Hand Knight: Royal Guardian Jameson
- Squire: Soup for the Soul
- Spiteful Smith: Crown of Destruction, a head item that drops from Ragnaros.
- Stampeding Kodo: The Ring of Blood: Brokentoe, depicting a fight against a cleftfoot called Brokentoe in Nagrand's Ring of Blood. It's not actually a Kodo Beast!
- Stranglethorn Tiger: Avatar of the Wild
- Venture Co. Mercenary / Devilsaur: Baxxel Geartooth, the Dinosaur in the background of the full art is cropped to become the picture for the Devilsaur token from Tinkmaster Overspark.
- Argent Commander: Grand Marshal Goldensword
- Cairne Bloodhoof: Cairne, Earthmother's Chosen
- Baine Bloodhoof: High Chieftain Baine Bloodhoof
- Frost Elemental: Lokholar the Ice Lord, a Horde-allied elemental in Alterac Valley.
- Gadgetzan Auctioneer: Krixel Pinchwhistle, a PvP gear vendor near Netherstorm.
- Emboldener 3000: Frostbridge Orb, an off-hand item that drops in the Occulus.
- Homing Chicken: Robotic Homing Chicken, an item created by Engineers in WoW.
- Poultryizer: Kickback 5000, a gun created by Engineers in WoW.
- Repair Bot: Field Repair Bot 74A, a deployable Engineer-created robot that can repair damaged items and purchase unwanted goods.
- Hogger: Hogger
- Gnoll: Snaggle, apparently? The artwork has been heavily modified, but the pose and expression does look similar.
- Priestess of Elune: Blessing of the Heavens
- Sunwalker: Amah the Sun's Grace
- Sylvanas Windrunner: Sylvanas, Lady of Undercity, note Varimathras in the background.
- The Beast: Core Rager, mobs from the Molten Core associated with the boss Golemagg.
- Finkle Einhorn: Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service!
- The Black Knight: Unrelenting Rider, a mob from Naxxramas, who would also appear in Hearthstone's Naxxramas adventure mode.
- Windfury Harpy (old): Harpy Matriarch, a Warcraft III creep.
- Illidan Stormrage (old card replaced with Xavius): Illidan the Betrayer
- Flame of Azzinoth: Flames of Azzinoth
- Xavian Satyr: Tyrus Blackthorn, a satyr questgiver in Mt. Hyjal.
- Baron Geddon: Something That Burns
- Ravenholdt Assassin: Flint Shadowmore, an SI:7 agent and quest-giver in Western Plaguelands.
- Gruul: Gronn Skullcracker, explaining why the card art is purple, not red like WoW's Gruul.
- Ragnaros the Firelord: Ragnaros, the back half of the card.
- Alexstrasza: Alexstrasza the Life-Binder
- Malygos: Kalecgos the Spell-weaver; Kalecgos is Malygos's son and successor. Kalecgos would appear with brand-new artwork in Rise of Shadows.
- Nozdormu: Nozdormu the Timeless
- Onyxia: Meaningless Exertion, one of the many cards depicting Onyxia from her themed deck.
- Ysera / Ysera Awakens: Ysera the Awakened; artworks of both Ysera's dragon and night elf forms are used.
- Dream: As Hyjal Burns, card art depicts Ysera's night elf form.
- Emerald Drake: Eranikus, one of Ysera's consort, killed in the Stormrage novel.
- Laughing Sister: Arisella, Daughter of Cenarius
- Nightmare: Tendrils of Darkness
- Sea Giant: The Name of the Beast, a quest in Azshara. The sea giant is Lord Arkkoroc, an NPC that gives a quest chain.
- Molten Giant: Golemagg the Incinerator, back half of the card. Golemagg is a molten giant boss in Molten Core.
- Naturalize: Soram Wildbark
- Savagery: Raso'jin
- Power of the Wild: Ferocious Cat Form
- Panther (Power of the Wild): Cymbre Shadowdrifter
- Wrath: Muln Earthfury, a Shaman member of the Earthen Ring that debuted in the WoW comic.
- Mark of Nature: Brace or Mace
- Bite (old art): Arlen the Untamed
- Keeper of the Grove: Keeper Alinar
- Moonfire (Keeper of the Grove choice): Cerwyn
- Dispel (Keeper of the Grove choice): Arcane Essence
- Soul of the Forest: Timeless Bounty
- Force of Nature: Force of Nature
- Druid of the Claw: Ayluro Nightwind
- Druid of the Claw (Cat Form): Kysa Shadowstalker
- Druid of the Claw (Bear Form): Treewarden Tolven
- Starfall: Moonshard
- Nourish: Scent of Nature
- Ancient Teachings (Ancient of Lore choice): Woodsie Leafsong
- Ancient Secrets (Ancient of Lore choice): Reawakening
- Ancient of War: Life of the Land
- Uproot (Ancient of War choice): Ivus the Forest Lord, an Alliance-allied NPC in Alterac Valley.
- Rooted (Ancient of War choice): Natural Repossession
- Cenarius: Cenarius, Lord of the Forest
- Demigod's Favor (Cenarius choice): Breath of the Elements
- Treant / Shan'do's Lesson (Cenarius choice): Boundless Wild
- Bestial Wrath: Bestial Revival
- Explosive Trap: Death Trap
- Flare: Flare
- Freezing Trap: Freezing Arrow, a Marksmanship Hunter talent.
- Misdirection: Misdirection
- Scavenging Hyena: Banzai, get the joke?
- Snake Trap: Snake Trap
- Snipe: Delinar Silvershot
- Deadly Shot (old art): Impaling Shot
- Unleash the Hounds: Durnholde Tracking Hound, a mob in Old Hillsbrad Foothills.
- Eaglehorn Bow: Striker's Mark, an epic bow that drops from Magmadar in Molten Core.
- Savannah Highmane: Highland Lion
- Gladiator's Longbow: Merciless Gladiator's Crossbow of the Phoenix, an epic arena reward weapon in WoW
- King Krush: The Fare of Lar'kowi, depicting a quest hunting down Lar'kowi, a ravasaur in Un'goro Crater. The TCG card depicts Lar'kowi as a Devilsaur instead of the smaller Ravasaur; which is the kind of dinosaur King Krush is.
- Ice Lance: Ice Lance
- Tome of Intellect: Arcane Potency, one of the few 'Neo-Classic' cards to borrow TCG art. Arcane Potency is a Arcane-Mage skill that increases your next critical strike chance.
- Sorcerer's Apprentice: Arcane Power, another Arcane-Mage skill that buffs your spells.
- Counterspell: Magistrix Tibrana
- Ice Barrier: Frost Ward, a different ability which would absorb Frost damage.
- Ice Block: Ice Block
- Kirin Tor Mage: Kara Vesstal
- Spellbender: Siaranna the Fickle
- Vaporize: Living Pyre
- Cone of Cold: Cone of Cold
- Ethereal Arcanist: Ethereal Spellfilcher, a specific mob from the Karazhan dungeon.
- Blizzard: Whiteout, the card specifically depicts Jaina.
- Pyroblast: Roaring Blaze
- Blessing of Wisdom: Full Circle
- Eye for an Eye: Thoros the Savior
- Noble Sacrifice / Defender: Vindicator Kentho
- Redemption: Word of Glory, a Retribution Paladin ability that heals.
- Repentance: Conqueror Nairi
- Argent Protector: Graccus
- Aldor Peacekeeper: Vindicator Belian
- Divine Favor: Blessed Defense
- Sword of Justice: Sword of Justice
- Equality: Light of Reckoning
- Blessed Champion: Bronwyn Lightborn
- Holy Wrath: Lesson of the Divine
- Avenging Wrath: Favor of the Light
- Lay on Hands: Holy Light,
Uther's catchphrasea Holy-Paladin ability in WoW and one of the Paladin hero's abilities in Warcraft III. - Tirion Fordring: Highlord Tirion Fordring
- Ashbringer: Ashbringer
- Circle of Healing: Equalize
- Silence: Strangulate, a Death Knight honour talent.
- Inner Fire: Baelgond Soulgrace
- Lightwell: Lightwell
- Thoughtsteal: Lose Control
- Shadowform: Shadowform
- Mind Spike: Curse of Endless Suffering -- cropped from the full art; the full art is used for the Warlock card 'Corruption'.
- Mind Shatter: Kileana the Inferno, cropped. The full art is used for League of Explorers card Reliquary Seeker.
- Shadow Madness: Darkness, a removed Shadow Priest talent in WoW.
- Auchenai Soulpriest
- Lightspawn: Holy Guardian
- Mass Dispel: Power Word: Purity
- Mindgames: Precognition
- Shadow of Nothing: Soul Link, a Demonology Warlock ability.
- Temple Enforcer: Deacon Markus Hollow, with the Shadow Priest spell changed to Light.
- Holy Fire: Power Word: Restore
- Cabal Shadow Priest: Focused Will, a Discipline/Holy Priest defensive ability.
- Preparation: Wound Poison, a Rogue ability that poisons his/her weapon.
- Shadowstep: Shadowstep
- Conceal: Fight or Blight
- Betrayal: Bully
- Cold Blood: Seal Fate; a passive Assassination-Rogue ability. Notable that it's one of the few Hearthstone cards to not have the blood on the art censored in any way.
- Defias Ringleader: On the Brink
- Defias Bandit: Manhunt
- Eviscerate: Eviscerate, with the blood edited out.
- Patient Assassin: Kieron the Loaner. Note that he's underwater, he's that patient.
- Edwin VanCleef: Edwin VanCleef
- Headcrack (old art): Head Trauma
- Perdition's Blade: Perdition's Blade
- SI:7 Agent: Vengeance Wrap, a back cape that can be crafted from a pattern that drops from Outland mobs.
- Blade Flurry: Retainer's Blade, an epic one-handed blade that can be purchased in Shattrath City when you have a high enough reputation with the Scryers faction.
- Master of Disguise: Cloak of the Pit Stalker, an epic back armour that drops from Magtheridon.
- Kidnapper: "Eyeball" Jones
- Dust Devil: Tempest Elemental
- Earth Shock: Earth Shock
- Forked Lightning: Fork Lightning
- Lightning Bolt: Surge of Lightning
- Ancestral Spirit: Ancestral Spirit
- Stormforged Axe: Lightning Whelk Axe, a one-handed weapon that drops from Lady Naz'jar.
- Far Sight: Elemental Vision
- Feral Spirit: Feral Spirit
- Lava Burst: Magma Spike
- Lightning Storm: Call of Lightning
- Mana Tide Totem: Wavestorm Totem
- Earth Elemental: Frost Trap, a Hunter ability later renamed into Ice Trap.
- Al'Akir the Windlord: Al'Akir the Windlord
- Blood Imp: Gobloz
- Flame Imp: Gakmat
- Power Overwhelming: Tinker Burnfizzle
- Demonfire: Fel Covenant
- Sense Demons: Haunting Call
- Worthless Imp: Fel Inversion
- Felguard: Harroon
- Void Terror: Terror Hound
- Shadowflame: Shadow and Flame
- Summoning Portal: Summoning Portal
- Pit Lord: Magtheridon, Ruler of the Black Temple and minor antagonist of Wacraft III and Burning Crusade, would receive a proper card in Ashes of Outland.
- Bane of Doom: Detonate Soul
- Doomguard: Curse of Doom, the old name of the WoW ability Bane of Doom -- an ability that summons a Doomguard. Bane of Doom uses a different artwork in Hearthstone.
- Siphon Soul: Spectral Rider, a Naxxramas mob who uses another artwork in the Naxx adventure.
- Twisting Nether: Void Pact
- Lord Jaraxxus: Kurzon the False
- Blood Fury: Levixus the Soul Caller, a draenei who was transformed into an eredar warlock in Auchindoun, and the subject of a quest.
- INFERNO!: Fel Flame, a Warlock ability.
- Infernal (Jaraxxus token): Blazing Infernal
- Inner Rage: Infectious Brutality
- Shield Slam: Blessing of Defense
- Upgrade: Gear Upgrade
- Heavy Axe: Shattering Throw, a Warrior ability learned through a glyph.
- Armorsmith: Diane Cannings, a Leatherworking master found in Dalaran.
- Battle Rage: Tristan Rapidstrike
- Commanding Shout: Commanding Shout
- Cruel Taskmaster: Blood Guard Gulmok, an NPC and questgiver in Shadowmoon Valley.
- Rampage: Vitality, a Protection-Warrior talent.
- Slam: Ol' Stonewall
- Frothing Berserker: Surge of Adrenaline, based on Adrenaline Surge, an Outlaw Rogue ability.
- Arathi Weaponsmith: Drusenna the Vigilant
- Battle Axe: Fel Iron Hatchet, a one-handed weapon that can be created with Blacksmithing.
- Mortal Strike: Buma Sharpstride
- Brawl: Gurubashi Arena, a PvP location that becomes the basis of the Hearthstone expansion Rastakhan's Rumble.
- Gorehowl: Gorehowl
Classic/Basic Non-TCG Cards:
- Murloc Raider, Old Murk-Eye and Murloc Scout: This huge artwork that was the cover for the official Prima games Bestiary for WoW which I have somewhere in my shelf.
- Ironforge Rifleman: This Alliance wallpaper from vanilla WoW.
- Injured Blademaster: This Thunder Ridge wallpaper.
- Reckless Rocketeer: This Goblin wallpaper from Cataclysm.
- Mana Wyrm: This part of the Burning Crusade trailer.
- Doomhammer: The cover of official WoW novel The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm.
- The TCG does not have a Pandaria-related expansion, so all Pandaren artwork from Classic/Basic are taken from wallpapers or concept art for Mists of Pandaria. Youthful Brewmaster specifically depicts Chen Stormstout.
Curse of Naxxramas
- Undertaker: Valthak Spiritdrinker
- Zombie Chow: Zombie Chow
- Haunted Creeper: Webster
- Mad Scientist: Forsaken Blightspreader, based on a mob in Dragonblight.
- Nerub'ar Weblord: Azjol-anak Webspinner
- Unstable Ghoul: Mark of Undeath
- Stoneskin Gargoyle: Stonespine Gargoyle, mobs in the Pit of Saron, Icecrown.
- Spectral Knight: General Lightsbane, a death knight miniboss in Icecrown's Shadow Vault.
- Nerubian (Nerubian Egg): Azjol-anak Champion
- Deathlord: Aric Stonejack
- Shade of Naxxramas: Vapor, fog elemental mobs in the Ripsnarl boss in Deadmines.
- Baron Rivendare: Baron Rivendare
- Feugen: Feugen
- Sludge Belcher: Vilegut
- Stalagg: Stalagg
- Thaddius: Thaddius
- Maexxna: Maexxna
- Poison Seeds: Stranglevine
- Webspinner: Blackfang Tarantula, mobs in the Caverns of Time, specifically the Opening of the Dark Portal dungeon, set in the Black Morass.
- Duplicate: Arcane Reflection
- Avenge: Crusade Commander Entari, a member of the Argent Crusade and quest-giver in Icecrown, standing next to Tirion Fordring.
- Dark Cultist: Kristoff Manchester
- Anub'ar Ambusher: Azjol-anak Deathwatcher
- Reincarnate: Mojo Doctor Zin'tar, who debuted as a TCG card and later appears in Legion in the Maelstrom as part of the Earthen Ring.
- Voidcaller: Velnoth
- Death's Bite: Troggbane, Axe of the Frostborne King, a one-handed axe that drops from the Lich King, presumably formerly belonging to Muradin Bronzebeard.
Goblins vs. Gnomes
GvG is the first expansion where a huge proportion of the cards receive original art commissioned specifically for Hearthstone. Almost all the mechs, for one, get brand-new art. Artwork from the X-51 Nether Rocket is used in the trailer.
- Clockwork Gnome: Clockwork Gnome
- Gilblin Stalker: Gilblin Trickster
- Micro Machine: Clockwork Rocket Bot, a Battle Pet obtained in Christmas events.
- Puddlestomper: Snappyfin
- Recombobulator: Trilik the Light's Spark
- Stonesplinter Trogg: Trogg Earthrager
- Flying Machine: Gnomish Flying Machine
- Hobgoblin: Lumbering Oaf, Helix Gearbreaker's bodyguard in his boss fight in the Deadmines.
- Illuminator: Holy Blaze
- Lil' Exorcist: Divine Fury, a passive Discipline/Holy Priest ability.
- Ogre Brute: Zores, Herald of War
- Kezan Mystic: Seraxa Brightmix
- Lost Tallstrider: Wasteland Tallstrider, with gnome goggles and a saddle edited onto the animal.
- Mini-Mage: "Zooti" Fizzlefury, a character from the TCG that would be added to WoW in Warlords of Draenor as an NPC associated with the Kirin Tor. Note the Water Elementals!
- Fel Reaver: This promotional oversized token created by Thundering Footsteps
- Hemet Nesingwary: Hemet Nesingwary
- Mogor the Ogre: Rage of the Elements
- Toshley: Razak Ironsides, an NPC in Toshley's Station.
- Boom Bot (Dr. Boom token): Dr. Boom!, Dr. Boom receives brand-new artwork with a cape and hood and a badass pose.
- Foe Reaper 4000: Prototype Reaper, based on minor Deadmines mobs.
- Grove Tender: Jasani, Shrine Keeper
- Druid of the Fang: Mythen of the Fang. Note the snake altar behind him.
- Druid of the Fang (Snake): Form of the Serpent
- Dark Wispers: Legend of Mount Hyjal
- Recycle: Earth and Moon, a Druid talent in the Balance tree.
- Tree of Life: Elderlimb
- Call Pet: Dakota
- Feign Death: Feign Death
- Steamwheedle Sniper: Kerzok Plixboom
- Cobra Shot: Cobra Shot
- King of Beasts: Akhet, an NPC pet of King Phaoris in Uldum.
- Gahz'rilla: Gahz'rilla
- Unstable Portal: Portal
- Wee Spellstopper: Tonks the Tenacious, I never noticed the Water Elemental before.
- Seal of Light: The Light's Largess
- Coghammer: Vagaries of Time, an epic one-handed mace that drops from Morchok in the Dragon Soul raid.
- Muster for Battle: Aurius, whose full name is Aurius Rivendare, the son of Baron Rivendare. As a human, he got adventurers to defeat his father, but was himself turned into an undead after.
- Scarlet Purifier: Interrogator Vishas, a boss in Scarlet Monastery.
- Quartermaster: Girdle of Uther, an item that drops from level 58-63 monsters. It's Uther's belt!
- Shadowbomber: Parexia, Herald of the Shadows
- Light of the Naaru: Alana the Hopebringer
- Velen's Chosen: Vigil of the Light
- Sabotage: Slash and Dash
- Tinker's Sharpsword Oil: Superior Mana Oil, an item created by Enchanters that restores mana.
- Ogre Ninja: Dagg'um Ty'gor. Note that a Wisp is circling the ogre, just like the Wisps in the background circling trees! He's that good of a ninja.
- Crackle: Storm Shock
- Vitality Totem: Spirit Link Totem, a Restoration Shaman totem that links the health pools of the shaman and his/her allies.
- Powermace: Devout Aurastone Hammer, a heirloom item sold by various vendors.
- Ancestor's Call: Kinivus
- Dunemaul Shaman: Drugush the Crusher
- Siltfin Spiritwalker: Shiverspine
- Neptulon: Neptulon, look at the tiny Nagas in his full art!
- Mistress of Pain: Lynxia
- Fel Cannon: Fel Cannon
- Floating Watcher: Scheming Watcher
- Demonheart: Demonic Infusion
- Mal'Ganis: Varimathras, Dreadlord Insurgent, one of three Dreadlords that took over Lordaeron, and was subjugated by Sylvanas Windrunner before betraying her and being slain.
- Shieldmaiden: Chloe Mithrilbolt
- Crush: Magtheridon's Lair, back half. The card, obviously, depicts Magtheridon.
Blackrock Mountain:
Both Naxx and Blackrock's many, many adventure mode cards borrow card art from their respective raid decks from the TCG.
- Hungry Dragon: Twilight Wyrmkiller
- Blackrock Corruptor: Forang Deathrattle; Blizzard have also used this card art to represent Gul'dan in their websites.
- Drakonid Crusher: Obsidian Drudge
- Volcanic Drake: Obsidian Skyterror
- Majordomo Executus: Flamewaker (yep, poor Executus)
- DIE, INSECT!: BY FIRE BE PURGED (hee hee, Ragnaros)
- Nefarian: Nefarian
- Tail Swipe: Home Lair Advantage, the card art depicts Onyxia in her lair.
- Quick Shot: Boum Headshot (I get it!)
- Solemn Vigil: Divine Plea, a mana-restoring Paladin ability.
- Dragon Consort: Anachronos, a quest-giver and one of the older children of Nozdormu.
- Resurrect: Alyna Sunshower
- Gang Up: Bounty Hunt
- Imp Gang Boss: Gakuri
- Revenge: Enraged Regeneration, a defensive Fury Warrior ability.
The last expansion to have significant recycled card art, though like GvG the predominant card arts are newly-commissioned ones. There are still a couple of occassional TCG artwork after this.
- Tournament Attendee: Veteran Crusader Aliocha Segard, an Argent Crusade NPC in Icecrown.
- Flame Juggler: Ozzati
- Garrison Commander: King's Defender; the weapon got a brand-new artwork in this expansion.
- Eydis Darkbane: Askalti Darksteel
- Fencing Coach: Meeting With The Master
- Light's Champion: Crusader's Armament
- Saboteur: Tiril Dawnrider
- Silent Knight: Miner Stonedeep
- Silver Hand Regent: Crusader Farisa
- Evil Heckler: Dalronn the Controller, a boss in Utgarde Keep. Hearthstone removes his skull hat.
- Tournament Medic: Mojo Master Zandum
- Twilight Guardian: Twilight Emissary
- Pit Fighter: Karta Foultongue
- Kodorider: Kuatha Mornhoof
- Sideshow Spelleater: Bo'ja, Arcanist Absolute
- Chillmaw: Sindragosa, who got new card art in Knights of the Frozen throne.
- North Sea Kraken: Kolorath, an elite mob in the Abyssal Depths.
- Living Roots: Living Roots
- Druid of the Saber / Panther Form: Elistari Silverwind; image cropped differently.
- Druid of the Saber (Lion): Pack Tactics
- Astral Communion: Laenthor Shademoon
- Savage Combatant: Ancient Bear Form
- Wildwalker: Nylaith, Guardian of the Wild
- Aviana: Child of Aviana, which depicts a harpy child of Aviana.
- Bear Trap: Noxious Trap
- King's Elekk: Great Elekk
- Ram Wrangler: The Beast Within, a Beastmaster Hunter talent; card art also used for 'Crazed Hunter' in the tutorial.
- Spellslinger: Instructor Antheol, a quest-giver in Eversong Woods.
- Coldarra Drake: Azure Drake, who's shown up with different art in Classic.
- Rhonin: Rhonin
- Competitive Spirit: Zumbly Fiddlespark
- Seal of Champions: Grand Crusader, a Protection Paladin ability.
- Warhorse Trainer: Charger, depicting a specific mount.
- Eadric the Pure: Eadric the Pure
- Flash Heal: Aeshia Moonstreak
- Power Word: Glory: Power Word: Preservation
- Confuse: Mindflip
- Convert: Mind Soothe, a Priest ability that reduces the aggro range of enemies.
- Shadowfiend: Shadowfiend
- Holy Champion: Persuasive Resurrection
- Spawn of Shadows: Tithe
- Confessor Paletress: Argent Confessor Paletress
- Cutpurse: Pick Pocket, a rogue ability that lets them steal items from NPC's.
- Beneath the Grounds: Azjol-anak Acidspewer
- Burgle: Elwynn Burglar
- Ancestral Knowledge: Windseer Tarus
- Elemental Destruction: Sha'kar
- Healing Wave: Earthen Blast
- Charged Hammer: Gurubashi Punisher, an item that drops from Zul'Gurub mobs.
- Draenei Totemcarver: Statia the Preserver
- Wrathguard: Wrathguard Defender
- Demonfuse: Banish Soul
- Dreadsteed: Dreadsteed
- Fist of Jaraxxus: Eredar Chaosbringer
- Dark Bargain: Jadefire Felsworn, satyr mobs in Felwood.
- Fearsome Doomguard: Doomguard Soldier
- Bolster: Fortified Defenses
- Bash: Savage Beatdown
- King's Defender: Hope Ender, with the human edited out. Hope Ender is a weapon that drops from Doom Lord Kazzak.
League of Explorers
- Murloc Tinyfin: Baby Murloc
- Tomb Spider: Spawn of Hyakiss; Hyakiss the Lurker is a spider miniboss in Karazhan.
- Djinn of Zephyrs: Monstrous Strength
- Naga Sea Witch: Idra'kess Enchantress, mobs found in Nespirah in Vashj'ir.
- Timepiece of Horror (Rafaam): Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch, a trinket that drops from Moroes.
- Mounted Raptor: Savage Raptor, a mount that you can get from the TCG.
- Desert Camel: White Camel, a mount that you can get from the TCG.
- Ethereal Conjurer: Nexus-Thief Asar
- Pit Snake: Hissy
- Everyfin is Awesome: Ragespike
- Cursed! (token): Clinging Curse
- Reliquary Seeker: Kileana the Inferno, artwork shared with Mind Shatter.
- Cursed Blade: Crimson Guard
- Scarab: Sand Scarab
Whispers of the Old Gods -- Journey to Un'Goro
These expansions, due to its unique art style and theme, almost exclusively uses brand-new art. From this expansion onwards it's almost-exclusively new art, although TCG art shows up a lot in single-player modes and Battlegrounds. Karazhan has no TCG card art.
- Hammer of Twilight (Old Gods): Twilight's Hammer
- Greater Healing Potion (Gadgetzan): Bottled Light
- Bloodfury Potion (Gadgetzan): Bottled Rage
- Sulfuras (Un'Goro): Sulfuras, the Extinguished Hand
Knights of the Frozen Throne
- Mindbreaker: Deathstalker Commander Belmont, a Forsaken commander and primary questgiver for Shadowfang keep.
- Deathaxe Punisher: Human Shield
- Nerubian Unraveler: Kilix the Unraveler, a questgiver in Dragonblight.
- Skelemancer: Fel Trade
- Necrotic Geist: Marauding Geist
- Skulking Geist: Vindictive Strike, rotated.
- Bonemare: Skeletal Warhorse
- The Lich King: The Lich King
- Death Coil: Everlasting Affliction, with the colour of the floating skulls changed from purple to green, and given extra horns.
- Death Grip: Death Grip
- Obliterate: Will from Beyond
- Death and Decay: Infest
- Anti-Magic Shell: Shield of Distortion
- Army of the Dead: Unholy Ground
- Doom Pact: Dark Extortion
- Frostmourne: Frostmourne
- Ghoul (Ultimate Infestation): Overwhelm
- Venomstrike Trap: Serpent's Nest
- Simulacrum: Icy Torment
- Desperate Stand: Redemption, which got a card in Classic.
- Chillblade Champion: Krunkle Deathspark
- Light's Sorrow: Hailstorm, a blade gifted after defeating Malygos in WoW.
- Shadow Ascendant: Teretha of the Undercity
- Acolyte of Agony: Jeremiah Karvok
- Devour Mind: Dark Deliverance
- Leeching Poison: Anesthetic Poison; the poison has been recoloured from purple to green. Anesthetic Poison is a Rogue poison in WoW.
- Roll the Bones: Bones of Transformation
- Drakkari Defender: Raztu'jor
- Defile: Defile
- Drain Soul: Soul Trap
- Treachery: Hunrik Blackiron
- Unwilling Sacrifice: Shadow Fissure, based on one of Kel'Thuzad's boss abilities in WoW.
- Shadowmourne: Shadowmourne
Post Frozen Throne
Most of the sets after the Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion almost entirely use brand-new commissioned art, though TCG artwork continues to see use particularly in the single-player adventure modes. There are some exceptions, however, mostly among the spell cards. Notably, Rastakhan's Rumble, Rise of Shadows, Saviors of Uldum, Galakrond's Awakening, Scholomance Academy and Madness at the Darkmoon Faire reuse no TCG art.
- Barkskin (Kobolds): Guardian Steelhoof
- Psychic Scream (Kobolds): Terrifying Visage
- Witch's Cauldron (Witchwood): Cookie's Cauldron
- Snap Freeze (Witchwood): Frost Stasis
- Divine Hymn (Witchwood): Blessing of the Kindred
- Cheap Shot (Witchwood): Kidney Shot, an Assassination/Subtlety Rogue ability in WoW.
- Blazing Invocation (Witchwood): Porto
- Witchwood Imp (Witchwood): Gaktai
- Curse of Weakness (Witchwood): Necrotic Plague
- Lord Godfrey (Witchwood): Lord Godfrey, with the exposed bones and ribs covered up.
- Deadly Arsenal (Witchwood): Strength of Arms
- Toxicologist (Boomsdsay): Deadly Brew, an Assassination Rogue talent.
- Blazing Battlemage (Descent): Blaize Brightspark
- Hellfire Warder (Ashes of Outland): Summoner Channeler, part of a long series of TCG cards depicting Magtheridon being sealed.
- Emerald Skytalon (Core 2021): Talasite Owl
- Redgill Razorclaw (Core 2021): Rawrbrgle
Arena Event:
- Nature's Champion: Mark of Malorne
- Deadeye: Detect Prey
- Polymorph ???: Hexamorph
- Hand of Salvation: Light's Embrace
- Generous Spirit: Prayer of Spirit
- Smoke Bomb: Smoke Screen
- Crackling Doom: Thrall's Fury
- Blazing Longsword: Teebu's Blazing Longsword
Arena Event (Unvoted Cards):
- Boon of Elune: Hesawa Stormwalker
- Thornstrike: Varandas Silverleaf
- Reload: Double Barrel
- Volley: Salvo
- Arcane Flux: Favor of the Arcane
- Retribution: Reckoning
- Absolution: The Light's Gaze
- Mass Resurrection: Mass Redemption
- Mindspike: Kelen's Dagger of Escape
- Magma Shock: Magma Blast
- Refreshing Jolt: Tremor Shock
- Combust: Pyromaniac, card art also used for the GvG trailer.
- From Beyond: Drain Essence
- Axe of the Eclipse: Axe of the Eclipse
- Training Blade: Obsidium Executioner
Taverns of Time:
- Infinite Murloc: Chumly, rotated
- Temporal Anomaly: Arcane Anomaly, a Karazhan mob who got a new card art in Hearthstone.
- Timeline Witness: Ethereal Plunderer
- Possibility Seeker: Bronze Drakonid
- Chromie: Chromie
- Battle of Mount Hyjal: Eternity's End
- Culling of Stratholme: The Scourge of Lordaeron
- Opening the Dark Portal: The Opening of the Dark Portal
- Timeway Wanderer: Mossbark, Ancient of War
- Wildlands Adventurer: Tricks of the Trade
- Stasis Dragon: Nozdormu the Timeless One, back half.
- Murozond: Murozond
- Timebound Giant: Morchok, a boss in the Dragon Soul raid.
- Flash Forward: Aspect of the Cheetah
- Harbinger of Catastrophe: Epoch Hunter
- Chronoshot: Concussive Barrage
- Infinite Wolf: Child of Goldrinn
- Cavern Dreamer: Razor Hill Lout
- Consider the Past: Soridormi, a bronze dragon questgiver. The Hearthstone card crops out the elf-form bronze dragon.
- Blessing of Aeons: Timeless Light
- Bronze Broodmother: Champion of Time
- Reminisce: Timeless Arcana
- Ripple in Time: Shadow Silhouettes
- Deja Vu: Secrets of the Ages
- Thief of Futures: Brazen Theft
- Stasis Elemental: Elemental Energy
- Master of Realities: Elemental Echo
- Grasp the Future: Nozdormu the Timeless One, front half
- Rift Warden: Bronze Guardian
- Draconic Herald: Bronze Warden
- Fatecleaver: Edge of Oblivion
Battlegrounds: [updated to Darkmoon]
Some of the Battlegrounds-exclusive minions, particularly early in the game mode's life, reuses TCG art; as well as artwork idenfied to be produced as part of previous expansions but not used.
- King Bagurgle: King Bagurgle, Terror of the Tides
- Goldrinn: Goldrinn, the Great Wolf
- Nathrezim Overseer: Mal'Ganis; Mal'Ganis uses Varimathras's TCG art in Hearthstone.
- Holy Mackerel: Brighteye
- Mama Bear: Child of Ursoc
- Annihilan Battlemaster: Mannoroth the Destructor
- Lieutenant Garr: Garr, shares art with Garr's adventure mode boss portrait.
- Stasis Elemental: Elemental Energy, same with his Arena version.
- Steward of Time: Nozdormu the Timeless One, back half. Card art previously used for Arena's Stasis Dragon.
- Bronze Warden: Bronze Drake
- Drakonid Enforcer: Bronze Warden, artwork previously used for Arena's Draconic Herald.
- Nadina the Red / Hangry Dragon: Nadina the Red
- Murozond: Murozond
- Kalecgos, Arcane Aspect: Kalecgos
- Twilight Emissary: Warmaster Blackhorn, a boss in the Dragon Soul raid.
- Soul Devourer: Metamorphosis, depicting the Demon Hunter ability.
Duels: [updated to Darkmoon Races]
- Summoning Ritual: Zalekor the Ferocious
- Mo'arg Outcast: Mo'arg Punisher
- Gift of the Legion: Sigil of the Legion, demon skin changed from red to purple.
- Blade of Quickening: Milennium Blade
- Nature's Gifts: Malfurion's Gift, with Malfurion cropped out.
- Razor Claws: Horkin Figluster
- Starlight: Shaytha Lumenira
- Invigorating Bloom: Memento of Tyrande
- Moonbeast: Lunar Barrage
- Herding Horn: Journey's End
- Marvelous Mycelium: Wild Mushroom
- Awakened Ancient: Leafbeard, Ancient of Lore
- Death Games: Thrandis the Venomous, cropped to just show the hand and snake.
- Savage Secrets: Bear Trap
- Bonecrusher: Spring Rabbit
- Stalking Pride: Unleash the Beasts
- Secret Studies: Timeless Arcana, cropped to just show the rune.
- Frost Shards: Monstrous Frostbolt Volley
- Wand of Dueling: Lordbane Scepter
- Infinite Arcane: Sparkington the Abrupt
- Embercaster: The Crucible of Carnage: The Twilight Terror
- Bring on Recruits: Force Commander Danath Trollbane, a Second War hero.
- Modest Aspirations: Spiritual Attunement
- Men at Arms: Aura of Accuracy
- Humble Blessings: Divine Redemption
- Call of Madness: Severed Visionary Tentacle
- Voidfiend: Greater Fleshbeast
- Fractured Spirits: Shadowy Apparition
- Scion of the Deep: Deep Subjugator
- Herald of the Scaled Ones: Azure Emissary
- Connections: Purrloin
- Deadly Weapons 101: Coated Blades
- Nerubian Peddler: Cunning Crypt Fiend
- Totemic Power: Colossal Totem, with the Shaman cropped out.
- Ferocious Flurry: Ancestral Renewal
- Stormcatcher: Variable Pulse Lightning Capacitor
- Fluctuating Totem: Totem of Decay
- Tempest's Fury: Slam
- Invoke the Void: Haro Setting-Sun, previously a boss in Dalaran Heist.
- Chaos Storm: Vorgo, Timewalker Stormlord
- Demon Blood: Bottled Spike
- Soulcial Studies: Celestial Shard
- Killmox, the Banished One: Imp Lord Pinprik
- Demonizer: Fel Inversion, used for Worthless Imp in the Classic set.
- Demonology 101: Mark of Kaz'rogal
- No Guts, No Glory: Finishing Shout
- Bruising: Juggernaut
- Magnetic Mines: Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 600
- Collector's Ire: Darkmoon Card: Madness
Single Player Content:
Presumably, to minimize the resources required on developing the art for multiple expansions every year, the single player content are also very much happy to reuse TCG artwork. Particularly Curse of Naxxramas. From Blackrock Mountain onwards, TCG art mainly saw use for hero powers and boss-specific cards, while the bosses themselves received new artwork.
Puzzle Labs uses all brand-new art for their adventure cards. When Battlegrounds and Duels were initially released, much of their artwork were also reused from the TCG too. For Book of Heroes, click here.
- Hogger SMASH!: Anders Blankheart, cropped to only show the gnoll.
- Massive Gnoll: Snaggle, zoomed in.
- Riverpaw Gnoll: Soggypaw
- Legacy of the Emperor: Pandamonium!
- Barrel Toss / Barrel: Fluid Death, a purchaseable trinket in WoW.
- Hidden Gnome: Sneak
- Mukla's Big Brother / Stomp: The Mighty U'cha, a boss in Un'Goro Crater. 'Stomp' is zoomed into U'cha's feet.
- Will of Mukla: Super Simian Sphere, a trinket in WoW that transforms you into a monkey. The artwork was reused for 'Super Simian Sphere', a treasure card in Dalaran Heist.
- Shotgun Blast: Bordak Barrelblast
- Crazed Hunter: The Beast Within; card art later used for collectible TGT card Ram Wrangler.
- Dual Warglaives: Warglaives of Azzinoth; Illidan's iconic weapon added to Hearthstone in Ashes of Outland.
- Flame Burst: Demonic Fireball
- Naga Myrmidon: Leader of the Darkcrest
Curse of Naxxramas (Adventure)
- Anub'Rekhan: Anub'Rekhan
- Deathcharger: Deathcharger
- Locust Swarm: Locust Swarm
- Grand Widow Faerlina: Grand Widow Faerlina
- Rain of Fire / Harvest: Unyielding Pain, Rain of Fire uses Blaumeux's hand; Harvest uses the screaming victim's face.
- Necroknight: Boundless Winter
- Web Wrap: Scourge Tactics
- Necrotic Poison: Flesh Eating Poison
- Noth the Plaguebringer / Raise Dead: Noth the Plaguebringer
- Skeleton (Noth): Plagued Champion
- Skeletal Smith: Soldier of the Frozen Wastes
- Plague: Decrepit Fever
- Heigan the Unclean: Heigan the Unclean
- Eruption: Meteor, with the flames turned into green.
- Mindpocalypse: Harvest Soul
- Necrotic Aura: Urn of Lost Memories
- Sporeburst: Fungal Creep, rotated and the Draenei arm removed.
- Spore: Spore
- Instructor Razuvious: Instructor Razuvious
- Unbalancing Strike: Disrupting Shout, cropped to Razuvious' face.
- Understudy: Death Knight Understudy
- Massive Runeblade: The Turning Tide
- Gothik the Harvester: Gothik the Harvester
- Unrelenting Warrior: Unrelenting Death Knight
- Spectral Warrior: Raging Spirit
- Unrelenting Rider: Darion Mograine, a major Death Knight NPC who got represented as a token in Knights of the Frozen Throne.
- Spectral Rider: Voldrethar, Dark Blade of Oblivion
- Lady Blaumeux: Lady Blaumeux
- Sir Ziliek: Sir Ziliek
- Thane Korth'azz: Thane Korth'azz
- Runeblade: Runed Soulblade
- Mark of the Horsemen: The Four Horsemen
- Patchwerk: Patchwerk
- Hateful Strike: Incendiary Totem, cropped to show the screaming Abomination instead of the totem -- the totem art is used for Searing Totem.
- Hook: Unstoppable Abomination, cropped to show the hook. The full art is used for the Classic card 'Abomination'.
- Grobbulus: Grobbulus
- Mutating Injection: Poison Bomb
- Decimate: Elementium Bolt
- Enrage: Gluth; the Gluth hero portrait receives new art.
- Jaws: Feral Dominance, cropped to the druid's fangs.
- Polarity Shift: Thaddius, cropped to show just the sci-fi doohickey.
- Supercharge: Thunderstorm
- Frost Breath: Alchemist Norrin'thal
- Frozen Champion: Frost Blast
- Kel'thuzad / Chains: Kel'Thuzad; the collectible card has new art.
- Pure Cold: Icy Torment, artwork used for collectible card Simulacrum.
- Frost Blast: Frostbolt Volley
- Guardian of Icecrown: Anub'arak, the Traitor King, who got a collectible card in TGT.
Blackrock Mountain (Adventure)
- Flameheart: Elemental Flames
- Garr / Rock Out: Garr, the hero portrait uses the back half of the card; Rock Out uses the front half.
- Ignite Mana: Baron Geddon
- Living Bomb: Hotter than Goo
- Flamewalker Acolyte: Gehennas
- TIME FOR SMASH: Monstrous Upheaval
- Intense Gaze: Azure Emissary
- Drakkisath's Command: Azure Enforcer
- Old Horde / Old Horde Orc: Berserker Stance, a Fury Warrior ability.
- Blackwing / Dragonkin: Bronze Emissary
- The Rookery: Corrupted Egg Shell
- Vaelastrasz the Corrupt: Caelastrasz
- Essence of the Red: Ruby Emissary
- Burning Adrenaline: Flames from Beyond
- Chromatic Dragonkin: Obsidian Drakonid
- Brood Affliction (and generated cards): Obsidian Pyrewing, the five generated spells have the dragon and the background edited to match the five primary dragonflights.
- Wild Magic: Arcane Spikes
- Recharge: The Unending Invasion
- Echolocate: Chaos Bolt
- Dragonteeth: Foolish Mortals!, the card art depicts Onyxia.
- Bone Minions / Bone Construct: Shadowy Construct
- Nefarian Strikes!: Onyxia, obviously, the card art depicts Onyxia.
- LAVA!: Lava Spit
- Onyxiclaw: Thrash, the card art once again depicts Onyxia.
League of Explorers (Adventure)
- Zinaar: Siamat, Lord of the South Wind; Siamat gets new card art in Saviors of Uldum.
- Sun Raider Phaerix: Monstrous Heal
- Blessings of the Sun: Monstrous Regeneration
- Tol'vir Hoplite: Monstrous Vengeance
- Giant Insect: Buzz
- Anubisath Temple Guard: Rajh, Construct of the Sun; a boss in Halls of Origination. Rajh gets to be a story mode boss in Saviors of Uldum.
- Trogg Hate Minions!: Shadow Fissure; card art later used for Frozen Throne card Unwilling Sacrifice.
- Trogg Hate Spells!: Soul Swap
- Earthen Pursuer: Dungard Ironcutter
- Dynamite: Defias Gunpowder
- Lord Slitherspear: Naga Royal Guard
- Enraged!: Naz'jar Myrmidon
- Slithering Guard: Kresss, Herald of the Hunt
- Mrglmrgl MRGL!: Frenzyfin
- Mrgl Mrgl Nyah Nyah: Bobbler
- Lady Naz'jar: Lady Naz'jar
- Ancient Power: Bones of Transformation; card art used for Frozen Throne card Roll the Bones.
- Rare Spear: Blacksoul Polearm
- Eye of Orsis: Ancient Amber
- Lothar's Left Greave: The Darkspeaker's Footpads
- Medivh's Locket: Dark Portal Hearthstone
- Shard of Sulfuras: Rune of Kress
- Putress' Vial: Bottled Cunning
- Ysera's Tear: Bottled Spite
One Night in Karazhan (Adventure)
- Terestian Illhoof: Terestian Illhoof
- Shade of Aran: Shade of Aran
Frozen Throne:
- Ghoul (3/3 token): Divert, cropped to the Ghoul.
- Deathbringer Saurfang: Deathbringer Saurfang
- Fallen Champions: Ashes to Ashes
- Necrotic Plague: Remorseless Winter
- Purge the Weak: The One True King
- Shut up, Priest / The Hunted: The Lich King (Shut Up Priest uses the front half; The Hunted uses the back half)
- Soul Reaper: Justice of the Grave
- The True King: Helm of Domination
- The True Lich: Pain and Suffering
- The Price of Power: Quake
Dungeon Run
- Cloak of Invisibility: Shroud of Cooperation
- Crystal Gem: Threadlinked Chain
- Glyph of Warding: Ring of Frost
- Grommash's Armguards: God-Grinding Grips
- Justicar's Ring: A'dal's Signet of Defense
- Khadgar's Scrying Orb: Stormpike Insignia
- Mysterious Tome: The Lexicon Demonica
- Potion of Vitality: Essence of the Martyr
- Robe of the Magi: Robe of the Magi
- Scepter of Summoning: Scepter of Power
- Small Backpacks: Fel Steed Saddlebags
- Archmage Staff: Crystalheart Pulse Staff
- Boots of Haste: Treads of Fleeting Joy
- Gloves of Mugging: Gloves of Dissolving Smoke
- Magic Mirror: Moonfire, depicting the Druid spell.
- Wand of Disintegration: Arcane Shot
- Vorpal Dagger: Balanced Heartseeker
- Aleatoric Cube: Manticron Cube
- Amulet of Domination: Deathbringer's Will
- Embers of Ragnaros: Swirling Flames
- Orb of Destruction: Core of Ripeness
- Primordial Wand: Downfall Hammer
- Rod of Roasting: Wand of Prismatic Focus
Monster Hunt:
I would like to remind anyone reading this article to appreciate the sheer amount of awesome Worgen artwork produced for the Monster Hunt single-player mode.
- Lunar Signet: Naaru Lightwarden's Band
- Sticky Fingers: Double Attack Handguards
- Dragonfire Ammo: Eruption Trap
- Victorious Rally: Jarrod Gravon
- Companionship: Dar the Beastmaster
- Double Time: Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch; art also used for Rafaam's Timepiece of Horror.
- Rewind: Borrowed Time
- Ricochet Shot: Arcane Shot
- Shallow Graves: Hand of Dread
- Hunter's Insight: Ashenvale Archer
- Puzzle Box: Potential Energy Source
- Impetuous Companion: Rumi of Gnomeregan
- Pistol Barrage: Godfrey's Pistols
- Gilnean Vigilante borrows the cover art for the comic book Curse of the Worgen.
Rumble Run:
Rumble Run has a lot of unique brand-new card art, but it's probably the most un-replayable among the single-player content. I'm happy to see them reused in Battlegrounds.
- Frostfire: Draconic Flames
- Everlasting Devotion: Mana Shift
- Roaring Edifice: The Light's Gaze
- Sacred Ritual: Lightlance
- Wrath of the Loas: Nether Blast
Dalaran Heist
- Devious Imp: Hateful Fiend
- Book of Wonders: Floating Spellbook
- Elistra the Immortal: This alternate art for Alundra, Sin'dorei Timewalker
- Super Simian Sphere: Super Simian Sphere, used for the tutorial card 'Will of Mukla'. It's an item that turns you into a monkey in WoW.
- The Box: Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron, an item that gets original artwork in Hearthstone.
- Soulreaper's Scythe: Elementium Polearm
- Dreamgrove Ring: Twined Band of Flowers
- Soothsayer Zoie: Skyler Faye, Daughter of the Light
- PARTY PORTAL!: Slashdance
- Disidra Stormglory: Vaakia
- Kazamon Steelskin: Kazamon Steelskin, a bit of a 'meme' in the WoW TCG, apparently. His boss fight is designed partially after his TCG counterpart.
- Xur'ios: Monstrous Rush
- Anari Duskgrove: Nasala Silvertree
- Haro Setting-Sun: Haro Setting-Sun, a character unique to the TCG.
- Kara Stamper: Mallory the Maniacal
- Vas'no: Mazu'kon
- Void Shift: Dispersion
- Commander Bolan: Militia Commander Balor
- Magistrix Norroa: Manaflow
Tombs of Terror
- Defensive Posture: Feral Prowress
- Offensive Posture: Grizzly Defender
- Alchemist's Stone: Alchemist's Posture
- Band of Bees: Band of Bees
- Band of Scarabs: Ring of the Boy Emperor
- Darklight Torch: Darklight Torch
- Disks of Swiftness: Platinum Disks of Swiftness
- Ever-Changing Elixir: Bottled Void
- Primordial Bulwark: Bulwark of the Primordial Mount
- Robes of Diminishing: Robes of Arugal
- VIP Membership: "Backstab" Bindo Gearbomb
- Crusty the Crustacean: Crusty
- Tracking Device: Apparatus of Khaz'goroth
- Crawling Claw: Crawling Claw
- Blade of the Burning Sun: Blade of the Burning Sun
- Bob's Bouncer: Dashel Stonefist
- Staff of Ammunae: Staff of Ammunae
- Phaoris' Blade: Barim's Main Gauche
- Hiring Replacements: The Defense of Nahom
- Party of Four: Rise and Be Recognized
- Fast Food: Tailgunner!
- Friendly Smith: Alard Schmied
- Study Break: Medivh's Journal
- Do the Math: Abacus of Violent Odds
- Work, Work!: Lazy Peons
- House Special: Mana Shift, also used for Everlasting Devotion in Rumble Run.
- Tarkus: Neferset Shieldguard
- High Prophet Barim: High Prophet Barim
- Avozu: Neferset Scorpid Keeper
- General Husam: General Husam
- Gorebite: Lockmaw
- Ammunae: Ammunae, Construct of Life, a boss in Halls of Origination.
- Isiset: Isiset, Construct of Magic, a boss in Halls of Origination.
- Setesh: Setesh, Construct of Destruction, a boss in Halls of Origination.
- Rajh: Rajh, Construct of the Sun; a boss in Halls of Origination. Card art previously used for Anubisath Temple Guard in League of Explorers.
Galakrond's Awakening
- Rocket: X-51 Nether-Rocket
- Alexstrasza: Alexstrasza, the Life-Binder
Return of the Hero:
- Hakkar the Houndmaster: Hakkar the Houndmaster
Demon Hunter Prologue:
- Azzinoth: Azzinoth
- Warglaives: Warglaive of Azzinoth
- Mana Burn: Boundless Hellfire
- Chaos Strike: Ambassador Jerrikar
- Chaos Nova: Grimdron
- Kur'talos Ravencrest: Alternate card art for Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest
- Ravencrest Lancer: Galahandra, Keeper of the Silent Grove
- Wither Soul: Jadefire Hellcaller
- Demonic Portal: Overload
- Mannoroth: Mannoroth the Flayer
- Felstorm: Pit Lord's Glaive
- Queen Azshara: Queen Azshara
- Nature's Grasp: Wild Attunement, cropped to show Treants.
- Jarod Shadowsong: Jarod Shadowsong
- Priestess Maiev: Leisha of Darnassus
Trial By Felfire:
- Baduu's Final Gift: Vial of Stolen Memories
For Book of Heroes, go to its respective article.
Hey, thanks for compiling this. Mind if I make an article on the Hearthstone wiki based on this?
ReplyDeleteNo problem, go ahead!