Friday 2 October 2015

One Piece 802 Review: The Island of Zo! The Seventh Shichibukai! Kizaru!

One Piece, Chapter 802: Zo

Man, this chapter. Toriko and Bleach definitely aren't slouches, building up respectively Kyoraku and the Eight Kings, and I absolutely love those two chapters... but One Piece I think takes the cake, simply by dropping bombshell after bombshell after a pretty hype series of chapters. Almost washes off the aftertaste of padding from the Dressrosa arc. 

We start off with something relatively simple. Just the Luffy squad and the Barto Club dealing with the New World's insane weather. Some standard One Piece/Toriko 'OMFG what insane shit can we think about'. And we see that the Barto Club truly embody the chaoticness of the Straw Hats... but even worse. Apparently they somehow got all the way to the New World without a freaking navigator, and they rely on Gambia's granmama -- by calling home if they get into trouble. And Bartolomeo explains it to Usopp with the perfect "aw shucks" face. We get some comedy scenes with the Barto crew getting distracted by uses for the hail and Usopp just freaking out. Luffy is all like "NAMI SAVE US" Law is like "FML" and Zoro... actually thinks of a way, telling Bartolomeo to create a barrier... but apparently Bartolomeo is afraid of god's punishment if he goes against nature. Bartolomeo, you crazy fucker. We get a short montage of their antics on the ocean...

Before we cut away to Navy Headquarters. Apparently the A.O. Pirates under Whitebeard (I looked up, it's one of the generics who really don't have anything worthwile to talk about design-wise beyond looking like a pirate), one of the crews allied under Whitebeard, have been completely wiped out... by Edward Weeble of the Shichibukai. We see Kizaru for the first time since the timeskip (Movie Z doesn't count) and he just is still not giving a fuck, clipping his nails in the middle of the meeting and whatnot. Apparently around 600 people are killed, and this was the 16th of the Whitebeard allies that was wiped out by this Weeble fellow alone. Sucks to be part of the Whitebeard crew, since the Blackbeard army is IIRC also hunting them down. 

Kizaru is just kind of wishy-washy about Edward Weeble, as Kizaru usually is, and one of the marines really fucking casually just points out that Weeble is the flesh-and-blood of Whitebeard himself, even if it's kind of doubted. Kizaru notes that Edward Weeble, walking away from a scene of carnage and destruction, is almost like looking back at a younger version of Whitebeard all over again. 

And, uh, we see Edward Weeble (so, uh, the writer's just trolling us with the Shiki-esque silhouette from before) who's your typical One Piece big bulky character with stick feet... and holy shit he does look ridiculous. From his disproportionate body, to his snot, to his super-thin beard, to the skinny legs... he's apparently the "self-proclaimed" Whitebeard Junior, and I really think this is just affirming that Edward Weeble isn't really the son of Whitebeard. 

I mean, just look at the fucker! Also, Whitebeard's whole point of characterization is that he wants to build a family for want of one, so yeah, this tool definitely has nothing in common other than a less-epic beard. 

Also Weeble's got these stitches all over his body, so, uh, Gekko Moriah connections? Maybe? Maybe he is the 'son' in the sense that Whitebeard's body parts were used in his creation?

And then this crotchety old woman with sunglasses that just looks so freaking weird totters up and goes all 'you should kill all of those fools claiming to be your father's children' and she's apparently the self-proclaimed-Whitebeard's-Lover, Miss Bucking. Weeble is apparently very much a momma's boy.

Also jeez woman you're definitely not who Whitebeard banged. Look at all those hot nurses on Whitebeard's ship. They be far far more hotter than you.

Bucking and Weeble get a stupid "comedy" moment with a mirror and a photo and whatever, and Bucking definitely is the brains of the team, telling Weeble he has to hunt down Marco the Phoenix. I would laugh at the notion of this tool facing off against Marco, Jozu and the rest... except, y'know, he is a Shichibukai and just wiped out sixteen other crews. But Weeble apparently isn't all bad, since he doesn't really care that much about Marco and the rest, or the treasure and money Bucking is obsessed about, and wants to kill Blackbeard who killed his "father". You go, Weeble. Be productive with your apparent strength. 

Weeble and Bucking then decide to hunt down Luffy, since Luffy and Marco kinda hung out during the Marineford War. Not sure if Luffy even remembers who Marco is, but hey. Well, I definitely like Weeble. What a motherfuckingly hilarious character!

We cut away one week later to the Going Luffy-senpai... which is hilarious since the last 100 chapters took place within a week. Apparently the Barto Club pirates all get sick, since they are hilarious as hell. One of them notes something that may or may not be a mountain, but Law gives some insight about how the vivre card is pointing towards the island, so that is where Team Sanji is. Law also calls Usopp 'god' sarcastically and Usopp is just basking in the adoration and gets whacked over in the head by Franky for all his trouble. Also he gets scared because new island and shit. Law gets some fun moments with Bartolomeo going all "Straw Hat needs food" to get some.

And then we get the reveal that the island of Zo... is a gigantic elephant with an island on top of it. Well, usually when we get an animal walking through the seas with an island it's almost always a turtle, so this is something, I guess. Zo actually means elephant in Japanese, so it's definitely a fun little pun. Law notes how normal log poses cannot take them to Zo on account on it being a giant motherfucking elephant. 

Kanjurou and Law talk about the Mink Tribe, something we saw all the way back in Shabondy as a small afternote, and apparently the Mink Tribe really hates people in general and have been isolated from people for 1000 years... living on Zo. And it's apparently a fucking zombie giant elephant island, because it's not already weird enough. So are we getting some Void Century connections? Man, I'm just so hyped at the moment. 

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