Saturday 24 October 2015

Boku no Hero Academia 64 Review: Chemistry, bitch!

Boku no Hero Academia, Chapter 64: Challenges Assigned

A decent chapter, this. We see Momo and Todoroki work together, making use of Aizawa's wounds back from the USJ attack, taking the time that Aizawa blinks for Todoroki to recreate the Giant Ice Ridge (which looks awesome) that he did during the competition. Aizawa absolutely approves of this taking advantage of his weakness, and takes a guarding stance to block them from escaping out of the town.

Using the giant ice wall to strategize, Momo shits out a ton of tape from her cleavage (of course. Not her arms or exposed parts, but she had to pull her absolute cleavage costume to shoot out all the tape) and it's apparently her own spin on Aizawa's super-awesome bandage rope thing. Momo's also even considering limiting damage since they're in a residential area, and she tells her plan to Todoroki.

Aizawa sees two figures under hoods running out, and he notes that if he can't directly see the target, he can't seal their powers -- a detail I don't know. Huh. Aizawa binds the two hooded figures together, but they're just mannequins. Momo's prepared with some kind of weird catapult and, uh... her hand misses from pulling the trigger. Which is a bit stupid, honestly. But Aizawa jumps back, and Momo's second try launches a lot of the created ribbon-bandage-rope things at Aizawa. Todoroki shoots heat along the ground -- something that Aizawa notes doesn't make sense, but apparently Momo makes use of that brain of hers to think up of something awesome. The stuff Momo made is laced with Nitinol alloy, something which when exposed to heat will return to its original shape at once... which means all the rope flying around Aizawa wraps around him immediately.

That's... actually pretty fucking awesome! Also it can't be something Momo thought of before, since the plan specifically requires a heat-changing ally like Todoroki to be around. Good stuff, girl.

And Aizawa actually admits defeat and gets himself cuffed, and Momo calls Aizawa out on making it too easy, jumping away at the moment that Momo faltered. Aizawa gives this reasoning how Todoroki was still concealed by cloth and might attack any time with ice, and Momo's all emotional and stuff. Aizawa closes his eyes, and Heal Girl notes that Aizawa's a softy... of course, like his very first appearance where he's all "ah yeah I bluffed about the expulsion thing" I bet he's lying about being true-and-blue captured by the trap.

This is announced throughout the rest of the examination fields. Mineta is panicking, because tape-dude Sero has fallen asleep (so that's what Midnight's pheromone thing does? I didn't  know whetherwe knew that or not). Present Mic is just SHOUTING FOR THE HELL (that's what his power does?), which is a bad match for 'earphone jack' Kyouka for obvious reasons, Stone-man Kouda is all sweaty and stuff, noting how his power of summoning animals is useless since they'll get scared away. Present Mic's expression in that last panel, though. All Might, meanwhile... he praises Midoriya and Bakugou for having joined forces to face the enemy, but he stands triumphant over the battered boys saying how that's a mere pre-requisite for the examination.

Will the two make a comeback? Honestly don't think so. Show us more Midnight and Ectoplasm! I want to see Mineta fight Midnight and I want to see Tokoyami and Tsuyu fight Ectoplasm. Seeing the principal do whatever it is he does might be cool too.

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